Homeopaths all over the world are having much success with treating HIV/AIDS, especially in Africa. It is important to note that homeopathy should be used along with, and not instead of, antiretroviral drugs (ARVs).
Aids Remedy Fund Study of Homeopathic Iquilai for the Treatment of AIDS
In a study done in Kenya in 2006, 228 HIV-positive patients underwent homeopathic treatment, and 90% experienced improvement in their condition. Full details of this study can be found here: http://www.aidsremedyfund.org/cms/studies/
Homeopathy for Health in Africa
World-renowned homeopath Jeremy Sherr has treated thousands of HIV/AIDS successfully at his clinic in Tanzania, Africa. “Patients report an increase in energy and well-being and an improvement in the debilitating side effects of anti-retroviral treatment. This means that they can continue taking the ARV drugs for a longer time before the medications lose their effectiveness. They can return to work, feed and take care of their children and send them to school.” For more information about this project, visit http://www.homeopathyforhealthinafrica.org/index.php
Appeal to the Homeopathic Community on World AIDS Day December 1 2012
Harry van der Zee, MD [Amma Resonance Healing Foundation, The Netherlands]
The Time has Come
The gradual process that leads to AIDS can be monitored by testing the number of T-cells in the blood – the CD4 count. With a CD4 count below 200 a patient officially has AIDS, as the immune system is no longer able to sufficiently deal with so-called opportunistic infections. Antiretrovirals (ARVs) are recommended in most African countries once the CD4 goes below 350. The effect of ARVs is often that the CD4 count initially drops further and only then slowly increases.
With PC1, patients see the decrease of their CD4 count stopped immediately and see it rise much faster. Doubling or even tripling within one or two months is no exception. There is a practical explanation for this. This effect of PC1 is observed in patients on ARVs as well as in those that are not on AIDS drugs yet. Patients that despite ARVs often still have low CD4s usually observe a drastic rise once they use PC1, while the clinical effects become apparent to them in a matter of days to weeks. They are advised to continue taking ARVs alongside PC1.
The side-effects of the ARVs can be very serious and for instance even paralyse a patient and make them unable to walk. A wonderful ‘side-effect’ of PC1 is that it reduces the side-effects caused by ARVs. If PC1 is started early enough the paralysis can be totally cured.
The rise of CD4s in people that are not on ARVs yet indicates that the process leading to AIDS has been reversed, allowing them to be totally healthy and normally functioning people. Of course other factors are of major importance too, like having safe sex only and proper nutrition, but purely from a medical point of view my personal experience is now long and vast enough to state that the homeopathic resonance PC1 consistently and reliably reverses the process leading to AIDS and can cure the immune deficiency in patients that have full-blown AIDS.
Clearly a lot of research is still required to systematically investigate the results we’ve observed now for 10 years. Political will and sufficient funding provided, we are ready to conduct an epidemiological observational study, for which a research protocol has been designed. Doing the quantity of qualitative research that would be sufficient to influence the WHO, ministers of health and other policy makers will take many years, and it is especially time that the people concerned are running out off. So, we keep treating patients and training health professionals and other care providers in order to let as many people benefit, while in the mean time collecting data and video images.
Recently CD4s were taken of a group of 160 HIV-positive people that were not on ARVs yet. Three months after starting PC1 their CD4s were repeated. The amazing result was that in literally each and every case the CD4 had risen, where a gradual decrease is the norm in untreated people. Instead of an average decrease of 12-25 points, the norm for a period of three months, an increase of 43 points was observed. None of the patients neared the level where ARVs would be prescribed. Instead of getting three months closer to that usually inescapable date they moved six months away from it, and this was only the start of their treatment. This is a highly significant outcome, and one can imagine the impact getting one’s life back has on HIV-positive people and their families. Together with the increase of vitality, hope returns in the hearts and eyes of them.
(1) Chappell PL, The Successful Homeopathic Treatment of HIV/AIDS – An Appeal for Help, Homoeopathic Links, Vol 15:4, 2002
(2) Hiwat CM, van der Zee HE, PC1 – An Answer to AIDS in Africa, Homoeopathic Links, Vol 17:4, 2004
(3) Shukla C, My Tryst with PC. Individualising Examinations of PC-Cancer and PC-AIDS, Homoeopathic Links, Vol 20:3, 2007 pp 166-8
(4) Chappell PL, The Second Simillimum, Homeolinks Publishers, Haren (Netherlands) 2005
(5) Chappell PL, van der Zee HE, Homeopathy for Diseases, Homeolinks Publishers, Haren (Netherlands) 2012
(6) Helios Pharmacy in London (UK), Hahnemann Apotheek in Heiloo (Netherlands) and Apotheke z.h. Florian in Vienna (Austria)
Studies and Research on the Homeopathic Treatment of HIV/AIDS
Targeted therapy for HIV treatment is the antiretroviral therapy but varied types of drug toxicities and adverse reactions are quiet common. Homoeopathy is popularly known for its unique methods to tackle the infection especially in viral diseases. The study was an open clinical trial using individualized homoeopathic medicines selected through repertorization. The aim of study was to observe the changes in CD4 and Viral load volumes after intervention of individualized homoeopathic medicines. 90 seropositive patients were enrolled in two study centers of Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH). 72 patients, who completed the follow up period of six months, were assessed. There was significant change in Viral load volume as compared to the baseline data (95% CI, 0.16, 1.24, p=0.012), but no significant changes was observed in CD4 cells (95% CI, -9.31, 57.84, p=0.154).The other parameters like Body Mass Index (BMI) (95%,-1.12,-.57, p<0.001) showed significant improvement. After homoeopathic intervention, WHO-QOL (Quality of Life) parameters showed statistical significant changes at p<0.05 in physical health, psychological and envirnomental domains but in social domain no significant change was noted.
