Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5W 1K3
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Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.


Homeopathy for Flu

History of Success During Flu Epidemics

Homeopathy has a long, successful history for the treatment and prevention of the flu. Homeopathy was used effectively to treat one of the deadliest strains of flu in history, the 1918 Spanish flu. During the Spanish flu, Americans who were treated with traditional medicine had a mortality rate of 28.2 percent, while those who were treated with homeopathic medicines only had a mortality rate of 1.05 percent, according to a report by the American Homeopathic Institute in 1921.

Homeopathic Flu Prevention

For at least the past 150 years homeopathic practitioners have used the homeopathic medicine Influenzinum as a flu preventive. Influenzinum is a homeopathic medicine (nosode) made from flu viruses, rendered completely safe and non-toxic by a homeopathic pharmacist. A nosode is the term for any homeopathic remedy that is made from disease material. Homeoprophylaxis is the term used for the homeopathic prevention of disease.

Read more about Homeopathic Influenzinum

Homeopathic Remedies for Flu

Some of the most common homeopathic remedies for flu that have been used successfully year after year include:

Oscillococcinum by Boiron: Particularly useful at the beginning stages of the flu. When in doubt about what homeopathic remedy to use for flu, try this remedy. This is the #1 selling remedy for the flu in Europe. The Canadian Homeocan version is called Homeocoksinum.

Gelsemium: The most common remedy for the flu. People needing this remedy are weak, achy and tired. There is constant chilliness and the cough is hard and painful. Gelsemium was the genus epidemicus (the most commonly used) remedy for the Spanish flu of 1918 and is still a very commonly used remedy for flu today.

Bryonia Alba: The second most used remedy for the flu after homeopathic Gelsemium. Bryonia flus come on slowly and people needing this remedy are worse from any kind of motion. People needing this remedy may also have a very painful cough. They are thirsty, hot, and desire cool fresh air. Many homeopaths consider Bryonia to be the genus epidemicus remedy for COVID-19.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum: Another common flu remedy. This remedy is indicated when there is a lot of soreness and aching of the entire body. There is so much aching in the bones that it feels like the bones could break. People who need this remedy are thirsty, whereas people needing Gelsemium are not.

Belladonna: Usually this homeopathic remedy is most useful at the beginning of a flu. A Belladonna flu has a rapid onset with a very high fever. The person may be fearful and delirious with the fever. People who need this remedy usually have a red, flushed face and have throbbing pains in the head or throat.

Rhus Toxicodendron: Someone who needs this remedy for flu is restless, with aches and pains that are worse lying still and better with continued motion. Other symptoms may include chilliness, thirst for sips of water, a dry mouth and dry sore throat.

Nux Vomica: A person with Nux Vomica flu symptoms is very chilly and always wants to be covered with a blanket; they are irritable and may have a queasy stomach.

Arsenicum Album: Useful for treatment of the flu when the virus affects the upper respiratory tract with copious watery secretions from the nose and eye inflammation. There is a lot of lethargy and prostration, nausea, vomiting, and chilliness.

Baptisia Tinctoria: Like Belladonna flus, the Baptisia flu comes on suddenly with a high fever. People who need this remedy have offensive smelling sweat, breath, and stool. Offensive diarrhea is a very characteristic symptom of people who need this flu remedy.

Please note that the above list is not an exhaustive list of homeopathic flu remedies and is only a list of the most commonly indicated flu remedies.

Dosage and Potency of Flu Remedies

Select and give only one of the above indicated homeopathic flu remedies 3-4 times per day. If there is no symptom improvement within 24 hours, you have picked the wrong remedy and a more suitable remedy should be selected. Do not give more than one remedy at a time. Once the symptoms improve, decrease dosage to 1-2 times per day until full recovery. It is best to use a 30C potency (strength) of the indicated remedy. For serious cases of the flu, it is best to consult a classical homeopath in your area.

Homeopathic Cell/Tissue Salts for Flu

Homeopathic Schussler tissue salts (aka cell salts) are low potency homeopathic remedies that are commonly available in most local health and supplement stores. Ferrum Phosphoricum 6X homeopathic cell salts are useful to bring down a fever. For high fevers, give 3 pellets once every 15 minutes to half hour until the fever starts going down. Thereafter, give 3-4 times per day until the fever dissipates. For very high fevers, instead of using cell salts, use homeopathic Belladonna 30C or 200C (see above).

To get rid of clear runny mucus, give Natrum Muriaticum 6X cell salts. For tougher, thicker white mucus, give Kali Muriaticum 6X cell salts. If the mucus is thick and yellow, give Calcarea Suphuricum 6X cell salts. 3 pellets of Nat Mur, Kali Mur or Calc Sulph cell salts can be taken 3-4 times per day.

Constitutional for Weak Immune Systems

People with low immunity should consult a classical homeopath to inquire about constitutional homeopathic treatment. Constitutional treatment is the most effective way to boost your overall immunity. Contact the clinic to find out more about constitutional treatment.

References and Further Reading

Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines by Dana Ullman

Homeopathy offers an alternative for the flu by Sonya McLeod

EFT For Weight Loss

I have found that my clients have had so much success with the Metabolic Balance® program but only if they stick with the plan. The biggest challenge most of my clients face while on the program is breaking their old eating habits and combating sugar cravings. Even though clients know consciously that healthy eating is good for them, their subconscious mind wants to self-sabotage.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a great way for clients to access their subconscious mind in order to form new, healthier eating habits. Once the subconscious mind has been reprogrammed using EFT, it is easier for clients are able to stick to their Metabolic Balance® plan without wanting to go back to their old, unhealthy eating habits. EFT works, it’s very easy to use, and there is no shortage of easily accessible free information online about how to use it.

What is EFT?

EFT is a form of psychological acupressure. Acupuncture energy meridians are activated by tapping acupuncture points on the body, while at the same time, voicing of positive affirmations in order to remove the psychological block around the particular issue that one is struggling with. Sugar cravings are one good example of a psychological block that can be helped with EFT, because EFT will access and remove the subconscious block around the craving for sugar instead of the craving for healthier foods.

How do I use EFT?

Tapping is done with the fingers, and takes only a few minutes to learn. The 9 tapping points are at the top of the head, on the eyebrow, the side of the eyes, under the eye, under the nose, the chin, collar bone, under the arm (sides of the ribcage) and beside the wrists (“karate chop” point).

While tapping with the fingers on the 9 points in numerical order (spend a few seconds on each point), the following affirmation statements should be said aloud: “Even though I have this (fill in the blank with what is to be worked on e.g. sugar craving), I deeply and completely accept myself.” Keep tapping the points and saying the affirmation until you feel that the issue has dissipated.

It’s really that simple, and it works! It’s also useful for any emotional program, not just weight loss issues.

Free Step by Step Information about EFT

Dr. Mercola has a great step by step detailed guide about how to use EFT 

The authors of “The Tapping Solution” books have a great free introductory guide to EFT

Books about EFT

Bruce Lipton on Homeopathy

Karma Singh interviews Dr. Bruce Lipton in July 2010
Dr. Bruce Lipton, one of the world’s leading cell biologists, explains how energy healing modalities such as homeopathy work and why pharmaceuticals do not work

Karma Singh: Professor Lipton, we heard you on the weekend telling us about the informational causation of perhaps the majority of the maladies known to mankind. Does it seem appropriate to you that a method of healing that is based on information is more likely to be more effective than one which is based upon chemistry?

Dr. Bruce Lipton: It is absolutely important to understand that a very small percentage of illness on this planet is due to organic causes, especially genetics. As a matter of fact, around 2% of diseases in this world today can be directly attributed to genetics. The rest of diseases are our relationship to the environment and genetics. The significance of the environment is that the information that we pick up – and it’s information about the environment that we pick up through our senses – this information is the information that is used to actually not just adjust our own biology and behaviour but this information from the environment even adjusts our genetics; so that every day as we respond to environmental cues, not only are we adjusting behaviour but we are also influencing the read out of all our genes; so the concept that we are made out of genetic concrete and that determines our lives gives way to a reality that the genes are essentially plastic. The read out of the genes can vary day by day based on our personal life experiences and the information that we receive from the environment, so much to the extent that one gene blueprint can be modified to create 30,000 different variations of proteins from the same gene, and all these variations are dependent upon an individual’s response to the environment. So, rather than emphasizing the organic nature of disease, it turns out that diseases are most related to how we interpret or perceive or respond to environmental cues, which by definition is information.

Karma Singh: So, then, an informationally based medicine could be effective, such as homeopathy.

Dr. Bruce Lipton: All kinds of information based medicines are very effective, starting from just psychology alone. When you start to understand the nature of the placebo effect – the placebo effect is just based on a person’s perception or belief, and a minimum of one third of all healings from the medical profession, be they drugs or surgery, one third is just due to the perceptions and beliefs and attitudes of the patient.  So, anything that will actually influence a person’s perception, or response to the environment, becomes a primal input into the nature of our health and disease.

Karma Singh: So what exactly does homeopathy do, in this sense?

Dr. Bruce Lipton: It’s interesting because homeopathy is, by conventional standards, kind of weird, but by the understanding of quantum mechanics it becomes based on hard science. Water molecules in solution communicate with each other via hydrogen bonds. And hydrogen bonds are charges of vibration of loose bonding between individual water molecules based on their polarity. What’s very interesting is that science has found out that when hydrogen bonds are formed between water molecules, the bonds also act as conduits for vibrational information. So, water molecules can pass information from one water molecule to another water molecule to another water molecule. So, whatever is influencing a water molecule can ultimately be spread in a solution of water via hydrogen bond communication between the molecules of water so that information is transferred. So if I put some information in the water, in a short period of time, the information will transfer from one water molecule to another via the hydrogen bonds. And then you might say, “Well what about the initiating piece of information, like a chemical?” Well, if you remove that chemical, but you still have the vibration in the field, the water molecules will apparently maintain the continued vibration, so that you can have the information transferred even without the chemistry anymore. And basically this is where the memory of water is applied and understood as a molecular connection between the information in the field and the hydrogen bonding of the molecules.

Karma Singh: So, for the human body, being at least 70% water, the information in water should have a very significant effect on the human body.

Dr. Bruce Lipton: Oh, absolutely. All the chemistry in water is equivalent of creating homeopathy. Just as much as I put a chemical in a beaker of water or I secrete a chemical from my brain into the blood, which the base is all water, there would be no difference in those two except for the location. So basically, the water in the body would also carry information, and this is a really interesting new insight because this actually was understood a long, long time ago. There was a Nobel Prize winner named Albert St. Georgi who actually won 2 Nobel Prizes, one was on the molecular nature of muscle contraction and the other was on the interaction of molecules. In 1959 he wrote a book, I think it was called “The Introduction to Subcellular Biology,” and introduced the concept of quantum mechanics as a fundamental element in understanding the nature of a human body. It was very interesting, because back in those days, even though he won a Nobel Prize winner, all of his conventional peers thought he was kind of crazy and losing it; they thought that St. Georgi was going a little senile when he introduced the nature of quantum mechanics. Had he lived long enough and had his peers lived long enough, they would have recognized the new understanding in biochemistry today, is that when you talk about proteins, which are the fundamental units of the body, and proteins interacting, they interact via an entanglement with quantum fields through what we call constructive and destructive interference patterns which control their behaviour. The relevance about that is proteins interact to energy fields more than they interact to chemical fields. So, quantum biophysics will be the actual future of new medicine and new biology.

Karma Singh: So, if I follow this correctly, when Hahnemann said that it’s the information of the healing substance which is paramount, and it is the chemical substance which has almost no relevancy, he was speaking nothing other than objective fact.

Dr. Bruce Lipton: It wasn’t known it was fact at that time, but now this is becoming much more understood and factual. There was researcher by the name of McClare at Oxford or Cambridge, one of the two serious universities in England, and what he identified was, he was looking at the spread of information, signalling, and his question was, “If cells can respond to both chemical signals, and they can respond to energetic signals, would there be a difference in the response?” And when he did the assessment he found that signalling with energy vibration is an order of magnitude greater in the ability of sending information than trying to send information via chemicals. He talked very simply about the fact that when you use chemicals as a signalling device, that when a chemical binds to another chemical, there’s something called the heat of reaction, and in the heat of reaction you give off the heat from a chemical interaction. But heat is disorganized, dissipated energy. If a molecule is carrying information, about 98% of the available energy for information is actually dissipated as heat during a chemical reaction. So, when you use a molecule to send information you are approximately getting about 1% of the information in the transfer, and about 98-99% of the information lost as heat. In contrast, he said, when you use energetic signalling, vibrational signalling, that you essentially get 100% of the signal in transfer because there’s no energy lost in the chemical reaction. Therefore this showed that vibrational energy is more effective at communication rather than chemistry.

Karma Singh: So you’re saying that modern science now says that it’s the information which counts, and the chemical substance is not only irrelevant, it’s dangerous. So science is saying that homeopathy is the thing, and science is saying that pharmaceutical medicine is unscientific.

Dr. Bruce Lipton: Pharmaceutical medicine is actually kind of lethal and is one of the primary causes of death, in what we call iatrogenic illness. For example, in the United States alone, 300,000 or more people die every year from pharmaceutical chemistry, which is vastly more people than those who die from so-called illegal drugs. Legal drugs are actually more lethal. There was an interesting article published in the journal “Nature” regarding the mechanism by which information influences the movement of molecules and why that is important is because life is derived from the movement of molecules. So the paper was studying what is the mechanics that result in the movement of molecules which result in the expression of life. They first tried to assess the movements of molecules using the mechanisms of Newtonian physics and they were completely unable to predict the movements of the molecules. As soon as they applied the quantum mechanical principles to the movement of molecules they were able to accurately predict the movement of molecules which then emphasizes this: That our conventional medicine, which is based on Newtonian physics and Newtonian chemistry, is incorrectly perceiving how molecules move, and the mechanics of life; and that the new physics is really the foundation of molecular movements. And what’s very interesting about this is that there was a review article by the two authors, Pophristic and Goodman, the ones that were looking at the mechanisms of molecular movement, and there was an editorial in the same issue of “Nature” that said, “What is the meaning of this work by Pophristic and Goodman?” I love it because it says right there in the subtitle of the article, “If you want to understand the nature of molecule movement, don’t look for the answers in your organic chemistry textbook.” And the complete important meaning of that message is that organic chemistry is used to define the principles of medicine. Medicine is built on organic chemistry. And yet, what Weinhold’s article [in “Nature”] is talking about is that when you understand the mechanisms that cause molecules to move, you’ll realize that those mechanisms are not described in conventional organic chemistry because they’re really quantum biophysics. So, if you want to understand how life works, that’s essentially what he means by if you understand how molecules move, he said you will not find the answers in organic chemistry, and organic chemistry is the foundation of allopathic medicine. So basically, allopathic medicine’s perception is totally skewed and flawed because it does not incorporate the role of quantum entanglement and the roles of vibrational energies, and what are called destructive and constructive interference patterns. So harmony and resonance is really the primary mechanism of molecular movement, not positive and negative charges or regional charges which are Newtonian mechanisms.

Karma Singh: As a former teacher of medicine in major universities, if you had a health problem and you were faced with the choice between an allopathic doctor who uses pharmaceutical medicine, and a doctor who uses homeopathy, which one would you choose?

