What is homeopathy?
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What is a homeopathic proving?
Homeopathic provings were invented by the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathic provings consist of the master prover (the person in charge) and the volunteers, who are called provers. The master prover usually decides what homeopathic medicine the provers will take. A supervisor is also assigned to each prover. Experiments are usually blinded, meaning that the provers do not know which homeopathic medicine they are taking. Provers take the medicine until they start proving the remedy, in other words, they start exhibiting symptoms that the remedy causes. Provers keep a journal of their symptoms and report to their supervisors regularly. After provers stop displaying symptoms (usually after a few weeks), the proving ends, provers hand in their journals to the master prover, and the prover collates the proving data. The proving symptoms then become part of the homeopathic Materia Medica and the homeopath can now prescribe to patients based on the proving information.
What is a homeopathic trituration?

A homeopathic trituration is part of the process of making a homeopathic remedy. First a small amount of the source material (plant, mineral or animal) is placed in a mortar along with milk sugar and ground with a pestle for 1 hour, resulting in the 1C potency. After more milk sugar is added and it is ground for another hour with the pestle, this results in the 2C potency. This process is repeated for another hour to yield the 3C potency. Most standard homeopathic pharmacies then proceed to dilute and succuss a small amount of this milk sugar with water and alcohol to yield the higher potencies (30C, 200C, etc).
What is a C4 homeopathic trituration proving?
C4 trituration provings are a relatively new concept. They were first discovered accidentally in 1993 by a German non-homeopath and genius, Witold Ehrler. Ehrler’s girlfriend first introduced him to homeopathy when he was 28 years. He became fascinated by the idea that homeopathic remedies such as sulphur or phosphorus have a psychological profile. He decided to try making a remedy himself to see if this was true.
When Ehrler started doing remedy triturations, he started having very strong and unusual experiences. As he kept triturating different substances, his system would become flooded with information, as if the substance were speaking to him. Ehrler noticed that the material he received during these triturations was consistent with the information found in the homeopathic Materia Medica, but much more focussed, precise, and elemental. The information that Ehrler received through his triturations became the basis for the development of his cosmology, a synthesis of his extensive studies, shamanic experimentation, and the revealed information from the triturations. Unfortunately, most of Ehrler’s works are in German and have not been translated into English.
Why triturate to the C4 level?
Most homeopathic labs only triturate the remedy for 3 hours (to the C3 level) but proponents of C4 homeopathy believe that it is important to triturate the remedy for at least 4 hours (C4), sometimes longer. The reasoning behind this theory is that there are correspondences to each level that the remedy is triturated to.
German homeopath Karin Degkwitz (who studied with Ehrler) explains the different trituration levels:
The C0 level corresponds to the material body, before the remedy is triturated.
The C1 level corresponds to the living, physical body and its sensations.
The c2 level corresponds to the emotional body.
The C3 level corresponds to the mental body, the intellect and reasoning. This is the rational way that we look at the world. At this level we understand things in terms of polarity and judging, in terms of right and wrong. This level is connected with the emotional and physical bodies.
When somebody has the idea or feeling that they are deficient, they may try to compensate for that deficiency, for example, by making more money or gaining wisdom through study. This will never solve the inner problem or the underlying belief. The mind compensates for problems but it cannot resolve or clear the underlying issues.
The C3 level is the primary state of the western world today. The mind generates structures and concepts and treats them as reality in an attempt to create order. Clearly we cannot solve the world’s problems from this level. A psychosis, for example, cannot really be healed with instruments from the logical mind, which is why talk therapy is limited.
The C4 level is the spiritual body level. This is the middle of the bridge between the physical and non-physical realms. The spiritual body sees things as they are with no value or judgement. In the C4 state everything is equal and there is no attachment to either one pole or the other. The spiritual body, corresponding with the heart, is centred on a viewpoint of infinity.
At the C4 level we have direct contact with our inner self, our soul. Here, love flows, we are all one, and we are truly ourselves. We are aware that wholeness is not just outside us but inside us. It is a place of inner stillness and peace.
There are levels beyond the C4 level that we sometimes need to go to in the triturations:
The C5 is the collective realm. The sense of self is no longer primary. The individual is integrated within the collective. It is the level of miasms and ancestral patterns.
The C6 level is the level of archetypes.
C4 is the nucleus, the core. Above we have the powers: the creating, non-corporeal world, while below there are the vessels: the created, physical, or corporeal world. The C4 connects above and below; it is the bridge between those realms. The C4 is our destination as humans.
Why should homeopaths do C4 triturations?

Alize Timmerman is a Dutch homeopath who has done many hands-on workshops about C4 trituration provings. She explains:
C4 triturations give us insight into the nature of a substance so that we can better understand it. We can then be with the patient in the same way that we are with the substance when we triturate. We can be with our patients in a C4 state of mind, without judging their pathology and trying to forcefully remove it.
The essential force of the triturated substance works in a motivating and freeing manner. This gives us vitality and insight and allows us to take another step into our own development and also into the resonating force field in which we find ourselves.
At the C4 level we have the freedom to feel connected with everything and yet be individually free. We have complete acceptance of the path we need to follow and are at peace with it. Love flows freely are our vitality grows.
Every trituration sharpens our senses and we become more attuned to ourselves and others. In order to understand the patient’s deeper message, we need to enter into a mutual process with the patient. Triturations help us to let go of separation issues. We then enter into the same energetic field with the patient, where everything belongs equally and where everything has value.
Hogeland, Anneke and Judy Schriebman. The Trituration Handbook: Into the Heart of Homeopathy. HomeopathyWest, El Cerrito, CA, 2008.