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Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.

Crohn’s Disease

Little Mountain Homeopathy Client Testimonial

I’m 30 and I’ve had Crohn’s Disease for almost half my life. I’ve been lucky that I’ve always been open to non-western medicine, and I credit that with giving me very good health for someone with my condition. However, everything I’ve tried has been either expensive or very time consuming, or both. I had tried homeopathy before, but it hadn’t worked very well for me.

When I had a flare up last summer, I found Sonya’s website and decided to give homeopathy another try. At the initial appointment, I was amazed at how instead of talking about my digestion, we ended up talking mostly about deeper and longer term emotional and relationship issues. I felt like I was making connections between parts of my life that had been there all along, but which I hadn’t been able to articulate.

Within days of starting my remedy, the digestive problems that had plagued me for the previous two months and which yoga, acupuncture, probiotics and herbal supplements failed to solve, just disappeared. For a few months, they’d come back occasionally, but every time they did, I’d contact Sonya and she’d adjust the dose, and things would improve dramatically the next day. It’s been six months, and I feel better than I’ve felt in years. The best part is that it’s simple, easy and relatively inexpensive. I also feel stronger and happier in every area of my life. I feel like Sonya’s remedy has really addressed me as a whole person.

I would absolutely recommend Sonya as an excellent and truly effective medical professional!

Vancouver, BC

Cured Cases of Crohn’s Disease with Homeopathy

Homeopathic Case Study by Heather Caruso

A girl in her first year of university had been feeling really fatigued. She’d been having frequent stools with bloody diarrhea. Her stomach gurgled, and when she had a bowel movement her stools were mixed with blood, water and mucous. She had been getting some leg cramps and heart palpitations as well. With all of the stress of university, these symptoms couldn’t have come at a worse time. To top it off, she couldn’t go far from the washroom because she was fearful that she wouldn’t make it in time! Her anxiety turned to desperation.

She was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and started on a drug called Salfasalazine (and steroids were recommended if her condition didn’t improve).

Then she came to the Caruso clinic and was prescribed a high quality liquid multi-vitamin, vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium and acidophilus bifidus and lactobacillus. As well, she was to take one teaspoon of liquid fish oil with a good quantity of EPA. A homeopathic medicine called Aloe 6 CH was prescribed because of her urgency for stools.

In school she had been eating a lot of take-out and fried foods, which her Homeopath told her to avoid in the future. She started to eat low glycemic foods and avoided anything fried. She was tested for food sensitivities through an electrodermal screening test which found that wheat and sugar were problematic for her. These items were difficult for her to imagine living without, but at this point she was willing to do whatever it took to get better.

After one month of following these recommendations, she felt an amazing improvement in energy. She had no more blood in the stools and diarrhea was down to once a week, instead of daily. Her heart palpitations and leg cramps disappeared after the first week of treatment.

Case Study: Pauline by Dr. Andrea Wiessner

Referred to me by her GP in November 2003, Pauline had been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2000 but her GP men­tioned in his letter that she probably had already suffered symptoms due to the disease in 1993.

Pauline was 39 when I met her first and she told me that she had severe backaches with shooting pains in her 20s. The slightest movement would aggra­vate her pain. As she had injured her back as a child, she always thought the pain was due to this.

Ten years ago, she developed an anal fissure with severe pains passing stools. This was eventually operated on in 2000, but three weeks after the opera­tion she again started to have severe pain when passing stools and had ulcers in the back passage. She also had mouth ulcers at the time with extreme pain and she could hardly eat or drink. She started to feel unwell generally, had a high tem­perature, plus diarrhoea and stiff joints. Her ankles were swollen and she could hardly move or walk. Pauline had to stay off work for three months. At that stage she was referred to a specialist and diag­nosed with Crohn’s disease.

Since then she has had several flare-ups when she always has similar symp­toms. The first sign is usually that she develops back pain and stiffness. Her joints swell up and become stiff and painful, which makes it very difficult for her to move. She also develops loose and foul smelling bowel motions, lately with blood and mucus. She has abdominal cramps and a permanent sense of a lump in her stomach. She sometimes loses con­trol over her bladder and bowels and has had some accidents and feels extremely tired and exhausted and gen­erally unwell.

Pauline feels that these episodes can be triggered by stress and her symptoms can be aggravated by dairy produce. She frequently has night sweats and she also had episodes of iritis, inflammation of her eyes, in the past.