Dr. Bruce Lipton: Very simple answer for me. I don’t go to medical doctors! I haven’t been to a medical doctor in about 15 years, and I knew exactly what I was going for then because I wanted some penicillin because I had pneumonia and I had to see a doctor to get the prescription for it. But I stay away from them as much as possible. But I don’t want to say that medicine is bad. Medicine has an important function. Medicine does miracles in its field. Then what is it that you would go to medicine for? The answer for me is trauma. If I break something, I need something sewn up, I need a part replaced, you can bet your life I’m going to go to a medical doctor before I go to a homeopath. But when it comes to issues that medicine really just plays with like diabetes, Alzeheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, cancer, obesity – these kinds of issues are not trauma related issues, and as a result of that, medicine doesn’t have a very good track record with them because medicine is coming from a wrong scientific foundation. Medicine, being founded on the mechanisms of Newtonian mechanics, is really not totally understanding the nature of life because the nature of life is based on quantum physics. The difference between them is that Newtonian physics emphasizes materialism, matter, physical chemistry; and quantum physics says no it’s the invisible forces, it’s the energy and the vibration which are profoundly important. So, from the work of McClare and the work of Pophristic and Goodman and even Albert St Georgi, their research says that the new direction of medicine will be energy medicine. But this doesn’t mean if I get into a car accident and my guts are hanging out that I will try to find a homeopath to help me. That wouldn’t work for me. Use the medicine for what it’s really good for, but consider alternatives when it comes to issues of health that are outside the nature of trauma. For example, cancer. What is cancer caused by? Well, now we’re recognizing the primary cause of cancer is perception. Genetics account for far less of cancer than 10%. So, the relevance is that 90% of cancer cannot be attributed due to the physical mechanical body, but it is attributed to the information or the perception of the individual in response to their environment, and that perception being translated into biology. So, the healing issues in our world are mostly not approached by conventional medicine. Conventional medicine would recognize, for example, that 90% of cardiovascular disease, which is one of the leading killers in the world, has nothing to do with organic causes. 90% of cardiovascular disease is a person’s personal perception or stresses or environmental lifestyle actions. And why I bring that up is because if you have cardiovascular disease, and you end up going to a conventional allopath, the first thing they are probably going to do is try to assign a pharmaceutical drug, when the fact is, the first thing they would have done in real health is to give a foundation and education and insight into the reality that cardiovascular disease is changeable just by how you change your perceptions or responses to life, and not how you change your physical body.

Karma Singh: Last week in in one of the journals there was a large article explaining why homeopathy should be banned because it is unscientific. Would you like to comment upon this?

Dr. Bruce Lipton: I would really like to say that on a real definition basis, allopathic medicine is pretty much unscientific, because allopathic medicine is manipulated and controlled by the pharmaceutical industry, which sells chemistry. Well why is that important? Well let me just bring up a simple point. If I asked the audience, “Are you aware that there are much more efficient ways to produce energy on this planet besides burning fossil fuels that are much more efficient and effective?” I think most people would recognize yes, there are many different ways to produce energy besides fossil fuels. Then I ask the question, “Where are they?” The reason why I ask the question is they are not here. But if we know they exist then why aren’t we using them? And the answer is that it’s not in the interest of the fossil fuel industry to offer energy that doesn’t use fossil fuel, because that’s the whole business program. So what does that mean about medicine? Are there other ways to heal yourself besides medicine? And the answer is most certainly there are, and most of it involves energy. All these different forms of alternative or complementary medicine are really based on energy at the fundamental level. So if that’s really true then where are these energy modalities in our world today? And the answer is it’s not in the interest of a pharmaceutical industry that sells chemicals to offer insights into other forms of healing that don’t use chemicals. It’s not in the business plan. In fact, having been a researcher and professor in a medical school for a number of years and having received my grants and all the things I had to do I can tell you that my work was funded because when I wrote my grants I appealed to the pharmaceutical industry’s perception of chemicals and molecules involved in healing, and yet when I had the opportunity to do my work, the understanding about health was really information in the fields. What I knew and what I learned is that medical research is directed and controlled by the pharmaceutical industry. It’s not directed and influenced by the interests of the public. And why is that important? It’s a fact that in the United States today, allopathic medicine is the leading cause of death. It’s called iatrogenic illness. The relevance of that is very simple: if a healing modality is the leading cause of death then you have to ask a logical question: “If you really know how life works and you’re trying to heal with your science then how come allopathic medicine is the leading cause of death?” The answer is because something very profound is missing from their awareness: What’s missing is the nature of the role of energy and mind and field in understanding the nature of life, and that is the nature of quantum physics. Well how come I claim that modern medicine is not scientific? And the answer is that science is built on a hierarchy of fundamental sciences, built one on top of each other. The foundation of all sciences today is called mathematics. And then from mathematics you create physics which is the science of mechanisms, how things work. And then from physics you create chemistry. So if you understand the nature of physics you understand the nature of chemistry. And there are all different kinds of chemistry, and on the top of the chemistry pile is something called biochemistry. And the relevance about that is that leads to biology, which then leads to psychology. So, in a hierarchy of sciences, physics is down much lower than biology and psychology. Well why is that important? And the answer is that when a science on a lower tier changes its belief system, it is incumbant that every science built above on that foundation must incorporate those new insights into their science. So what’s wrong then with conventional allopathic medicine? The answer is it’s based on Newtonian physics. And Newtonian physics has been modified, updated and really changed by the concepts of quantum mechanics, which came in in 1925. Chemistry has now incorporated quantum mechanical mechanisms in its understanding of the new fields of chemistry where you can direct chemical reactions by vibrational frequencies. Biology, especially because of its manipulation by the pharmaceutical industry, has retained its Newtonian base in the presence of a quantum mechanical world. That means that science in the form of biomedicine is no longer scientific because until it incorporates the principles of quantum mechanics, which are the fundamental mechanisms of the universe, then conventional biology is operating from a misperception of a Newtonian universe, something that has now been proven to be totally false. So until this change occurs, conventional science, especially as it’s run by the drug companies, with its primary interest in the material mechanisms of Newton; until the new physics comes in, conventional biomedicine is by definition outdated.

Karma Singh: Thank you very much

Dr. Bruce Lipton: We need to get this information to the public as fast as we can, because we are really running into a crises in the world. When you recognize, for example, that health care crisis are undermining countries and civilizations around the world because of the high cost and less effectiveness in its approach to health, it’s time to introduce a new understanding of health, and especially one based on energy medicine because once you start to recognize that it’s energy you say, “Well how much does energy cost?” Well, it doesn’t really cost anything.

Read and Order Books by Dr. Bruce Lipton:
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here
The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth

Natural Treatments for Wildfire Smoke Inhalation

bc-wildfires-vancovuerHere in BC this year in 2015, it has been an extremely dry, hot spring and early summer.

As of July 6, 2015, there are currently 178 wildfires burning in the province of BC; leaving much of the province of BC, including Vancouver, blanketed in smoke. Consequently, the air quality index in Vancouver is at “very high risk.” And rain is not in the forecast anytime soon. Because of the lack of rain and record high temperatures, Vancouver’s residents also need to follow “stage 2” watering restrictions due to drought.

Herbs, Vitamins and Supplements for Smoke Inhalation Injury

haze-sunThere was a study done on sheep showing that smoke inhalation can deplete Vitamin E. Another study on sheep showed that L-Arginine had a protective effect on the lungs after smoke inhalation. Research also shows that Vitamin C has a protective effect on the lungs. Thus, supplementation with L-Argninine, Vitamin E as well as Vitamin C is recommended.

There is a very good, detailed article about using herbs for smoke inhalation by Kiva Rose. She lists a variety of herbs for smoke inhalation: Elm, Mallows, Aster, Lobelia, Mulberry, Elecampane, Ragweed, Osha, Plantain, etc.

Homeopath Miranda Castro’s General Recommendations for Smoke Inhalation:

~ Limit your outdoor activities to those that are truly urgent.
~ Remain in your home and keep the doors and windows closed.
~ Run the air conditioner with re-circulated air from time to time, even if you don’t need to. Close the fresh air intake and make sure the filter is clean and changed more frequently than usual.
~ If you have to drive, keep your car windows closed, and run the air conditioning with the vent to the outside closed.
~ Irrigate your sinuses frequently with saline solution using a bulb syringe or netipot (found at drug or natural food stores). Nasal irrigation involves flooding the nasal cavity with a warm saline solution in order to clear out excess mucus and particulates (i.e., dust, smoke, or pollen particles), and moisturize the nasal cavity. Clinical trials have found it both safe and beneficial.
Click here to learn more about how to use a neti pot

~ Use an eyewash to rinse irritated eyes. You may be able to find an herbal eyewash at your local whole food store or you can make your own. Calendula (marigold), Hydrastis (goldenseal), Chamomile, and Euphrasia (eyebright) are all wonderfully soothing herbs for irritated eyes. Make an infusion by adding a handful of one or more of these herbs, fresh or dried, to a pint of freshly boiled distilled water. Cover and let it steep until cool, then strain it carefully until the infusion is quite clear.
~ If you do spend time outdoors and are affected, change your clothes as soon as you get inside and take a quick shower or wash exposed parts (especially head, hair, face, and hands) with running water.
~ Do not add indoor smoke: don’t burn any candles or fires. Vacuuming stirs up particles inside your home so consider holding off on vacuuming until the fires are over. Remove all air fresheners (for good).
~ Do not rely on dust masks for protection. Commonly found at hardware stores, these masks are designed to trap large particles, such as sawdust and will not protect your lungs from smoke. A wet dishcloth or tea towel over your nose and mouth is more beneficial.
~ If you don’t have an air conditioner or are particularly sensitive to smoke, consider spending time in public areas such as a shopping mall, movie theater, or library.
~ Keep your cats indoors.
~ Hose down dogs with a hand-held shower after a walk, or brush them down with a damp cloth.
~ Make sure you get some exercise if you are stuck indoors … run up and down the stairs or do 50-100 circuits of your house (to your favorite radio program or music)–or go to the mall for a walk once a day.

Homeopathic Remedies for Smoke Inhalation: Miranda Castro’s Recommendations 


Arsenicum: For smoke exposure with anxiety.
~ Eyes burn and stream.
~ Nose burns and streams.
~ Cough is dry and worse at night.
~ Tremendous anxiety especially about what is going to happen–and restlessness.

Euphrasia: For simple smoke exposure with irritation to eyes and possibly nose and no other symptoms.
~ Eyes stream and burn–lids are red, swollen, and sensitive.
~ Nose streams but doesn’t burn.
~ There may be a little daytime cough. The eyes stream on coughing.

Kali bichromicum:  For more serious smoke exposure with irritated sinuses and/or lungs.
~ Nose is blocked–nasal discharge is dry or comes out in sticky or stringy “plugs.”
~ Sinuses are sore, raw, irritated, and painful.
~ Cough is painful, and chest is sore.
~ Mucus coughed up with difficulty and is scanty, sticky, or stringy.

Natrum arsenicosum: Great sensitivity to smoke. Useful when the indicated remedies haven’t helped much or at all.
~ Eyes dry and painful. They stream and smart on going out into the smoky air.
~ Sinuses feel blocked and are painful.
~ Racking cough. Lungs feel full of smoke.
~ Headache from the smoke.

Silica: To help the body eject inhaled particles.
~ Nose dry and blocked–no sense of smell or taste.
~ Sinuses stuffed up and painful.
~ Dry, irritating cough from inhaled particles. With lumpy, yellow mucus.
~ There’s a strange feeling of something (a hair or dust) stuck at the back of the tongue.

Taking homeopathic gremedies

Take 6c, 12c, or 30c (whatever potency you have on hand is always the best potency), three times a day, stopping on improvement and repeating as needed (i.e., if your symptoms return). If you’ve taken a remedy for two days and had no response, select a different remedy or call your homeopath.


If you are under constitutional homeopathic treatment, then please check with your homeopath before taking one of these remedies to make sure it is the right remedy for you and that it has a good relationship with your constitutional remedy (i.e., it won’t inadvertently “counteract” your remedy/stop it from working).

Book an acute appointment for homeopathic treatment of smoke inhalation


Burn and smoke inhalation injury in sheep depletes vitamin E: kinetic studies using deuterated tocopherols

Effects of vitamin C on airway responsiveness to inhaled histamine in heavy smokers

Fires raging across B.C. as concern for the summer deepens

L-arginine attenuates acute lung injury after smoke inhalation and burn injury in sheep

More about Wildfire Smoke Inhalation

Prevention of and Herbal Therapeutics for Wildfire Related Smoke Inhalation

Why I Love Doing Homeopathic Provings

1. Following in Hahnemann’s Footsteps

images (1)I have always been a great admirer of Samuel Hahnemann’s work. In fact, if he were alive today, I have the feeling we would have been great friends. Sometimes when I read his writing I feel like it’s something that I could’ve written (especially the long rants about allopaths).

Here is a bit of interesting trivia: Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) published approximately 100 homeopathic provings. Friends, family and colleagues participated in the provings, and Hahnemann himself also participated as a prover in many of his provings.

Hahnemann’s provings were the backbone of early homeopathy; many of his remedies are still considered “homeopathic polycrests,” indispensable remedies to the modern homeopath and every naturally-minded household.

Without homeopathic provings, we would have no materia medica, and homeopathy would not exist.

By doing homeopathic provings, we can follow in Hahnemann’s footsteps and carry on his legacy. Without expanding our materia medica, homeopathy becomes a dead craft.

2. They’re Fun

Fun-with-Directions-512-iconDon’t underestimate this reason because it’s very important motivator. Say it with me: “Homeopathic provings are fun.” By now I may have lost some, if not all, of you. Most people in the homeopathic community think that provings are a pain in the you-know-what. Many homeopaths believe that a proving is like a trial or a punishment that one must suffer or slave through.

Often, when I tell a colleague or friend that I’m starting, in the middle of, or finishing off a homeopathic proving, I get that “are you crazy?!” look. I tell them about all the symptoms that I’m experiencing from proving the remedy, and they are absolutely horrified.

Needless to say, I don’t get a lot of volunteers for my provings, but boy are all these naysayers losing out. Homeopathic provings have enriched my life in a way that nothing else has. Provings have given me a deep understanding of many aspects of nature, because we “become” the remedy when we do a proving. Because I love nature, this is exciting for me to get to know it so intimately.

Provings also have a way of changing the course of your life, because when you “become the remedy” while you prove it, your energetic frequency changes temporarily. Thus, you energetically start attracting different experiences that you would never normally have experienced. It’s almost like you’re living other people’s lives for a little while. It’s like taking a little holiday from yourself. And we all know that holidays are fun, so therefore, provings are fun.

3. Gaining Wisdom and Getting to Know Yourself Better

download (2)You could see this as an aspect of fun as well, if you consider working on yourself as a person to be fun.

The process of proving a remedy not only gives you valuable insight into aspects of nature, it also provides a deeper understanding of yourself and your life path. This is partially because, when proving a remedy, we have to analyze our symptoms very closely, so we get better at observing ourselves. The other reason is because when we prove remedies we gain wisdom directly from the substance that we are proving. Some of the proving substances that I have dealt with are very old and wise, and have taught me a lot. I continue to learn more from each remedy that I prove.

4. Watching Your Spouse or Roommate Squirm

download (3)This is also an offshoot of the “fun” category.

Usually, when we prove remedies, the energy from the remedy can affect others in close proximity to us. More often than not, a spouse or a roommate will also feel the effects of a remedy proving. And because they did not sign up for it, it can be a little amusing to see them get affected by the remedy and either a) be in denial about it, or b) be utterly confused about why they are getting a strange burning sensation in their nose, why their voice is suddenly hoarse for no apparent reason or why they have an odd sensation of poking in the back of their neck.

Hilarious! Another added bonus is that these guinea pigs…err..I mean, friends or family, can give us the purest symptoms because of their complete lack of awareness that they are proving the remedy.

