Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5W 1K3
Phone: (604) 677-7742 Email:

Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.

Year: 2012

HCG Diet Basics

Origins of the HCG Diet

The HCG Diet protocol was developed by Dr. Simeons in Italy in the 1950s. Dr. Simeons studied obesity for 40 years, and worked on the HCG diet protocol for 20 years.

During his illustrious career, Dr. Simeons was awarded the Red Cross Order of Merit for the discovery of the use of injectable atebrin for malaria. He had several important posts under the government of India, where he built a model leper colony. Dr. Simeons is the author of several books and has contributed to many scientific publications.

Dr. Simeons’ Theory of Obesity

After 40 years of study, Dr. Simeons strongly believed that obesity was a metabolic disorder, like diabetes. He also believed that overeating was the result and not the cause of obesity.

Because obesity is a metabolic disorder, people suffering from obesity will get fat regardless of what or how they eat. People suffering from obesity can diet, exercise vigorously, take appetite reducing drugs, etc., but if the root cause of the disorder is not addressed the weight loss will only be temporary.

The Root Cause of Obesity

According to Dr. Simeons, there are three types of fat in the human body: structural fat, which fills the gaps between various organs; normal fat that the body draws on when nutritional needs are not met by food; and the third type of fat is the type that is abnormal, that obese people accumulate. The third type of fat is not available for an obese person’s body to draw on when it needs more nutrition; it is locked away.

When an obese person tries regular dieting, first their normal reserves are exhausted, then their structural reserves are drawn upon. Only as a last resort does an obese person’s body draw upon the abnormal reserves, though by that time, the person is so weak and hungry that they have already given up on the diet. The obese person loses the wrong fat when they are on a regular diet – they feel famished and tired but their belly, hips thighs and upper arms show little improvement.

What is HCG?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is found in the human body only during pregnancy. However, HCG has no direct on the sex hormones, therefore, the HCG Diet can be used safely with no side effects by men and women of any age.

HCG Unlocks Fat Reserves

During some early experiments, Dr. Simeons discovered that when he injected obese patients with small daily doses of HCG, they were able to survive on a restricted 500 calorie daily diet without feeling hungry, and lost one pound per day. There were no signs of normal fat depletion or negative side effects.

How was this possible? Pregnancy (under the influence of HCG) is the only human condition where the body’s fat banking ability is unlimited. During pregnancy, all reserved fat (even abnormal fat) is at the disposal to meet the nutritional needs of the growing fetus. Thus, when an obese person takes HCG, their body is able to draw upon the abnormal “bad” fat reserves that would normally be locked away and unavailable for their body to draw on. Also, while taking HCG, the obese person has no hunger even though they are on a calorie restricted diet, because they are subsisting comfortably on the nutritional fat reserves that have been unlocked by the HCG.

About Homeopathic HCG Drops

Originally, only daily HCG injections were used during the HCG Diet protocol. However, starting in 2009, homeopathic diet drops were introduced as a cheap, easy alternative to the daily injections. After only a few short years, Your HCG (the company that founded the homeopathic diet drops) has grown into a multi-million dollar company because the homeopathic diet drops are so effective and successful. According to Your HGC, no difference in effectiveness has been found between the injections and the homeopathic drops.

Starting the HCG Diet

Women should start the HCG Diet protocol immediately after their period ends. HCG drops should never be taken during menstruation. Men can start the diet anytime.

Homeopathic HCG Diet Drops Protocol

Day 1 and 2 of the HCG diet:

Start taking your HCG drops on day 1, 6 drops 6 times per day.  During these 2 days you need to everything and anything. The more fat, the better. The drops take 48 hours to kick in and this will help significantly with hunger during the next week. Eat foods saturated in fat i.e. whipping cream, butter soaked eggs, bacon, sausage, pizza, etc. Your normal fat reserves must be well-stocked in preparation for your upcoming 500 calorie diet.

Day 3 – 23+ (up to 40 days) of the HCG diet:

During this part of the HCG diet you will continue to take the drops a minimum of 23 days (2 loading days + 21 low calorie days) and a maximum of 40 days. During this time you must follow Dr. Simeons original diet protocol (see below). If during this time, you stray from the HCG diet, there is a risk of weight gain or a stall. These stalls can take anywhere from 3-6 days to break each time. Continue to take the HCG drops consistently each day. You’ll continue the 6 drops 6 times per day. Hold them under your tongue for approximately 15-20 seconds, then don’t eat or drink anything for up to 20 minutes. During this phase, you’ll want to weigh yourself every morning after you wake up and go to the bathroom. To get the most accurate weight, you’ll want to disrobe as well.

Maintenance Phase of the HCG Diet:

This portion of the HCG diet is equally as important as the weight loss period. For 72 hours after your last dose of HCG, you will continue the 500-calorie Very Low Calorie Diet, or VLCD diet. This is how long it will take for the HCG to be eliminated from your system. For 3-6 weeks after your last dose, follow the maintenance protocol. During this part of the HCG diet, you will avoid all sugars and starches. You can slowly reintroduce proteins, fruits and vegetables not allowed on the 500-calorie diet. Watch out for foods that contain too much sugar and starch. After the first 3-6 weeks of maintenance are over, you can start to slowly reintroduce sugars and starches. During this phase, you’ll want to continue to weigh yourself every morning to ensure you are still within 2.0lbs from your last dose weight.

Repeating the HCG Diet Protocol

For health and safety reasons, as well as to prevent tolerance to the HCG drops, a minimum of 6 weeks should elapse before repeating the protocol, if needed. If repeating the protocol for the 2nd time or more, an even longer time should elapse before repeating the protocol (8 weeks or more).

