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Homeopathy for COVID Vaccine Damage

Disclaimer: This article is a compilation of homeopathic professionals’ experiences with treating their patients with individually selected homeopathic remedies. Remedies should be selected in consultation with a professional homeopath. This article is not intended as medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of a health provider. The decision of whether or not to vaccinate should be made in consultation with a medical doctor.

A problem which is becoming evident in the current vaccine campaigns being promoted to limit Covid-19 and the spread of SARS-Cov-2 is the prevention of adverse effects from these vaccines.  During a worldwide pandemic, the vaccination of hundreds of millions of people with vaccines which have been produced in emergency conditions, with much shorter-than-usual trial periods, means that side effects, some of them new and unexpected, are discovered along the way.

We also have to take into account the use of vaccines produced by using new technologies with limited testing. Currently approved by Canada and the USA are the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines. Other countries have approved vaccines based on genetically modified adenovirus vectors such as the Astrazeneca (or Vaxzevria) vaccine, the Russian Sputnik vaccine, and the USA has approved the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Homeoprophylaxis and mitigation of side effects

Note that it is important to select one protocol and to not use all of the following remedies at once for risk mitigation. The remedy or protocol should be selected in consultation with your homeopath.

To mitigate the chances of side effects, homeopaths are having success with administering tautopathic remedies made from the vaccine as per Dr. Tinus Smit’s CEASE therapy protocol.

Herbal creams or ointments containing Ledum, Calendula, and/or Arnica (such as Flamyar ointment) can also be applied topically to the site of vaccination, which helps mitigate pain, swelling, and bruising. Additionally, homeopathic Ledum 30C could be given before and after vaccination, a few times per day for a few days. Silica and Thuja are remedies that have traditionally been given in the past to mitigate vaccine side effects, and they have also been proven to be effective remedies for these COVID vaccines.

Vaccinations – PREVENTIVE, prophylactic for side effects: (10) arn. HYPER. LED. phys. plan. Sil. sulph. tetox. Thuj. vario.

Dr. Andre Saine recommends taking Bryonia 30C before and after vaccination, to prevent any possible side effects. For risk mitigation, Dr. Gaikwad recommends Torula cerevisiae 200C, taken twice per day for two days following vaccination. Dr. Egidio Galli recommends taking Bothrops lanceolatus 30C, 3 granules every evening in the 3 days preceding the vaccination, and for 5 days afterwards.

Spike protein detox guide

The World Council for Health has released a comprehensive detox guide to mitigate harmful side effects from the COVID vaccine. Included are lifestyle, dietary, herbal, and supplement recommendations.

Click here to view the recommendations by World Council for Health

Top ten spike protein detox essentials:

Homeopathic remedies for COVID vaccine reactions

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. This article is meant to be used as a reference guide for professional homeopaths. Administration of any of the following remedies should be done under the guidance of a your homeopath. In some cases, constitutional homeopathic remedies should be used for vaccine reactions, in consultation with your homeopath.

Acute reactions to vaccination

For swelling, inflammation, itching and edema after vaccination, consider Apis mellifica or Belladonna. If the site of vaccination gets infected and will not heal, consider Hepar sulph.

[Vaccinations] ACUTE, reactions: (16) acon. apis arn.Bell. calen. Carc. cic. echi. hep. HYPER. LED. merc.
plan. pyrog. Thuj. zinc.

To help with pain at the injection site, use Ledum and/or Arnica 30C. Hypericum 30C is also a remedy to consider if there is shooting pain down the arm.

Polycrest remedies used for ailments from vaccination

When the COVID vaccines were first approved, homeopaths were not sure whether the remedies they normally used for vaccine reactions would work on these novel vaccines. Thankfully, the traditional remedies often do work. Many homeopaths have had great success using Silica, which is a polycrest remedy for vaccine reactions. Thuja has also often worked wonders for clients suffering from COVID vaccine reactions. A thorough analysis of how to use Thuja and Silica for vaccine reactions (as well as other polycrest remedies) can be found in the following two articles:

Silica – Queen of Homeopathic Remedies for Vaccine Reactions
Homeopathy For Treating Vaccine Reactions

Note that in Zandvoort’s Complete 2009 Repertory there are 74 remedies listed for the following rubric: Generalities; VACCINATION; After: ANT-T., CALC., CAUST., CHAM., DULC., EUPHR., IOD., LYC., MALAND., MEZ., NIT-AC., PH-AC., SABAD., SEC., SEP., SIL., STAPH., SULPH., THUJ., TUB., VAC., Acon., Ammc., Apis, Ars., Bar-c., Bell., Echi., Hep., Kali-m., Lach., Med., Merc., Nux-v., Ped., Psor., Ran-b., Vario., calam-a., cimic., ephe., hyssop., lepro., plan., ant-c., arn., bac., bapt., bufo, caps., carc., crot-h., cupre-l., diph., graph., gunp., hyos., kali-chl., lac-v., mag-p., merc-cy., nat-bic., phos., rhus-t., sabin., sarr., sars., skook., stram., syc-co., tub-k., uran., v-a-b., zinc.