5. A Greater Understanding of Remedies

What better way to understand remedies, and what remedy a person needs, then by proving that remedy. Once one has experienced a remedy state, it becomes easier to prescribe that remedy to a client. Thus, our prescribing becomes more accurate.

6. Modern Times Call for Modern Remedies

download (4)Again, I have come upon a bit of a controversial topic. I hope George Vithoulkas doesn’t strike me down with a thunderbolt for writing this!

Remedies come into and out of fashion depending upon the society and time we live in. Many homeopaths have remarked that sulphur does not work as well today as it used to in the past (e.g. in Hahnemann’s day). I believe the reason for this is because diseases are much more complex than they were 200 years ago. Modern day people use a lot more allopathic drugs (including vaccines), are exposed to a lot more pollution, and experience a lot more stress than their ancestors. Our technology has created some very complex disease states, which often can only be matched by using new homeopathic remedies.

7. The Possibility of Finding Our Simillimum

People who are involved in creating new remedies may accidentally find their simillimum. This point especially applies to homeopaths who are choosing the proving substance. The remedy that you are drawn to is often the very remedy that you need.

8. Local Remedies Work Best

Again, a debatable point, but it makes sense that people would often resonate with remedies from their local environment. When we make new, local remedies, those remedies will have a greater possibility of resonating with clients vs. remedies from halfway across the world.

9. Being an Active Participant in Healing

The usual routine is to sit there, take the client’s case, then prescribe a remedy which we obtain from a homeopathic pharmacy. Provings take healing to a new level because they inspire direct engagement with the substance instead of just reading about the remedy in a textbook. Trituration provings are even more active than regular provings because one is actually involved with making the remedy, instead of ordering it from the pharmacy.

Sounds Awesome, Doesn’t It?!

If I have piqued your interest in the very least, I would love to hear from you. Please do feel free to Contact Me with any questions or concerns regarding provings.

Homeopathic Treatment of Ebola

October 2014 –

“Is it the flu or is it EBOLA?” Important information regarding EBOLA Hemorrhagic Fever

Compiled by Sally Tamplin MARH,DSH, PCH and Jacob Mirman MD, DHt, CCH

The top US medical official, Thomas Frieden, has said that the Ebola challenge is the biggest since AIDS. Britain and the USA have implemented enhanced security screening measures at airports.The UN’s Ebola mission chief says the world is falling behind in the race to contain the virus. According to recent statistics 70% of cases are fatal.

The media is talking at length about this unprecedented, extremely serious, and most contagious disease sweeping across parts of desperately poor, under resourced West Africa since February 2014. It is seriously affecting the African economy, The World Bank says that billions of dollars could be drained from West African countries by the end of the year if the virus continues to spread. It is crossing country borders and now taking hold in densely populated areas.The World Bank has added $170 million to the $230 million it has already pledged in emergency assistance for countries battling to control the outbreak. The US government has already spent more than $100 million in response to the outbreak and the European Union has announced funding worth $180 million to help the governments of West Africa strengthen their health services. The Gates Foundation is committing $50 million to help step up efforts to tackle the deadly virus and purchase badly needed supplies. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan have donated $25 million to the CDC foundation. President Obama has announced that he is sending 4,000 US troops to Liberia to help fight the virus outbreak, the UK is sending a hospital ship and the UN security Council has declared the outbreak to be a threat to international peace and security.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that it is the largest outbreak ever recorded and could be catastrophic in terms of lives lost. They have declared it an international health emergency. WHO has warned that Ebola infections could reach 5,000 to 10,000 new cases per week within two months if efforts to tackle the outbreak are not stepped up. There have been more than 9,191 confirmed cases and the virus has claimed 4,546 lives to date mainly in Guinea,Liberia and Sierra Leone, Liberia being the worse country affected. More than 200 of these victims are health care workers. Before the Ebola outbreak there was just one doctor available to treat 100,000 people in Liberia. Despite these large financial pledges the medical charity, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), has warned that the international response has been “lethally inadequate.” President Obama has announced that the world needs to act faster to halt the outbreak. An emergency meeting is about to go ahead between President Obama and the British, French, Italian and German leaders as the crisis escalates. A man traveling from Liberia to the USA recently died in a Dallas hospital, health authorities scrambled to find all those that he has been in contact with and two of his care givers have now tested positive for Ebola.

EBOLA, a severe viral infection, is described as one of the most deadly on the planet; it can prove to be fatal within days, so we felt it expedient to discuss the role of homeopathy in the current crisis and we are in the process of gathering homeopaths together to respond to this escalating situation. This web site offers free advice and help from professional homeopaths who have volunteered their time and expertise to assist in the control and treatment of this dreadful disease.

Homeopathy has always won its laurels in the resolution of acute, killer diseases so we would be remiss if we did not inform the public how homeopathy can help you and your loved ones if EBOLA ever comes to your neighborhood. The disease is currently spreading faster in Africa than the efforts that have been made can control it. The world has become a smaller place in respect to our ability to travel and move across the globe quickly by air, likewise we need to be mindful that infectious diseases also travel fast and can take hold in distant communities, so we do need to be prepared! There is also always the threat of bioterrorism. Homeopathic knowledge can help us become less fearful and help ourselves. There may come a time when we are on our own!

Currently medical authorities have no answer to this rampant killer; they report that it is an incurable virus and there is no vaccine currently available or specific antiviral treatment. There is some debate about using experimental drugs without medical trials. According to the news media EBOLA has a fatality rate of approx 70%.

Ebola Outbreak

Strict isolation, critical care barrier nursing, supportive comfort care and aggressive help with rehydration because of the loss of body fluids are the mainstay of conventional medical practice. Low blood pressure is a problem due to the excessive loss of bodily fluid through diarrhea and vomiting. Medical treatment may be helpful with complicating infections and patients have a better chance of survival if they receive early diagnosis and treatment.

The good news is that our homeopathic community has a lot more ammunition to offer. Homeopaths have well over two hundred years of documented successes and while EBOLA might be the disease label in this current crisis, homeopaths only look to symptoms and use their totality as a guide to the most useful remedies that can help each individual to rally and fight killer infections. Old homeopathic books talk about the 1918 Spanish Influenza characterized by bleeding from all parts of the body, just as EBOLA does in its most deadly form. Homeopaths are familiar with the remedies that can produce such symptoms and the remedies that can likewise cure, after all our cornerstone of practice is the premise that like cures like.

Unlike the influenza virus that can be quickly transmitted through airborne droplet infection (someone sneezing or coughing around you) the EBOLA virus is presently transmitted by actual contact with the body fluids of those who are infected and are showing symptoms. So exposure to infected saliva, sweat, vomit, diarrhea and blood can spread this virus. Up to three months after clinical recovery the disease may still be transmitted through sexual contact.

If you have been watching the news reports you will have noticed the very rigorous cross contamination procedures that the African medical treatment facilities have been implementing. Avoiding contact with infected body fluids is an absolute must, EBOLA is considered a level 4 biohazard and this is why so many of the reported EBOLA cases are from relatives and health care workers who have been infected whilst caring for a victim of this deadly virus or by exposure whilst burying a contaminated corpse. Doctors and nurses have succumbed to the infection and at the end of July the number one EBOLA physician for Sierra Leone lost his life. Africa has seen much civil war and atrocities in the recent past and many African people have little confidence in authorities and health care workers so relatives who should have been brought to the hospital have been cared for in the home and hence the disease has spread quickly. Now there is a situation where some African isolation hospitals are becoming overwhelmed and very sick, contagious people are being cared for in their homes and some victims are dying in the streets as they are turned away from overstretched medical facilities. Medical aid workers are having a hard time persuading people that they cannot give their loved ones the traditional burial that is customary in their culture; this involves washing the dead body.

This influenza web site is a treasure chest of information and we really want to stress that many of the remedies carefully researched and added to this web site may be key players in the treatment of EBOLA, as you read on you will notice that many reported EBOLA symptoms can look like those characterized by influenza and H5N1 Bird flu. This is why we felt it so important to talk about EBOLA here.


The virus is not new and was formerly known as, “The Zaire Virus,” it can be first traced back to 1976 when the Zaire Virus first appeared in rural Africa and was very virulent. Good detective work pointed to a Belgian nun working in the Congo. The nuns spread the virus amongst themselves and to their patients who visited the antenatal clinic established in a Catholic Mission, they were given injections and it is believed that the needle was the initial site of transmission. Outside the Catholic Mission the virus began to spread through the transmission of contaminated body fluids.

There are five identified ebolavirus subtypes and four are capable of human to human transmission. There have been a couple of dozen outbreaks since 1976 and all of those were contained. This current virus strain is close to the, “ Zaire Strain” and is almost as virulent. According to the CDC web site new evidence strongly implicates fruit bats as the reservoir hosts for the Ebola viruses. If you continue to read our web site you will learn that birds are the reservoir of the influenza viruses. Initial infections in humans result from contact with the blood or secretions of an infected bat or a wild animal that the bat has bitten. It is believed that the EBOLA virus is carried and spread through primates. In rural Africa, where this latest outbreak first began, it is common for the people to hunt and eat wild animals such as antelopes, chimps and also bats. The Guinea Health Minister Remy Lamah forbid consumption of fruit bats in the area afflicted with the epidemic.

Signs and Symptoms of EBOLA

Homeopaths pay particular attention to the symptoms that a patient presents; the totality is a signpost to be used to find the most suitable homeopathic remedy. As the patient’s presenting state changes a succession of different remedies may possibly be required to bring about full resolution of the disease. Homeopaths carefully watch and note all symptoms including those that affect the physical body and the mental and emotional states too.

According to the CDC early diagnosis is quite difficult in the initial stages of infection because symptoms such as headache, fever, vomiting and diarrhea can be indicative of many diseases including influenza. In fact the early stages of EBOLA can look just like the flu. The symptoms of EBOLA and other hemorrhagic fevers also resemble those of malaria and dengue fever.

Symptoms such as severe fever, headache, joint and muscle aches, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, lack of appetite are seen in many suffers by the medical professionals who are treating this current outbreak of EBOLA.

Additionally some patients may experience a rash, red eyes, hiccups, cough, sore throat, chest pain, difficulty breathing and difficulty swallowing.

According to recent statistics half of all EBOLA cases are presently progressing to hemorrhagic symptoms, this means bleeding inside and outside of the body that cannot be stopped, in particular bloody diarrhea, and vomit, bleeding from the gums and the eyes. This generalized bleeding is present in many but not all cases of EBOLA and is probably caused by DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation.  In this condition the blood coagulation cascade is triggered, causing blood clot formation in blood vessels. The process uses up the clotting factors, rendering blood unable to clot. The inner lining of blood vessels also becomes compromised. The result is easy bleeding from the damaged vessels, which is unstoppable due to loss of clotting ability. Due to blood loss as well as other factors the vital organs are shutting down, the body is breaking down and death is imminent.

Symptoms may appear anywhere from 2 – 21 days after exposure to the virus, but according to the CDC 8 – 10 days are most common.

Lately there has been some discussion about this incubation time, some sources report that the incubation time may, in some people, be as long as 42 days.

According to USA Today, August 17, the prodrome symptoms are as follows:

Days 5 – 9 : Fatigue, headache, fever, chills
Day 10: High fever, vomiting blood, rash, and passive behavior
Day11: Bleeding from the nose, mouth, eyes and anus
Day12: Seizures, internal bleeding, loss of consciousness, death

While there are some survivors many succumb to the virus. The reasons are not yet fully understood. It is known that patients who die usually have not developed a significant immune response to the virus at the time of death. Patients obviously have a better chance of recovery if they receive professional nursing care and rehydration therapy.

Homeopaths have always paid attention to the constitution of their patients, Louis Pasteur in the twilight of his life declared that the disease was nothing and the constitution of the individual was everything! Careful homeopathic remedy selection, according to the totality of symptoms, and unique to the individual is the key that opens the door to healing. The remedies do not heal they are simply a catalyst for change. When we are out of balance a carefully selected remedy can wake up our innate healing ability, commonly homeopaths refer to it as “the vital force.” It is our own innate healing ability that can bring us back to health.

Homeopathic Remedies for EBOLA

We want every reader to understand that it is important to treat the individual, not the disease and to pay special attention to the totality of symptoms. Please note that many remedies documented on this web site for influenza like symptoms may be suitable for a patient suffering from EBOLA like symptoms so please do read and use all of the resources that are offered on this site. Some of the homeopathic remedies that have been described on this web site since its inception have a hemorrhagic symptom picture this is because when we first began researching influenza we were particularly concerned with H5N1 Bird Flu.

Half of all victims of this disease die and many bleeding symptoms are observed, (Current H5N1 statistics: WHO confirmed cases 2003 – 2014 /650 cases and 386 deaths) In our research for this flu web site we were particularly interested in the role of homeopathy during the 1918 pandemic – ( H1N1 strain)  which also presented with many hemorrhagic symptoms.

Understanding more about homeopathic remedies

Remedies come from many different sources. Most are derived from plants, but animal products, minerals, metals and some poisons, which have been used medicinally for generations, are also used. The homeopath has thousands of remedies to choose from, and new remedies, appropriate to our life and times, are being researched as we write. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed according to the Law of Similars. The law states, “That which makes sick shall heal.” This means that the symptoms caused by an overdose of a substance are the symptoms that can also be cured by a small dose of that same substance.

As an example, we know that when we cut up an onion most people experience an acrid runny nose, soreness in the throat and stinging, runny eyes. A homeopath may suggest Allium Cepa, this is the homeopathic remedy made from the onion for the individual who has a cold and sore throat with these symptoms. Therefore, homeopathy uses medicines prepared from natural substances that are similar to the illness. The name homeopathy is actually derived from two Greek words meaning “similar and suffering.” The Law of Similars has been a part of medical practice since the time of Classical Greece, but homeopathy, as we know it today was first formulated over two hundred years ago by Christian Samuel Hahnemann.

A well-chosen homeopathic remedy acts as a signal, which energizes or stimulates the body’s self-healing powers, mobilizing the defense systems and working on all aspects of the body, mental, emotional and physical. We could liken it to the jump leads that have to be used when the car has been left out in the cold weather because the battery is flat!

The remedy simply acts as a catalyst. The body heals itself; but the well-chosen remedy awakens the vital force or chi, which has at some point become stuck.

In classical homeopathy, which is what we are advocating, only one remedy or signal is used at a time. Just as a television reproduces only the program to which it is tuned, a sick person is very sensitive to, or is tuned into, the correct remedy, and only a minute stimulus from the right remedy is required. This is sometimes called the principle of the minimum dose .The idea is to cure with the minimum amount of intervention.

Generally there are two ways of preparing substances. Plants are macerated and soaked in a mixture of alcohol and water; this becomes known as the “mother tincture.” The mixture is diluted by adding one drop of the tincture to 99 drops of alcohol and water; it is then succussed (the container is repeatedly struck against a hard, elastic surface.) This is then called the 1C potency; the C stands for centesimal because the substance is diluted one part in one hundred. The process is repeated by taking one drop of the 1c mixture, diluting it with 99 drops of alcohol and water, and succussing it. This is then called the 2C potency. Each progressive dilution and succession yields the next higher potency.

Some remedies are made by decimal dilution. This means that one drop of the “mother tincture” is diluted by adding one drop of the tincture to 10 drops of alcohol and water, and then it is succussed. This is now called the 1X potency; the X stands for decimal because the substance is diluted by one part in 10.

