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Pekana Homeopathic Detoxification

Detox remedies by Pekana are effective at removing heavy metals, including mercury. Pekana detox remedies are highly recommended after dental amalgam removal.

Paracelsus coined the phrase: “Everything that is outside of us is against us.” Today, this saying is more relevant than ever.

At no point in time has the human organism been confronted with such an abundance of substances on a daily basis, as it is today, whether in the form of voluntary intake of nicotine and alcohol or just through exposure to the environment in general. A medical discussion has ensued within this context, linking these factors to the increased number of people suffering from allergic reactions.

Additionally, on a modern diet, important trace elements, vitamins, and mineral substances are frequently in short supply.

The ingested substances are in part stored in the body as depots. The preferred locations for storing such substances are fat-storing cells like the subcutaneous fatty tissue as well as connective tissue structures like joint capsules, muscles and tendons, but also the glial cells.

According to the theories of holistic medicine, this prescribes undergoing a detoxification and purification therapy as a basic measure before initiating other holistic therapy processes. The objective is to prevent chronic processes and to achieve relief and have a positive impact in the case of existing manifestations of toxic conditions.

Here, holistically oriented naturopathy offers a wealth of treatment options.

A purification therapy should normally be carried out twice yearly (spring and autumn). Due to the long shelf life of Pekana remedies, opened packages can be used again at a later date. Further information is available from your pharmacist or therapist.

Spagyrics – in Germany – is a component of the special therapy approach “Homeopathy” and therefore a treatment method of naturopathic holistic medicine. Any statements quoted here are exclusively based on findings and experiences which have been gained within the therapy approach of Homeopathy and Spagyrics.

Tips on carrying out a detoxification treatment

In order to undergo a preferably gentle and yet targeted detoxification treatment based on the principles of holistic medicine, the following tips should be observed:

The gentle start in the purification therapy begins 1 week before the actual detoxification treatment. The time is scheduled during the moon’s waning phase and is therefore ideal for strengthening the main excretory organs, liver and kidneys. A stimulation of these organs should be triggered by the appropriate homeopathic-spagyric remedies.

The optimal time to start detoxification is when the moon is full. When the therapy begins, the moon’s waning phase starts. According to findings in holistic medicine, the functions of the body are ideally configured to release waste during the waning phase of the moon. In this manner, natural physiological body processes are used to promote the success of the therapy.

Drinking sufficient amounts of fluid is essential. What actually are “sufficient amounts of fluid?” The required daily quantity of fluid significantly depends on the body weight of the person and can therefore be best defined according to this measure.

Sufficient intake of liquids is considered to be 30 mL per kilogram body weight. This means that a person weighing 75 kilograms requires an intake of 2.2 litres of liquid per day. Ideally, this liquid should be good quality non-carbonated water.

Post Treatment:
In the case of increased over toxicity, the holistic medicine purification therapy process can have a weakening effect. If so, special compounds can be taken to strengthen the spleen and the immune system, thereby significantly improving general well-being.

According to the basic concept surrounding holistic medicine, a simultaneous treatment to optimize therapy should be introduced at the onset of the waning moon and continued until the 2nd full moon has been reached.

Pekana Detoxification Protocol

Day 1-7 (start on waxing moon, 1 week before the full moon)
Start with apo-Hepat and Renelix, 20 drops of each remedy 3X per day.
Day 8 (full moon) to day 35 (the next full moon)
Continue with the same dosage of apo-Hepat and Renelix, but also add in Toxex and Itires, 20 drops of each remedy 3X per day

Resource: Pekana Remedy Guide 2014

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