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Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.


Natural, effective treatment of insomnia. Homeopathic treatments can help after herbal remedies and other natural supplements such as valerian, melatonin and 5-HTP have failed. Our remedies have no side effects, and do not create drug addiction or drug tolerance. People who have tried other treatments with no relief can get relief with homeopathy.

Scientific Studies Prove that Homeopathy is Effective for the Treatment of Insomnia

Bell, Iris R., Amy Howerter, Nicholas Jackson, Mikel Aickin, Richard R. Bootzin, and Audrey J. Brooks. “Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Effects of Homeopathic Remedies on Multiscale Entropy and Correlation Dimension of Slow Wave Sleep EEG in Young Adults with Histories of Coffee-Induced Insomnia.” Homeopathy. 2012 Jul; 101(3): 182–192.

Background: Investigators of homeopathy have proposed that nonlinear dynamical systems (NDS) and complex systems science offer conceptual and analytic tools for evaluating homeopathic remedy effects. Previous animal studies demonstrate that homeopathic medicines alter delta electroencephalographic (EEG) slow wave sleep. The present study extended findings of remedy-related sleep stage alterations in human subjects by testing the feasibility of using two different NDS analytic approaches to assess remedy effects on human slow wave sleep EEG.
Methods: Subjects (N=54) were young adult male and female college students with a history of coffee-related insomnia who participated in a larger 4-week study of the polysomnographic effects of homeopathic medicines on home-based all-night sleep recordings. Subjects took one bedtime dose of a homeopathic remedy (Coffea cruda or Nux vomica 30c). We computed multiscale entropy (MSE) and the correlation dimension (Mekler-D2) for stage 3 and 4 slow wave sleep EEG sampled in artifact-free 2-minute segments during the first two rapid-eye-movement (REM) cycles for remedy and post-remedy nights, controlling for placebo and post-placebo night effects.
Results: MSE results indicate significant, remedy-specific directional effects, especially later in the night (REM cycle 2) (CC: remedy night increases and post-remedy night decreases in MSE at multiple sites for both stages 3 and 4 in both REM cycles; NV: remedy night decreases and post-remedy night increases, mainly in stage 3 REM cycle 2 MSE). D2 analyses yielded more sporadic and inconsistent findings.
Conclusions: Homeopathic medicines Coffea cruda and Nux vomica in 30c potencies alter short-term nonlinear dynamic parameters of slow wave sleep EEG in healthy young adults. MSE may provide a more sensitive NDS analytic method than D2 for evaluating homeopathic remedy effects on human sleep EEG patterns.

Bell IR, Howerter A, Jackson N, Aickin M, Baldwin CM, Bootzin RR. “Effects of homeopathic medicines on polysomnographic sleep of young adults with histories of coffee-related insomnia.” Sleep Medicine. 2011, May; 12(5): 505–511.

Background: Homeopathy, a common form of alternative medicine worldwide, relies on subjective patient reports for diagnosis and treatment. Polysomnography offers a modern methodology for evaluating the objective effects of taking homeopathic remedies that clinicians claim exert effects on sleep quality in susceptible individuals. Animal studies have previously shown changes in non rapid eye movement sleep with certain homeopathic remedies.
Methods: Young adults of both sexes (ages 18–31) with above-average scores on standardized personality scales for either cynical hostility or anxiety sensitivity (but not both), and a history of coffee-induced insomnia, participated in the month-long study. At-home polysomnographic recordings were obtained on successive pairs of nights once per week for a total of eight recordings (nights 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23). Subjects (N=54) received placebo pellets on night 8 (single-blind) and verum pellets on night 22 (double-blind) in 30c doses of one of two homeopathic remedies, Nux Vomica or Coffea Cruda. Subjects completed daily morning sleep diaries and weekly Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scales, as well as Profile of Mood States Scales at bedtime on polysomnography nights.
Results: Verum remedies significantly increased PSG total sleep time and NREM, as well as awakenings and stage changes. Changes in actigraphic and self-rated scale effects were not significant.
Conclusions: The study demonstrated the feasibility of using in-home all-night sleep recordings to study homeopathic remedy effects. Findings are similar though not identical to those reported in animals with the same remedies. Possible mechanisms include initial disruption of the nonlinear dynamics of sleep patterns by the verum remedies.

Harrison CC, Solomon EM, Pellow J. “The effect of a homeopathic complex on psychophysiological onset insomnia in males: a randomized pilot study.” Altern Ther Health Med. 2013 Sep-Oct;19(5):38-43.

