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Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.


Fear the MMR Vaccine, Not the Measles

The Propaganda

At the end of March 2010 the mainstream media loudly announces an outbreak of measles in BC. As of April 16 there have been 44 cases of measles reported around the Vancouver Lower Mainland, the BC Interior and Northern BC. No serious complications have been reported thus far though the media is using its usual scare tactics to urge the unvaccinated population to run out to get the MMR vaccine. Some schools are actually sending unvaccinated children home because they feel that measles is such a serious threat.

Simple Solution
Poverty and Malnutrition  are the Problem, Not the Measles

The press gives the impression that measles can only be kept under control by vaccination, but there is another side to the story. According to figures published in International Mortality Statistics, from 1915 to 1958 the measles death rate in the U.S. and U.K. declined by 98% (Miller). A chart illustrating the decline was published in a Public Health Report: “Mortality in the United States, 1900-1950.” The measles vaccine was introduced a few years after the decline, in 1963. The decline was not due to the vaccine, so most likely it was due to better sanitation, nutrition, and standards of living in the U.S. and U.K. Today, measles is a mild disease in first world countries but can be more severe in third world countries and in impoverished populations in the first world (Fisher). According to several studies, Vitamin A deficiency plays a big role in complication rates and chances of dying from measles (Sommer; Barclay; Keusch; Frieden). A simple solution to the measles problem is to improve hygiene and nutrition in impoverished populations.

Questionable Statistics

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates the rate of measles-induced encephalitis at 1 in every 1000 infected. Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, renowned pediatrician and vaccine researcher, questions the CDC’s numbers. He says those numbers may be accurate for people living in impoverished conditions, but for those with adequate nutrition and living conditions, the true incidence of measles-induced encephalitis is more like 1 in 10,000 or 1 in 100,000. In his bestselling book The Vaccine Guide, homeopathic pediatrician Dr. Neustaedter asserts that only 25 percent of measles induced encephalitis cases show evidence of brain damage.

Vaccine Failure

Vaccine manufacturers would like you to believe that the MMR vaccine is 100% effective, but this is not always the case. In 1988, the CDC reports that in the U.S. a whopping 45% of those who contracted the measles were fully vaccinated. The next year, in 1989 in the U.S., the CDC reports that a surprising 40% of those who got the measles were fully vaccinated. In 1996 in the U.S., the CDC reports that only 64% of those who got the measles were unvaccinated and the rest were fully vaccinated. Studies done in Ethiopia and India reported varying vaccine efficacy rates of between 53%-100% (Talley; Puri). Dr. Neustaedter estimates that approximately 60% of all children infected with the measles will have been previously vaccinated. Measles outbreaks have been reported in schools where the entire school population was fully vaccinated (Gustafson; Poland; Edmonson). Edmonson concludes that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons.

Vaccination Shifts Infection Risk to More Vulnerable Populations

The measles vaccine alters distribution of the disease by shifting incidence rates from age-groups unlikely to experience problems (children aged 5-9) to age-groups most likely to suffer from severe complications (infants, teenagers, and adults). According to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, the risk of death from measles is higher for infants and adults than for children. Before the vaccine was introduced it was rare for an infant to contract measles, but by the 1990s more than 25% of all measles cases were occurring in babies under a year of age (Miller). This can be attributed to the growing number of mothers who were vaccinated in the 60s, 70s, and 80s (Haney). Before the vaccine, mothers were able to pass protective maternal antibodies to their babies, but now babies of vaccinated mothers are more vulnerable to measles (Papania). Before the introduction of the vaccine, measles was acquired in childhood before reaching adulthood. Now, since the introduction of the vaccine, measles incidence in the adult population in Canada and the U.S. is steadily increasing (Duclos).