She has already excluded dairy produce which has been beneficial. Her consultant had put her on Mercaptopurin daily which is a medicine also used in the treatment of leukaemia and Dexameth­asone eye drops for episodes of iritis.

Pauline lives with her partner and eight year-old son and works in cus­tomer service for a company selling legal books. She loves her job and loves speak­ing to the customers on the phone. She feels this is “fantastic”.

Having a very bubbly personality, Pauline describes herself as over-enthu­siastic and excitable and quite a happy person who loves to talk a lot. She says people sometimes find her “too much”. She is very impatient and can be short-tempered. She dislikes to be told things and dislikes change. She is a kind per­son and feels anxious if she has to speak in public.

Of her general symptoms, she says that she is a chilly person, disliking the cold and that she perspires easily. She craves cheese and sweets and does not tolerate dairy produce. She needs a lot of sleep, often waking up at 2am but sleeps quite deeply on her right side. She talks during her sleep and her eyes are often half-open. She dreams a lot, recur­rently of houses and rooms but also about teeth.

When considering her case, I was mainly thinking of remedies such as Phosphorus and Sepia, but Nux vomica, Causticum and Thuja were also ones I considered for her constitutionally. The last as her son, whom I treated for asthma, had a good response to Thuja and sometimes children and their parents, in particular mother and child, can respond to the same remedy.

Nevertheless, I eventually decided to give her Sepia. What swayed me was the strong focus on her back pain, which is very typical for Sepia, and symptoms such as the lump sensation in her stomach. I gave her Sepia 200c, three single doses within 24 hours. However, as Phosphorus is a good remedy for inflammatory bowel disease, I prescribed Phosphorus 30c twice weekly in four weeks’ time, more on a symptomatic level.

When I saw her again two months later, she was already much better. Her energy levels had improved, her joints weren’t aching and the night sweats were better too. She could sleep through the night and had been able to stop Mercap­topurin one month before without any negative effects. This had not been pos­sible in the past. She had noticed the improvement after the Sepia, but the night sweats improved when taking Phosphorus and did come back when she omitted a dose. Over the next six months she required two more doses of Sepia 200c and I advised her to continue with the Phosphorus regularly.

She then came back with a flare-up of her Crohn’s disease, experiencing burn­ing pain in her abdomen, pain and stiff­ness in her back and hips, iritis and low energy levels. When I asked what had happened, she told me that she had applied for a better paid job in her com­pany but that she didn’t get it. She was very angry, feeling it was terribly unfair and that people were conspiring against her. She just couldn’t understand why they hadn’t given her the job but did not talk to anyone about it.

I told her to increase Phosphorus to once daily doses until her symptoms had settled and to repeat Sepia in the next higher potency, 1M at that stage. How­ever, I told her to use her conventional medication if symptoms did not settle quickly. I also prescribed Mercurius sol 6c three times per day, when required, for her iritis.

When I saw her next, two months later, she had much improved. The pain had settled, her joints and back were fine and her energy levels better. She had taken Mercaptopurin for ten days but stopped it again and had been well.

Over the following two years, she had been really well apart from one chest and throat infection. She continued with Phosphorus 30c once weekly and Sepia 1M every few months.

A year ago she came to see me with severe back pain again, associated with stiffness and pain in her hip. She had been run down and felt this might be a precursor for the Crohn’s again. She had already tried Sepia, but this time it did not seem to affect her symptoms. I prescribed Rhus tox 30c once daily until the back pain had settled and told her to then take Phosphorus 200c, three sin­gle doses within 24 hours. She has been fine since with one more minor episode of back pain, which responded well again to Rhus tox. She now takes Phosphorus 200c every few months if her general well-being deteriorates.

The remedies
The remedies that helped Pauline most were Sepia, the ink of the cuttle fish, and Phosphorus, a remedy from the mineral kingdom and an element from the peri­odic table. On first glance, this seems strange as they come from completely different sources. However, patients who require Sepia sometimes appear quite “phosphoric” and this might be due to the fact that the cuttle fish itself contains a lot of Phosphorus.

In retrospect, I would say that Pauline is probably more of a Phosphorus type constitutionally. However, she had good responses to Sepia initially, possibly due to the overlapping symptoms of both remedies. The question why she respond­ed and which one is her constitutional remedy is probably quite academic though, as the main thing is that Pauline’s symptoms improved and that she is on her path to health.