Dr. Simeons’ Original Diet Protocol: The Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD)


Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only one tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24 hours. Stevia may be used.


1. 100 grams of veal, beef, chicken breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp. All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be
weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional fat. Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed. The chicken breast must be removed from the bird.

2. One type of vegetable only to be chosen from the following: spinach, chard, chicory, beet-greens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage.

3. One breadstick (grissino) or one Melba toast.

4. An apple or a handful of strawberries or one-half grapefruit or orange.

Dinner :

The same four choices as lunch.

The juice of one lemon daily is allowed for all purposes. Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram, etc., may be used for seasoning, but no oil, butter or dressing.

Tea, coffee, plain water, or mineral water are the only drinks allowed, but they may be taken in any quantity and at all times. In fact, you should be drinking about 2 liters of these fluids per day. Many people are afraid to drink so much because they are afraid that this may make them retain more water. This is wrong, as the body is more inclined to
store water when the intake falls below its normal requirements.

The fruit or the breadstick may be eaten between meals instead of with lunch or dinner, but not more than four items listed for lunch and dinner may be eaten at one meal.

No medicines or cosmetics other than lipstick, eyebrow pencil and powder may he used.
No variations other than those listed may be introduced.

The 100 grams of meat must he scrupulously weighed raw after all visible fat has been removed.

There is no objection to breaking up the two meals. For instance having a breadstick and an apple for breakfast or before going to bed, provided they are deducted from the regular meals. The whole daily ration of two breadsticks or two fruits may not be eaten at the same time, nor can any item saved from the previous day be added on the
following day.

In the beginning patients are advised to check every meal against their diet sheet before starting to eat and not to rely on their memory. Any attempt to observe this diet without HCG will lead to trouble in two to three days.

Two small apples weighing as much as one large one never the less have a higher
caloric value and are therefore not allowed though there is no restriction on the size of one apple. Chicken breast does not mean the breast of any other fowl, nor does it mean a wing or drumstick.

Please do not start counting calories and then come up with modifications to the diet. Dr. Simeons spent years of research trying to make the diet as attractive as possible without jeopardizing the loss of weight.


“Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity” by Dr. Simeons

Make Your Own Pregnancy and Childbirth Kit

happy-baby*Custom-Made Homeopathic Placenta Remedies Now Available for Online Order. Can be used for newborn and as child’s constitutional for life, and can also be used by mothers postpartum. Click here for more information*

A Homeopathic Pregnancy and Childbirth Kit is useful for all of the stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Some of these remedies are also useful for newborns, babies, and children.

For serious medical conditions such as miscarriage or eclampsia, please call your MD or midwife immediately. The homeopathic remedies can be taken with traditional pharmaceuticals or after surgery.

For guidance on how to use this kit, please book an acute homeopathic consultation with our clinic. 

We recommend that your Homeopathic Pregnancy and Childbirth Kit should contain the following 20 remedies, kept in a durable and portable case:

Aconite, Arnica, Belladonna, Bellis perennis, Calendula, Cantharis, Caulophyllum, Chamomilla, Cimicifuga, Gelsemium, Hamamelis, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Kali carbonicum, Nux vomica, Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron, Sepia, Staphysagria

All remedies should be supplied in either the 30C or 200C potency.

Indications for Use of Pregnancy and Childbirth Remedies

This remedy is indicated during labour when there is a lot of fear and panic. The woman is very fearful that she will not get through the delivery.
#1 remedy for emotional shock and trauma of the infant after a difficult birth. The baby will have a fearful expression. Follow with a dose of Arnica 30 minutes later if there has been physical trauma.
#1 remedy to think of for ophthalmia of the newborn, jaundice of the newborn, retention of urine in the newborn, and neonatal asphyxia.
#1 remedy to give after a circumcision

#1 remedy for threatened miscarriage or premature labour after any kind of physical injury, especially a blow to the abdomen.
Always give Arnica to the infant and mother after C-sections, forceps or vaccuum extractions, pitocin-induced labour, if the infant was large, or for difficult labours with bruising.
A dose of Arnica can be given in the last stages of labour, and then another dose can be given immediately after delivery, which will often prevent afterpains and postpartum infection.

#1 remedy for eclampsia.
Indicated for difficulties during labour, afterpains or postpartum infections when there are sudden, violent pains and spasmodic contractions with very quick, bearing down spasms that come and go quickly.
A good remedy for headaches during pregnancy, with throbbing, pounding pain, worse by jarring movement and hot weather.
A good remedy for mastitis when there is a sudden onset with a high fever, and the breasts are very red and inflamed.

Bellis Perennis
After a miscarriage, first take a dose of Arnica, then take a few doses of Bellis Perennis, spaced 30 minutes apart.
#1 remedy for tears in the perineum or periurethral area after delivery (including episiotomy), helps control the bleeding as well.

Use after perineal lacerations, episiotomy and C-sections to help heal the tissues and prevent infection. Apply the ointment topically and wash with Calendula tincture mixed with water. Also use the homeopathic remedy (alternate with Staphysagria or Bellis Per).
After a circumcision, apply Calendula ointment topically several times a day to help heal the wound.

#1 remedy for retained placenta. This remedy will normalize uterine contractions so that the placenta can be expelled. There may be burning pain, difficulty urinating, feverishness and sometimes vomiting.
This is also the first remedy to think of for expulsion of a dead fetus.
#1 remedy for cystitis (bladder infections)

Never use during the early stages of pregnancy
#1 remedy for false labour and premature labour. This is also a useful remedy to try at the beginning of a labour where the labour is not progressing and the cervix will not dilate. Women needing this remedy are thirsty, sensitive to cold, fretful, and weak. The labour pains are usually sharp.