Studies Suggest a Link Between MMR Vaccine and
Autism, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Ulcerative Colitis

There are studies that link the MMR vaccine with some serious health disorders. One study links MMR vaccination with irritable bowel syndrome (Thompson). Scientific papers have been published reporting a likely link between the MMR vaccine and autism (Taranger; Rutter). These studies done by Taranger and Rutter linked the onset of the studied children’s autism with immunization. A controversial scientific paper by Andrew Wakefield published in the Lancet also states that the parents of the autistic children linked the onset of symptoms with the administration of the MMR vaccine. Another study has been done that confirms Wakefield’s findings (O’Leary). In 2000, a study was done confirming the existence of the vaccine strain of the measles virus in the guts of patients with autism and ulcerative colitis (Kawashima). Two studies done by Singh et al.  in 2002 and 2003 confirmed the presence of MMR antibodies in autistic children, again suggesting a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Singh concludes that the autistic children he studied had a hyper immune response to the vaccine strain of the measles in the MMR vaccine. In a paper published in 2004,  measles virus was found in the spinal fluid of the autistic children studied and the authors conclude that it was very likely the vaccine strain of the virus (Bradstreet). Geier & Geier were able to measure a correlation between mercury doses from thimerosal- containing vaccines and the prevalence of autism in the 1980s and 90s. Although thimerosal has now been removed from the MMR vaccine in Canada, Geier & Geier were also able to find some correlation between measles-containing vaccines and the prevalence of autism in the 1980s.

MMR Vaccine Banned in Japan

The MMR vaccine was banned in Japan in 1993. Soon after introducing the vaccine, a record number of children developed non-viral meningitis and and other adverse reactions. An analysis of vaccinations over a three-month period showed one in every 900 children was experiencing problems. This was over 2,000 times higher than the expected rate of one child in every 100,000 to 200,000.

Although measles is a mild disease in healthy children, safe protection can be offered to those who would like it. Click here to learn more about Homeoprophylaxis. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about Homeoprophylaxis.

Barclay, A.J.G., et al. “Vitamin A supplements and mortality related to measles: a randomised clinical trial.” British Medical Journal (January 31, 1987) pp. 294-96.
Bradstreet, J.J., et al. “Detection of measles virus genomic RNA in cerebrospinal fluid of children with regressive autism: a report of three cases.” J Am Phys Surg. 2004:9(2):38-45.

Duclos, P., et al. “Measles in adults in Canada and the United States: implications for measles elimination and eradication.” Int J Epidemiol. 1999 Feb;28(1):141-6.

Edmonson, M. B., et al. (1990). “Mild Measles and Secondary Vaccine Failure During a Sustained Outbreak in a Highly Vaccinated Population.” JAMA
263: 2467-2471
Fisher, B.L., The Consumer’s Guide to Childhood Vaccines (Vienna, VA: National Vaccine Information Center, 1997), p. 18.
Frieden, T.R., et al. “Vitamin A levels and severity of measles: New York City.” Am J Dis Child 1992; 146: 182-86

Geier M.R., and Geier D.A. “A comparative evaluation of the effects of MMR immunization and mercury doses from thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines on the population prevalence of autism..” Med Sci Monit. 2004 Mar;10(3):PI33-9. Epub 2004 Mar 1.
Gustafson, T.L., “Measles Outbreak in a Fully Immunized School Population.” N Engl J Med 1987;316:771-4.
Haney, Daniel Q., “Wave of Infant Measles Stems from ’60s Vaccinations,” Albuquerque Journal, (November 23, 1992), p. B3
Kawashima, T., et al. “Detection and Sequencing of Measles Virus from Peripheral Mononuclear Cells from Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Autism” Dig Dis Sci. 2000 Apr;45(4):723-9.
Keusch, G.T. “Vitamin A supplements–too good to not be true.” New England Journal of Medicine (October 4, 1990), p. 986.

