Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5W 1K3
Phone: (604) 677-7742 Email:

Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.

Author : Sonya McLeod

Sonya McLeod, BA, DCH Registered Classical Homeopath Certified Metabolic Balance Coach Sonya was born and raised in Vancouver, BC, Canada. She graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Arts degree. After giving birth to her second child, Sonya had allergies and fatigue so severe that she was no longer able to care for her young children properly. As a last resort, Sonya tried homeopathy, and was finally able to recover from her illness and live a normal life again. After experiencing the effectiveness of homeopathy first-hand, she then decided to pursue it as a career. Sonya earned a practitioner diploma in classical homeopathy in 2009 after 4 years of study at the Vancouver of Homeopathic Academy. Currently, Sonya practices classical homeopathy in her busy award-winning private clinic, Little Mountain Homeopathy.

Pekana Homeopathic Detoxification

Detox remedies by Pekana are effective at removing heavy metals, including mercury. Pekana detox remedies are highly recommended after dental amalgam removal.

Paracelsus coined the phrase: “Everything that is outside of us is against us.” Today, this saying is more relevant than ever.

At no point in time has the human organism been confronted with such an abundance of substances on a daily basis, as it is today, whether in the form of voluntary intake of nicotine and alcohol or just through exposure to the environment in general. A medical discussion has ensued within this context, linking these factors to the increased number of people suffering from allergic reactions.

Additionally, on a modern diet, important trace elements, vitamins, and mineral substances are frequently in short supply.

The ingested substances are in part stored in the body as depots. The preferred locations for storing such substances are fat-storing cells like the subcutaneous fatty tissue as well as connective tissue structures like joint capsules, muscles and tendons, but also the glial cells.

According to the theories of holistic medicine, this prescribes undergoing a detoxification and purification therapy as a basic measure before initiating other holistic therapy processes. The objective is to prevent chronic processes and to achieve relief and have a positive impact in the case of existing manifestations of toxic conditions.

Here, holistically oriented naturopathy offers a wealth of treatment options.

A purification therapy should normally be carried out twice yearly (spring and autumn). Due to the long shelf life of Pekana remedies, opened packages can be used again at a later date. Further information is available from your pharmacist or therapist.

Spagyrics – in Germany – is a component of the special therapy approach “Homeopathy” and therefore a treatment method of naturopathic holistic medicine. Any statements quoted here are exclusively based on findings and experiences which have been gained within the therapy approach of Homeopathy and Spagyrics.

Tips on carrying out a detoxification treatment

In order to undergo a preferably gentle and yet targeted detoxification treatment based on the principles of holistic medicine, the following tips should be observed:

The gentle start in the purification therapy begins 1 week before the actual detoxification treatment. The time is scheduled during the moon’s waning phase and is therefore ideal for strengthening the main excretory organs, liver and kidneys. A stimulation of these organs should be triggered by the appropriate homeopathic-spagyric remedies.

The optimal time to start detoxification is when the moon is full. When the therapy begins, the moon’s waning phase starts. According to findings in holistic medicine, the functions of the body are ideally configured to release waste during the waning phase of the moon. In this manner, natural physiological body processes are used to promote the success of the therapy.

Drinking sufficient amounts of fluid is essential. What actually are “sufficient amounts of fluid?” The required daily quantity of fluid significantly depends on the body weight of the person and can therefore be best defined according to this measure.

Sufficient intake of liquids is considered to be 30 mL per kilogram body weight. This means that a person weighing 75 kilograms requires an intake of 2.2 litres of liquid per day. Ideally, this liquid should be good quality non-carbonated water.

Post Treatment:
In the case of increased over toxicity, the holistic medicine purification therapy process can have a weakening effect. If so, special compounds can be taken to strengthen the spleen and the immune system, thereby significantly improving general well-being.

According to the basic concept surrounding holistic medicine, a simultaneous treatment to optimize therapy should be introduced at the onset of the waning moon and continued until the 2nd full moon has been reached.