Minerals and nonplant substances are diluted initially by trituration, this means grinding up with lactose, or milk sugar. The ratio of one part in one hundred or one part in ten is repeated. This process is usually repeated up to 3C or 3X, at which stage the lactose/mineral mixture can be dissolved and then the higher potencies are made in the same way as the liquid potencies described in the previous paragraph.

After initial preparation of the raw material the remedies are made by serial dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking) in a solution of alcohol and water.

This is done a few times or up to many thousands of times. The liquid dilution is then used itself as a remedy or soaked into tablets or granules for convenience. The diluted remedies are described as being “potentised,” in recognition of the dynamic healing power that they can stimulate. Frequently the dilutions are so great that no chemical trace of the original substance remains. Most people question this asking, “How can it possibly work if there is nothing there?”

The truth is we don’t know why, other homeopaths and scientists will tell you the same thing. The important point is that they do work and homeopaths get to witness miracles every day. For over thirty years, veterinary medicine has contributed to the development of homeopathy because it has shown that the therapy works on animals, who are unaware of what they are taking and therefore cannot be subject to the placebo effect.

Homeopathic literature, both past and present, documents cases, sometimes of severe pathology, that have been cured or significantly helped by homeopathy.Since the remedies usually have nothing left of the original substance there is no danger of toxicity and nasty side effects if properly administered, because there is no chemical trace to accumulate in the body’s tissues.

Homeopathic remedies are not intrinsically dangerous but they are powerful and must be treated with care and respect. Where the patient’s condition requires serious conventional treatment, homeopathy enables a reduction in the dosages of conventional drugs and can help to decrease the unwanted side effects.

If you would like to learn more please take a look at Dr. Jacob Mirman’s book:

Which remedies would be most useful for EBOLA?

Below is a list of remedies that we have compiled along with the help of some of our homeopathic friends and colleagues from all over the world and from our wealth of homeopathic literature, the writings of homeopathic pioneers who took the time to prove remedies and record their successes for posterity. This list contains remedies that we believe may be helpful in the treatment of EBOLA like illnesses. Some of the remedies listed are new to this web site and are documented in detail right here. Other remedies that we have included in our list can be read in full detail under the influenza remedies section on this web site.

Please make use of all the information that we offer, this is an educational site and we ask all readers who wish to use homeopathy to work with a professional homeopath who knows and understands how best they can be utilized. As more information becomes available and if other remedies come to the fore this web site will be updated so it continues to be an excellent source of homeopathic information for you, your family and our global homeopathic community. Remember viruses will always be with us, they will always find ways to mutate but homeopathy works to strengthen the individual so he can fight the disease, it is our best and perhaps our only chance in these troubled times.

Here is a brief synopsis of the most important remedies for hemorrhagic EBOLA then please read on for a full, very detailed description of our new snake additions and note that although the snakes are new arrivals they are a most welcome addition to our web site! That which can kill can also cure!

Prevention is by far the best way!

As a preventative if an outbreak occurs in your neighborhood, Bothrops 30 c, one dose daily, until the threat has passed. This homeopathic remedy closely matches the symptoms of hemorrhagic EBOLA as we are seeing and hearing from the news reports and may be considered the genus epidemicus – meaning the most useful remedy for most of the population and the one that may help prevent the disease in those who have been exposed. However, in truth, we do not fully know this yet. Homeopaths need to be able to treat several people with EBOLA first and compare symptoms before we know for sure exactly what the genus epidemicus may be. When we know for sure we will post prominently on this web site! Please refer to the web site often in any global crisis and tell your friends about us too!

Our friend and homeopathic colleague Dr. Jose Issac who is head of a large homeopathic teaching hospital in India reminds us of the following:

“The best way to find a medicine for an epidemic is to find out by the method envisaged in Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine, the following protocol may be useful:

1. First study the common symptoms manifested by the majority of patients
2. This will help us to find the group of remedies that can cure a particular disease
3. From this list select the individualizing features so that we can specifically come to fewer remedies in the group.”

Taking responsibility – helping ourselves

If we have a toxic body and mind we are more likely to succumb to disease. Take the opportunity right now while you are well to lose any extra weight, get physically fit, start to eat a balanced diet and take action to reduce the amount of stress that you have in your life. Most importantly, deal with toxic thoughts and emotions!

Early Symptoms

Please note that not all cases of EBOLA progress to the hemorrhagic state and in the early stages we will see more flu like symptoms, not the later stage of hemorrhage. It is important to become familiar with the flu remedies, all well documented on this site. Homeopaths select remedies for the state that they observe before them so if the patient suddenly develops a very high fever, is extremely hot and delirious, has dilated pupils and a red face we are going to be thinking of the remedy Belladonna. Likewise, we may consider Gelsemium for a patient whose onset of symptoms was not too sudden and dramatic, who is not particularly restless, who complains of body pain and who is completely drained and weak. EBOLA has taken center stage regarding the news media and many people are fearful, particularly fearful of contamination and this is not surprising when we see health care workers on TV wearing space suits! We should definitely think about the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum Album especially when we see a patient who is extremely anxious, fearful of contamination, restless, exhausted, complaining of burning pains, is thirsty for small sips of water and who has vomiting and diarrhea.

As in influenza cases, if we can begin homeopathic remedies in the early stages of disease we have a much better chance to bring our patients back to health and to avoid the destructive hemorrhagic state.  Again, we remind readers, that as the state changes we may have to change the remedy and it is possible that in the case of a very sick person we may need a succession of well indicated remedies to bring them back to health.

The question of homeopathic potency?

This is debatable and homeopaths have varying views. When we first developed our web site and produced the influenza kit we wanted the general public to be well prepared in a worst case scenario. We included all the main influenza remedies in three ascending potencies 30c, 200c and 1M. Homeopathic remedies in 30c potency are commonly available in health food stores but the higher potencies may be needed in acute disease and lower, frequently repeated potencies, in very weak, broken down states. We have listed some potency suggestions from our friends and colleagues at the end of this article. Please work with a professional homeopath who is knowledgeable in remedy selection and potency. We have a link on our web site to reputable homeopathic pharmacies where remedies can be purchased.

Some Remedies to Consider for hemorrhagic EBOLA – (while we feel the listed remedies are the most likely ones to be useful, as we treat and repertorize the first few cases, we may see other remedies coming to the forefront. We know that we should not limit ourselves to this list and will keep you updated on this web site as the situation becomes clearer.)

  • Crotalus horridus 30c – consider this remedy when there is difficulty in swallowing due to spasms and constriction in the throat. Tongue can be fiery red, smooth and polished (compare with Pyrogen) and very swollen. In diarrhea the stools are black, thin and offensive.  Emesis looks like coffee grounds. Dark, purple colored blood that will not coagulate, bleeding from any part of the body including the eyes, gums, nose and the sweat. Offensive discharges. Edema with purplish, mottled skin, late in the disease the patient may turn yellow.  Photophobia.  Sepsis. Blood boils. Severe prostration, the pulse may be scarcely felt. This remedy has an affinity with the right side. Cannot lie on the right side or back without vomiting. Many homeopaths believe this to be the main remedy for hemorrhagic EBOLA but we have given this careful thought and think that Bothrops or Lachesis may be the better choice. Crotalus horridus has an affinity to jaundice and as far as we are aware this is not a characteristic symptom of EBOLA.
  • Bothrops Lanceolatus 30c – this remedy has lots of nervous trembling, difficulty articulating speech, sluggishness, swollen, puffy face and black vomiting.  There is thrombosis causing neurological phenomena like strokes and bleeding from all orifices.  This looks very similar to the picture of DIC, or disseminated intravascular coagulation, a dreaded complication of many conditions treated in ICUs. Blindness, especially in daytime.  Fever with shivering followed by very profuse cold sweat. This remedy has an affinity with the right side.
  • Lachesis mutus 30c – In this remedy look for delirium with trembling and confusion. The patient may talk too much. Tongue dry, black and trembling. Lots of profuse hemorrhaging from any where in the body, the blood is dark and does not easily clot, great sensitivity to touch, often tight clothing cannot be tolerated especially around the neck, the patient feels better for heat and worse on the left side. Disease begins on the left side then goes to the right side. Perspiration is cold and stains yellow, and it may be bloody.
  • Phosphorous 30c – this is a homeopathic remedy for hemorrhage where there is bright red gushing blood from any where in the body and profuse watery diarrhea. Longing for cold food and drinks but as soon as water becomes warm in the stomach it is thrown up. Perspiration has the odor of sulphur. Aggravation in the evening before midnight and lying on the left or painful side. People in a Phos state tend to have a lot of anxiety and fear especially at night. YOU WILL FIND THIS REMEDY WELL DOCUMENTED ON OUR FLU WEB SITE
  • Mercurius corrosivus 30c – this remedy is indicated for dysentery and persistent tenesmus of the rectum that is not better by passing stool. The stool is bloody, slimy and offensive. Tenesmus of the bladder, burning, hot urine, bloody or brown. Scanty or suppressed urine. Copious bleeding, better when lying on the back with the knees bent up, delirium, headache with burning cheeks, photophobia, black swollen lip, metallic, bitter or salt taste in the mouth.
  • Terebinthiniae oleum – this remedy is better known as Turpentine. We chose to include it in our list because it has a selective affinity to bleeding mucous surfaces and it has a particular affinity to inflammation of the kidneys following acute disease with dark, passive, fetid hemorrhage. The urine may be scanty and suppressed and smell of violets, constant tenesmus. The tongue may be dry, red sore, burning in the tip, with prominent papillae. The breath is cold and foul. In fever, heat with violent thirst with cold, clammy sweat. Choking sensation in the throat. Nausea and vomiting. Difficult breathing and bloody expectoration from the lungs.
  • Secale cornutum 30c – this is a fungus remedy and is for the collapsed state. The face is pale, pinched and sunken. Diarrhea is profuse, watery, putrid and brown. It is discharged with great force, exhausting, painless and involuntary. The patient may crave acids and lemonade despite the diarrhea. Urine may be pale, watery or bloody or it may be suppressed. Thin, slow, painless, dark oozing of blood with offensive, putrid odor. Tingling in the limbs. White cold extremities, painful, as in Raynaud’s phenomenon.  The patient wants to be uncovered although the skin feels very cold to touch, (compare with Camphor) they feel worse from heat and from any motion.
  • Echinacea angustifolia 30c – this remedy has been made from the Purple Cone flower and is indicated when there is a septic state developing, blood poisoning, fetid smelling discharges and enlarged lymph nodes. Profound prostration, very weak and tired. Severe headache. The brain seems too large. White coating of the tongue with red edges, bed sores. Blood follows the stool.
  • Pyrogen 30c – this remedy has been made from rotten meat and is for septic states. Consider its use when the well chosen homeopathic remedy fails to improve symptoms. Great restlessness, the bed feels hard and the patient feels bruised and sore. The stool is large and black and carrion like and the pulse is abnormally rapid and out of proportion to the temperature. YOU WILL FIND THIS REMEDY WELL DOCUMENTED ON OUR FLU WEB SITE

  • Camphor, Carbo Veg and China are considered corpse reviving remedies. China is particularly well known for its loss of body fluids. Camphor has the delusion that they are the only one left in the world and that God has forsaken them. This could be an important remedy for EBOLA, we have heard recent accounts from survivors, they talk of their fear and the feeling of being abandoned, forsaken by God. YOU WILL FIND THESE REMEDIES WELL DOCUMENTED ON OUR FLU WEB SITE so please check them out!

Now for more on those remedies that have a particular affinity to hemorrhage! This added information will be especially helpful for our professional homeopathic community.

Bothrops lanceolatus – possibly the first remedy to think of when EBOLA has become hemorrhagic. This remedy is found on the French Caribbean island of Martinique. It is known as the fer-de–lance, this is French for lance head. Like Crotalus Horridus and Crotalus Cascavella the remedy has an affinity for septicaemia. There is vomiting of black blood and bloody stool so we feel it is extremely important to include it in our list of possible homeopathic remedies for EBOLA. Choudhuri describes what happens when the victim is affected by this substance:

“The limb swells speedily to an enormous size. It becomes soft and flabby and full of gas. The whole limb becomes infiltrated with bloody serum; the limb looks discoloured with blotches of blue. Very soon extensive suppuration sets in and the skin and the flesh start to come off in bits. The result is an alarming process of moist gangrene exposing the bones and the tendons and harder tissues. The whole limb is dissected alive.”

There is slight shivering followed by a profuse cold sweat. We see this picture of coldness in the other crotalus remedies. The face of Bothrops is swollen and fuffy, the skin is also swollen, livid, cold and with hemorrhagic infiltration.

Choudhuri says that Bothrops is very similar to the other hemorrhagic remedies; a feature of the poisoning is that the blood becomes extremely fluid, dark and sometimes spurts out in jets.

Boericke says that we should expect to find under these remedies the symptomotology of thrombosis and its associated pathology: hemiplegia, aphasia and inability to articulate. There is the unusual symptom of paralysis in one arm or one leg only. Clark writes:

“After being bitten in the little finger of one hand, paralysis began in the fingertips of the other hand and extended over the whole of that side.”

He says that the diagonal course of the symptoms is marked.

Being unable to communicate is a feature of this remedy. Agrawal lists the following rubrics for Bothrops:

Forgetful, words while speaking
Mistakes, using wrong words

There is also the usual snake feature of a feeling of constriction in the throat and difficulty in swallowing.

A particular feature of this remedy is that there is blindness due to hemorrhage in the retina. Crotalus horridus also has this picture of retinal hemorrhage. Bothrops has the unusual symptom: Day blindness: “Can scarcely see her way after sunrise.”

Like Crotalus horridus this remedy is worse on the right side. Lachesis is worse on the left side.

More hemorrhagic remedies – Crotalus horridus 

This homeopathic remedy comes from one of the deadliest and most rapidly fatal of all poisons. The intensity of this remedy matches the intensity of the EBOLA virus.

The famous homeopath Constantine Hering first made a homeopathic proving of Crotalus horridus. The poison is an acid and has an affinity with the blood, the heart and the liver. The poison produces a rapid and direct depressing influence on the sensorium and medulla oblongata deranging both circulation and nuitrition. It acts primarily upon cerebro- spinal nerve centers, and secondarily on the blood fibrin causing decomposition.

John Henry Clark indicates that it belongs to the hemorrhagic diathesis because it causes bleeding to all orifices and surfaces. This bleeding is slow and the blood is dark in nature, the most important characteristic is that it does not clot. The poison causes a disorganization of body fluids and tissues. The tissues decompose and produce putrid malignant conditions. It is a remedy for the septic state. This is the state that is occurring in half of the present EBOLA cases.

E.B. Nash writes,” It seems so far, to have shown its greatest usefulness in diseases, which result in a decomposition of the blood of such a character as to cause hemorrhages from every outlet of the body. Even the sweat is bloody.”

Margaret Tyler writes,” Black offensive blood which will not coagulate.” This remedy has vomiting of black blood.

An important feature of Crotalus horridus is the rapidity of its action. The blood breaks down very quickly, the patient soon becomes jaundiced and rapidly increasing unconsciousness ensues. Many of the recent EBOLA victims succumb to the disease very quickly because of the rapid breakdown. This homeopathic remedy matches the state of the disease that we are presently seeing.

Crotalus horridus has a specific effect on the liver so yellowness and jaundice is an essential feature.

The remedy also has a picture of blueness of parts. James Tyler Kent writes,” Black and blue spots as if bruised.” The well known homeopathic remedy, Lachesis, also has this feature. In both remedies there is a picture of circulatory disturbances with purplish, blue discolorations.

After hemorrhage the skin becomes extremely anemic; it is yellow, pale and bloodless. Since there is an acute state of decomposition, all discharges will smell moldy or fetid. The patient will be in agony, probably moaning and crying, also extremely weak. They may be sleepy, but cannot get to sleep. They become impatient too. There is a picture of collapse in this remedy.