Tautopathic remedies

Homeopaths have been having success with their clients using tautopathy, which is a potentized homeopathic version of the COVID vaccine. For best results, the specific brand of vaccine is used in potentized form.

Remedies for neurological reactions

These COVID vaccines do tend to target the nervous system, therefore, they seem to have some similarities in their action with the polio vaccine. Thus the following rubric will be useful:
[Vaccinations] POLIO, vaccination, ailments from: (10) bell. Caust. Gels. hyper. lath. merc. phos. phys. plb. Rhus-t.

Causticum has been used successfully in cases of paralysis along with a sensation of heaviness and weakness of the limbs. Think of Gelsemium if there is muscular weakness, trembling, exhaustion and dizziness. Lathyrus could be indicated if there is paralysis, especially of the lower extremities. Rhus tox and Hypericum have proven useful in cases of nerve pain after vaccination.

Zincum could be indicated in general irritation of the nervous system with restless sleep, with shrieking upon waking and/or restless feet. Think of Nux moschata in cases of extreme tiredness with loss of memory, awkwardness and poor balance with stumbling. Nux vomica is a polycrest remedy with an affinity for the nervous system which has proven useful for these vaccine reactions; common symptoms include oversensitivity to stimuli, constipation and irritability. Silica has also been used successfully for symptoms of nerve pain, headache, nausea, epilepsy and/or convulsions after the COVID vaccine. Generalities; CONVULSIONS, spasms; Vaccination, after (2) : SIL., thuj.

Remedies for cardiovascular issues

Though they have a major affinity for neurological complaints (see above) don’t forget that both Zincum and Nux moschata also have an affinity for the cardiovascular system. Cactus is a great polycrest remedy for all kinds of heart complaints. Arnica is a good remedy to consider in cases of thrombosis.

The snake remedies such as Lachesis, Naja, Crotalus horridus, Crotalus cascavella, Cenchris and Vipera have been used with success for various heart complaints, such as clotting disorders, following COVID vaccination. Also consider Bothrops lanceolatus and Buthus tamales (see below, under “unusual remedies”).

Kali mur 6X homeopathic cell salt can be used for thrombosis, emboli and clots after the COVID vaccine, and this remedy also has the ability to bring down D-dimer levels.

Remedies for skin complaints

Skin; ERUPTIONS; Vaccination, after (17) : Ammc., Mez., bac., crot-h., cupre-l., kali-m., maland., med., nit-ac., sabin., sars., sil., skook., sulph., syc-co., thuj., vario.
Skin; VACCINATION, after (10) : Acon., Bell., Sil., Thuj., ant-t., apis, merc., phos., sulph., vac.

Sulphur is a polycrest remedy for skin eruptions, and it proves useful for eruptions after COVID vaccination. Malandrinum is a rarely used nosode but it has proven useful in cases of urticaria after vaccination, as well as hypertension. For a pimple like eruption that persists at the site of vaccination, consider Vaccinium. Apis, Silica, Gunpowder or Crot-h could be useful remedies for abscesses or pustular eruptions that have formed after vaccination. Think of Mezereum, Variolinum , Rhus tox and Sarsaparilla for eczema or itch-like eruptions after vaccination.

Unusual Remedies for COVID vaccine reactions

Buthus tamulus (Buth-t): Indian red scorpion. Jeremy Sherr feels that this is a frequently indicated remedy for COVID vaccine damage. Red scorpion venom contains potent cardiotoxins. The venom affects the nervous system. It induces a massive discharge of catecholamines. Research has shown that severe COVID-19 resembles the manifestations of catecholamine excess states (hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, immune dysregulation, and hyperglycemia). Scorpions can survive high levels of radiation. They can survive nuclear attacks. Scorpion venom can be used for fighting cancers. The venom causes cyanotic extremities due to vasoconstriction. This remedy could prove most useful in cases of stroke, heart attacks and thrombosis.

