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Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.

Clauparest, 50ml


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Clauparest Homeopathic Drops

Circulatory disturbances can cause a wide variety of symptoms that range from numbness, cramps and tingling sensations to gangrenous processes.

CLAUPAREST drops help eliminate these underlying circulatory disruptions, whether caused by injuries, metabolic anomalies or cramps triggered by psychological or somatic reasons. As a result, this medication allows the body to restore its self-regulation capabilities and function properly again.


  • Aranea diadema 9X neuralgia, paraesthesia, icy feeling
  • Arnica montana 4X vascular congestion
  • Cuprum aceticum 4X vascular and organ cramps
  • Mandragora erad.sic. 6X numbness, spasms
  • Plumbum aceticum 6X paraesthesia, angiospasms
  • Tabacum 6X dysbasia intermittent
  • Ruta graveolens 1X disturbed circulation
  • Melilotus officinalis 1X antithrombotic, congestion

Aranea diadema is indicated for treating chills, feelings of coldness and cold feet that will not go away, even through physical activity. Other symptoms are heavy limbs, numbness in the left limbs with tremors, as well as rheumatic pains. Besides disruptions in the warmth regulation, neck stiffness and lumbago in the lower back, it is indicated for spasms in the vessel system, with tightness and heat feelings in the head and dizziness with collapse type symptoms. This substance also helps restore digestive tract function.

Arnica montana reduces congestion in the arterial and venous vessels. It treats arteriosclerosis caused by high blood pressure, as well as precordial fear from angina pectoris conditions and myocardic tendencies.

Cuprum aceticum combats muscle cramps, anuria, and helps prevent inflammatory kidney conditions.

Mandragora e rad. Sicc. has a broad effect and because of its effectiveness in treating gastrocardial, as well as hepatogenic and gastritic and conditions. (see apo-HEPAT where it is also listed) Because of its areas of effect, it can help prevent the development of numerous conditions including Brachialigia paraesthetica noctura, cervical and lumbal syndrome, arthritis and arthrosis.

Plumbum aceticum treats spastic conditions of the muscles and the organs, hyper and paresthesia and intervals of limping. It is also useful in treating spastic obstipation and makes the entire remedy more effective.

Tabacum specifically addresses vessel spasms in the cases of coronary sclerosis, angina pectoris, Dysbasia intermittens, Meniere, tetania, as well as spastic developments in the kidneys and digestive organs. Also the heart is addressed by this substance where it address the danger or collapse. It treats anomalies in temperature tone which is a manifestation of the inability of the capillaries to adjust to changing temperatures.

Ruta graveolens treats venous blockage and thereby eliminates cramps and acts to eliminate pains, also those conditions that are due to injuries such as hematoma, swelling, squeezed or pinched parts of the body.

Melilotus officinalis works to eliminate hematoma. It also provides an anti- thrombotic effect, combats neuritic conditions in the limbs, eliminates congestive headaches, and addresses tightness and stabbing sensations in the heart.

CARDINORMA spag. drops strengthens the heart, promotes coronary vessel circulation
DALEKTRO N drops enzyme stimulation, electrolytes
NEU-regen spag. drops mental and physical exhaustion

Clauparest, 50ml


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