A feature of this remedy is loquacity and suspicion. Lachesis shares these symptoms too.

If the Crotalus horridus patient does get off to sleep it tends to be restless and he may dream of dead corpses and graveyards. He may even smell dead people. This seems to mirror the trail of internal destruction that the venom will work upon its victim. These patients fear death and constantly dwell on death.  It is exactly what we are seeing in West Africa right now!

Another feature of Crotalus horridus is that it feels surrounded by foes or hideous animals. This snake is greatly feared because it is so dangerous.

Homeopathic Rubrics:

Delusion: that he is surrounded by an enemy
Delusion: pursued by enemies
Escape, attempts to
Company desire for

Lachesis has an aversion to company. Crotalus horridus has an aversion to members of the family. Choudhuri says that Crotalus patients are mentally very snappish and irritable. In fact he compares their ugly temperament to Nux vomica. He says that sometimes this irritability gives way to timidity, fear, anxiety and sadness. They can be apathetic and indifferent; the remedy has an affinity to senile dementia characterized by mental delusion and forgetfulness.

Rubric: Single symptom; Insanity with coldness of skin

Other rubrics include:

Sadness with mental depression
Thoughts of death
Dullness and sluggishness
Weakness in memory
Confusion of mind
Answers disconnected
Delirium with loquacity
Delusions, imaginations and hallucinations

Unlike Lachesis this particular remedy has an affinity to the right side. Crotalus patients are worse for lying on their right side and of course the liver, the main organ to be affected is on the right side.

Crotalus tend to be worse in springtime, often on a yearly basis and upon awakening.



Lying on the right side
Falling to sleep
Warm weather
Damp and wet
On awakening



The skin of a Crotalus Horridus  patient feels cold and dry


Craves pork, stimulants and sugar
Mouth is dry with thirst

Like the other remedies Crotulas horridus has an affinity with the throat. In the physical pathology they feel a tight constriction in this area, and have difficulty swallowing anything solid. There are many rubrics relating to speech and loquacity.

There is also the feature of a feeling of constriction in the throat and difficulty in swallowing.

A particular feature of this remedy is that there is blindness due to hemorrhage in the retina. Crotalus horridus also has this picture of retinal hemorrhage. Bothrops has the unusual symptom: Day blindness, “Can scarcely see her way after sunrise.”

Like Crotalus horridus Bothrops is worse on the right side. Lachesis is worse on the left side.

More hemorrhagic remedies – Crotalus Cascavella

This homeopathic remedy comes from Brazil. It was proved by Mure. The poison of Cascavella is as deadly as that of other hemorrhagic remedies. Clark says that the general symptoms are like those of the other members of the group; there is picture of hemorrhage in this remedy together with yellow discoloration (face red or yellow, yellow diarrhoea) and a feeling of constriction particularly in the throat and the stomach. There is also a theme of coldness. 


Constrictive pains if a string was tied around the thyroid
Swallowing difficult
Epigastrium sensation cannot bear clothing
Sensation of a band around the abdomen

However, the mental symptoms are more pronounced and peculiar. Lancinating pains are frequent and they are better for cold water. Many symptoms are worse at night.


Moaning and groaning during sleep

There are pains in the bones and hallucinations are marked and peculiar. Like Crotalus horridus thoughts dwell on death and there are dreams of corpses and ghosts. They see death as giant black skeleton. This remedy has clairvoyance and loquacity, features that we see in other remedies

There is great fear of being alone in this remedy.

In the repertory it is listed as having the single symptom: thoughts of death when alone.

There is tremendous fear of being alone at night, this is bold type.

Like Crotalus horridus a picture of insanity develops, the provers recorded throwing themselves against doors, another prover said that she wanted to throw herself out of the window.


Delusion, eyes are falling out
Hears footsteps behind him
Fancies that someone walks behind him
Fancies he hears groans
Hears voices that he must follow

There is a particularly strange symptom that came out in the proving:

Great desire for snow

Comparing our remedies – Crotalus horridus and Lachesis

Crotalus horridus is a main remedy for the septic state; Lachesis also has circulatory disturbances with purplish, blue discolouration. Crotalus horridus has a more marked tendency to hemorrhage than Lachesis.

General exhaustion is more pronounced than Lachesis.

Both remedies also have a picture of loquacity and suspicion. Crotalus has loquacity with a desire to escape. However, Lachesis has tremendous jealousy this is not evident in Crotalus horridus.

Again, Lachesis has the rubric clairvoyance, but this is not seen in Crotalus horridus.

Crotalus horridus dreams of dead corpses and graveyards. They may even smell dead people in their dreams. Lachesis has delusions of dead people and that they themselves are dead.

Crotalus horridus has the delusion that enemies or hideous animals surround them. Lachesis believes that they are about to receive injury or is being injured by his surroundings.

Lachesis has the rubric: Aversion to company to indulge her fancy. Crotalus horridus has an aversion to members of his family.

Both remedies have an affinity to throat pathology, difficult swallowing, tight constriction etc:

Both remedies have rubrics for weakness of memory.

Lachesis is bold type for hysteria but Crotalus does not have this rubric at all.

Crotalus horridus is a right-sided remedy; Lachesis has an affinity to the left side, left then right. It has left sided complaints.

Lachesis is warm blooded and purple. Crotalus is cold blooded and is white or yellow.

Crotalus desires alcohol whereas Lachesis is worse for alcohol.

Boericke says that Lachesis antidotes the action of Crotalus Horridus.

Comparing our remedies – Crotalus Cascavella and Lachesis 

This remedy is also associated with the septic state, like Lachesis it has a lot of throat pathology. Speech is difficult and there is paralysis of articulation. We tend to associate Lachesis with loquacity.

There is a headache after sleep, as with Lachesis. Cascavella has the strange sensation that something alive was walking inside the head in a circle.

Clarke says that the mental symptoms of this remedy are more pronounced.

Many symptoms are worse at night and hallucinations are marked and peculiar, he hears footsteps behind him,  (Lachesis does think that he is being pursued ) follows strange voices and dwells on the dead. On the other hand this remedy can also be deaf, hear nothing. Clarke says that a magnetic state is induced.

There is great fear of being alone, this is bold type. There is no such rubric for Lachesis. This fear is the strongest of all the remedies discussed.

Crotallus Cascavella has the bold type rubric indifference and apathy. Lachesis has this to a lesser extent.

Crotalus Cascavella has the Lachesis rubrics for clairvoyance and loquacity. However, it also has a peculiar desire for snow. There is a feeling of coldness in the stomach after eating and this remedy has a yellow theme running through it similar to Crotalus horridus.

Comparing our remedies – Bothrops and Lachesis

This remedy has an affinity to the septic state and a picture of coldness, which is typical of the snake remedies however, Lachesis is warm blooded. Bothrops and Lachesis have the most coagulating poison. There is the usual throat pathology but Bothrops has paralysis of the tongue and is unable to communicate, Lachesis only has heaviness of the tongue and difficulty in moving it.

There is great lassitude in this remedy, Lachesis tends to be overactive but can also lie in the jungle for months without moving at all. Bothrops has an affinity with the right side, Lachesis with the left.


We are very grateful to our homeopathic colleagues around the world who have contributed to our article and list their personal comments and suggestions here. Please note that they may not be specifically the views of the authors of this web site.

Our friend and colleague Jeremy Sherr FS Hom, well known in homeopathic circles for his work on new homeopathic provings and work with AIDS patients in Tanzania, has done a small repertorisation for us based on the symptoms of hemorrhagic EBOLA as currently reported by Wikipedia:


Stomach – vomiting – diarrhea – during
Stomach – vomiting; type of – blood
Expectoration – Bloody
Skin – Ecchymoses
Generals – Hemorrhage – blood – non –coagulable
Skin- Eruptions – petechiae    

Based on this work Jeremy writes, “I think that in addition to the hemorrhagic remedies already discussed that you should also consider: phos, ferrum phos, secale, kreos and china for hemorrhagic EBOLA”

Dr. Jose Issac MD (Hom) has commented that since EBOLA is a virus problem and since no one to date has treated a victim homeopathically the antiviral miasmatic remedy THUJA 200c could be used. “From the symptoms which I could understand I would prefer either giving the homeopathic remedy LACHESIS as the symptomatic preventative or the anti – viral miasmatic remedy THUJA. In my opinion I would suggest either giving Lachesis 200c OR Thuja 200c , one pill every alternate day, to people who are prone to develop this disease as a preventative for one month.”

Dr. Jose Issac also writes: ‘For treating patients with EBOLA, I think the best remedy would be Arsenicum Album 200c, one pill every four hours until the fever disappears. This is because in the early stage there is sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. This is followed in the second stage by vomiting and diarrhea, rash, impaired kidney and liver and internal bleeding. Those who are taking homeopathic remedies should stop taking tea, coffee, chocolate and mint as these substances antidote homeopathic remedies.”

Our colleague Dr.Todd Rowe MD, MD (H), CCH, DHt, President of the American Medical College of Homeopathy writes, “In regards to remedies, I think focusing on venoms that are hemorrhagic rather than venoms that are neurotoxic will be key. My suspicion as with any severe acute disease is high potencies frequently (minimally 200C or 1M).  This would be similar to treatment of pneumonia. “

Our friend and colleague, Misha Norland FS Hom suggests that homeopathic practitioners take a look at the proving of Buckminster Fullerinum (Carbon 60) conducted by Misha Norland and Peter Fraser in 2002; this can be read in the proving section of



 Lois Bergman compiled a differential materia medica of possible ebola remedies.  See pdf here

Homeopathy for Bikram Yoga

As an experienced homeopath who has reaped the benefits of Bikram Yoga for many years, I would like to share some holistic and homeopathic tips that will help Bikram/hot yoga enthusiasts with their yoga practice.

Balancing Electrolytes

This is one of the most common problems encountered with Bikram Yoga practitioners. The intense heat and sweating can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes, which can then lead to dizziness, nausea, tiredness and/or headache.

2010_06_KombuchaIt is now trendy to sell coconut water in Bikram Yoga studios. Drinking a can or bottle of good quality coconut water before, during or after practice will balance electrolytes. Personally, I enjoy drinking a bottle of kombucha during practice, which contains natural probiotics, naturally detoxes the body, and balances out electrolytes.

HYL-10682-0Having a pinch of sea salt after practice can also help balance electrolytes, but I also recommend taking homeopathic cell salts. I recommend the Hyland’s brand Bio-XII (aka Bioplasma), a blend of all 12 homeopathic cell salts. Before class, take 6 pellets in a clean dry mouth without water, or the pellets can be put in your water bottle that you take with you into yoga class, and sipped during your practice. If feeling a bit depleted a few hours after your class, another 6 pellets of Bio-XII can be taken.

Headache, Nausea and/or Dizziness from Overheating

vertigo-newMost practitioners of Bikram Yoga have experienced headache, nausea and/or dizziness at some point during their practice. Usually headache, nausea and dizziness can be avoided by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after practice, along with also ensuring to balance electrolytes (see above suggestions). I also feel that one is more prone to headache, nausea and dizziness when one is new to Bikram Yoga, before the body has gotten used to doing yoga in hot conditions. Once you start coming regularly, your body becomes used to the heat and will be less susceptible to nausea, dizziness and headache.

Taking a cool shower at the studio or after returning home will help to cool down your body and can help relieve symptoms of nausea, dizziness and headache. If you are really feeling like you need to leave the yoga room at any point during your practice, please listen to your intuition and do so. Of course it is always best to stay in the yoga room if you can (you can lie down and rest at any point during your practice for as long as you need to).

If you are drinking enough water and are balancing electrolytes but are still suffering from a headache, homeopathic remedies can help. Glonoinum 30C and Belladonna 30C or 200C are the main remedies for headache after overheating.

headachePeople needing the remedy Belladonna will typically have dilated pupils and a red face, whereas people needing Glonoinum would have contracted pupils, a pale face and low pulse. A person with a Belladonna headache is better from bending the head backward, worse in the open air and better from holding the head still; whereas a person needing Glonoinum is worse from bending the head backward, relieved in open air and cannot keep still.

Nux Vomica 30C is the first remedy to think of for persistent nausea after overexertion/overheating. The nausea may also be accompanied by an intense headache.

Cocculus 30C is the first remedy to think of if there is nausea accompanied by vertigo (dizziness). There may also be a feeling of lightheadedness.

Dosage for Headache, Nausea and Dizziness: Give 1 dose every 20-30 minutes for up to 3 doses. Repeat thereafter only after symptoms return. Try a new remedy if there is no relief within 15 minutes after the 3rd dose.

Yoga Injuries from Overstretching

stk62884cor_XSMany people go to yoga to help them heal from injuries. Note that yoga combined with homeopathic first aid remedies will help the body heal naturally from injuries.

However, people can occasionally injure themselves by overstretching and pushing themselves too hard in the yoga poses. Please try not to push yourself too hard, or let an overzealous teacher push you too hard, otherwise you do risk injuring yourself.

The first remedy to take after injury due to overstretching of the ligaments and tendons is Arnica 30C or 200C, but only if there is a lot of swelling. Arnica Cream can also be used topically. Once the swelling has improved, switch to one of the two remedies below:

Rhus Tox 30C is the most common remedy for injuries from overstretching. The pain is worse after initial motion, but improves after continued motion.

Bryonia 30C should be used if the pain is worse by any motion whatsoever.

Dosage for Yoga Injuries: Take the indicated remedy every 3 hours for the first 2 days, then twice a day after that. Discontinue after the pain decreases significantly.

Commonsense Measures: Rest, elevate the injured part, ice the affected area, and apply firm pressure to the injured part. After 1-2 days, switch to warm compresses, or continue using ice if preferred.

Homeopathy for Holidays

Holiday-party1Holidays are supposed to be relaxing, but sometimes they can also be stressful, especially if one has to spend a lot of time with family members or if traveling to a foreign country.

Holiday gatherings often involve overindulging in too much food and alcohol. To soothe or avoid a hangover, take Nux Vomica 30C the night of the event before bed, and again three times per day on the day after the event.

After overindulgence in too much sweet and/or fatty foods, take Pulsatilla 30C, one dose before bed that same night and a few doses the day after the event.

Food poisoning can be common during the holidays, whether the culprit is foreign food or holiday party food. The most common remedy for food poisoning is Arsenicum 30C. For an acute case, take the remedy as often as every half hour for 3 doses. The day after food poisoning, repeat the remedy three times throughout the day.

holiday shopping copyHoliday shopping, hosting holiday parties and seeing long-lost relatives can often lead to a feeling of anxiety. For anticipatory anxiety with much weakness and trembling, try Gelsemium 30C, taken a few times during the day of the event. For over-excitement with insomnia, a dose of Coffea 30C can help (this remedy could be especially beneficial for kids who are having trouble sleeping due to excitement and anticipation during the holidays).

Ignatia 30C, a common remedy for grief, can be taken a few times throughout the day; Ignatia can be helpful for somebody who is missing a loved one over the holiday season. For exhaustion and sleep deprivation, try Cocculus 30C taken a few times throughout the day. If you are feeling angry and resentful of relatives but are too polite to express your thoughts, try a few doses throughout the day of Staphysagria 30C.

Another remedy that generally alleviates stress and anxiety is Bach Flower Rescue Remedy. It can be taken a few times per day during the duration of your holiday, as needed.

Vacationing Overseas

holidayTo avoid jet lag, take a dose of Arnica 30C before departure, and a few doses the day of arrival.