CONTEXT: Psychophysiological onset insomnia (PI) is defined as sleeplessness exceeding 30 min due to learned, sleep-preventing behaviors and hyperarousal at bedtime. This common condition significantly impacts sufferers’ health, occupational performance, and interpersonal relationships. Conventional treatment with hypnotics has many shortcomings. Homeopathic medication may present an alternative treatment for this condition.
OBJECTIVE: The study intended to determine the effect of a homeopathic complex on PI.
DESIGN: The research team designed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 4-wk pilot study, using matched pairs.
SETTING: The study took place at the Homeopathy Health Clinic at the University of Johannesburg in Johannesburg, South Africa.
PARTICIPANTS: Forty-six males aged between 18 and 40 y with chronic PI were recruited; 28 completed the study- placebo group (n = 14) and experimental group (n = 14).
INTERVENTIONS: The homeopathic complex was made in 20% alcohol. The placebo consisted of the unmedicated vehicle only.
OUTCOME MEASURES: The study used the Pre-sleep Arousal Scale (PSAS) and the Sleep Diary (SD), which assessed sleep-onset latency.
RESULTS: The experimental group showed a statistically significant improvement in presleep arousal as well as sleep onset latency over the 4 wks of the study. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test revealed that the improvement occurred gradually. Intergroup analysis showed through both the PSAS and the SD that the experimental group had outperformed the placebo group by day 28 of the study.
CONCLUSION: Findings suggest that daily use of the homeopathic complex does have an effect over a 4-wk period on physiological and cognitive arousal at bedtime as well as on sleep onset latency in PI sufferers. Further research on the use of this complex for PI is warranted before any definitive conclusions can be drawn.

Hejazi, S., S.A. Hosseini Tehrany, M.H. Salehi Sormaghi, M. Sharifi. “The effects of herbal medicine and homeopathic remedy on insomnia” European Psychiatry Volume 27, Supplement 1, 2012, Pages 1

Introduction: Insomnia is one of the most common sleep complications which are defined as a problem in the beginning of sleep or its permanence.
Aims: The aim of this study was the effects of herbal medicine (Valeriana officinalis) and homeopathic remedy (Coffea cruda) on insomnia.
Methods: This is a single blind clinical trial study, conducted on 90 students who suffered on insomnia. They were chosen by volunteer sampling and randomly allocated in two groups. One group received homeopathic remedy Coffea cruda drop and placebo capsule and other ones used allopathic medicine Valeriana officinalis capsule and placebo drop. Both groups used one capsule one hour before sleep every night and one drop every 8 hours for one month. The ethical committee of the university approved the study. Data were collected through 3 questionnaires: Demographic, Petersburg sleep quality index and Standard Insomnia Severity Index (ISI). Content validity and test-retest methods were used for validity and reliability. Data analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: Before usage, the quality and severity average of Sleep in Valeriana officinalis group was mean =11.78and15/14 before and 7.56and8/6 after a period of 1 months. The quality and severity average of Sleep in Coffea cruda group was mean =11/51 and14/53 before usage and 5.51and 6/05 after a period of 1 months. We have obtained a significant difference between 2 groups 1 month after the start of consumption (P < 0/05).
Conclusion: The results of this study suggested, Coffea cruda, is more and low side effect methods than herbal medicine.

Hellhammer, Juliane and Melanie Schubert. “Effects of a Homeopathic Combination Remedy on the Acute Stress Response, Well-Being, and Sleep: A Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial.” The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. February 2013, 19(2): 161-169.

Objectives: Stress impacts on health, causing stress-related illness. The aim of this study was to investigate stress dampening effects of the homeopathic combination remedy dysto-loges® S on physiological and psychological measures during acute stress. Additionally, effects of the substance on sleep and life quality were investigated.
Design: This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled single center study had a total duration of 15 days for each participant.
Setting/location: The study was performed by Daacro, Trier, Germany.
Subjects: We included 40 women aged 30–50 years that regularly experienced impaired well-being when feeling stressed.
Intervention: Participants took three tablets daily for 14 days. On the final study day, participants took three pills in the morning and upon arrival at the study site. Thereafter, the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) was performed.
Outcome measures: Primary endpoints were saliva cortisol responses to the stress test. Secondary biological endpoints were plasma cortisol, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, epinephrine, and norepinephrine (NE) and heart rates. Psychological secondary endpoints were well-being, anxiety, stress, and insecurity during the stress test as well as sleep and quality of life.
Results: Stress-induced cortisol levels did not differ between groups, but verum-treated participants were characterized by lower NE levels. Two weeks of treatment with the homeopathic substance resulted in a better sleep quality. Sleep improvement was associated with a higher hormonal response to the TSST in both groups. In addition, individuals with impaired sleep in the placebo group had higher unstimulated NE levels.
Conclusions: This study provides preliminary evidence for beneficial effects of dysto-loges S on sleep quality. Improvement of sleep quality was positively associated with a normalized neuroendocrine stress response during acute stress, whereas an altered hormonal response was observed in participants with impaired sleep.

Naudé DF, Stephanie Couchman IM, Maharaj A. “Chronic primary insomnia: efficacy of homeopathic simillimum.” Homeopathy. 2010 Jan;99(1):63-8. 