Very frequently indicated remedy for different types of pain: labour pains, afterpains, headaches and painful breasts (of the mother) and colic and teething (of the baby), with hypersensitivity to the pain, violent anger, and irritability.
Chamomilla is also a very common remedy for insufficient flow of milk; the milk dries up after an angry outburst.

Never use during the early stages of pregnancy
Very frequently indicated for irregular labour and non-progressive labour. The contractions are felt in the thighs, hips and back instead of the uterus. This remedy helps dilate the cervix. She may have terrible apprehension, paranoia, and confusion. She is sensitive to noise and worse from cold.

A very useful remedy in the last few days before labour, for women who have extreme anxiety anticipating the labour and delivery. She may start behaving hysterically, or will become very weak, sleepy, apathetic and indifferent.
Also a useful remedy for labours that have been in progress for many hours, yet the cervix will not dilate. She is extremely weak and sleepy. Gelsemium can also be used prophylactically with women who have had a history of painful, ineffectual labours.

#1 remedy for phlebitis. The swelling is from hip to knee, very painful to touch, worse from motion. She may have hemorrhoids and very sore nipples.
#1 remedy for varicose veins

Use this remedy for threatened miscarriage due to sudden grief or worry such as a death, separation or divorce. A woman who has had a lot of trouble conceiving in the past may also benefit from Ignatia. separation or divorce.
A woman who has had a lot of trouble with conceiving. Her past failed attempts at conceiving make her fearful that something will happen which will cause her to lose her child. She is very anxious.
Give this remedy routinely after an abnormal birth or stillbirth, for the grief surrounding this outcome.

One of the most common remedies for nausea during pregnancy. Women needing this remedy have persistent nausea that lasts all day, and nothing relieves the nausea, even vomiting. Take the remedy before rising in the morning as a preventative.
One of the main remedies for postpartum hemorrhage when the woman is faint, gasping for breath, with persistent nausea and bleeding that is worse when lying down.

Kali Carbonicum
Also use this remedy for threatened miscarriage in the early months, irregular labours, non-progressive labours, postpartum hemorrhage and afterpains. Women needing this remedy always have violent back pain.
A common remedy for postpartum depression where there is a lot of irritability and physical sensitivity (to pain, noise and touch). She may have depression with crying spells, be fearful and confused.

Nux Vomica
A common remedy for nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins during pregnancy. Women needing this remedy are sedentary with a history of heavy alcohol, drug or coffee consumption.

#1 remedy for painful breasts during nursing and for mastitis. There is intense pain starting at the nipple, radiating outward. The nipples are very sore and may be cracked. The breasts are often lumpy, with hard knots or nodules.

#1 remedy for turning a breech baby.
Another common remedy for constipation, hemorrhoids and varicose veins. A useful remedy for various problems during labour. The mother is very anxious and worried about the baby. She wants people around to fuss over her, and to comfort and reassure her. She wants cool air, is better walking about, and is not thirsty.

Rhus Toxicodendron
A major remedy for miscarriage due to injury. Women needing this remedy are very restless and cannot stay in one place for long. Also think of this remedy in threatened miscarriage from lifting, straining, or overexertion.
Also a common remedy for phlebitis with a lot of restlessness and stiffness. A useful remedy for muscle strains in general, esp. after labour.

Think of this remedy for nausea, hair loss and/or constipation during pregnancy. Also for various problems during labour, retained placenta, and afterpains. #1 remedy for postpartum depression. There is a bearing down sensation in her uterine area as if everything will fall out. She may be an older woman who has been worn out and exhausted from having too many children. She can be irritable and indifferent and wants to be left alone.

#1 remedy for after a C-section, episiotomy or other type of surgical incision.

Remedy Dosage
Dissolve 1-2 pellets of the remedy under the tongue. Take dry, half an hour away from food or drink. During labour, give every 15 minutes to half hour for three doses (or as needed). During pregnancy and postpartum, give 2-3 times per day. If the problem does not improve at all after 3 doses, you have probably selected the wrong remedy. If the problem improves but still persists, continue giving the remedy 3 times per day for a few more days until recovery is complete.

What is Homeopathy?


The type of homeopathy practiced at this clinic is called classical homeopathy, sometimes also called constitutional homeopathy. Classical homeopathy has been in use for over 200 years, originating in Germany. It involves the use of only one medicine at a time. Homeopathic medicines are usually made from something in our natural world such as a mineral, plant or animal. The medicines are prepared in such a way that they are non-toxic and gentle on the body. They stimulate the body to heal itself.

Homeopathy means “similar medicine.” A classical homeopath prescribes a homeopathic remedy based on the homeopathic principle that “like cures like” – that is, a substance that would cause symptoms in a healthy person is used to cure those same symptoms in illness. For example, one homeopathic remedy which might be used in a person suffering from insomnia is coffea, a remedy made from coffee.

Is a classical homeopath the same thing as a naturopath or herbalist?

No, it is definitely not the same thing. Naturopaths go through an intensive training program for 4 years. During this time, they learn about many different healing modalities such as acupuncture, herbalism and homeopathy. Because they only have a short time to learn many different healing modalities, they do not study classical homeopathy in depth. Classical homeopaths study only homeopathy intensively for 4 years. Because classical homeopathy is so complex, an intensive time spent studying it in depth is needed to truly be able to practice and understand it correctly. Many students of homeopathy agree that the full 4 years of training is needed in order to truly be good prescribers.