Mendelsohn, Robert. How to Raise a Healthy Child . . . In Spite of Your Doctor (Ballantine Books, 1984), pp. 231 and 251.
Miller, Neil Z., Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? New Atlantean Press, 2002.
Neustaedter, R. The Vaccine Guide. (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1996), pp.107-108.
O’Leary JJ, et al. Measles virus and autism. Lancet. 2000 Aug 26;356(9231):772.
Papania, Mark et al., “Increased Susceptibility to Measles in Infants in the United States.” Pediatrics Vol. 104 No. 5 November 1999, p. e59
Poland, G. A., Jacobson, R. M. (1994). “Failure to Reach the Goal of Measles Elimination: Apparent Paradox of Measles Infections in Immunized Persons.” Arch Intern Med 154: 1815-1820
Puri, A. et al. “Measles Vaccine Efficacy Evaluated by Case Reference Technique.” Indian Pediatr. 2002 Jun;39(6):556-60.s,
Roberts, R.J. et al. “Reasons for non-uptake of measles, mumps and rubella catch up immunisation in a measles epidemic and side effects of the vaccine.” BMJ 1995;310:1629-1639 (24 June)
Rutter, M. et al. “Autism and known medical conditions: myth and substance.” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 1994;35:311-322.
Singh, V.K., et al. “Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in Children with Autism.” J Biomed Sci. 2002 Jul-Aug;9(4):359-64.
Singh, V.K., Jensen R.L. “Elevated levels of measles antibodies in children with autism.” Pediatr Neurol. 2003 Apr;28(4):292-4.
Sommer, A., et al. “Increased risk of respiratory disease and diarrhea in children with pre-existing mild vitamin A deficiency.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1984; 40: 1090-1095.

Sommer, A., et al. “Impact of vitamin A supplementation on childhood mortality: a randomized controlled community trial.” Lancet 1986; 1:1169-73.

Talley, L. and P. Salama. “Short report: assessing field efficacy for measles in famine-affected rural Ethiopia. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2003 May;68(5):545-6.
Taranger J, Wiholm BE. Litet antal biverkninger rapporterade efter vaccination mot massling-passguka-roda hund. Lakartidningen. 1987;84:958-950.
Thompson, N.P. Wakefield et al. “Is measles vaccination a risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease?” Lancet 1995; 345: 1071-1074.
Wakefield et al. “Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children.” Lancet. 1998 Feb 28;351(9103):637-41.

Wave of Infant Measles Stems From ’60s Vaccinations

How to Prevent Vaccine Injury

Many parents who know the risks of vaccines still choose to vaccinate because they feel that the benefits of protection from the disease outweigh the risks of vaccinating. Here are some possibilities to consider for those parents who are concerned about the risks but still want to at least partially vaccinate their children:

1. Homeopath Dr. Tinus Smits is an expert in treating vaccine damaged children. He suggests giving a homeopathic potency of the vaccine before and immediately after the child gets their jab. This is an effective method of preventing vaccine damage, although it is not always effective 100% of the time. Contact the clinic or a classical homeopath in your area to find out more about how homeopathy can be used to prevent vaccine injury.

2. Delay vaccinations until the baby has built up its cellular defenses sufficiently. Dr. Donald Miller recommends delaying vaccination until the child is 2 years old. If you are not willing to wait until your child is 2, consider delaying as long as possible. Dr. Smits recommends waiting until the child is at least 1.5 years old.

3. Administer vaccines separately when possible. Canadians can ask for the DTaP-IPV vaccine to be administered separately from the Hib vaccine, for example.

4. Reduce the total number of vaccinations to three from four for the DTaP-IPV and HIB, the first two with an interval of two months and the third after six months. Other countries follow this protocol.

5. Leave out the vaccines that are not absolutely necessary. If your child is healthy you should consider leaving out the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), Varicella (chicken pox), Hep B vaccine and (H1N1) Influenza vaccine. Measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox and influenza are relatively mild diseases in healthy children. Most babies and young children in Canada are not at risk for Hep B, though parents may want to consider the vaccination when the child is older or when traveling overseas.

6. If you suspect that your child’s health has been compromised by vaccinations, seek homeopathic help before vaccinating further.

To read more about the homeopathic prevention of post-vaccination syndrome, read this blog post: Homeopathy for Adverse Reactions to Vaccines.

Click here to read about the research in support of Homeoprophylaxis

Homeopathy for Adverse Reactions to Vaccinations

Classical homeopaths have been treating adverse reactions to vaccines for over 100 years.

In the late 1800s, British homeopath Dr. James Compton Burnett was among the first to discover that vaccines trigger chronic disease.

The homeopathic term for chronic adverse vaccine reactions is “vaccinosis.”

