Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5W 1K3
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Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.

Postpartum/New Mothers

Make Your Own Pregnancy and Childbirth Kit

happy-baby*Custom-Made Homeopathic Placenta Remedies Now Available for Online Order. Can be used for newborn and as child’s constitutional for life, and can also be used by mothers postpartum. Click here for more information*

A Homeopathic Pregnancy and Childbirth Kit is useful for all of the stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Some of these remedies are also useful for newborns, babies, and children.

For serious medical conditions such as miscarriage or eclampsia, please call your MD or midwife immediately. The homeopathic remedies can be taken with traditional pharmaceuticals or after surgery.

For guidance on how to use this kit, please book an acute homeopathic consultation with our clinic. 

We recommend that your Homeopathic Pregnancy and Childbirth Kit should contain the following 20 remedies, kept in a durable and portable case:

Aconite, Arnica, Belladonna, Bellis perennis, Calendula, Cantharis, Caulophyllum, Chamomilla, Cimicifuga, Gelsemium, Hamamelis, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Kali carbonicum, Nux vomica, Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron, Sepia, Staphysagria

All remedies should be supplied in either the 30C or 200C potency.

Indications for Use of Pregnancy and Childbirth Remedies

This remedy is indicated during labour when there is a lot of fear and panic. The woman is very fearful that she will not get through the delivery.
#1 remedy for emotional shock and trauma of the infant after a difficult birth. The baby will have a fearful expression. Follow with a dose of Arnica 30 minutes later if there has been physical trauma.
#1 remedy to think of for ophthalmia of the newborn, jaundice of the newborn, retention of urine in the newborn, and neonatal asphyxia.
#1 remedy to give after a circumcision

#1 remedy for threatened miscarriage or premature labour after any kind of physical injury, especially a blow to the abdomen.
Always give Arnica to the infant and mother after C-sections, forceps or vaccuum extractions, pitocin-induced labour, if the infant was large, or for difficult labours with bruising.
A dose of Arnica can be given in the last stages of labour, and then another dose can be given immediately after delivery, which will often prevent afterpains and postpartum infection.

#1 remedy for eclampsia.
Indicated for difficulties during labour, afterpains or postpartum infections when there are sudden, violent pains and spasmodic contractions with very quick, bearing down spasms that come and go quickly.
A good remedy for headaches during pregnancy, with throbbing, pounding pain, worse by jarring movement and hot weather.
A good remedy for mastitis when there is a sudden onset with a high fever, and the breasts are very red and inflamed.

Bellis Perennis
After a miscarriage, first take a dose of Arnica, then take a few doses of Bellis Perennis, spaced 30 minutes apart.
#1 remedy for tears in the perineum or periurethral area after delivery (including episiotomy), helps control the bleeding as well.

Use after perineal lacerations, episiotomy and C-sections to help heal the tissues and prevent infection. Apply the ointment topically and wash with Calendula tincture mixed with water. Also use the homeopathic remedy (alternate with Staphysagria or Bellis Per).
After a circumcision, apply Calendula ointment topically several times a day to help heal the wound.

#1 remedy for retained placenta. This remedy will normalize uterine contractions so that the placenta can be expelled. There may be burning pain, difficulty urinating, feverishness and sometimes vomiting.
This is also the first remedy to think of for expulsion of a dead fetus.
#1 remedy for cystitis (bladder infections)

Never use during the early stages of pregnancy
#1 remedy for false labour and premature labour. This is also a useful remedy to try at the beginning of a labour where the labour is not progressing and the cervix will not dilate. Women needing this remedy are thirsty, sensitive to cold, fretful, and weak. The labour pains are usually sharp.

Very frequently indicated remedy for different types of pain: labour pains, afterpains, headaches and painful breasts (of the mother) and colic and teething (of the baby), with hypersensitivity to the pain, violent anger, and irritability.
Chamomilla is also a very common remedy for insufficient flow of milk; the milk dries up after an angry outburst.

Never use during the early stages of pregnancy
Very frequently indicated for irregular labour and non-progressive labour. The contractions are felt in the thighs, hips and back instead of the uterus. This remedy helps dilate the cervix. She may have terrible apprehension, paranoia, and confusion. She is sensitive to noise and worse from cold.

A very useful remedy in the last few days before labour, for women who have extreme anxiety anticipating the labour and delivery. She may start behaving hysterically, or will become very weak, sleepy, apathetic and indifferent.
Also a useful remedy for labours that have been in progress for many hours, yet the cervix will not dilate. She is extremely weak and sleepy. Gelsemium can also be used prophylactically with women who have had a history of painful, ineffectual labours.

#1 remedy for phlebitis. The swelling is from hip to knee, very painful to touch, worse from motion. She may have hemorrhoids and very sore nipples.
#1 remedy for varicose veins

Use this remedy for threatened miscarriage due to sudden grief or worry such as a death, separation or divorce. A woman who has had a lot of trouble conceiving in the past may also benefit from Ignatia. separation or divorce.
A woman who has had a lot of trouble with conceiving. Her past failed attempts at conceiving make her fearful that something will happen which will cause her to lose her child. She is very anxious.
Give this remedy routinely after an abnormal birth or stillbirth, for the grief surrounding this outcome.