Some of our remedies are prepared from herbs, but they are not prepared in the same way as herbalists or TCM doctors would prepare them. Homeopathic medicines are prepared using special homeopathic methods. Their action on the body is gentle, with no toxicity or side effects. Herbs, on the other hand, are not always gentle on the body. Many people do benefit from using herbs. However, a lot of sensitive people who cannot tolerate the use of herbs can tolerate homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic First Aid Kit

Red poppies

Click here to purchase Homeopathic Kits

This kit (no longer for sale) is suitable for the layperson as a basic homeopathic first aid kit. It also contains remedies that are useful in acute situations, such as diarrhea or food poisoning, coughs and colds, bladder infections, hangovers and more. These remedies are equally useful for adults and children.

For chronic health conditions we advise you to consult a classical homeopath. For serious emergencies, please go to the hospital or see your MD.

The Basic First Aid Kit contains the following 17 remedies made by Homeocan, in a durable and portable case:

Aconite, Apis, Arnica, Arsenicum Album, Belladonna, Bryonia, Cantharis, Chamomilla, Gelsemium, Hypericum, Ledum, Mercurius, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Ruta, Symphytum

Most remedies are supplied in the 30C potency except for Arnica, Aconite, and Belladonna which are supplied in the 200C potency. Symphytum is supplied in the 6C potency.

Also included in the kit are one 25 gram container of Calendula Cream and and one 15 ml bottle of Phytogargle (containing phytolacca and calendula).

*This kit is no longer available for online purchase*
Click here to purchase Helios Homeopathic Kits

This is the #1 remedy to think of if the person is in mental/emotional shock due to a fright or injury.
It is also a useful remedy for the beginning stages of an acute illness, such an earache, sore throat, urinary tract infection, fever or any other illness that comes on suddenly with great intensity. Symptoms of Aconite begin after a short exposure to cold or after experiences of sudden fright, anger, or shock.

The #1 remedy to think of for bee stings, insect bites, and hives.
It is also a useful remedy for any type of acute inflammation that is characterized by stinging and burning, redness and swelling, and aggravation from heat – such as sore throats, hives, conjunctivitis, and styes.

One of the most frequently used homeopathic remedies. After any injury, give one dose of Arnica first, wait 15-30 minutes, then give another first aid remedy if indicated.
Arnica is the #1 remedy for bruising due to impacts or falls. It is also a good remedy for shock due to injury.

Arsenicum Album
The #1 remedy for food poisoning and diarrhea. People needing this remedy are very weak, restless, and fearful.
This is also a useful remedy for fevers where there is a lot of restlessness or anxiety, or for colds with a burning nasal discharge, restlessness and fearfulness.

This remedy is useful at the beginning of many acute illnesses, such as fevers, headaches, influenza, earaches, teething problems, swollen glands, and sore throats/tonsillitis.
This remedy is needed if the illness has a sudden, intense onset. The person will also be very aggressive and may try to bite or strike out. The affected part will be red, hot, and the pain is throbbing.

One of the main remedies for strains, sprains, and injuries to the ligaments or tendons. With this remedy, the pain is always worsened by motion.
This remedy is also useful for a number of acute illnesses, where the person is worse by any kind of movement. Coughs that respond to Bryonia are dry and so painful that the person may have to put their hand to their chest every time they cough. The fevers of Bryonia come on slowly and the person is very thirsty for water. The headaches of Bryonia are worse from any type of motion.

Calendula Cream
Apply this cream topically to speed the healing of cuts and abrasions. This cream will also soothe burns, eczema, psoriasis and other skin complaints.

The #1 remedy for bladder infections. With Cantharis bladder infections there is burning pain with an intolerable urge to urinate, but the person is only able to pass a few drops of urine at a time.
This remedy can also be used for burns, when there is violent burning pain and blisters.

The #1 remedy for teething. Chamomilla is a very common children’s remedy, but it can also be useful for adults. This remedy can be used for many types of painful conditions including teething, fevers, diarrhea, colic, and earaches. People needing Chamomilla are usually very irritable because they are in a lot of pain. They are highly sensitive to the pain and are very angry, quarrelsome and snappish.

The #1 remedy for the flu. Also the #1 remedy for stage fright, exam nerves, and fear of public speaking. People needing Gelsemium are very weak with lack of energy. It is also useful for fevers with lots of drowsiness and drooping eyelids. Gelsemium is also a useful remedy for headaches with lots of heaviness and drowsiness.

The #1 remedy for nerve pain. People needing this remedy often have injuries caused by a puncture wound, causing shooting pain. For puncture wounds without shooting pain, use Ledum. This remedy is also useful for nerve pain after dental work. For injuries to the tips of fingers and toes or the base of spine, also think of Hypericum.

The #1 remedy for animal bites and puncture wounds. This remedy prevents infection. If the infection has progressed and there is shooting pain, use Hypericum. It is also a useful remedy for insect stings and bites when the wound is cold to the touch, unlike Apis where the wound is very hot.
This remedy is also useful for old bruises that Arnica has failed to completely remove.

This remedy is frequently indicated in acute complaints where there is inflammation of the skin and mucus membranes along with pus formation. People needing Mercurius may have eye infections with discharges of thick pus, ear infections with a thick discharge from the ear, sore throats with pus formation and sometimes open sores, and skin infections such as boils or herpes. There is increased salivation and sweating, foul smelling breath, and intense thirst.

Nux Vomica
#1 remedy for hangovers. This remedy can also be helpful for digestive problems after overindulging in food or drink. It is also a useful remedy for nausea during pregnancy.

A gargle to be used with sore throats or cuts and abrasions caused by dental surgery or oral problems. Soothes and accelerates the healing process.

A very common remedy for acute complaints, especially for women and children. It is good for a variety of complaints including earaches, eye complaints, colds, flus, fevers, and digestive complaints. People needing Pulsatilla are very weepy and emotional, and crave sympathy and attention. They are better in the open air, worse in a hot environment, and have no thirst.