Back in the late 1800s, the homeopathic remedy Thuja was often used to successfully treat adverse reactions to the smallpox vaccine.

Still today, Thuja is touted as the #1 homeopathic remedy to use for adverse vaccine reactions. However, though Thuja was an effective treatment for vaccinosis back in Burnett’s day, in modern times it is largely ineffective for treating the adverse effects of vaccines.

To find out what works for vaccinosis in modern times, we must turn to the work of modern Dutch homeopath Dr. Tinus Smits. Dr.  Smits is both a medical doctor and homeopath who has been practicing homeopathy for over 20 years. He is also a seasoned expert in treating what he calls PVS: Post-Vaccination Syndrome.

Definition of Post-Vaccination Syndrome

Post-vaccination syndrome is defined as any symptoms that manifest after vaccination. PVS can be divided into an acute and chronic syndrome.

Main Symptoms of Acute PVS

Fever, convulsions, absent-mindedness, encephalitis and/or meningitis, limbs swollen around the point of inoculation, whooping-type cough, bronchitis, diarrhea, excessive drowsiness, frequent and inconsolable crying, penetrating and heart-rending shrieking (cri encéphalique), fainting/shock, pneumonia, death, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Main Symptoms of Chronic PVS

Colds with amber or green phlegm, inflamed eyes, loss of eye contact, squinting, inflammation of the middle ear, bronchitis, expectoration, coughing, asthma, eczema, allergies, inflamed joints, tiredness and lack of vigour, excessive thirst, diabetes, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, disturbed sleep with periods of waking and crying, epilepsy, rigidity of the back, muscle cramps, light-headedness, lack of concentration, loss of memory, growth disturbances, lack of coordination, disturbed development, behavioural problems such as fidgeting, aggressiveness, irritation, moodiness, emotional imbalance, confusion, loss of will-power, and mental torpidity.

Which Vaccines are the Most Problematic?

According to Dr. Smits, the most problematic vaccines are:

DTaP-IPV vaccine: For diptheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (whooping cough), and polio. This is a combination vaccine given in Canada. In other countries the name of this vaccine may be slightly different. Vaccinations with this vaccine in Canada start at 2 months of age and are repeated at 4 months, 6 months, 18 months, and 4-6 years old.

HiB vaccine: For Haemophilis influenzae type b. This vaccine is given at the same times as the DTaP-IPV vaccine except that there is no dose at 4-6 years.

MMR vaccine: For measles, mumps, and rubella. This vaccine is first given when the child is a year old and is repeated either at 18 months of age or at 4-6 years of age.

(HB) Hepatitis B: 3 doses are now recommended at infancy in Canada. Usually at the 2 month, 4 month, and 6 month mark.

Influenza vaccine (including H1N1): Recommended for children 6-23 months of age and seniors over 65. The H1N1 vaccine is recommended for everybody.

Another potentially problematic vaccine:

(Var) Varicella vaccine: For chicken pox. Given at the age of 1 year.

The Diagnosis of Post-Vaccination Syndrome

Post-vaccination syndrome should always be considered whenever the person’s health complaints started at the time of, or the period following, vaccination. The fact that the person has displayed no direct or acute reaction to a vaccination does not necessarily exclude the possibility of the vaccine being the cause of chronic complaints. These complaints usually become clear only after one, two or even more weeks have passed. Also, in some cases it is often only after the second, third or fourth administration of the vaccine that problems suddenly occur.

Homeopathic Treatment of PVS

Homeopathic treatment of PVS must only be attempted by a properly trained classical homeopath. Once the homeopath has identified the offending vaccine, s/he must give the person the homeopathic version of the offending vaccine in order to neutralize the vaccine’s harmful effects. The homeopathic form of the vaccine is completely safe and non-toxic, as it has been strongly diluted and potentised.

I am now offering a homeopathic protocol for the prevention of vaccine damage at the clinic. Contact the clinic to book an appointment.

For a more detailed explanation of Dr. Tinus Smit’s PVS Protocol, download his free booklet: “The Post-Vaccination Syndrome.” The booklet also goes over in much detail a large number of Dr. Smit’s cured cases of PVS.