For fear of flying, take Gelsemium 30C if there is a lot of weakness and trembling, or Aconite 30C if there is extreme fear and panic. Take a dose before the flight, and a few doses of the indicated remedy during the flight.

Interested in the homeopathic prevention of disease during your next vacation? Read more about Travel Homeoprophylaxis


New Mandatory Flu Shot Policy for BC Healthcare Workers is a Tyrannical Violation of Human Rights

On December 1, 2012, all health care workers in BC will be forced to get a flu shot, or wear a mask while at work. Health care workers are also expected to wear a distinctive badge indicating they’ve had the shot. The BC Nurses’ Union has filed a grievance against the policy because they question the credibility of the studies used to justify it.

The Cochrane Collaboration is a not-for-profit international network of researchers, practitioners and consumers who prepare and update systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare interventions. Based upon systematic reviews of 274 influenza vaccine studies between 1948 and 2007, the Cochrane Collaboration concluded that vaccines have a weak or non existent evidence base against influenza. Conclusions favourable to the use of influenza vaccines were associated with lower quality studies and industry funded (biased) studies.

When asked about the new policy, Dr. Jefferson of the Cochrane Collaboration wrote: “It is not my place to judge the policies underway in British Columbia, but coercion and forcing public ridicule on human beings (for example by forcing them to wear distinctive badges or clothing) is usually the practice of tyrants.”


Cochrane Review of Flu Vaccine not as Definitive as Health Officer Suggests by Dr. Tom Jefferson

Flu Shot Policy for Health-Care Workers Sparks Backlash by Rod Mickleburg

Influenzae Reviewer, Cochrane Acute Respiratory Infections Group
and Cochrane Vaccines Field by Dr. Tom Jefferson

Nurses Demand Withdrawal of Coercive Flu Shot Policy by BC Nurses Union


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

By Ronald D. Whitmont, M.D.
Classical Homeopathic Physician

A- Demographics

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD is a fairly common illness in the United States today.  An estimated 40 million Americans suffer from recurrent heartburn, and when it happens at least twice weekly it is designated GERD.[1] This condition has many causes, but perhaps most common is error of diet and lifestyle.

There are many symptoms of GERD including heartburn, acid indigestion, reflux, chest pain, abdominal pain, foul taste in the mouth, regurgitation, hoarseness, chronic cough, asthma and sinusitis.

Conventional management of GERD typically requires long-term drug therapy that ultimately fails to control the symptoms.  Treatment can cause significant long-term side effects including osteoporosis and infections.  Most cases of GERD can be cured through a simple program modifying lifestyle, diet and exercise coupled with classical homeopathic treatment.

B- Causes

Reflux into the esophagus is a natural phenomenon that affects everyone on occasion.  GERD is the frequent occurrence of the backward motion of stomach acids (and sometimes bile) through the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and into the esophagus.  The LES is the mechanical, circular valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach.  GERD is much more common in cases of chronic disease, obesity, pregnancy as well as in smokers.

C- Physiology

The stomach relies on acid to initiate the digestive process to break foods apart. Acidification is essential for proper enzyme action and absorption but it also appears to play an important role in activating the immune system.

Stomach acid is one of the body’s first lines of defense against many infectious organisms.  Acid inactivates most bacteria, viruses and fungi, preventing them from causing infections of the GI and respiratory tracts.  Dysfunction of the acid barrier can lead to a cascade of events that not only alters nutritional status, but also affects immune integrity, allergy and hypersensitivity.

D- Treatment of GERD

1- Conventional Treatment

  1. a. Medications

The main components of conventional treatment are drugs that either neutralize acid (antacids), suppress acid production (H2Blockers and Proton Pump Inhibitors) or stimulate motility in the stomach.  The short-term effect of these interventions provides temporary relief of GERD symptoms in about 68% of patients.[2] These medications were never intended for long-term use, particularly since their side effects can be significant.[3]

When acid production is initially suppressed, the body rapidly endeavors to restore it. Over time, the body ultimately overcomes most of the effects of these drugs and restores some acid production. The end result of this interplay between drugs and the body is that the efficacy of these suppressive medicines is reduced and more medications are needed to produce the same level of symptom relief.  Stronger medicines, combination drugs or simply more frequent dosing is required to achieve the same level of symptom suppression.

Long-term side effects of acid suppression therapy include osteoporosis, hip fractures, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and infections.[4] Since stomach acid is essential for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients, long-term suppression will cause deficiency states.  This is particularly true for calcium and vitamin B12, which rely on the presence of an acid environment for proper absorption.

Another long-term effect of acid suppression therapy is increased frequency of respiratory tract infections including sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.  Since the acid environment inside the stomach is one of the first lines of immune defense, it makes sense that once this chemical barrier is eliminated the door to infection swings wide open.

  1. b. Lifestyle modifications

Conventional wisdom advocates a series of seemingly logical, but ultimately irresponsible modifications of lifestyle that increase the risk of developing chronic GERD.   These modifications include: raising the head of the bed at night, not lying down within 3 hours after eating, wearing only loose fitting clothing, eating only small and frequent meals, avoiding spicy foods, and eliminating the consumption of food in the evening before bed.   Complying with these modifications actually weakens the LES and, over time, further reduces the chances of recovery from GERD.   If a muscle or a sphincter like the LES is weak, then stressing it with exercise is one of the best ways to strengthen it.  Avoiding exercise and eliminating stress will ultimately weaken the muscle more, leaving room for dependency on medications rather than cure.

Cold-Turkey withdrawal of these medications is usually associated with a significant worsening of symptoms.  This, of course, encourages long-term adherence to these products and fosters the belief that this condition is incurable.  The real reason why treatment withdrawal is so difficult is that the condition is actually made worse by these treatments!

GERD has also been found to be more common if the bacterium H.pylori has been eradicated from the stomach.  When H.pylori is eliminated (through the use of antibiotics) there is an increased tendency to develop GERD and its associated complications.[5]

There is a known association between GERD and a condition known as Barrett’s Esophagus (BE).  BE carries an increased risk of cancerous transformation of the esophagus and does require periodic monitoring by a gastroenterologist. GERD does not cause BE, nor does GERD cause cancer of the esophagus.  One thing is certain: conventional medications do not reduce the incidence of cancerous transformation,[6] although the presence of H.pylori in the stomach does appear to act protectively against both the development of BE and cancer in the esophagus.[7]

2- Alternative Treatment

A combination of lifestyle changes can help strengthen the LES and promote a healthier digestive tract while lowering the incidence of GERD and other GI disturbances.   Treatment involves dietary modification, supplementation, specific physical exercises and homeopathy.  Smoking cessation and weight loss (if obese) offer universal benefit to most medical conditions including GERD.

  1. a. Dietary Modification

Refined carbohydrates have been found to directly contribute to the incidence of GERD.  Elimination of refined sugars and highly processed foods, while substituting complex carbohydrates and whole grains significantly reduces the risk of GERD.   Whole food based diets assist in preventing GERD.

A diet high in complex carbohydrates and low in simple sugars is helpful in maintaining LES integrity.  Whole foods that include the skins of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, seeds and foods with high fiber content in their natural state are beneficial. Highly processed and refined foods, low in fiber should be avoided altogether.

High fiber diets not only assist the LES, but they also stimulate gastric motility and peristalsis, leading to more rapid emptying of the stomach contents into the small intestines.  When food is emptied more rapidly from the stomach into the intestine, it is less likely to regurgitate backwards through the LES into the esophagus.

Eating meals slowly is also an effective means for reducing the risk of developing GERD, since gastric emptying can be outpaced by the process of overzealous eating and swallowing.  Food may back up in the stomach and lead to regurgitation if it is consumed too rapidly without pause.[8]

There also appears to be evidence that consumption of spicy food including cayenne pepper reduces the symptoms of chronic indigestion and GERD.  Capsaicin, a chemical in red peppers, can block nerve signals and lead to diminished pain sensation.  Evidence suggests that spicy foods relieve symptoms of GERD, even though they don’t cure it.[9]

b. Supplementation

Several supplements have been found to be helpful in correcting GERD naturally without inducing the common side effects of conventional medications.  It is important to understand that these supplements are not just milder, more natural forms of conventional therapies, which is so often the case with natural medicines, but they act differently in the GI tract, which makes them more effective. Because their mode of action is altogether different, they support the function of the stomach rather than erode it.  They promote healing from GERD rather than prolongation of it.

Raw organic apple cider vinegar (1-2 teaspoons daily) is extremely effective in reducing the incidence of GERD.  At first glance, the use of this supplement appears counter-intuitive, since vinegar is a weak acid (5% acidity).  Supplementation with a weak acid in a hyperacidic situation is, by definition, “homeopathic”.[10] Adding a small amount of acid back into the system (in the form of vinegar) can strengthen the tone of the LES.

Supplementing with a variety of probiotics and a diet rich in probiotics reinforces this biological symbiosis and fortifies digestion.

  1. b. Exercise

Doing the proper exercises is extremely important to ensuring recovery from GERD.   These exercises are primarily oriented toward strengthening and reinforcing the LES.  Conventional treatments weaken the LES, but if the LES is stressed though the proper procedures it can recover function and end the cycle of GERD.  The following exercises are recommended to strengthen both the LES and diaphragm and thus ensure the long-term recovery from GERD.

Since the diaphragm surrounds and augments the LES, and it is under voluntary control, it is the focus of most of these exercises. Strengthening the diaphragm involves the voluntary conscious exercise of “diaphragmatic breathing”.  Diaphragmatic breathing means expanding the abdomen and forcing the abdominal muscles to relax while inhaling and doing the opposite, contracting the abdominal muscles and forcing the air out, while exhaling.  Both inhalation and exhalation should be used actively and forcefully to alternately flex and relax the diaphragm.  These techniques are counter-intuitive and opposite to the way in which most people naturally breathe.  Most people breathe unconsciously, utilizing the muscles of the chest wall, and allow the diaphragm to remain inactive until it is atrophied.

Conscious, forced abdominal breathing reinforces the activity of the LES and also stimulates mechanical emptying of the stomach and peristalsis of the intestines.  Other benefits of abdominal breathing include improved biliary activity, regulation of bowel activity and stimulation of the gastro-colic reflex, promoting regular bowel movements.

Other important exercises that help strengthen the diaphragm include inversion exercises.  These can be accomplished either on an inversion table or through certain carefully executed yoga postures including the “plough”, the shoulder stand and the headstand.  These exercises should only be performed with proper supervision and training.  They should always be utilized in conjunction with deep abdominal/diaphragmatic breathing.  These postures force the diaphragm and the LES to contract more tightly under pressure and against added postural stress. The results of these exercises impart greater strength and integrity of the LES in normal everyday conditions.

These exercises are the opposite of conventional recommendations since they foster increased muscle tone and greater sphincter control.

d. Homeopathy

Homeopathy can be very effective in achieving full recovery and in preventing recurrence. Proper evaluation and repertorization of each individual case is important.  Classical Homeopathy requires individualization of treatment and attention to rare, peculiar and constitutional details.  Evaluation is best performed by individuals trained in classical homeopathy.  Generic homeopathy and combination remedies have very limited application, thus the best results are obtained if the remedy is selected individually to match to the particulars of each case.


Modifications of lifestyle include a group of exercises, dietary guidelines and supplements that, when used in combination with classical homeopathic treatment can restore normal gastrointestinal functioning and relieve the symptoms of GERD.  These techniques are inexpensive, simple, and effective.  Adherence to these guidelines not only relieves symptoms of GERD, but also prevents recurrences and helps maintain health.


[2] Kirn TF. Few GERD Patients Find Full Relief, Even With Prescription. Int Med News. Aug 1, 2005:64.


[4] Landers SJ. Long-term use of acid reflux drugs weighed. Am Med News. September 1, 2008:27.

[5] Schiezer J. H Pylori May Protect against Asthma, Other Respiratory Conditions. Int Med World Rep. December 2007: 15.

[6] Chang JT, KLatzka DA, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Barrett Esophagus, and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. Arch Intern Med, July 26, 2004, 164:1482-88.

[7] Kuznar W. H pylori May Protect Against Esophageal Cancer. Int Med World Rep. July 2003:12.

[8] Evans S, McNeill H. Quantum Sufficit. Just Enough. Am Fam Phys. Feb 1, 2004. 69(3):474.

[9] Evans S. McNeill H. Quantum Sufficit. Just Enough. Am Fam Phys. Aug 1, 2002.66(3):367.

[10] Homeopathy is based on the principle of Similars:  “Let Likes be Cured by Likes”.  In this case, an “acid” condition being treated with a mild acid.

Vidatox for Cancer: 2012 Update

About a year ago I introduced the followers of this blog to the Cuban homeopathic medication Vidatox: A Scientifically Proven Treatment for Cancer

On September 26, 2012, in Havana, Cuban scientists presented the benefits of the homeopathic drug Vidatox 30 CH, in cancer therapy, which has raised life expectancy and quality of life to a group of patients. During the 2012 LABIOFAM International Congress Dr. Eva Solomon, head of the Cancer Control Group and the Center of Disease in Havana, said the drug was administered to 845 people with cancer in advanced stages in breast, lungs, colons, prostate and cervix, with favorable results.

The drug is administered in five sublingual drops every 12 hours, and after six months 87 percent of patients improved their appetite and felt pain had decreased, so they stop taking morphine, said Solomon, who works as a researcher at the LABIOFAM Business Group, which develops the product obtained from the venom of the Rhopalurus junceus scorpion.

It also reduces swelling and improves overall mental and emotional conditions of patients and families, Solomon stressed.

The drug has proven effective and is used after concluding the traditional therapy (surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy), said the specialist, who participated in a Symposium on Natural Products in Cancer Therapy, being held as part of this congresss.

Meanwhile, Master in Experimental Pharmacology at LABIOFAM, Alexis Diaz, announced that in the trials with that scorpion venom, endemic to Cuba, from which the homeopathic product is made, checked for analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects and has wide demand in the international market.

The expert pointed out that the experiences with this scorpion toxin, show great efficacy on tumors of epithelial origin, and not on lymphomas and leukaemia. Patients suffering from tumors in the pancreas, bone marrow, prostate, lungs and other organs have dramatically improved their quality of life thanks to the use of Vidatox 30CH, the scorpion venom product with no known side effects.

As part of the scientific evidence, congress attendees watched footage of the  venom, destroying tumoral cells.  Studies allowed for the isolation of five peptides armed with the ability to inhibit the growth of tumoral cells and induce cell death through an apoptosis mechanism.  This inhibiting action confirms the certainty of using this substance as a complementary treatment for tumoral diseases.

Vidatox has now been tested with positive results on 65,000 cancer patients. “Unlike any other, Vidatox crosses the blood-brain barrier,” said the president of Labiofam, Jose Antonio Fraga Castro.

Already Vidatox is being used in South & Central America, Europe, Asia, Cuba, and the Caribbean region.  However, knocking down the barriers of incredulity that stand in the way of traditional medicine as opposed to conventional treatments, is a challenge on the road ahead.


“Cuba apresenta vacina contra câncer de próstata” Terra

“Cuban Natural Drug for Cancer Has Proven Efficacy, Scientists Say” Radio Cadena Agramonte

“Cuban Research Institute to Introduce Cancer Treatment Protocol” The Malay Mail

“Cuba’s Cancer Fighting Drug from Scorpion Venom” St Lucia Star

HCG Diet Basics

Origins of the HCG Diet

The HCG Diet protocol was developed by Dr. Simeons in Italy in the 1950s. Dr. Simeons studied obesity for 40 years, and worked on the HCG diet protocol for 20 years.