Rhus Toxicodendron
#1 remedy for strains and sprains of muscles and tendons. Rhus tox injuries are worse when first beginning to move, then the injury is much improved from continued motion and worse when keeping still.
This remedy is also useful for respiratory complaints that are worse from cold and damp. People needing this remedy are very restless and find it hard to keep still.
It is also a useful remedy for hives and itching skin eruptions in the form of blisters that are red, inflamed, and ooze pus or fluid. This is an excellent remedy for poison ivy or poison oak.

#1 remedy for injuries to the cartilages, tendons, outer covering of bones and ligaments. This remedy has a special affinity for injuries to the knees, elbows, and wrists. Ruta is also useful for injuries to the eye due to over-use or strain.

Use after Arnica to help heal bone fractures. This is a great remedy to use when the bone seems slow to repair itself. Also useful for injuries to the eyeball with a blunt object or injury to the bone around the eye. Dosage: Take 3 times per day for two weeks to one month as necessary.

Homeopathic Remedy Dosage for First Aid and Acutes
Dissolve 1-2 pellets of the remedy under the tongue. Take dry, half an hour away from food or drink. Give every half hour for three doses. If the problem does not improve at all, you have probably selected the wrong remedy. If the problem improves but still persists, continue giving the remedy 3 times per day for a few more days until recovery is complete.


Homeopathic First Aid for Injuries & Accidents

Also refer to my article “Homeopathic Remedies Reduce Outdoor Worries” in the Georgia Straight

Homeopathic remedies can be used for a variety of first aid health complaints, including injuries. Whether the injury is from an accident, playing sports, physical strain or another type of vigorous physical activity, it’s time to reach for your Homeopathic First Aid Kit.

Cuts and Scrapes

Apply direct pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding, then wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water. Apply Calendula Cream before covering the wound with a bandage. Repeat application with the Calendula Cream 3-4 times per day.

Additionally, homeopathic Calendula 30C can also be taken 2-3 times per day.

See an MD if there is much redness, swelling or pus buildup around the wound, if there are red streaks extending from around the wound, or if fever has occurred.


Apply ice packs to the injured part for 30 minutes to reduce swelling.

Arnica 30C or 200C is the main remedy for bruising. For minor bruising, take 2-3 times per day. For more severe bruising, take every hour the first day, then 3 times per day on subsequent days. Discontinue dosing after bruising improves.

Take Ledum 30C if the bruise feels cold and numb, or if Arnica has stopped helping. Ledum 30C is also the remedy of choice for a black eye. Take 3 times per day.

For bruising of the bones, take Ruta 30C. This remedy is indicated for bruising of the shin, kneecap, or elbow. Take 3 times per day.

Puncture Wounds

After being wounded by a sharp, foreign object, clean the wound with soap and water. Then, soak the wounded part in warm water for 15 minutes three times per day to speed healing. Cover the wound with a bandage if there is an opening in the skin. Apply Calendula Cream before covering the wound with a bandage. Repeat application with the Calendula Cream 3-4 times per day.

Ledum 30c is the most common remedy for puncture wounds.

Give Apis 30C instead of Ledum if there is a lot of heat and swelling.

Hypericum 30C should instead be given if there are sharp, shooting pains.

For knife wounds, given Staphysagria 30C, along with seeking medical attention.

For puncture wounds, give one of the above remedies 3-4 times per day.

Strains and Sprains: Injuries to the Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons

Rest the injured part, apply an ice pack to the injured area, wrap a bandage around the injured part, and keep the injured part elevated.

Apply Arnica Gel to the injured part twice per day. Additionally, the following homeopathic remedies can be taken internally:

Arnica 30C or 200C is usually the first remedy to take after a strain or sprain. This remedy is indicated if there is bruising, swelling and inflammation.

Once the swelling and bruising has improved, you may want to switch to another indicated remedy, listed below:

Rhus Tox 30c is one of the most frequently indicated remedies after a strain or sprain. The pain and stiffness are worse on first motion, and are better upon continued movement. This remedy is commonly indicated after overlifting or physical overexertion.

Bryonia 30C if motion makes the injury worse, and the only way to relieve the pain is to keep the injured part very still.

Try Ruta 6C or 30C if the injury is close to the bone. This remedy is useful for injuries to the wrists or ankles, and for tennis elbow.

Strontium Carbonicum 6C is a good remedy to try for ankle sprains that have not responded to other remedies, or for recurrent ankle sprains.

Give one of the above indicated remedies 3 times per day for up to 3 weeks.

Fractures (Broken Bones)

After medical attention has been sought, the following remedies can speed healing:

Arnica 30C or 200C should be the first remedy given after a fracture. It will help with bruising, swelling and tenderness.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30C should be given instead of Arnica if there is not much bruising or swelling, or it can be given after Arnica.

Give the above remedies 3X per day.

After the initial pain and swelling have diminished, give Symphytum 6C, 3 times per day for 2-3 weeks.

Bryonia 30C is a useful remedy for broken ribs. Give a dose or two of Arnica first, then give Bryonia 3X per day.

Nerve Injuries

For injuries to the nerves, such as fingers and toes, give Hypericum 30C three times per day. Also apply Arnica Gel to the injured area.

Rest, elevate, and ice the injured part.

Head Injuries & Whiplash

Arnica 30C or 200C should be the first remedy given if there is bleeding, bruising, pain and shock. Give a dose every hour for 5-6 doses.

Hypericum 12C or 30C is the most useful remedy for whiplash. Give one dose daily for up to three weeks.

Natrum Sulphuricum 200C is useful for head injuries that have not responded completely to Arnica, or for people who have never been well since a head injury. Give 3 doses only, spaced 8 hours apart.


