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Swine flu vaccine ingredients are not safe for pregnant women and children

pregnant woman and childRight now, the swine flu vaccine is being distributed to the Canadian and US population. Of first priority to receive the shot are pregnant women and young children, both considered to be high risk groups for the H1N1 flu. I strongly believe that the swine flu vaccine is not safe or effective for anyone, but it is especially dangerous for young children and unborn fetuses.
There are many reasons for extreme caution. The testing of the vaccine was fast-tracked, so there are absolutely no long-term studies done on its safety. Also most disturbing are the list of toxic ingredients in the vaccine: squalene, thimerosal, and aluminum salts.

SqualeneSqualene is an adjuvant added to the swine flu vaccine in order to enhance its immune-stimulating properties. A study done on rats in 2000 published in the American Journal of Pathology shows that squalene can induce rheumatoid arthritis. Another study published 2000 in Experimental and Molecular Pathology shows a clear link between Gulf War Syndrome and exposure to squalene. A later study published 2002 in Experimental and Molecular Pathology shows that those military personnel who did have adverse reactions to the anthrax vaccine were all exposed to the batches of the vaccine which contained squalene.

In Canada pregnant women and children will be given the option to use an unadjuvanted vaccine that does not contain squalene. But why give them a choice? It’s like asking whether or not you’d like rat poison in your coffee.

MercuryThimerosal is  a mercury-containing preservative in the swine flu vaccine. A few weeks ago Washington state issued a press release stating that they would be temporarily suspending Washington’s limit on the amount of mercury (thimerosal) allowed in H1N1 vaccine given to pregnant women and children under three. Mercury-free vaccine will be available, but if the mercury-free vaccine runs out, under this new law, pregnant women and children will be allowed to be injected with an amount of mercury that would normally be illegal.

Tuna sushiDoctors, pharmacists, and the mainstream press assure us that thimerosal is not harmful but one recent study begs to differ. A study done by UBC professor Dr. Chris Shaw published in the June 2009 edition of Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry found that thimerosal is toxic to the cells of an unborn fetus. Pregnant women are told not to eat tuna because it contains high levels of mercury, yet it is perfectly acceptable to inject mercury directly into a pregnant woman?! The US and Canadian governments assure us that thimerosal is not harmful, yet they have systematically removed thimerosal from every single childhood vaccine except for the (swine) flu vaccine. Russia, Denmark, Austria, Japan, Great Britain, and all the Scandinavian countries have banned thimerosal from being used in any of their vaccines.

Aluminum pots and pansLastly there is yet another heavy metal in the swine flu vaccine: aluminum hydroxide. Most people have stopped using aluminum pots and pans because it is well known that aluminum is linked to brain damage. In April 2009 a study was published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry linking aluminum hydroxide injections to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration. A 2007 study published in Neuromolecular Medicine showed “Aluminum adjuvant linked to Gulf War illness induces motor neuron death in mice” (M.S. Petrik, et al, Vol. 1, No. 9, pp. 83-100).
There is a lot of hype surrounding the swine flu, fueled by the mainstream media, doctors and the medical establishment. The motivation for this hype is profits, since pharmaceutical companies and doctors make money from swine flu immunizations. They are not concerned about pregnant women and children, they’re only concerned with their own pocketbooks.

There are a few options. If you have strong immunity, you have nothing to fear. Don’t take the swine flu shot, which will only damage your health, and you have nothing to worry about.

If you have low resistance to any flu, cough, or cold that comes along, I recommend that you consult a professional homeopath for constitutional treatment. Feel free to contact me for more information.

By Sonya McLeod
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