During his illustrious career, Dr. Simeons was awarded the Red Cross Order of Merit for the discovery of the use of injectable atebrin for malaria. He had several important posts under the government of India, where he built a model leper colony. Dr. Simeons is the author of several books and has contributed to many scientific publications.

Dr. Simeons’ Theory of Obesity

After 40 years of study, Dr. Simeons strongly believed that obesity was a metabolic disorder, like diabetes. He also believed that overeating was the result and not the cause of obesity.

Because obesity is a metabolic disorder, people suffering from obesity will get fat regardless of what or how they eat. People suffering from obesity can diet, exercise vigorously, take appetite reducing drugs, etc., but if the root cause of the disorder is not addressed the weight loss will only be temporary.

The Root Cause of Obesity

According to Dr. Simeons, there are three types of fat in the human body: structural fat, which fills the gaps between various organs; normal fat that the body draws on when nutritional needs are not met by food; and the third type of fat is the type that is abnormal, that obese people accumulate. The third type of fat is not available for an obese person’s body to draw on when it needs more nutrition; it is locked away.

When an obese person tries regular dieting, first their normal reserves are exhausted, then their structural reserves are drawn upon. Only as a last resort does an obese person’s body draw upon the abnormal reserves, though by that time, the person is so weak and hungry that they have already given up on the diet. The obese person loses the wrong fat when they are on a regular diet – they feel famished and tired but their belly, hips thighs and upper arms show little improvement.

What is HCG?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is found in the human body only during pregnancy. However, HCG has no direct on the sex hormones, therefore, the HCG Diet can be used safely with no side effects by men and women of any age.

HCG Unlocks Fat Reserves

During some early experiments, Dr. Simeons discovered that when he injected obese patients with small daily doses of HCG, they were able to survive on a restricted 500 calorie daily diet without feeling hungry, and lost one pound per day. There were no signs of normal fat depletion or negative side effects.

How was this possible? Pregnancy (under the influence of HCG) is the only human condition where the body’s fat banking ability is unlimited. During pregnancy, all reserved fat (even abnormal fat) is at the disposal to meet the nutritional needs of the growing fetus. Thus, when an obese person takes HCG, their body is able to draw upon the abnormal “bad” fat reserves that would normally be locked away and unavailable for their body to draw on. Also, while taking HCG, the obese person has no hunger even though they are on a calorie restricted diet, because they are subsisting comfortably on the nutritional fat reserves that have been unlocked by the HCG.

About Homeopathic HCG Drops

Originally, only daily HCG injections were used during the HCG Diet protocol. However, starting in 2009, homeopathic diet drops were introduced as a cheap, easy alternative to the daily injections. After only a few short years, Your HCG (the company that founded the homeopathic diet drops) has grown into a multi-million dollar company because the homeopathic diet drops are so effective and successful. According to Your HGC, no difference in effectiveness has been found between the injections and the homeopathic drops.

Starting the HCG Diet

Women should start the HCG Diet protocol immediately after their period ends. HCG drops should never be taken during menstruation. Men can start the diet anytime.

Homeopathic HCG Diet Drops Protocol

Day 1 and 2 of the HCG diet:

Start taking your HCG drops on day 1, 6 drops 6 times per day.  During these 2 days you need to everything and anything. The more fat, the better. The drops take 48 hours to kick in and this will help significantly with hunger during the next week. Eat foods saturated in fat i.e. whipping cream, butter soaked eggs, bacon, sausage, pizza, etc. Your normal fat reserves must be well-stocked in preparation for your upcoming 500 calorie diet.

Day 3 – 23+ (up to 40 days) of the HCG diet:

During this part of the HCG diet you will continue to take the drops a minimum of 23 days (2 loading days + 21 low calorie days) and a maximum of 40 days. During this time you must follow Dr. Simeons original diet protocol (see below). If during this time, you stray from the HCG diet, there is a risk of weight gain or a stall. These stalls can take anywhere from 3-6 days to break each time. Continue to take the HCG drops consistently each day. You’ll continue the 6 drops 6 times per day. Hold them under your tongue for approximately 15-20 seconds, then don’t eat or drink anything for up to 20 minutes. During this phase, you’ll want to weigh yourself every morning after you wake up and go to the bathroom. To get the most accurate weight, you’ll want to disrobe as well.

Maintenance Phase of the HCG Diet:

This portion of the HCG diet is equally as important as the weight loss period. For 72 hours after your last dose of HCG, you will continue the 500-calorie Very Low Calorie Diet, or VLCD diet. This is how long it will take for the HCG to be eliminated from your system. For 3-6 weeks after your last dose, follow the maintenance protocol. During this part of the HCG diet, you will avoid all sugars and starches. You can slowly reintroduce proteins, fruits and vegetables not allowed on the 500-calorie diet. Watch out for foods that contain too much sugar and starch. After the first 3-6 weeks of maintenance are over, you can start to slowly reintroduce sugars and starches. During this phase, you’ll want to continue to weigh yourself every morning to ensure you are still within 2.0lbs from your last dose weight.

Repeating the HCG Diet Protocol

For health and safety reasons, as well as to prevent tolerance to the HCG drops, a minimum of 6 weeks should elapse before repeating the protocol, if needed. If repeating the protocol for the 2nd time or more, an even longer time should elapse before repeating the protocol (8 weeks or more).

Dr. Simeons’ Original Diet Protocol: The Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD)


Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only one tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24 hours. Stevia may be used.


1. 100 grams of veal, beef, chicken breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp. All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be
weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional fat. Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed. The chicken breast must be removed from the bird.

2. One type of vegetable only to be chosen from the following: spinach, chard, chicory, beet-greens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage.

3. One breadstick (grissino) or one Melba toast.

4. An apple or a handful of strawberries or one-half grapefruit or orange.

Dinner :

The same four choices as lunch.

The juice of one lemon daily is allowed for all purposes. Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram, etc., may be used for seasoning, but no oil, butter or dressing.

Tea, coffee, plain water, or mineral water are the only drinks allowed, but they may be taken in any quantity and at all times. In fact, you should be drinking about 2 liters of these fluids per day. Many people are afraid to drink so much because they are afraid that this may make them retain more water. This is wrong, as the body is more inclined to
store water when the intake falls below its normal requirements.

The fruit or the breadstick may be eaten between meals instead of with lunch or dinner, but not more than four items listed for lunch and dinner may be eaten at one meal.

No medicines or cosmetics other than lipstick, eyebrow pencil and powder may he used.
No variations other than those listed may be introduced.

The 100 grams of meat must he scrupulously weighed raw after all visible fat has been removed.

There is no objection to breaking up the two meals. For instance having a breadstick and an apple for breakfast or before going to bed, provided they are deducted from the regular meals. The whole daily ration of two breadsticks or two fruits may not be eaten at the same time, nor can any item saved from the previous day be added on the
following day.

In the beginning patients are advised to check every meal against their diet sheet before starting to eat and not to rely on their memory. Any attempt to observe this diet without HCG will lead to trouble in two to three days.

Two small apples weighing as much as one large one never the less have a higher
caloric value and are therefore not allowed though there is no restriction on the size of one apple. Chicken breast does not mean the breast of any other fowl, nor does it mean a wing or drumstick.

Please do not start counting calories and then come up with modifications to the diet. Dr. Simeons spent years of research trying to make the diet as attractive as possible without jeopardizing the loss of weight.


“Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity” by Dr. Simeons

The Deadly Dangers of Statin Drugs

What are Statins (Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs) and How Do They Work?

Statins work by inhibiting the action of an enzyme called HMG coenzyme A reductase. A more technical name for statins is HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. HMG-CoA reductase is involved in manufacturing cholesterol, so by inhibiting this enzyme, one’s cholesterol does go down, which is why cholesterol-lowering drugs are indeed effective at lowering cholesterol. HMG-CoA reductase is also responsible for manufacturing the body’s coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a powerful antioxidant.

The Importance of Cholesterol

Cholesterol has been demonized in recent years by the pharmaceutical industry, but having adequate cholesterol is essential for good health. For example, without adequate cholesterol, the body is not able to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D. Cholesterol is also essential for adequate neurological function,as well as being a precursor to all hormones such as the adrenal hormones. The adrenal hormones are responsible for regulating many processes in the body, such as inflammation, allergic response, libido, and blood sugar, among other things.

The Importance of Vitamin D

Remember that by inhibiting the synthesis of cholesterol, the synthesis of vitamin D is also inhibited. That means that even if you are eating vitamin D rich foods or getting adequate sunlight exposure, your body will still not be able to synthesize adequate amounts of vitamin D if you are also taking cholesterol-lowering drugs. Adequate levels of vitamin D are essential for a healthy immune system, blood sugar metabolism, mental health, and cancer prevention.

The Importance of Coenzyme Q10

HMG-CoA reductase is responsible for the body’s production of both cholesterol and coenzyme Q10. Statin drugs act by blocking the action of HMG-CoA reductase, and therefore, the body also becomes depleted of CoQ10.

Coenzyme Q10 is necessary for the body’s production of ATP, which provides energy to all cells. The heart depends on CoQ10 in order to have adequate energy to pump properly. Statin-induced depletion of CoQ10 leads to fatigue, muscle soreness and weakness, and eventually heart failure. CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage, and it also plays a role in maintaining blood glucose (diabetes prevention).

Since statins interfere with the production of CoQ10, it is essential for statin users to supplement with this vital nutrient. Cholesterol expert Dr. Langsjoen recommends that all statin users supplement with 100-200 mg of coenzyme Q10 per day.

The Benefits of High Cholesterol and Dangers of Low Cholesterol

We have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies to think that having high cholesterol is bad, but in fact, good science proves the very opposite. A study in 1994, for example, showed that old people with high cholesterol were half as likely to die from a heart attack as old people with low cholesterol. In fact, most studies of old people show that cholesterol is not a risk factor of coronary artery disease. Studies have also shown that high cholesterol is not a risk factor for women.

Studies have also shown that people with low cholesterol are at a greater risk of dying from gastrointestinal disease and respiratory diseases. Low cholesterol is also associated with greater incidence of HIV, and people with low cholesterol are also much more likely to die of heart failure.

A Meta-Analysis of Studies Disproves the Benefit of Statins

After a thorough analysis of all the major studies done on people who use statins, cholesterol expert Dr. Uffe Ravnskov concluded that the small benefits of using statins are not statistically significant, meaning the percentage of benefit is really no different than benefit from placebo. In fact, it was found that in some studies, more deaths occurred in treatment groups (people who used statins) vs. controls (those who did not use statins).

The Major Side Effects of Statins

Liver Damage

A meta-analysis of studies shows that statin drugs cause liver damage, and sometimes liver failure. To protect the liver, all statin users should take a daily liver detox supplement, such as liver milk thistle.

Muscle Pain and Weakness (Rhabdomyolysis)

Muscle pain and weakness, also known as rhabdomyolysis, is a common side effect of taking statins. Most likely, this side effect  is due to statin-induced depletion of coenzyme Q10, which is essential for proper muscle function.

Rhabdomyolysis can lead to kidney injury, kidney failure, and death.


Polyneuropathy is a nerve disease characterized by weakness, tingling and pain in the hands and feet, as well as difficulty walking. Studies have shown that statin use is associated with an increased incidence of this condition. Duration of statin use increases the risk of polyneuropathy, and the nerve damage is often irreversible.

Alzheimer’s & Loss of Brain Function

Adequate cholesterol is essential for proper brain function. Studies have found that older people with high cholesterol have better memory function and reduced dementia. Studies have also shown that people with low cholesterol have a greater risk of Alzheimer’s than those with high cholesterol.

Author and cholesterol expert Dr. Duane Graveline wrote a book about what statins did to his memory, titled Lipitor: Thief of Memory. Six months after Dr. Graveline started using Lipitor, he was diagnosed with transient global amnesia. He was unable to formulate new memories and also had retrograde memory loss. Suspecting that Lipitor was to blame, Dr. Graveline started doing his own research on statin side effects. At present, Dr. Graveline has uncovered over 2,000 cases of transient global amnesia associated with the use of statins.

Cholesterol expert Yeon Kyun Shin explains: “If you deprive cholesterol from the brain, then you directly affect the machinery that triggers the release of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters affect the data-processing and memory functions. In other words — how smart you are and how well you remember things.”


A recent study found that statin use increased the risk of pneumonia by a whopping 62% in elderly patients requiring hospitalization.

Cancer: The Deadly Price of Using Statin Drugs

After a thorough meta-analysis of studies on cancer and statin use, it was found that there was an inverse relationship between low cholesterol levels and cancer. What this means is that those people who were able to lower their cholesterol effectively with statins were at greater risk for developing cancer.

The statin drug Vytorin was taken off the market in 2008 after it was proven to have caused a whopping 64% increase in all types of cancer.

Scientific studies have found that all major statin drugs (Lipitor, Mevacor, Pravachol, Zocor, Crestor) cause cancer in rodents, and warnings about possible carcinogenicity in humans is found on all statin drug labels.

A recent study reported that among obese men, those who used a statin for 5 years or more had a whopping 80% greater risk of developing prostate cancer than those who did not use a statin drug. Other human studies have shown that statin drug use increases the risk of skin cancer and breast cancer.

Heart Failure

Heart failure is a symptom of coenzyme Q10 depletion, therefore it is very important that all statin users supplement with this vital nutrient (100-200 mg per day).

A study done in the UK showed that patients at risk for heart failure benefited from having high cholesterol rather than low. Those patients who had low cholesterol were at a greater risk of dying from heart failure.


A recent large-scale study done on postmenopausal women found that there was a whopping 48% increase in incidence of diabetes in women who took statins vs. women who did not take statins.

A meta-analysis of studies has found that statin use is linked to an increased risk of diabetes in men and women of all age groups.

What is the Real Cause of Heart Disease?

Inflammation Not Cholesterol

According to cardiovascular surgeon Dr. Dwight Lundell, it is chronic inflammation, not cholesterol, that is the cause of heart disease. “Simply stated, without inflammation being present in the body, there is no way that cholesterol would accumulate in the wall of the blood vessel and cause heart disease and strokes. Without inflammation, cholesterol would move freely throughout the body as nature intended. It is inflammation that causes cholesterol to become trapped.”

Any stress, emotional or physical, can also lead to chronic inflammation. Toxins in our food and environment would be examples of physical stresses, and long work hours would be an example of emotional stress.

Eating a diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids will help reduce inflammation. That means staying away from Omega 6 fats, like corn and soy oil, and eating more Omega 3-rich animal based fats, such as fish, eggs, butter and meat. Heart healthy vegetable based fats that are rich in Omega 3 fats include olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados. Those who cannot get enough Omega 3 fats from foods should take a good Omega 3 fish oil supplement.

Homeopathic treatment is also recommended for people with heart disease, because it gets to the root cause of the problem (chronic inflammation) without causing any of the harmful side effects of statin drugs. Click here to learn more about homeopathic treatment for heart disease.