Those who are experiencing chronic pain, or have never been well since an injury, require constitutional homeopathic treatment. Contact the clinic to book an appointment for a chronic health condition, or book an acute appointment online for help with an acute first aid condition.

Homeopathy for Injuries: The Research

Scientific Studies Prove that Homeopathy is Effective Treatment for all Types of Injuries

Schneider C, Schneider B, Hanisch J, van Haselen R. “The role of a homoeopathic preparation compared with conventional therapy in the treatment of injuries: an observational cohort study.” Complement Ther Med. 2008 Feb;16(1):22-7.

The researchers in this study set out to compare the effectiveness of a homeopathic combination product (Traumeel) with conventional medical treatment ,for injuries. 125 people suffering from various musculoskeletal injuries were treated either with the homeopathic combination or conventional medicine and were assessed for resolution of the complaint at the end of the trial period. At this point, the 59.4% of the group receiving the homeopathic combination had complete resolution compared with 57.8% of the group treated with conventional medicine. 6.3% of the latter group experienced adverse reactions to the treatment and none of those on the homeopathic combination experienced side effect

Alibeu JP, Jobert J. Aconite in Post-Operative Pain and Agitation in Children, Pediatrie, 1990, 45, 7-8, 465-6.

In this double blind placebo controlled trial, 50 children suffering from post-operative pain and agitation were given either Aconite or placebo. The effects of Aconite were significantly better than placebo.

Barnes J., Resch K-L., Ernst E. Homoeopathy for Post-Operative Ileus: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 1997, Dec, 25, 4, 628- 633.

7 separate trials examining the effects of homoeopathic treatment for post-operative ileus after abdominal or gynaecological surgery when compared with placebo, specifically, for the time to first flatus after surgery. Subsequent analysis showed that homoeopathy provided superior results to placebo.

Chapman EH, Weintraub RJ, Milburn MA, Pirozzo TO, Woo E. “Homoeopathic Treatment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.”Journal of Head Trauma and Rehabilitation, 14, 6, December 1999, 521-42.

In a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial involving 60 subjects and a 4 month follow-up period, homoeopathy provided significant improvement in parameters using measures such as “Difficulty with Situations”, “Symptoms Rating Scale” and a “Participation in Daily Activities” scale.

Chapman EH. “Homeopathic treatment of patients with persistent mild traumatic brain injury.” British Homeopathic Journal,2000, 89, Suppl 1,S60.

In a randomised, placebo-controlled trial, 50 people with persistent mild traumatic brain injury were treated either with their constitutional homeopathic remedy or placebo. The homeopathic treatment provided superior results to those from the placebo control.

Harrison RE, Burge TS, et al. “Homoeopathic Treatment of Burn Scars.” British Homoeopathic Journal, October 1993, 82, 252-254.

4 people suffering from hypertrophic scarring subsequent to burns were treated with homeopathic Graphites for 3 months. All 4 subjects were relieved of these symptoms. No controls were used for comparison

Hill N, Stam C, Tuinder S, van Haselen RA. “A Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial investigating the efficacy of a Homoeopathic After-Bite Gel for Reducing Mosquito bite induced Erythema.” Eur J Pharmacol, 1995, 49, 103-108.

68 people were bitten at least 3 times by mosquitoes. One of the bites was treated with an after-bite gel containing homoeopathic ingredients, another of the bites was treated with a placebo gel, and the third bite remained untreated. Erythema associated with the bites was measured before and regularly after treatment at all of the bite sites and the subjects rated the degree of pruritis experienced at the sites. The active gel provided results that were significantly superior to the placebo or no treatment.

Hostanska, Katarina , Matthias Rostock, Joerg Melzer, Stephan Baumgartner and Reinhard Saller. “A homeopathic remedy from arnica, marigold, St. John’s wort and comfrey accelerates in vitro wound scratch closure of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts.” BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012, 12:100.

Background: Drugs of plant origin such as Arnica montana, Calendula officinalis or Hypericum perforatum have been frequently used to promote wound healing. While their effect on wound healing using preparations at pharmacological concentrations was supported by several in vitro and clinical studies, investigations of herbal homeopathic remedies on wound healing process are rare. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of a commercial low potency homeopathic remedy Similasan® Arnica plus Spray on wound closure in a controlled, blind trial in vitro.
Methods: We investigated the effect of an ethanolic preparation composed of equal parts of Arnica montana4x, Calendula officinalis 4x, Hypericum perforatum 4x and Symphytum officinale 6x (0712–2), its succussed hydroalcoholic solvent (0712–1) and unsuccussed solvent (0712–3) on NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. Cell viability was determined by WST-1 assay, cell growth using BrdU uptake, cell migration by chemotaxis assay and wound closure by CytoSelect ™Wound Healing Assay Kit which generated a defined “wound field”. All assays were performed in three independent controlled experiments.
Results: None of the three substances affected cell viability and none showed a stimulating effect on cell proliferation. Preparation (0712–2) exerted a stimulating effect on fibroblast migration (31.9%) vs 14.7% with succussed solvent (0712–1) at 1:100 dilutions (p < 0.001). Unsuccussed solvent (0712–3) had no influence on cell migration (6.3%; p > 0.05). Preparation (0712–2) at a dilution of 1:100 promoted in vitro wound closure by 59.5% and differed significantly (p < 0.001) from succussed solvent (0712–1), which caused 22.1% wound closure.
Conclusion: Results of this study showed that the low potency homeopathic remedy (0712–2) exerted in vitrowound closure potential in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. This effect resulted from stimulation of fibroblasts motility rather than of their mitosis.

