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Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.

Homeopathic Cell Salts During Pregnancy

The Pregnancy Cell Salt Program

This program is endorsed by leading obstetrician Dr. Gowri Matha. It helps both pregnant mother and baby maintain optimum nutrition and balances the mineral content of the body.

During pregnancy, the baby requires certain salts which it gets at the expense of the mother. This program will help to replenish any salt deficiencies in the mother and help the baby with its salt requirement. The remedies (salts) are prepared in a very dilute form, making them non-toxic and completely safe to use during pregnancy.


Take one tablet of each of the following in a 6x potency twice a day (morning and evening):

Months 2 and 6: Calc Fluor, Mag Phos, Ferrum Phos
Months 3 and 7: Calc Fluor, Mag Phos, Nat Mur
Months 4 and 8: Calc Fluor, Nat Mur, Silica
Months 5 and 9: Calc Fluor, Ferrum Phos, Silica

Homeopathic cell salts can be purchased from a good health food store or natural pharmacy. Common brands found in Canada are Hyland’s, Boiron and Homeocan.

About the individual salts

Calc Fluor is excellent for bone development and is an important component of connective tissue improving its elasticity. This quality makes it helpful in the prevention of stretch marks. It also supports the circulatory system, therefore helping to prevent varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Mag Phos is known as the ‘homeopathic aspirin’ due to its affinity for the nerves and muscles. It can greatly reduce the chance of heartburn and cramps.

Ferrum Phos aids the oxygenation of the blood and helps prevent the need for extra iron especially towards the end of a pregnancy when many women become anemic. Prescription iron tablets commonly lead to uncomfortable constipation, so if you can keep your iron levels up naturally, you can hopefully avoid the need for them.

Nat Mur influences the water balance of the body. Using this cell salt helps to balance all the fluids in the body lessening the likelihood of swollen ankles and fingers. It also helps to maintain even blood pressure and supports the nerves and muscles.

Silica is a vital constituent of hair, nails, teeth and skin. It contributes to overall strength of both mother and baby.

Homeopathic Cell Salts During Pregnancy

16 thoughts on “Homeopathic Cell Salts During Pregnancy

  1. Thanks for this post! I’m not sure I understand the schedule correctly though, since I’ve been counting my progress in weeks rather than months. Does month 2 correspond with weeks 9-12, month 3 with weeks 13-16, etc.? I’m currently 24 weeks pregnant and not sure where I should be on this schedule. Thank you!

  2. Hi. I would like to know if I can take the tablets during the recommended months all at once or should I space them out, such as one tablet every 15 minutes, etc.). Please advise. Thank you.

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