The diagnoses of all patients in this study were initially confirmed by the two accepted laboratory analyses, ELIZA and the Western Blot, which were performed by a World Health Organization-recognized center in India. After homeopathic treatment, 12 patients who initially tested HIV+ from the ELIZA test were found to be HIV- later. The initial report on this study showed that only 2 of these 12 patients were tested again through the Western Blot, which opened the study up to criticism because the ELIZA test is known to have errors and requires a confirmatory test with the Western Blot. Because of the extremely atypical result of this study, the editor of the homeopathic journal in which it was published was so startled that he wrote an editorial questioning its authenticity. (P. Fisher, “When to Believe the Unbelievable,” British Homoeopathic Journal, January, 1993, 82:2-3.) However, since this editorial, the authors have confirmed that 9 of the original 12 patients tested negative according to the Western Blot, and an additional two people changed from HIV+ to HIV-. (D.P. Rastogi, “Asymptomatic HIV Carriers,” British Homoeopathic Journal, January 1994, 83:54.)
OBJECTIVE: This study was aimed to evaluate the immuno-modulator role of homeopathic remedies in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection.
METHODOLOGY: A randomised double blind clinical trial was conducted to compare the effect of homeopathic remedies with placebo, on CD4+ve T-lymphocytes in HIV infected individuals, conforming to Centres for Disease Control (CDC) stage II & III. 100 HIV+ve individuals between 18-50 y (71% males) were included in the study. 50 cases conformed to CDC stage II–Asymptomatic HIV infection, and 50 cases to CDC stage III–Persistent Generalised Lymphadenopathy (PGL). Cases were stratified according to their clinical status and CD4+ve lymphocyte counts. The randomisation charts were prepared much before the start of the trial by randomly assigning placebo and verum codes to registration numbers from 1 to 50. A single individualised homeopathic remedy was prescribed in each case and was followed up at intervals of 15 d to one month. A six months study was performed for each registered case. Assessment of progress was made by evaluation of CD+ve lymphocyte counts, which was the prospectively-defined main outcome measure of the study; the results were compared with the base line immune status.
RESULTS: In PGL, a statistically significant difference was observed in CD+ve T-lymphocyte counts between pre and post trial levels in verum group (P < 0.01). In the placebo group a similar comparison yielded non-significant results. (P = 0.91). Analysis of change in the pre and post trial counts of CD4+ve cells between groups was also statistically significant (P = 0.04). In asymptomatic HIV infection, differences in absolute CD4+ve lymphocyte counts between pre and post trial levels were not significant. Analysis of changes in pre and post trial CD4 levels of placebo and verum groups for combined strata of asymptomatic and PGL groups was also not significant.
CONCLUSION: The study suggests a possible role of homeopathic treatment in HIV infection in symptomatic phase, as evidenced by a statistically significant elevation of base line immune status in persistent generalised lymphadenopathy.
Introduction: Identifying the need for strengthening of the immune system, the investigator has developed new Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) nosode and evaluated its effect on HIV positive individuals through a clinical trial.
Methods: Standardized and the scientific method of HIV nosode preparation has been described and documented. Thirty-seven HIV-infected persons were registered for the trial, and ten participants were dropped out from the study, so the effect of HIV nosode 30C and 50C, was concluded on 27 participants under the trial.
Results: Out of 27 participants, 7 (25.93%) showed a sustained reduction in the viral load from 12 to 24 weeks. Similarly 9 participants (33.33%) showed an increase in the CD4+ count by 20% altogether in 12 th and 24 th week. Significant weight gain was observed at week 12 (P = 0.0206). 63% and 55% showed an overall increase in either appetite or weight. The viral load increased from baseline to 24 week through 12 week in which the increase was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). 52% (14 of 27) participants have shown either stability or improvement in CD4% at the end of 24 weeks, of which 37% participants have shown improvement (1.54-48.35%) in CD4+ count and 15% had stable CD4+ percentage count until week 24 week. 16 out of 27 participants had a decrease (1.8-46.43%) in CD8 count. None of the adverse events led to discontinuation of study.
Conclusion: The study results revealed improvement in immunological parameters, treatment satisfaction, reported by an increase in weight, relief in symptoms, and an improvement in health status, which opens up possibilities for future studies.
Case Examples of the Successful Homeopathic Treatment of HIV/AIDS:
Three cases of HIV/AIDS: Felician, Esther, and Mary by Jeremy Sherr
A Day in the Clinic by Camilla Sherr
Case Examples Homeopathy for Health in Africa