Click here to learn about Homeoprophylaxis: A Safe, Effective Immunity Booster


H1N1 Vaccine Miscarriages: Exclusive Interview with Connie Adams and More Reports Worldwide

December 6, 2009: About 6 weeks ago, when mass vaccinations were getting underway in North America, I warned pregnant women that the unadjuvanted H1N1 vaccine for pregnant women is not safe. I am very sad to report that pregnant women have been miscarrying after receiving the H1N1 injection.

The press in Europe has reported that nine European women have miscarried after getting the swine flu jab. On November 17, Portuguese news website Diario reported that 2 women in their 30s miscarried soon after being vaccinated. One day later, Portuguese radio station Radiohertz reported that yet another woman had miscarried after having her H1N1 shot. Then a few days later, news website Le Parisien reported that a French lady lost her baby two days after getting her Pandemrix H1N1 jab.

Today Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reports the 5th miscarriage that has happened in Sweden after a woman has received her H1N1 shot. 28-year-old Zahra was in her final month of pregnancy. She was due on November 24th. Inside her stomach she felt regular, strong kicks. On November 19th she went for her last check at the health centre. Everything looked good and she heard the baby’s heartbeat.

Zahra had previously declined to be vaccinated against swine flu, but was persuaded by her doctor to take the syringe.  “Two days later I felt something was wrong in my stomach. The child did not move. He was not breathing.” Three days before scheduled delivery, Zahra gave birth to her dead son. “I just cried and cried. He weighed 4.5 kilograms and had all his fingers, all his toes, all his body parts. But he was not breathing. I think that the vaccine killed my child. Before I got the syringe everything was good.  I do not know how to live with this. But I must talk about it so that other women will not be subjected to the same thing. I want them to investigate this and make sure it does not happen again.”

Recently I had the privilege of interviewing 34-year old Connie Adams of Columbus, Ohio, USA. She miscarried soon after getting the H1N1 vaccine and would like other pregnant women to hear her story before making the decision to get vaccinated.

I was 16.5 weeks pregnant. It was my 3rd pregnancy. I have a 17 and 12 year old. In Ohio they are promoting the vaccine for pregnant women. I went for my H1N1 shot on October 22, and I began to feel bad on the 24th and on the 25th I was bent over on the couch. My doctor said it was probably round ligament pain. For the next few days I continued feeling bad and at night I could not sleep. On the 27th my water broke and on the 29th I miscarried. The week before I got the shot, I went for my doctor’s appointment. Everything was fine, no pain or anything. But after I had that shot I felt bad.

Did you ask your doctor if they thought the vaccine caused it?

I asked her if there’s a possibility that the vaccine had something to do with it. She said I can guarantee you on my life that it was not the vaccination. But I never had problems with my other pregnancies. It’s weird.

Have you talked to other women who also miscarried after getting the H1N1 shot?

I’ve had women who have contacted me after I posted my email address on the website who said my friend had that shot and miscarried. They were always 20 something weeks and under, in their 1st and 2nd trimester. I have heard from about 7-8 women.

So you think the vaccine caused the miscarriage?

The baby was growing fine. It was a perfectly healthy pregnancy. My doctor said everything was fine. I was taking vitamins even before I was pregnant. I had the vaccination then everything just went downhill. I feel like something triggered my labour.

Why aren’t these miscarriages being more thoroughly investigated?

They say that more pregnant women are benefiting from the vaccine than miscarrying. That’s how my doctor put it.

And you disagree?

I was injected with the Sanofi H1N1 vaccine. After I miscarried I did some research and found out that it contains fermaldehyde, mercury, etc. You put that into my body and you tell me everything is fine?! I did not know what was in the vaccine. If I would’ve known what was in it I would never have received the shot. Also I found out later that the vaccine manufacturer says that pregnant women should not take the H1N1 shot unless they have to.

This must be so hard for you…

It’s been a month and a half, and it’s still hard for me. Nobody is talking about the side effects or the risks. They are constantly promoting this for pregnant women and we’re their guinea pigs.