Pekana Detoxification Protocol

Day 1-7 (start on waxing moon, 1 week before the full moon)
Start with apo-Hepat and Renelix, 20 drops of each remedy 3X per day.
Day 8 (full moon) to day 35 (the next full moon)
Continue with the same dosage of apo-Hepat and Renelix, but also add in Toxex and Itires, 20 drops of each remedy 3X per day

Resource: Pekana Remedy Guide 2014

Buy Pekana Homeopathic Detox Kit

Raccoon Trituration Workshop


C4 Homeopathy and Practitioner Development

September 29-October 1, 2017
Friday September 29: 7pm-9pm (introductory evening)
Saturday September 30: 9am-5pm
Sunday October 1: 9am-2pm
This workshop does qualify for CEU credits. A certificate will be emailed upon request.

Location: 32nd and Granville, Vancouver, BC (exact address will be emailed to all participants who RSVP)

With Sonya McLeod, Registered Classical Homeopath
Online & Published Author of 12 Trituration Provings:

Trituration of Raccoon


Triturations are a vital part of homeopathy. Every homeopath benefits from knowing the process well, and from being able to create remedies from raw substances. Like good provings, triturations provide a direct, experiential, body-based knowledge of a substance. They promote and enhance the development of the homeopath, furthering personal and professional growth. This results in greater satisfaction and better results in all facets of practice, from reading and understanding Materia Medica to case taking, remedy and potency selection, case analysis and case management.

 To Hahnemann’s “Aude sapere” (Dare to Think)
I respectfully add, Aude facere” (Dare to Do)

Our workshop begins Friday night at 7pm, where I introduce students to the process and answer general questions. On Saturday we triturate 3 or 4 rounds, with breaks for discussion and food, expecting to end around 5 p.m. Sunday we begin again at 9 a.m., triturating as many rounds as needed, ending around 2pm. As time permits, there will be discussions on the philosophy of C4 Homeopathy. Students should bring their own mortar and pestle if they have one, journals and/or art materials. I will provide extras as needed.

Organon §265
It should be a matter of conscience with him [the physician] to be thoroughly convinced in every case that the patient takes the right medicine, and therefore he must give the patient the correctly chosen medicine prepared, moreover, by himself (emphasis mine).   –Samuel Hahnemann

Why Raccoon?

In 2009, I led a pellet proving of raccoon along with my colleague, Kathleen Taylor. Although it was a great experience for all involved, we are wondering if something was missed because as far as we know it is not a remedy that is currently being used in practice. Because C4 homeopathy is so good at getting to the core essence of a remedy, I feel that a trituration proving of raccoon is needed in order to fine tune the information that we have about this remedy including what it cures and who it can cure.

Fee: By donation for cost of materials

To learn more about trituration provings, read the trituration proving FAQ:

Space is limited. To reserve your spot, please RSVP as soon as possible to Sonya by email: or phone 604-677-7742.

SALE! Oregano Oil and Neem Leaf Capsules

oreganoI am currently selling the New Roots Herbal brand Oregano Oil as well as Neem Leaf Capsules for 50% OFF.

The Neem that I currently have in stock expires end of December 2016 and the Oregano Oil expires in February 2017.

Buy the Oregano Oil for only $11.00 per bottle and the Neem for only $9 per bottle.

Both are great for the immune system and New Roots is a very good, reputable company. Only while supplies last. I will not be getting more in stock and will be switching to different brands, not for quality reasons but for practical reasons.


Recent studies have shown that oregano oil with a high concentration of carvacrol equals the effectiveness of antibiotics without any side effects.

With its many therapeutic uses, Wild Oregano C93 can be used internally and externally to fight numerous health conditions such as colds and flu, candidiasis, allergies, bladder infections, strep throat, canker sores, parasites, bronchitis, cold sores, toothaches, gum disease, warts, bacteria and viruses, dandruff, ringworm, insect bites, athlete’s foot and acne.

Imported directly from the Mediterranean, steam distilled, hand-picked and chemical-free, Wild Oregano C93 is an effective nutritional supplement for colds, flu, bacteria, viruses and parasites.