Buthus tamulus cured symptoms after taking the COVID vaccine: Irritable and aggressive. This remedy can be a useful for low platelets (thrombocytopenia) and low iron. It has also proven useful for tinnitus, tachycardia, severe headaches and heart palpitations. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, with sour taste in mouth and pain in stomach and back. Herpes zoster. Sleeplessness, muscle pains, numbness, trembling, difficult breathing, muscles feel stuck. Flu-like symptoms, dizzy and confused, feels like she is being strangled with no appetite. Depressed and exhausted, rattling respiration, with burning sensation internally.

Torula cerevisiae: Yeast. Dr. Gaikwad feels that this is a very important remedy for COVID vaccine damage. This is a good remedy for an immune system that has been damaged by vaccination. This remedy can remove impurities and cleanse the system and can prevent or help autoimmune conditions. It’s a very strong anti-sycotic remedy. Good for anaphylactic states caused by proteins and enzymes.
Guiding symptoms: Boils and itching eczema. Children with digestive issues post vax (e.g. constipation). Kids with autism or ADHD. People with a lot of flatulence, constipation. Can be used in old age. Postnasal drip. Bad headaches. Generalized body ache after vaccination with no energy. Cold hands and feet that go to sleep easily. Torula is like a modern day Thuja and Dr. Gaikwad uses Torula much more often than Thuja

Bothrops lanceolatus: Snake. There is no proving and this remedy is not usually used much. Toxicology: Paralysis. Lots of bleeding. Incoagubility. Targets platelets. Very large clots in large blood vessels. Swelling. Severe thrombosis. Weakness. Difficulty breathing. Causes more human deaths than any other snake in the Americas.

Pharmacological information for the Bothrops lanceolatus venom as per Dr. Egidio Galli:
– Effectiveness in heparin-resistant thrombosis, such as VITT, autoimmune thrombosis with thrombocytopenia from anti-Covid vaccination. The batroxobin in the venom combines with fibrinogen separately from thrombin, and it is effective in all coagulation problems which, during the coagulation cascade, take place before the transformation of fibrinogen to fibrin.  The molecule is not inactivated by heparin or similar anticoagulants.
– It is the only snake venom that contains the angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, BPP5a (Bradykinin-potentiating peptide); there is a notable biochemical similarity between the enzymes ACE and ACE2, which the BPP5a combines with in the same way as the virus. There is also similarity between the protease serina BjSP of the venom and the type 2 transmembrane protease serina (TMPRS2) which promotes viral absorption on the wall of the type II alveolar epithelial cells.

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Onc-t): Salmon. Menstrual changes post vaccination. Copious clots.  Copious flow. Menses too early or late. Flow increased. Abortion. Infertility.

AIDS nosode: The AIDS nosode is associated with boundary issues: keeping what is in, in; and what is out, out. A complete breakdown of the immune system. The proving had strong motifs of boundaries (houses, walls, rooms, shell, contamination, popping seeds and bubbles), rejection, and isolation.


A COVID-19 Update- Prevention of COVID-19 and treatment of the COVID-19 patient. American Institute of Homeopathy; October 16, 2021; André Saine, ND

AIDS Nosode Proving by Misha Norland Modern Homoeopathy Monthly E-Newsletter March 2008

Bothrops Lanceolatus for the Prevention of Adverse Effects from Covid-19 Vaccination August 17, 2021 by Egidio Galli in

Covid 19 (Update 27.3.21): How can we help with vaccine side effects and „Longcovid“-Syndrome? How to protect of and treat Covid 19 on

Homeopathic Strategies for the Treatment of Covid & Long Covid – Part 2, 12/20/21 by Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad in Wholehealthnow

Jeremy Sherr’s SEVENTH Update on the Coronavirus Genus Epidemicus

Jeremy Sherr’s EIGHTH Update on the Coronavirus

Pandemic Update #5 The new mRNA technology 01/25/21 by Mitch Fleisher & Kim Elia in Wholehealthnow

Pandemic Update #6 on 09/20/21 by George Dimitriadis, Mitch Fleisher, Ron Whitmont & Kim Elia in Wholehealthnow

Silica – Queen of Homeopathic Remedies for Vaccine Reactions By Deborah Olenev

Supportive Homeopathic Remedies for Guillain Barre Syndrome in DrHomeo

The Homeopathic Treatment of Vaccine Side Effects, 10/13/21, Gyandas G. Wadhwani, MD+(Hom) in Wholehealthnow

Homeopathy for COVID Vaccine Damage

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