Deaths from Flu in Young Healthy People Linked to MRSA Infection

This flu season there has been lots of talk in the mainstream press about how deadly the (H1N1) flu is, and therefore we must all get the (H1N1) flu vaccine(s). What a lot of people don’t know is that it is not always the swine flu itself that is killing people. The vast majority of the people who die from swine flu have high risk medical conditions. A small minority who die are young and healthy, but are these people actually dying from H1N1 or from something else?

As of September 2009, The CDC reported that 67% of the 36 children who died of swine flu in the US also had high risk medical conditions.  Among 23 children with culture or pathology results reported, laboratory-confirmed bacterial coinfections were identified in 10 (43%), including all six children who were over 5 years old and had no recognized high-risk condition. In other words, all six of these healthy children died from bacterial pneumonia, not from the swine flu itself. Among the seven children aged under 5 years who died, two had a laboratory-confirmed bacterial coinfection; neither child had a high-risk medical condition. Three out of the 8 healthy children (37%) died from pneumonia caused by an MRSA coinfection.

What is MRSA?

MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. The term is used to describe a number of strains of the bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, that are resistant to a number of antibiotics, including methicillin. Drug resistant forms of bacteria are also known as “superbugs.”

A 2008 article in Infection Control Today reports that “MRSA Caused Pneumonia Deaths During 2006-2007 in Young, Healthy People.” A high number of cases of pneumonia caused by staph infections resulted in death among young, otherwise healthy patients during the 2006-2007 flu season, with more than three-quarters caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

A meta-analysis of seventy-six studies published by the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy concludes that previous antibiotic exposure increases the risk of getting an MRSA infection. As of 2008, 85 percent of MRSA infections are healthcare associated. That means that 85 percent of MRSA infections are acquired in hospitals or healthcare facilities. An article in Dermatology Nursing links the spread of MRSA with inadequate hospital hygiene practices. For example, a 2006 study published in The Journal of Hospital Infection reveals that 38% of the research sample of health professionals failed to wash their hands after contact with MRSA patients.

To help determine the role of bacterial coinfection in the current influenza pandemic, CDC examined postmortem lung specimens from patients with fatal cases of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) for bacterial causes of pneumonia. During May 1–August 20, 2009, specimens were admitted to CDC from 77 U.S. patients with fatal cases of confirmed 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1). Bacterial coinfections were found in 30% of the patients. 9% of the patients examined had MRSA. Most recently, the Journal of Infection reports that a healthy male with H1N1 died from an MRSA coinfection.

MRSA is much more deadly than H1N1, but considering how serious it is, it is largely ignored by the mainstream media. In the UK in 2008, 1,230 people died from MRSA, compared to under 200 deaths from H1N1 this season. MRSA is even deadlier than AIDS! A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), linked MRSA infection to over 18,000 deaths in the US in 2005, compared to the 16,000 AIDS-related deaths recorded by the World Health Organization in the same year. Compare those figures with the 1,200 US swine flu deaths that have occurred this season. In Canada in 2006, MRSA was responsible for 2600 deaths, compared to only 198 deaths caused by swine flu this season.

Antibiotic resistant superbugs such as MRSA, VRE, and e. coli are on the rise.  The culprit: overuse of antibiotics. Like all living things, bacteria adapt to the environment. Faced with an antibiotic, a few hearty bugs survive. Those superbugs then multiply, creating a new strain that the old antibiotic can’t touch. The more antibiotics used, the more the bacteria evolve.

Luckily, there are alternatives to antibiotics. Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine that can be used for coughs, colds, flus and fevers. If you have a weak immune system, consult a classical homeopath for constitutional treatment, which will strengthen your immune system naturally. Contact the clinic for more information about constitutional treatment.

To find out how flus can be treated effectively with homeopathy, read my recent blog post: Homeopathic Remedies for Flu

Polish Health Minister Rejects H1N1 Vaccine

Polish Health Minister in Polish Parliament regarding swine flu vaccines 5th November 2009

I would like to say that my priority during my 20 odd years of my GP practice was “First of all do not harm,” I took that rule with me to my Health Minister Office.

