Sonya McLeod, BA, DCH
Registered Classical Homeopath
Author, “The Art of Proving” (Saltire Books)
Weston A Price Foundation® Vancouver Chapter Leader
Sonya was born and raised in Vancouver, BC, Canada. She graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Arts, English major degree. After giving birth to her second child, Sonya had allergies and fatigue so severe that she was no longer able to care for her young children properly. The mainstream medical system offered her no real solutions, so as a last resort, Sonya tried homeopathy, and was finally able to fully recover from her illness and live a normal life again. After experiencing the effectiveness of homeopathy first-hand, she then decided to pursue it as a career.
Sonya earned a practitioner diploma in classical homeopathy in 2009 after 4 years of study at the Vancouver of Homeopathic Academy. Currently, Sonya practices classical homeopathy in her busy award-winning private clinic, Little Mountain Homeopathy.
For a number of years, Sonya was a board member and membership secretary of the BC Association of Homeopaths. She is currently a registered member of the Canadian Society of Homeopaths. She was formerly a member of Nupath (National United Professional Association for Homeopaths in Canada), the Canadian Consumer’s Centre for Homeopathy and the Health Action Network.
Sonya is passionate about educating the public about homeopathy, and has published numerous educational articles in various publications, including Natural News, Homeopathy Today, and the Georgia Straight. She was a guest on JoyTV’s “P3: People, Places, Perspectives.” The latest research and case studies about how homeopathy can help many acute and chronic illnesses can be found on the many pages and posts on her website. For 2 years running, her clinic Little Mountain homeopathy was the winner of the Consumer Choice award. Sonya was named one of the top 7 homeopaths in Vancouver by Crowd Wellness and was ranked at the top of the homeopathy category in Vancouver by Yocale.
For the interest and use of professional homeopaths, Sonya wrote her first book titled “The Art of Proving,” published in 2020 in the UK by Saltire Books. Information about her provings are currently published online; as well as in print in Alicia Lee’s “Homeopathic Mind Maps” books, and in Frans Vermeulen’s new “Synoptic Reference 2” book. Sonya conducts proving workshops regularly and is currently writing the sequel to “The Art of Proving.”
Sonya enjoys the works of the old homeopathic masters such as Hahnemann and Kent, as well as the works of famous modern homeopaths such as Sankaran and Scholten. She has her certification in Reiki Level 1, Theta Healing Level 1, Gemmotherapy, and most recently obtained a 2 year Spiritual Guidance certification with Atum O’Kane. Other alternative modalities that she has studied include yoga, fasting, herbalism, Bach Flower remedies and Schussler Cell Salts. Sonya is interested in learning and reading about Jungian psychology, paganism and shamanism.
Sonya is currently the Vancouver chapter leader of the Weston A. Price Foundation, an advocacy group that promotes the consumption of whole foods and raw milk. Her interest in healthy holistic weight loss led to her Metabolic Balance coach certification in 2013.
Sonya currently lives in the city of Vancouver with her husband and their two lovely girls.