Jeffrey SL, Belcher HJ. “Use of Arnica to Relieve Pain after Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery.” Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 2002, Mar-Apr, 8, 2, 66-8.

37 patients who had undergone carpal tunnel release surgery were given a combination of Arnica tablets and Arnica ointment or placebo. After 2 weeks of therapy, the group using Arnica reported a significant reduction in pain.

Karow JH, Abt HP, Fröhling M, Ackermann H. “Efficacy of Arnica montana D4 for Healing of Wounds after Hallux valgus Surgery compared to Diclofenac.” J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Jan-Feb;14(1):17-25.

In this randomised, double-blinded, parallel group study, 88 people who were recovering from foot surgery were randomly assigned to receive either Arnica 4X at a rate of 10 pilules 3 times daily or Diclofenac 50mg 3 times daily. Both therapies were used for 4 days following the surgery. At day 4, subjects were assessed for their postoperative irritation, mobility, pain level, and their use of analgesics. Analysis of the results at this point showed that Arnica and Diclofenac provided the same level of reduction in wound irritation (including swelling) and mobility. Subjective assessment by patients rated Arnica as superior to Diclofenac for mobility. Diclofenac was superior to Arnica for pain reduction and there was no significant difference in analgesic use during the 4 days following surgery. It was also noted in the study that Arnica was 60% cheaper than Diclofenac.

Oberbaum M, Schreiber R, Rosenthal C, Itzchaki M. “Homeopathic Treatment in Emergency Medicine, a case series.” Homeopathy, 2003, 92, 44-47.

In this study, 15 people suffering from orthopaedic trauma were treated in a medical centre with homoeopathy, in addition to standard medical treatment. Treatment was commenced 24 hours after admission. All patients initially received homeopathic Arnica 200C and anxiety was treated with Aconite, Opium, Ignatia or Arsenicum album, all in 200C potency. 24 hours following this treatment, the majority of patients reported a reduction in pain and anxiety. 48 hours after admission, patients were treated with individualised homoeopathic remedies. At discharge, 67% of patients rated the homoeopathic treatment as successful.

Robertson A, Suryanarayanan R, Banerjee A “Homeopathic Arnica montana for post-tonsillectomy analgesia: a randomised placebo control trial.” Homeopathy. 2007 January, 96, 1, 17-21.

In this trial, 190 people undergoing tonsillectomy were randomly assigned to receive Arnica 30C or a placebo at a dose rate of 2 tablets 6 times in the first post-operative day and then 2 tablets twice a day for the next 7 days. On a patient-assessed 14 days post-operative visual analogue scale for pain, those given the Arnica 30C were found to have a statistically significant decrease in pain scores compared to placebo.

Schmidt CA. “Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial: Arnica montana Applied Topically to Subcutaneous Mechanical Injuries.” Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, Winter 1996, 89, 4, 186- 193.

In this trial 141 runners were asked to use topical preparations containing placebo, Arnica 1X or Arnica 6C, and to rate the effectiveness of the preparations at relieving post-exercise muscle soreness. The preparation containing Arnica provided superior results to placebo and the preparation containing Arnica 1X was reported to be superior to that containing Arnica 6C.

Seeley BM, Denton AB, Ahn MS, et al. Effect of homeopathic Arnica montana on bruising in face-lifts: results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2006 Jan-Feb, 8, 1, 54-9.

In this trial, 29 people who were undergoing facelifts were randomised to receive either perioperative homeopathic arnica, or placebo. They were examined post-operatively for bruising at days 1, 5, 7 and 10. Assessment done at days 1 and 7 showed a signification reduction in bruising when compared to placebo.

Tuten C, McLung J. “Reducing Muscle Soreness with Arnica Montana.” Alternative and Complementary Therapies, December 1999, 5, 6, 369- 372.

23 people were given either placebo or Arnica 6X for the management of delayed onset muscle soreness after exercise. Outcomes were assessed subjectively by the participants themselves, and by creatinine kinase (CK) assays. CK levels are indicative of muscle or connective tissue damage. While there was only a small subjective difference between the 2 groups, the people using Arnica 6X produced less CK than those using placebo, which tends to indicate that those using Arnica experienced less tissue damage on exertion.

Tveiten D,  Bruset S, Borchgrevink CFS, Norsch J. “Arnica and Muscle Soreness.” Focus on Alternative and Complementary Medicine (FACT), 1998, 3 (4), 155-156.

46 competitors in the 3 day 1995 Oslo marathon were randomly assigned either homeopathic Arnica or placebo twice daily and assessed for muscle soreness after the event. Those using Arnica found significant relief with the medicine over the placebo.

Tveiten D, Bruset S. “Effect of Arnica D30 in marathon runners. Pooled results from two double-blind placebo controlled studies.” Homeopathy. 2003 Oct;92(4):187-9.

In this study combing the effects of two clinical trials on homeopathic Arnica D30 (30X), the homoeopathic remedy was compared to placebo in 82 Oslo marathon runners for muscle enzymes, electrolytes and creatinine (indicating cell damage) and the subjective control of muscular soreness. Those runners taking Arnica experienced less muscle soreness when compared to placebo, but there was no difference between both groups for muscle enzymes, electrolytes and creatinine.

Wolf M, Tamaschke C, Mayer W, Heger M. “Efficacy of Arnica in varicose vein surgery: results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study.” Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd. 2003 Oct;10(5):242-7.

In this trial homeopathic Arnica D12 (12X) was compared to placebo, to determine its effect on the size and pain of bruising after surgery. Arnica was used once prior to surgery and then 3 times a day for 2 weeks after surgery. 60 people participated in the trial and on completion it was found that Arnica reduced the size of the bruising by 76% compared to 72% for placebo and pain was reduced by 43% from arnica and by 28% from the placebo.