In situations when I was to recommend a medicine to anybody, I believe just like any other practitioner, I would think: would I give it to my elderly mother, my child?

And exactly such thoughts make me very cautious about double checking the information regarding a medicine that the Health Ministry is to recommend to every Pole – to millions of Poles that have no medical education that a Minister has, that an expert, professor Brydak has, an expert that has been working on the flu for over 40 years. He works in one of 189 flu research centers that are in the world, one is in Poland. Can we today be accused of lack of knowledge about the flu? Can one question an opinion of a professor that has been working on the flu for over 40 years, and not just on one type of flu, that has published hundreds of articles on the subject?

I have just one fundamental question: do we want to fight the flu pandemic?

Today we have knowledge about enclosures in agreements that other governments of wealthier countries have signed with vaccine producers.

Also we know what was proposed to Poland. Due to negotiations being in progress I can’t tell you everything today, but I can tell you one thing: our Law Department found at least 20 points of doubt in the agreement.

So what is the Health Minister’s duty? To sign agreements that are in the best interests of the Polish people, or to sign agreements that are in the best interests of the pharmaceutical companies?

I know that there are 3 vaccines available on the market today, of 3 different producers. Each has a different amount of active substance and yet strangely they are all treated the same. Therefore isn’t it fair enough for the Health Minister and health experts to have doubts about it? Maybe the one with trace amounts of active substances is just a “holy water” that we are supposed to think can cure flu? Are we supposed to pay for that?

We have an example of Germany that bought 50 million jabs, only 10% have been applied so far. Only 13% of Germans want to take this “miraculous cure” today. But it’s peculiar because the Germans have a very high percentage of vaccine takers, so when in Poland for 1000 people only 52 will take a seasonal flu jab, in Germany there will be 238 per 1000 (23%). So what is happening when only 13% of Germans want to take the swine flu vaccine and not 23% of the population as usual with the seasonal flu vaccine? Their government bought the vaccines and offered them for free and they don’t want it. What happened?

Can those facts make us have second thoughts about buying the vaccines or not? Second thoughts about introducing a medicine that is kind of secret?

There are websites on which vaccine producers have an obligation to publish so-called post-vaccine unwanted side effects. The vaccinations in Europe started on 1st October 2009. I would like you to visit any of these websites and find any unwanted side effects. The slightest thing, at least one, like allergic skin rash. That can happen even when using the safest medicine. There are none on those websites. A “perfect” medicine?! And since this is so miraculous, then why don’t the producing companies want to introduce their medicines to the free market and take responsibility for them? Why wouldn’t they say: “Wonderful, safe medicine, therefore I will take responsibility for it, I will introduce it to the market and everything is clear and transparent,” instead of dropping the weight on us, the buyers.

We do not have clinical test results, no detailed ingredients and no information about side effects. The vaccines are now in the 4th stage of very short tests and we still do not have this information. Also the sample size has been very little, one kind of vaccine was tested only on 160 volunteers aged 20-60, all healthy. Another kind of vaccine tested on 600 volunteers aged 18-60, all healthy. Is this good enough, especially for us doctors present in the room? It is not good enough for me.

I want to be sure enough to recommend this vaccine. We are not out of the line for the vaccine, during the negotiations we want to take that time and use it to find out as much as we can about the vaccine. Then if the pandemic committee will accept this vaccine, we will buy it.

Also there are 1 billion people with seasonal flu worldwide every year. 1 million people die of seasonal flu worldwide every year. And this hasn’t been going happening for a year or two, but for a very long time. Has anybody anywhere announced a pandemic because of seasonal flu? And the seasonal flu is much more dangerous than swine flu, there are many deaths and severe complications. Was there any pandemic announced? Those who are pushing me to buy the vaccines, I ask you: Why didn’t you scream and shout last year, 2 years ago and in 2003? In 2003 there were 1,200,000 Poles who had seasonal flu! Did anybody shout, here in this room: “Let’s buy vaccines for everybody!” I can’t recall such a thing.

And finally I would like to say only one thing: The Polish nation is very wise, Poles can tell the truth from lies very precisely. They can also tell what is an objective situation and what is just a game.

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