Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5W 1K3
Phone: (604) 677-7742 Email:

Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.


Natural treatment of depression  with no drug side effects or creation of drug dependency. Our medicines work together with and can be taken along with standard pharmaceutical medications. Our medicines are safe, non-toxic, and gentle on the body. Homeopathy is effective for treating all types of depression, including postpartum depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and suicidal depression.

Scientific Studies: Homeopathic Treatment of Depression

Davidson JRT, Morrison RM, Shore J, Davidson RT, Bedayn G. “Homeopathic Treatment of Depression and Anxiety.” Alternative Therapies, 3, 1, January 1997, 46-49.

In this trial, 12 subjects suffering from major depression, social phobia or panic disorder, were treated for 7 to 80 weeks with individually prescribed homoeopathic remedies and assessed on a clinical global improvement scale (CGIS) or self-rated SCL-90 scale and the Social Phobia Scale (SPS). Subjects were given homoeopathic treatment either because they asked for it directly or because conventional treatment had been unsuccessful. The overall response rates for homoeopathy were 58% on the CGIS and 50% on the SCL-90 and SPS.

Witt C, Keil T, Selim D, Roll S, Vance W, Wegscheider K, Willich SN. “Outcome and costs of homoeopathic and conventional treatment strategies: a comparative cohort study in patients with chronic disorders.” Complement Ther Med. 2005 Jun;13(2):79-86.

This cohort study, carried out in Germany, examined the outcomes of homeopathic treatment compared to the orthodox medical treatment of 493 people suffering from a range of chronic illnesses including headache, lower back pain, insomnia, depression, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis. The patients’ assessments, taken at 6 months and 12 months from the beginning of the treatment, found that homeopathy provided a greater level of improvement in their illnesses than orthodox medical intervention. This difference appeared to be more pronounced in children than in adults. In regard to the cost of each type of therapy, this study showed these costs to be similar to each other.

Spence DS, Thompson EA, Barron SJ. “Homeopathic treatment for chronic disease: a 6-year, university-hospital outpatient observational study.” J Altern Complement Med. 2005 Oct;11(5):793-8.

Over 6,500 consecutive patients took part in the study, published in the latest issue of the international, peer-reviewed Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. A wide range of chronic diseases were treated including eczema, asthma, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, menopause, arthritis, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. The most marked improvements were seen in children – 89% of under 16s with asthma reported improvement and 75% felt ‘better’ or ‘much better’, as did 68% of eczema patients under 16.

Dr David Spence, Clinical Director and Consultant Physician at Bristol Homeopathic Hospital and Chairman of the British Homeopathic Association, a co-author of the study, says: “These results clearly demonstrate the value of homeopathy in the NHS. This is a very large number of patients with conditions that are difficult to treat successfully with conventional medicine. “One of the criticisms levelled at homeopathy is that it only works because of the length of the consultation. But in fact the appointment times at Bristol Homeopathic Hospital are very similar to those for other specialties at United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust such as rheumatology, neurology and respiratory medicine and are substantially less than for psychiatry.”

All the patients were referred by their GP or hospital specialist and many had tried conventional treatment first without success. Commenting on the study, the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Dr Kim Jobst said: “These are response rates with which any orthodox NHS medical health provider or pharmaceutical company would be justly pleased.”

The study, which is the largest consecutive homeopathic clinical series ever reported, echoes findings from Tunbridge Wells Homeopathic Hospital in 2000, where 74% of 1372 patients reported a positive result from homeopathic treatment, and similarly at Liverpool Department of Homeopathic Medicine in 2001, where 76% of 1100 patients reported an improvement of their condition.

Homeopathy Can Spoil a Girl: Medicine for Depression by Joette Calabrese


She was one of those women who had everything: a loving husband, beautiful, healthy children, a well-run, stylish home, and intelligence to boot. She considered her life in order and often pondered it with satisfaction. She was slightly spoiled.

It wasn’t always that way though. Only fifteen years earlier Randy was single and suffering from debilitating depression, anxiety attacks and chronic fatigue. These were not the typical premenstrual blues and occasional anxiety attacks; they were the overwhelming, life-altering sort.

Her life was bulging with medical drama and constant searching for answers. “Why,” she would whimper, “is this happening to me?” The answers were vague and confusing.

From doctor to doctor she traveled only to find her inescapable illness deepening with each new medication.

Then one day, purely by accident, a friend mentioned that a relative had used homeopathy which resulted in a cure of his depression and fatigue.

It was an easy decision. She schedule a discussion with the same homeopath only half believing anything could save her from her life of her chronic mental suffering.

The homeopath told her that each medication she had been taking was concealing a symptom that was not only causing more serious ones but was suppressing her body’s ability to adjust to her condition. Once the correct remedy was determined, her sufferings would no longer be veiled but slowly melt away one by one.

The day or so after her first dose of Aurum metallicum 200 was a remarkable one. It so happened that she hoped she could eke out a day of one simple task. She simply wanted to organize a file she was compiling to build a case for social security benefits since she was no longer capable of work.

She had grown accustomed to measuring her time and tasks according to what her symptoms allowed. Most days were relegated to about an hour or two of productive time while the remainder was spent napping, peppered with anxiety attacks and weeping.

This day was different. Instead of the expected, Randy found herself organizing other files, too, and even wandering into the kitchen and making soup from scratch.

This was a once-relished task that had also been left behind due to her mounting fatigue. Yet, here she was working and providing herself with a nourishing meal! When she finished lunch, she noticed the pantry needed tidying.  Instead of postponing the task as usual, she took it on with renewed gusto. “Hey,” she thought, “I remember this feeling. . . it’s the way I used to feel; energetic, capable and motivated.”

After the last jar of beans was wiped and returned to the shelf, she scanned the room for another undertaking. Maybe I’ll just start a load of laundry, she considered.

And so the day went: task after task accomplished with ease, unlike any other day for what seemed a life time.

That night, as she lay her head on the pillow she took pleasure in reflecting on the accomplishments of the day and only hoped this had something to do with the homeopathic remedy.

“Nah, just a fluke,” she decided, and fell deeply asleep.

Yet, upon awakening the next morning, despite the cold, damp weather, a factor that had always worsened her depression, she prepared herself for another productive day.

This happened day after day for nearly a fortnight when finally she experienced a panic attack. She wept a little, too; more out of grief that her new well-being might be coming to an end.

Then something uncommon happened. Just when the panic was coming to the usual breathless pitch, it abruptly stopped. And instead of the telltale exhaustion there was a sense of calm.

And so it went. Day after day, week after week, the depression appeared only occasionally, now shorter, now less dramatic. Her desire to go out and her stamina returned. The prescription medications she once depended on had now been eliminated; so had the over-the-counter ones, and she began experiencing the life she always envisioned.

At a friend’s house—the one who had earlier shared the tip on homeopathy, she was introduced to a compelling man.  Innocently, the friend wore strong perfume, a previous trigger to anxiety, yet none of this made Randy ill.

Instead she was particularly clever and charming that night, which caught his attention. No more fogginess and anxiety. Her intelligence sparkled.

A year later, they celebrated their wedding.

Their marriage has been blessed with two children who are both treated  with homeopathy.

Depression is a thing of the past. Randy has a good life, rich with the blessings of a family and vigorous health. It only looks from the outside like a privileged life was bestowed upon her. There is an assumed excellence that comes from abundant health that she and her family have come to enjoy.

Indeed, homeopathy has spoiled her.

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