Homeopathic remedies for colds. Homeopathic remedies can help you and your family recover faster from the common cold. In cases of fever, try Homeopathic Remedies for Fever. In cases of flu, try Homeopathic Remedies for Flu.
Along with homeopathic remedies, remember to Use the Neti Pot to Clear Sinus and Nasal Congestion
These are the most common homeopathic remedies to treat a simple head cold:

Allium Cepa: The most common remedy for a simple head cold. The eyes and nose run. There is burning discharge from the nose, making the upper lip red and sore. This person feels better in the open air.
Euphrasia: Nonirritating discharge from the nose with burning tears. There may also be a cough that is worse in the daytime.
Arsenicum: Like allium cepa, the nasal discharge burns and reddens the skin. These people are very chilly and restless.
Nux Vomica: This person is very chilly and irritable. The nose is stuffy at night and runny during the day.

Pulsatilla: This person is weepy and craves company. The mucus is thick yellow-green and the person craves the open air.
Dulcamara: This person gets a cold after exposure to cold damp weather. These colds are more common in autumn when the seasons change from warm to cool.
Natrum Muriaticum: Nasal flow with mucus that looks like raw egg whites. There may be blisters around the mouth or nose.
Kali Bichromicum: Usually at the later stages of a cold, when the mucus is thick, yellow, ropey and difficult to expel.
Dosage and Repetition: Give a 12C or 30C potency (strength) of the indicated remedy every one or two hours, depending on the severity of symptoms. If a few doses of a remedy has brought no relief, try a different remedy.
If the cold develops into a cough, try Homeopathic Remedies for Cough
Scientific Studies
53 outpatients suffering from common cold (flu) were randomly assigned to either a therapy with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) or the homeopathic drug Eupatorium perfoliatum D2 in a controlled clinical trial. The efficacy of the drugs was assessed on day 1, 4 and 10 of the infection by symptom check lists and physical examinations. Neither subjective complaints nor body temperature or laboratory findings showed any significant differences between groups which was taken as evidence that both drugs were equally effective.
A clinical test was carried out on 170 West German army soldiers suffering from common cold. The test was conducted on a monocentric, randomized, non-sequential, and inter-individual basis; the research workers were kept blind on the identity of the medication. The purpose of testing was to compare the effectiveness of a combination homeopathic preparation (Gripp-Heel) with that of acetylsalicylic acid. On the 4th and 10th treatment days, no significant difference was determined with respect to changes in clinical findings, subjectively assessed complaints, or length of time the patients were unable to work. Thus the two preparations possess comparative effectiveness in the treatment of the common cold.
379 people suffering from upper respiratory infections were given either conventional medical treatment (antihistamines, anti-tussives, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or a combination homeopathic product. Using variables such as fatigue, sensation of illness, chill/tremor, aching joints, overall severity of illness, sum of all clinical variables, and temperature to assess the effects of either form of therapy, the researchers found that both approaches were effective, although the homeopathic combination provided faster relief from symptoms (77% were improved within 3 days compared to 62%).
In this 6 month prospective study involving 499 children suffering from acute rhinopharyngitis, the effectiveness, quality of life and cost of treatment with homeopathic (Group A) versus antibiotic (Group B) medicines, as prescribed by French medical practitioners, were assessed. Effectiveness, as measured by the numbers of episodes occurring subsequent to treatment, was 2.71 for Group A and 3.97 for Group B and quality of life as measured by the ParEnt-Qol scale was 21 for Group A versus 30 for Group B, which indicates a higher quality of life for those in Group A. In regard to costs, average direct medical costs were 88 Euros for Group A and 99 for Group B. Parental sick-leave affected 9.5% of the parents from Group A and 30% for Group B.