Homeopathy can successfully prevent the recurrence of urinary tract infections. It can also effectively treat interstitial cystitis. Chronic recurrence of bladder infections and interstitial cystitis must be treated by a professional classical homeopath.
Women who get bladder infections only on occasion can book an acute homeopathic consultation, or learn to self treat at home with acute homeopathic remedies:
Scientific Research Studies on the Homeopathy for Recurrent Bladder Infections
Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI) in patients with spinal cord injury are a frequent clinical problem. Often, preventive measures are not successful. We present the case reports of five patients with recurrent UTI who received additional homeopathic treatment. Of these patients, three remained free of UTI, whereas UTI frequency was reduced in two patients. Our initial experience with homeopathic prevention of UTI is encouraging. For an evidence-based evaluation of this concept, prospective studies are required.
Context: In patients with neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction due to Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), is a frequently encountered clinical problem. Often, conventional preventive measures are not successful.
Aims: To treat the patients of SCI suffering from recurrent UTI with classical homoeopathy as add-on to standard urologic care.
Materials and Methods: After exclusion of morphological abnormalities and initiation of a standard regime for prophylaxis, all patients with a neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction due to SCI, with more than three symptomatic UTI/year, were offered additional homoeopathic care. Symptoms were fever, incontinence, increased spasticity, decreased bladder capacity or pain/decreased general health combined with significant bacteriuria. Descriptive statistics was used for analysis.
Results: Eight patients were followed up for a median period of 15 months. Five patients remained free of UTI, whereas UTI frequency was reduced in three patients.
Conclusion: Our initial experience with homoeopathic prevention of UTI as add on to standard urologic prophylactic measures is encouraging. For an evidence-based evaluation of this concept, prospective studies are required. Keys for the positive outcome of this case series are co-operation of well-qualified partners, mutual respect and the motivation to co-operate closely.
Riyas, Dr. Preema. “Efficacy of Homoeopathy in the Management of Cystitis.” similima.com, June 06, 2012.
Twenty cases of cystitis, in female patients under the age group 15-50 years were included in the study. Statistical evaluation of pre and post treatment scores showed that the Homoeopathic medicines prescribed according to the individual peculiarities of the patient was found to be more effective in the treatment of cystitis.
Homoeopathy differs with regular medicine in its interpretation and application of several fundamental principles of science. It is these differences of interpretation and the practice growing out of them which gave homoeopathy its individuality and continues its existence as a distinct school of medicine1.
Disease is always primarily a morbid dynamical or functional disturbance of the vital principle; and upon this is reared the entire edifice of therapeutic medication governed by the law of similia as a selective principle.1
Cystitis is the most common urinary tract infection among women during the reproductive years2. The vast majority of acute symptomatic involve young women. It was reported that an annual incidence of 0.5 – 0.7 infections per year occur in this group3. Cystitis is common among women between 20 and 50 years of age4.
Cystitis in adult women is of concern mainly because they cause discomfort, minor morbidity, time lost from work and substantial health care cost3.
Because of the risk of the infection spreading to the kidneys (complicated UTI) and due to the high complication rate in the elderly population, prompt treatment is almost always recommended5.
Since homoeopathic treatment has found to be effective in managing cystitis cases, and a scientific study on this subject is not known to be conducted, an attempt is made to evaluate the effectiveness of homoeopathic medicines with appropriate statistical analysis. Analysis is based on Paired t test with the level of significance, P<.01 0r P <.05. The method of approach is a clinical study without the use of control.
Aim and objective of the study
To assess the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment in the management of cystitis affecting females of the age group 15 – 50 years.
Cystitis is an infection of the bladder, but the term is often used indiscriminately and covers a range of infections and irritations in the lower urinary system9.
The following salient conclusions have been drawn from the present study after summarizing its findings. 1) Homoeopathic medicines are effective in the management of cystitis.
2) Age group mostly affected is between 36 – 40 years.
3) Psora is the predominant miasm in the background.
A 1-month, single-blind, placebo-controlled study of 200 women who complained of developing bladder infections after sexual intercourse evaluated the effectiveness of Staphysagria 30c. The results were positive. In the treatment group, 90% of the participants stopped developing bladder-related symptoms, 8% were very much better, and 2% remained unchanged—a much better outcome than in the placebo group.
Homeopathy for Recurrent Bladder Infections: Case Study by Cleve McIntosh
Four year-old Sue had developed recurrent bladder infections eight months before, soon after her younger sister was born. Her mother had taken her to numerous specialists and she had had various tests. For the previous five months she had been on antibiotics continuously and there were no bladder or urinary symptoms. She was a very clingy and needy child who always wanted to be held. After four weeks of Pulsatilla 30c once daily, there was little change. At her next consultation, it emerged that she was often bullied at her pre-school, so her prescription was changed to Staphysagria 30c daily for four weeks. Her mother stopped her antibiotics and she has not had another bladder infection in the last two years.
Homeopathy for Recurrent Cystitis: Case Studies by Alex Leupen
In October 2010 I saw Mrs. R. again, a 58 year old woman who had suffered for years from recurrent cystitis. Until a year ago she had a cystitis almost every month and has been given an impressive amount of anti-biotics in the course of many years, as well as anti-mycotics due to the subsequent vaginal Candida infections. An operation by the urologist had not alleviated the situation, quite the contrary: she had to use a catheter four times per day after that. She had been given many homeopathic remedies. After a few doses of Berberis 200K the urinary frequency diminished considerably. In September 2009 she returned for a consultation. She has been divorced for a long time. She was concerned about her youngest son, who was addicted to drugs (mostly cannabis) and alcohol. Recently he had nearly wrecked her kitchen, much to the fury of her new partner, who didn’t want him in the house anymore. She wanted to protect her son, but also satisfy her partner. She spent a lot of time on her son and paid his debts. She helped him again and again when he lost the plot, but every time he disappointed her. I gave her Colibacillinum 200K in September 2009, two pilules fortnightly for three months. Since then she has not had any cystitis, despite daily catherterisation, a remarkable result.
Another woman, 50 years old, also suffered from recurrent cystitis, and she, too, responded well to Colibacillinum. Her 16 year old son was consuming a lot of alcohol and cannabis and he had problems at school. He often had street fights and had been beaten up several times. She tried time and time again to help him get back on track, which cost her much energy.
The similarity between the two women is astounding. The son can be seen as a commensal who changes into a parasite, as does the bacteria E. coli in a susceptible host.
Homeopathy for Interstitial Cystitis: Case Study by Lesley Mang, DSHomMed
By her early 50s, Valerie had suffered from high blood pressure for 15 years and was on medication. More recently, she had developed the need to urinate frequently and urgently, which was usually painful. Even worse was the need to pee frequently after she had gone to bed for the night. As well, she suffered from recurring bouts of interstitial cystitis. Valerie was a large, confident woman who loved to eat and drink. She was especially fond of wine with her dinner.
I prescribed Sulphur 30c for her. After the first dose she felt great for two days. Unfortunately, she drank alcohol with her dinner the next day and antidoted the remedy. After another dose she began to feel better during the day, but still suffered at night. I then gave her Sulphur LM1, which has a slightly deeper effect than 30c. She began to feel much better. She reduced her dosage of an antidepressant she was also taking to alleviate her night time symptoms. Because Valerie’s health was compromised by a bad candida infection which came to light when I had her tested for food sensitivities, she continued to take the Sulphur while working on clearing the candida. When her body became desensitized to Sulphur LM1, I gave her Sulphur LM2 and didn’t see her for six months. A year after I first saw her, she had eliminated all of the medication she used to take for bladder problems. All of her pain had gone and she had lost 50 pounds.