INTRODUCTION: Chronic primary insomnia is defined as difficulty in initiating or maintaining sleep or of non-restorative sleep that lasts for at least 1 month and causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. The homeopathic simillimum is that remedy which most closely corresponds to the totality of symptoms; remedy selection is based on a full evaluation of the patient’s physical, emotional and mental characteristics.
AIM/PURPOSE: The purpose of this randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was to evaluate the efficacy of homeopathic simillimum in the treatment of chronic primary insomnia.
METHOD: 30 participants were selected in accordance with DSM-IV TR (2000)(1) criterion 307.42 Primary Insomnia and then randomly divided between treatment and placebo groups. The measurement tools used were a Sleep Diary (SD) and the Sleep Impairment Index (SII).(2) After an initial consultation, 2 follow-up consultations at 2-week intervals took place. Homeopathic medication was prescribed at the first and second consultations. The SII was completed at each consultation and participants were instructed at the first consultation to start the SD.
RESULTS: SD data revealed that verum treatment resulted in a significant increase in duration of sleep throughout the study, compared to the placebo treatment which resulted in no significant increase in duration of sleep. A significant improvement in SII summary scores and number of improved individual questions were found in the verum group, responses to all 11 questions having improved significantly upon completion of the study. An initial improvement occurred in the placebo group, but was not sustained. Comparison of results between the groups revealed a statistically significant difference.
CONCLUSION: The homeopathic simillimum treatment of primary insomnia was effective, compared to placebo. Homeopathy is a viable treatment modality for this condition and further research is justified.

Ruiz- Vega G, Perez- Ordaz L, Proa- Flores P, Aguilar- Diaz Y. “An Evaluation of Coffea cruda effect on Rats.” British Homeopathic Journal, 2000, 89, 122-126.

This study tested the effects of Coffea 30C versus placebo on the sleep patterns of rats assessed using EEG readings. The results showed a statistically significant effect consistent with increased sleeping activity in those rats given the active medicine.

Ruiz-Vega G, Perez-Ordaz L, Leon-Hueramo O, Cruz-Vasquez E, Sanchez-Diaz N. “Comparative Effect of Coffea cruda Potencies on Rats.” Homeopathy, 2002, 91, 80-84.

30C and 200C potencies of Coffea cruda and caffeine were administered orally to rats, and EEG data from the parietal region recorded. When compared with control animals, Coffea 30C and 200C were associated with changes in EEG patterns that were consistent with increased sleep activity.

Ruiz-Vega G,  Perez-Ordaz L, Cotez-Galvan L, Juarez-GFM. “A Kinetic Approach to Caffeine-  Coffea cruda Interaction.” Homeopathy, 2003, 92, 19-29.

In this blinded and controlled study, rats were given caffeine and then Coffea 30C in an effort to determine what effects, if any, the Coffea 30C had on sleep characteristics. The homoeopathic remedy was found to increase the intensity of sleep in the rats when compared with the effects of the control used.

Waldschütz R, Klein P. “The homeopathic preparation Neurexan Vs. Valerian for the Treatment of Insomnia: An observational study.” Scientific World Journal. 2008 Apr 20; 8: 411-20.

This German study, conducted across 89 clinics, compared the effects of a homeopathic combination preparation to valerian on sleep latency (the time take to fall asleep), sleep duration, the quality of sleep, and daytime fatigue, over a period of 28 days. 409 people were enrolled in the study and analysis of the results found an improvement from both medicines with a reduction in latency time (37.3 minutes for the combination versus 38.2 minutes for valerian) and increase in sleep duration (2.2 hours for the combination versus 2 hours for valerian). The primary difference between the 2 interventions appeared to be that the homeopathic combination resulted in less daytime fatigue than valerian- 49% versus 32%

A Case of Insomnia by Tamara Der-Ohanian

JD followed a series of bedtime rituals in order to fall asleep. The 34-year-old school teacher drank warm milk with her bedtime snack, listened to classical music, opened the living room window, and soaked her feet in warm water. After checking and re-checking the front door lock, JD would activate the burglar alarm. She then washed her hands and face thoroughly. The final steps, before resting her head on her pillow, included turning on the night light near her bed and putting in her ear plugs. On a good night, she fell asleep within one hour, and woke up three to four times during the night from the slightest noise, an anxious dream, or the need to urinate.

Each step in her routine was necessary to ensure her quality of sleep, which was mediocre at best. Missing any of the steps or deviating from this schedule guaranteed a restless, wakeful night, followed by an irritable, tired, and angry existence the following day. Travelling or sleeping over at friends’ homes was out of the question for her.

Careful examination of JD’s life story and personality revealed a life-long pattern of feelings of guilt, accompanied by fear of punishment. She also displayed a lot of anxiety relating to the need for order and cleanliness in her surroundings, coupled with the fear of germs.

The homeopathic remedy Syphillinum was prescribed.

Within two weeks of taking the remedy, JD’s ritualistic behaviour pattern began to crumble. She started forgetting to check the door locks and activate the alarm. Soaking her feet had become a nuisance and too much trouble to continue. After five weeks, JD was sleeping more soundly and waking up more refreshed than ever before. Within four months of homeopathic treatment, JD was ready and willing to face the demons that had her chained to her guilty past. She started communicating with her estranged sister and felt confident and hopeful about the future.

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