Case-1: Homeopathy proved a helping hand, when every thing else had given up, by Dr. Shah

37 years old, Mrs. A. S. R. visited our center with her husband on 5th April 2011. Her Patient Identification Number is 15742. She was complaining of Crohn’s disease since past 4 years. The case details were given by her husband. She was having symptoms of recurrent loose stools which were partially under control with mesacol 400mg thrice a day. She was weighing 36 kgs. She had nausea and vomiting since 1 month, which would make her tired and weak. She was also taking naturopathic medications. She had taken other heavy medications like steroids, remicade and azathoprine in the past 4 years. Her main concern was the rectovaginal fistula, which had developed as a complication of Crohn’s disease. She would pass stools and gases from vagina. She was in deep trouble. The surgeons were helpless. They siad that since her Crohn’s disease was active there were limitations in treatment. Despite steroids, remicade and azathoprine, her Crohn’s was not under control. She was utterly helpless. They were told about Dr Rajesh Shah, and they saw him as their last hope. They came all the way from Kerela for treatment. All her details were taken.

Her appetite was diminished. She liked spicy food and disliked sweets. Her thirst was less. Her perspiration was scanty. She could not tolerate warm temperature. Her menses were regular. She was lean, thin and emaciated in appearance. Her sleep would be disturbed due to anxiety regarding her health. She would sleep on the left side.

She was a home maker. Her husband owned a supermarket with a partnership with an uncle in Qatar. Her elder daughter was studying in 11th standard. Her younger daughter was in the 3rd standard. She stayed alone with 2 children, while her husband was away.

She was anxious and reserved person. She was worrisome for her health. She was a loner since childhood, she did not have any friend. She would often sit in the dark and quiet. She liked to remain silent. She was intelligent in childhood, but could not study after 5th standard. She had good memory and scientific knowledge, but does not use it as she feels shy and embarrassed to talk to anyone. She was staying in India for her children’s education. Her husband lived in Qatar.

She had operated for piles 10 years back. She had been operated for fibrin plug in 2010 which failed.

Her investigation reports were positive for crohn’s disease.

She was prescribed Carcinosin 200c and Sepia 30c along with a research based medicine by Dr. Shah.

Her husband reported on 30th May, 2011 with no improvement in her complaints of Crohn’s disease. Her case was reviewed and prescription was upgraded by Dr. Shah.

Her husband visited on 1st August, 2011 and reported mild improvement in her vomiting and nausea. The stool frequency was now once a day, but her appetite was same. Her case was reviewed and Magnesium Carbonica 200c was given along with few research based medicines.

Her husband reported on 19th October 2011 with considerable improvement in her Crohn’s disease. The urging for stool was reduced. The rectovaginal fistula did not find any improvement. The passing of stools and gases from vagina were same. Her case was reviewed by Dr. Shah and medicines were prescribed. Dr Shah prescribed Lachesis 200c.

She visited with her husband on 20th February, 2012. The Crohn’s disease had improved further. The stools were passed once/day and the urging to pass stools was less. Appetite and sleep had improved. The rectovaginal fistula did not find any improvement.

Her husband reported on 28th April, 2012 with further improvement in her Crohn’s disease. There was considerable control on passing motions. The frequency was once a day. Her prescription was enhanced after a detailed case analysis by Dr. Shah.

She reported on 30th August, 2012 with significant control in her Crohn’s disease. Her appetite and sleep had improved further. The passing of stools and gas from vagina had reduced. Dr. Shah reviewed her case and upgraded her prescription.

She reported on 21st December, 2012 with further improvement in her Crohn’s disease and rectovaginal fistula. The stools were well formed and once a day. There was no burning pain. Dr. Shah prescribed the medicine based on the feedback.

She reported along with her husband on 5th March, 2013 with overall 50% relief in her complaints. The Crohn’s disease was well under control and the mesacol dose was reduced to 400mg twice a day as compared to thrice a day. She would pass stools from fistula if they would be loose, otherwise not. She reported closure in the fistula by 50 %.

She will be under treatment till she recovers completely. Homeopathy proved a helping hand for her, when every one else had given up.

Crohn’s Disease Case 1 by Dr. Pierre Fontaine


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