SALE! 50% OFF! (due to pending expiry date 2/17)

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANEEM LEAF (90 capsules)Neem has been one of the cornerstone botanicals in Ayurvedic medicine, with a history dating back several thousand years. Neem leaf is regarded as a panacea (cure all) throughout India, with applications ranging from its use in toothpaste for cavity prevention to the treatment of serious bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections.
New Roots Herbal’s Neem Leaf Critical contains over 50 volatile compounds that exert powerful therapeutic benefits. With recent knowledge and methods for quantifying disease prevention potential, the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) value of neem has been determined to be 5 times greater than that of blueberries, and twenty times greater than that of broccoli and grapefruit.In joint studies conducted between the Howard University College of Medicine and the University of Nigeria, neem leaf was shown effective in the treatment of malaria, cancer, and HIV. Compounds found in neem leaf were effective in preventing the adhesion of parasites, viruses, and cancer cells to healthy tissue. Studies have also shown neem leaf to bolster populations of CD4+ T cells in AIDS patients.Each capsule of New Roots Herbal’s Neem Leaf Critical is tested for identity, purity, and potency.
SALE! 50% OFF! (due to pending expiry date 12/16)


August 6, 2016: Real and Raw Milk Event in Burnaby BC

real-milk-is-raw-milkBurnaby Neighbourhood House Community Hall, 5024 Rumble St., Burnaby BC

Doors at 2:30pm, Speeches start at 3pm

Seasoned raw milk activist Gordon Watson speaks about his experiences with and about the politics of raw milk. Mr. Watson is a vocal advocate for the legalization of raw milk, which is currently illegal for sale in BC.

Learn more about the health benefits of raw milk:

“A Campaign for Real Milk” is a project of the Weston A Price Foundation. The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated nonindustrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets.

For more information, contact Sonya McLeod, the Vancouver Lower Mainland Weston A Price Foundation Chapter Leader, at 604-677-7742 or

The Metabolic Balance Mango Lassi

IMG_20160705_144002by Sonya McLeod, Certified Metabolic Balance® coach

1 portion full fat yogurt (protein portion)
1 mango
1/8 tsp cardamom
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp 100% pure vanilla extract
4-5 ice cubes
Makes 1 serving

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Coach’s comments
I find that most of my metabolic balance clients are looking for a quick and easy breakfast that they can make on the go. They may be used to having shakes or smoothies for breakfast with added protein powder, but metabolic balance forbids protein powder because it is processed and is not a whole food. The spices and vanilla extract in this recipe naturally add sweetness to this lassi without the need to sweeten with juice or sugar. The added ice cubes give this lassi a smooth, liquid texture.

Click here to learn more about Metabolic Balance

Black Kyanite Trituration Workshop

Stock-footage-power-tech-electron-energy-field-launch-rays-laser-magic-ball-in-darkness-spaceEXPERIENCE RESONANCE HOMEOPATHY

C4 Homeopathy and Practitioner Development

July 16-17, 2016
9am-5pm both days

Location: Little Mountain Homeopathy, 136 E. 53rd Ave, Vancouver, BC (temporary relocation during new office construction)

With Sonya McLeod, Registered Classical Homeopath
Online & Published Author of 12 Trituration Provings:

Trituration of the Gemstone “Black Kyanite”


Triturations are a vital part of homeopathy. Every homeopath benefits from knowing the process well, and from being able to create remedies from raw substances. Like good provings, triturations provide a direct, experiential, body-based knowledge of a substance. They promote and enhance the development of the homeopath, furthering personal and professional growth. This results in greater satisfaction and better results in all facets of practice, from reading and understanding Materia Medica to case taking, remedy and potency selection, case analysis and case management.

 To Hahnemann’s “Aude sapere” (Dare to Think)
I respectfully add, Aude facere” (Dare to Do)

Our workshop begins Saturday morning at 9 a.m. where I introduce students to the process and answer general questions. On Saturday we triturate 3 or 4 rounds, with breaks for discussion and food, expecting to end around 5 p.m. Sunday we begin again at 9 a.m., triturating as many rounds as needed. As time permits, there will be discussions on the philosophy of C4 Homeopathy. Students should bring their own mortar and pestle if they have one, journals and/or art materials. I will provide extras as needed.

Organon §265
It should be a matter of conscience with him [the physician] to be thoroughly convinced in every case that the patient takes the right medicine, and therefore he must give the patient the correctly chosen medicine prepared, moreover, by himself (emphasis mine).   –Samuel Hahnemann,

Fee: By donation for cost of materials

To learn more about trituration provings, read the trituration proving FAQ:

Space is limited. To reserve your spot, please RSVP as soon as possible to Sonya by email: or phone 604-677-7742.

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