Zell J, Connert WG, Mau J, Feuerstake G. “Treatment of Acute Sprains of the Ankle.” Biological Therapy, 7, 1, 1989, 106.

Under double blind placebo controlled trial conditions, patients using an ointment containing  homoeopathic ingredients for soft tissue injury found significant relief with the medicine when compared to the effects of placebo.

How Popular is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is the leading alternative medicine used by Europeans. Homeopathy appears to be responsible for the well-being of the French, who are ranked #1 in the world in the performance of their health care system. In France, 40% of the population uses homeopathic medicines and around 30% of physicians prescribe them. Americans, most of whom do not use homeopathy, rank #37 in the performance of their health care system.

Homeopathy is also very popular in the UK. England’s Royal Family are vocal advocates of homeopathy. There are five homeopathic hospitals working within the UK National Health Service, some of them with a two-year waiting list for non-emergency visits to a homeopath.

Sales of homeopathic medicines in Germany were approximately $428 million in 1991, growing at a rate of about 10 percent per year. Evidence of the significant support from the German medical community is the fact that 85 percent of these sales are prescriptions from physicians. Surveys indicate that 98 percent of pharmacies sell homeopathic medicines.

Other European countries in which homeopathy has a relatively strong presence include Switzerland, where different surveys have suggested that somewhere between 11 percent and 27 percent of general practitioners and internists prescribe homeopathic medicines; Italy where nine percent of the medical doctors prescribe homeopathic remedies sometimes; and the Netherlands where 45 percent of physicians consider homeopathic medicines effective and 47 percent of medical doctors use one or more complementary therapies, with homeopathy (40 percent of these select doctors) being the most popular.

Homeopathy is the most popular in Asian countries especially India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Homeopathy received the moral support from Mahatma Gandhi. Who said, “it cures a greater number of people than any other method of treatment” In India over 100 million people depend solely on homeopathic medicine. Further, according to an A.C. Neilsen survey in India, 62 percent of current homeopathy users have never tried conventional medicines and 82 percent of homeopathy users would not switch to conventional treatments. There are hundreds of State and Central government owned homeopathic hospitals in India having inpatient facilities.

Homeopathy also has a strong following in Russia, Mexico and South America, particularly in Brazil and Argentina.

Famous People Who Chose Homeopathy

Darwin might not have been healthy enough to have written ‘Origin of Species’ without the homeopathic and water-cure treatments that he received from Dr. James Manby Gully (according to Darwin’s own letters).

Numerous leading conventional physicians and scientists who have had extremely positive things to say about homeopathy include Sir William Osler (the “father of modern medicine”), Emil Adolph von Behring, MD (the “father of immunology”), Charles Frederick Menninger, MD (founder of the Menninger Clinic), August Bier, MD (the “father of spinal anesthesia”), C. Everett Koop, M.D. (former Surgeon General, U.S.), Brian Josephson, PhD. (Nobel Laureate & Cambridge professor).

At least eleven American Presidents used homeopathic medicines or sponsored legislation to allow homeopathic practice (Abraham Lincoln, Tyler, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison, McKinley, Coolidge, Harding, Hoover, & Clinton)…and two British Prime Ministers (Disraeli and Tony Blair).

Many of America’s literary greats advocated for and often wrote about homeopathy, including Washington Irving, Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Mark Twain… and European greats such as Goethe, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Lord Alfred Tennyson, and George Bernard Shaw…and many modern greats including J.D. Salinger and Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Numerous sports greats have bragged about their use of homeopathic medicines including David Beckham, Martina Navratilova, Boris Becker, and many more.

Many world-class musicians have greatly appreciated homeopathy including Ludwig van Beethoven, Robert Schumann, Frédéric Chopin, Sir Yehudi Menuhin, Cher, Tina Turner, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Pete Townshend, Annie Lennox, Bob Weir, Paul Rodgers, Axl Rose, Moby, Jon Faddis, and Dizzy Gillespie.

Numerous movie and TV celebrities have benefited from homeopathy, including early stars such as Sarah Bernhardt, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Marlene Dietrich and John Wayne… and some of the modern-day stars, including Catherine Zeta-Jones, Lesley Ann Warren, Pamela Anderson, Jane Seymour, Suzanne Somers, Lindsay Wagner, Michael York, Dr. Phil and Robin McGraw, Priscilla & Lisa Marie Presley, Jennifer Aniston, Jade Jagger, Tobey Maguire, and Orlando Bloom.




Homeopathic Medicine: Europe’s #1 Medical Alternative by Dana Ullman

The Case FOR Homeopathic Medicine: The Historical and Scientific Evidence by Dana Ullman

The Homeopathic Revolution by Dana Ullman

How are Homeopathic Medicines Prepared?

All of our homeopathic remedies are made by reputable homeopathic pharmacies. The homeopathic pharmacies prepare the medicines by grinding a very small amount of the original substance (usually a plant, mineral or animal) for many hours with a mortar and pestle in milk sugar, a process called trituration. The triturated mixture is then repeatedly diluted and shaken (succussed) for hours or days, depending on the potency or strength of the remedy. This process of diluting and succussing is called potentization. The potentized homeopathic medicine is then added to lactose tablets or pills. Lactose-free remedies are also available to those who are allergic to lactose.

Over-the-counter homeopathic medicines that you can buy in health food stores tend to be in either the 6c or 30c potency. 6c means that the substance has undergone 6 steps in a series of dilutions, where each step involves diluting 1 part medicine to 99 parts alcohol/water.

The more stages of dilution and succussion the preparation has gone through, the more potent the medicine is – so a 30c medicine is more potent than a 6c medicine.

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