One of the most common remedies for nausea during pregnancy. Women needing this remedy have persistent nausea that lasts all day, and nothing relieves the nausea, even vomiting. Take the remedy before rising in the morning as a preventative.
One of the main remedies for postpartum hemorrhage when the woman is faint, gasping for breath, with persistent nausea and bleeding that is worse when lying down.

Kali Carbonicum
Also use this remedy for threatened miscarriage in the early months, irregular labours, non-progressive labours, postpartum hemorrhage and afterpains. Women needing this remedy always have violent back pain.
A common remedy for postpartum depression where there is a lot of irritability and physical sensitivity (to pain, noise and touch). She may have depression with crying spells, be fearful and confused.

Nux Vomica
A common remedy for nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins during pregnancy. Women needing this remedy are sedentary with a history of heavy alcohol, drug or coffee consumption.

#1 remedy for painful breasts during nursing and for mastitis. There is intense pain starting at the nipple, radiating outward. The nipples are very sore and may be cracked. The breasts are often lumpy, with hard knots or nodules.

#1 remedy for turning a breech baby.
Another common remedy for constipation, hemorrhoids and varicose veins. A useful remedy for various problems during labour. The mother is very anxious and worried about the baby. She wants people around to fuss over her, and to comfort and reassure her. She wants cool air, is better walking about, and is not thirsty.

Rhus Toxicodendron
A major remedy for miscarriage due to injury. Women needing this remedy are very restless and cannot stay in one place for long. Also think of this remedy in threatened miscarriage from lifting, straining, or overexertion.
Also a common remedy for phlebitis with a lot of restlessness and stiffness. A useful remedy for muscle strains in general, esp. after labour.

Think of this remedy for nausea, hair loss and/or constipation during pregnancy. Also for various problems during labour, retained placenta, and afterpains. #1 remedy for postpartum depression. There is a bearing down sensation in her uterine area as if everything will fall out. She may be an older woman who has been worn out and exhausted from having too many children. She can be irritable and indifferent and wants to be left alone.

#1 remedy for after a C-section, episiotomy or other type of surgical incision.

Remedy Dosage
Dissolve 1-2 pellets of the remedy under the tongue. Take dry, half an hour away from food or drink. During labour, give every 15 minutes to half hour for three doses (or as needed). During pregnancy and postpartum, give 2-3 times per day. If the problem does not improve at all after 3 doses, you have probably selected the wrong remedy. If the problem improves but still persists, continue giving the remedy 3 times per day for a few more days until recovery is complete.

Homeopathic Treatment of Mastitis

Homeopathic treatment can be very effective for the treatment of mastitis. The following are the most frequently indicated remedies for this condition:

Phytolacca: The most frequently indicated remedy for mastitis. The breasts are often lumpy and will be caked with hard knots and nodules.

Bryonia: Also a frequently indicated remedy for mastitis. The breast pain is worse after any kind of movement.

Belladonna: Mastitis with sudden onset, high fever and throbbing pain.

Lac Caninum: The breasts are so sensitive that even the touch of clothing against the breasts is excruciatingly painful

Hepar Sulphuris: The breast is extremely painful and worse if exposed to the least draft.

Silica: The breasts have painful cracks in the nipples. A major remedy for women with inverted nipples.

Dosage: Use a 30C potency (strength) of the indicated homeopathic remedy 2-3 times per day. After 24 hours, choose another remedy if there is no improvement. If the condition worsens, consult a health professional.

External Measures: Also the topical application of calendula cream will help unblock the milk ducts and heal the breast tissue.

Homeopathy for Breast & Nipple Pain during Breastfeeding

Prevent Breast & Nipple Pain

Use calendula cream on the nipples several weeks before birth and after nursing begins. Wash the calendula cream off the breast before nursing begins.
Take Silica 6X Homeopathic Cell Salts. Take 3-4 times per day at the beginning of the nursing experience to strengthen the nipples. Discontinue as soon as the nipples are well conditioned.

Learn the basics about Homeopathic Cell Salts

Treat Breast & Nipple Pain

The following homeopathic remedies help ease the pain of sore, painful breasts and/or nipples in nursing women:

Castor Equorum: The first remedy to try for sore, cracked, ulcerated nipples. The breasts are very tender and the nipples are swollen.

Phytolacca: Intense pain as soon as the baby begins to nurse. The pain starts at the nipple and radiates under the arm or over the whole body. There may be hard knots or nodules in the breasts (also a major remedy for mastitis).

Croton Tiglium: Excruciating pain from the nipple to the back, with pain felt in the shoulder blade. The breasts are inflamed, swollen, and hard and the nipples may be cracked.

Chamomilla: The mother is so hypersensitive to the pain of breastfeeding that she feels she cannot endure. She will be extremely irritable.

Pulsatilla: The mother cries pitifully whenever she must nurse her baby. These women have also had sore breasts and nipples throughout their pregnancy.

Remedies for sore breasts due to mastitis are listed here: Homeopathic Treatment of Mastitis

Dosage: Usually only a few doses of the 30C potency (strength) are enough to bring relief. Repeat 2-3 times per day in cases that are more severe.

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