APOE-4: The Clue to Why Low Fat Diet and Statins may Cause Alzheimer’s by Stephanie Seneff

Cancer, Longevity and Statins by Hopkins Technology

Cholesterol-Reducing Drugs May Lessen Brain Function, Says Researcher by ScienceDaily

CoEnzyme Q10 for Healthy Hearts by John Williamson Cameron

Dangers of Statin Drugs: What you Haven’t Been Told about Popular Cholesterol-Lowering Medicines by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, PhD

Do YOU Take Any of These 11 Dangerous Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs? by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Drugs, Liver Injury, and Cancer: Is there a Connection? by Jay S. Cohen, M.D

Heart Surgeon Speaks out on What Really Causes Heart Disease by Dr. Dwight Lundell 

How Statins Really Work Explains Why They Don’t Really Work by Stephanie Seneff

Prostate cancer risk increased in obese men: study by Michelle Rizzo

Statins Don’t Lower Pneumonia Risk in the Elderly by Medical News Today

Statins, Pregnancy, Sepsis, Cancer, Heart Failure: a Critical Analysis by Stephanie Seneff

The Benefits of High Cholesterol by Uffe Ravnskov

The Cholesterol Myth that Could be Harming Your Health by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The clinical use of HMG CoA-reductase inhibitors (statins) and the associated depletion of the essential co-factor coenzyme Qlo; a review of pertinent human and animal data by Peter H. Langsjoen, M.D., F.A.c.c.

The Common Drug that Destroys Your Memory by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Dark Side of This Popular Drug Taken by 1 in 4 Americans Over-45… by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The statin-low cholesterol-cancer conundrum by U. Ravnskov, K.S. McCully and P.J. Rosch

Vitamin D is Synthesized by Cholesterol and Found in Cholesterol-Rich Foods by Chris Masterjohn

What Women on Statins Need to Know About Diabetes by Yunsheng Ma, MD, PhD, MPH

Further Reading: Websites about the Dangers of Statins

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics

The Weston A. Price Foundation

Further Reading: Books about the Dangers of Statins

How Statin Drugs Really Lower Your Cholesterol and Kill You One Cell at a Time by James B Yoseph and Hannah Yoseph, MD

Ignore the Awkward: How the Cholesterol Myths are Kept Alive by Dr. Uffe Ravnskov

Lipitor: Thief of Memory by Dr. Duane Graveline

Statin Drugs Side Effects and the Misguided War on Cholesterol by Dr. Duane Graveline

The Cholesterol Delusion by Dr. Ernest M. Curtis

The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease by Dr. Uffe Ravnskov

The Cure for Heart Disease: Truth Will Save a Nation by Dr. Dwight Lundell

The Great Cholesterol Con by Anthony Colpo

The Statin Damage Crisis by Duane Graveline MD and and Malcolm Kendrick

What you Must Know about Statin Drugs and their Natural Alternatives by Jay S. Cohen

The Waning Effectiveness of the Whooping Cough Vaccine

In 2010, California experienced its worst outbreak of whooping cough in 50 years. As usual, the mainstream media blamed unvaccinated people for the outbreak, yet 44 to 83 percent of those diagnosed with whooping cough in California had been vaccinated against whooping cough.

Since the 1980s, the incidence of pertussis (whooping cough) has been rising, and this resurgence is not  related to vaccine refusal. The pertussis rates in California are the same as other US states with higher and lower vaccine rates. According to the CDC, vaccination rates for pertussis in the US have been steady or even on the increase since 1992.

Other areas besides California have experienced this phenomena of whooping cough occurring in heavily vaccinated populations. In Oxford, England, between 2001-2005, 90% of children who contracted whooping cough were fully immunized. During a 2005-2006 outbreak in Toronto, Canada, over 90% of children who contracted whooping cough were fully up to date on their immunizations. During a 2009 outbreak in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, all children who contracted whooping cough had been immunized. During a recent outbreak in Texas and Ohio, between 67-75% of children had been immunized. In Long Island during a 2011 epidemic, all infected children were vaccinated.

In Finland, where the vaccine coverage rate is 98%, a nation wide study of children infected with pertussis between 1994-1997 concluded that pertussis outbreaks can indeed occur in fully vaccinated populations. A study of a 2004 outbreak in Slovenia reveals that all children who became infected with pertussis were fully vaccinated. And last but not least, another example of the ineffectiveness of the pertussis vaccine: during a 1996 pertussis outbreak in the Netherlands, infection rate was actually higher among those who were vaccinated for the disease.

Unvaccinated children have become the scapegoat for pertussis outbreaks, but this belief is not based in reality. According to Dutch scientist Dr. Fritz Mooi, the most obvious culprit is the waning effectiveness of the pertussis vaccine. The answer to the problem, posited by the mainstream press, is to add more booster doses to the vaccination schedule. However, Dr. Mooi’s research into the real reason behind waning vaccine immunity concludes that there is now a new, more virulent strain of whooping cough that is resistant to the pertussis vaccine.

The logical answer to the problem would be to develop a new vaccine that would protect against this new pertussis strain. But Dr. Mooi says, “There is little incentive for pharmaceutical companies to pursue a new vaccine because it would cost billions.”

An increase in pertussis vaccination coverage  is associated with rising incidence of parapertussis infection. The symptoms of parapertussis infection are virtually identical to pertussis infection, thus an MD could easily misdiagnose parapertussis as pertussis. There currently is no vaccine that protects against parapertussis. A recent study found that the risk of parapertussis infection was 40 times as likely in mice that were immunized with the pertussis vaccine.

Interested in safe, effective and natural ways to boost the immune system? Click Here Learn More About Homeoprophylaxis/Nosodes


Immunized People Getting Whooping Cough, Experts Spar Over New Strain
Outbreaks Proof that Whooping Cough Vaccines Don’t Work
Vaccination is Steady, But Pertussis is Surging
Whooping Cough Kills 5 in California – State Declares an Epidemic
Whooping Cough Outbreaks in Vaccinated Children Become More and More Frequent 

By Sonya McLeod
Google Plus Author Profile Page

Effective Cancer Treatment with Popular Cuban Homeopathic Drug Vidatox

What is Vidatox?

Vidatox is a drug produced from five protein peptides extracted from the venom of the blue scorpion (Rophalorus junceus), which is endemic to Cuba and which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effect in more than 15 different cancer cell lines. The result of 15 years of research, by October 2010 Vidatox had been tested on more than 10,000 cancer patients, some 3,500 of them foreigners, with positive results both in improving quality of life and stopping tumour growth.

Labiofam, a Cuban pharmaceutical laboratory, is set to release a new homeopathic cancer drug to the international market. Marketed as Vidatox, it is the result of work by Cuban biologist, Misael Bordier with the venom of the blue scorpion.

The medication was produced from over 5,000 scorpions of the Rhopalurus junceus variety, native to eastern Cuba. According to the company, it has no contraindications and is compatible with any other oncological treatment.

The company presented the results of its Vidatox research in its first international congress in late September in Havana before some 500 delegates from all parts of the world. Vidatox International Congress: Results of Scientific Research

The Company is all set to register its homeopathic version in coming days and go for its commercial production. The medication, and Labiofam says that its homeopathic version should be registered in the coming days and could be commercially produced immediately. González added that the company would continue research to produce synthetic or biotechnological versions of the compound.

Report on the Current Situation Regarding Vidatox 30 CH (Translated from Spanish)

The use of natural products in traditional and alternative medicine is widely practiced today. In particular, the Poison Scorpion have been little studied and a few years ago began their potential pharmacological evidence.

In Cuba there are 32 species and subspecies of scorpions, including 28 endemic among the most common being the scorpion Rhopalurus junceus the which has been used in traditional medicine to apply under the Cuban stomach in case of urinary retention and improvement of some diseases.

The 30 CH VIDATOX ® is the registered trademark for the drug homeopathic and natural (health record: H-11 – 038 – NO2) obtained from junceus Rhopalurus scorpion venom, endemic to Cuba, indicated as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of symptoms caused by effects of cancer and pain relief. The decision to produce is the result over 15 years of a research project aimed at characterization of the poison, and evaluating their potential as antitumor agent, analgesic, antiinflammatory, and toxicological safety.

Based on the evidence of safety and efficacy provided by the preclinical research, VIDATOX 30 CH was applied in a controlled study of 174 cancer patients of both sexes with histopathological diagnosis confirmed, which was administered 5 sublingual drops every 12 hours during the period 3/12/2007 to 2/2/2010.

Samples were grouped by location, neoplastic families, stage evolution of the disease, treatment received and the presence of cancer neoplasia. At the conclusion of the study period (2 years) lung, prostate, colon, breast and uterus were the most sensitive effect of the product. Similarly, it is demonstrated that administration of medication in 96% of patients, led to a life of greater than 12 months regardless of the location and stage of disease, especially in those patients for whom there were no treatment options available in conventional medicine.

As another important clinical outcome may be mentioned that 90% of patients who received VIDATOX ® 30 CH in the dose given, reported improvement of clinical symptoms based on consultation, and in 62% of them initial pain evolved into a mild form that did not require treatment necessarily to their relief, while 27% said absence of pain.

This latter aspect of his enormous influence on the quality of life of patients, is important to detail that 62% of patients with presence of severe pain with continuing need for medication (level 2), after treatment passed to the condition of minimal or moderate pain without medication (level 1).

Generally in patients comprising the sample are referred to herein has been:

  • Improvement in pain
  • Improvement of inflammation
  • Improvement in hematologic parameters
  • Improvement of appetite
  • Improvement of general health
  • Improved function in organs and systems affected
  • Weight gain
  • Reduction of cough
  • Desire to live

We conclude that the use of 30 CH VIDATOX ®, can improve the quality of life, increase survival and slow tumor growth without the appearance of patients today cause undesirable symptoms and cytostatics radiation to which we subject our patients.

In this context, one should not ignore the massive consumption of the product for more of 26,000 people, from October 1 to April 10 of 2010 without reported adverse effects to date of application, confirming the preclinical experimental results.

MSC: Fabio De J. Linares Pazoz
Production manager Laboratories Homeopathic Products

Read the most current news about Vidatox – Vidatox for Cancer: 2012 Update


Homeopathy for Cystitis (Bladder Infections)

Some of the most common symptoms of a  bladder infection are the constant urge to urinate as well as a constant feeling of fullness in the bladder, pain during urination, foul smelling urine, as well as other signs of inflammation such as fever.

The most well-known natural remedy for bladder infections is unsweetened cranberry juice, which may not be effective in all cases.

People with interstitial cystitis or chronic bladder infections should seek out treatment from a classical homeopath. Contact the clinic or a classical homeopath in your local area.

In acute cases of bladder infection, the following homeopathic remedies are the most commonly used and effective:

Cantharis: The #1 remedy for bladder infections. People needing this remedy have burning pains during urination, with a frequent, strong urge to urinate.

Aconite: Useful at the beginning of a bladder infection, when the symptoms come on very suddenly.

Sarsaparilla: Severe pain at the end of urination; can urinate only in dribbles.

Nux Vomica: Symptoms come on after overindulgence, drugs or alcohol. There is pain before or during urination.

Apis: Severe, hot burning pains. Use if Cantharis seems indicated but does not help.

Dosage: Give a 30C potency (strength) of the indicated homeopathic remedy, every 6 to 8 hours for up to 3 days. Switch to another remedy if there is no relief after 24 hours.

2011 Consumer Choice Award Winner

I am very pleased to announce that Little Mountain Homeopathy won the 2011 Consumer Choice Award in the category of Homeopathy. Thank you so much to the Vancouver community for your help in making Little Mountain Homeopathy #1.

About the Consumer Choice Award

Each year across Canada, Consumer Choice Award gathers the opinions, perceptions and expectations through the responses of thousands of consumers and businesses. Established in 1987, the selection process has been perfected with a third party research firm to ensure that only the most outstanding service providers are the winners within an industry. This is the only organization in North America to recognize business excellence by conducting a research that surveys both the consumer & business community with statistical accuracy. The research method determines all service providers, ultimately selects the top ranked companies, and establishes the winner within each industry.

Homeoprophylaxis Against Leptospirosis in Cuba

by Dr. Isaac Golden and Dr. Gustavo Bracho

Originally published in

Hahnemann first used a homoeopathic potency of Belladonna, selected using the Law of Similars, to prevent Scarlet Fever in 1798. Since then homoeopathic immunisation, or homoeoprophylaxis, has been used by tens of thousands of homoeopaths. Results have been described in our literature, but there has been relatively little formal statistical analysis of results. Further, most interventions have been by individual practitioners with relatively few people. This paper provides a graphical description of the use of homoeoprophylaxis by a government’s medical institute to protect literally millions of people. This experience has the potential to change the way homoeoprophylaxis is viewed by parents, practitioners and governments around the world.


The use of homoeoprophylaxis (HP), or homoeopathic immunisation, has been debated in this journal. Some homoeopaths oppose it on philosophical grounds (see the debate between Professor Vithoulkas and Dr Golden), some on more technical/political grounds (see the views of Dr Fisher which have been contested by Dr Golden). However HP has considerable support internationally being, as it is, part of Hahnemann’s “classical” method based squarely on the Law of Similars, and first used by him in 1798.

Irrespective of conceptual issues, the principal question is whether HP is effective and safe. Both aspects have been thoroughly researched and the evidence published. The question of safety is relatively easy given the absence of toxic materials in potentised remedies; however the question of effectiveness and efficacy remains hotly contested by orthodox scientists. They say that homoeopathy in general is “implausible” because “nothing is there” and therefore both treatment and prevention cannot work irrespective of the evidence. Whilst this is a very unscientific response, it remains the responsibility of advocates of HP to show convincing evidence that it does work.

Due to the recent massive HP interventions in Cuba, we can now offer four main types of evidence to support the effectiveness of both short-term and long-term HP, being:

  1. The historical use of HP from Hahnemann in 1798 to the present day, widely evidenced throughout the homoeopathic literature, and used by many “masters” of homoeopathy
  2. Short-term use of HP in epidemic situations. One of the most thorough of such studies has been by Morinski and colleagues in 1998. A review of such research points to an effectiveness of around 90%.
  3. Long-term use of HP in non-epidemic situations. Golden showed an effectiveness of 90.4% in his research from 1986 to 2004.
  4. The massive and highly successful HP interventions in Cuba involving millions of people from 2007 to 2010.

It is this latter piece of evidence that we will now examine further.

Leptospirosis in Cuba

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease which is endemic in Cuba. It usually worsens during the hurricane and high rainfall seasons from October to December each year when the infection is spread via infected water, although rodent urine will also carry the disease.

The three eastern regions of Cuba, Las Tunas, Holguin and Granma (IR = Intervened Region) usually have a much greater incidence of the disease per head of population than the rest of the country (RC) as is clear from Figure 1 which shows the average weekly incidence of leptospirosis for 2003-2006 in IR (2.4 million people) and RC (8.8 million people), weighted per head of population figure for both regions (Average x population in Cuba/population in region).

Figure 1: Leptospirosis, IR and RC, 2003-2006 weekly average weighted per head of population

In both 2007 and 2008 the RC was hit by severe hurricanes. In 2007 the Cuban Government, through the Finlay Institute which manufactures most vaccines used in Cuba, decided to homeopathically immunise the bulk of the population in IR due to a severe spike in the incidence of the disease.

Figure 2 shows the Incidence of the disease in 2007, and the impact of the two-dose HP program which was conducted in Week 45. Once again a weighted per head of population figure is shown, which illustrates the impact of the intervention even more clearly.

2007 was already a worse than average year for residents of IR, and became dramatically so following the hurricanes. However the outbreak “broke” in IR in Week 47, 2 weeks following the HP intervention, although it continued in RC where there was no intervention.

Figure 2: Leptospirosis in IR and RC, 2007, weekly, weighted per head of population

A second two-dose round of HP was administered in 2008 to the residents of IR, this time using a higher potency of the remedy (200C in 2007, 10,000C in 2008 – 2 doses a week apart). Figure 3 shows that the disease remained contained in IR (once again, the most at risk region), but continued as expected in RC apart from a significant single incident in Week 42.

Figure 3: Leptospirosis in IR and RC, 2008, weekly, weighted per head of population

The impact of the HP intervention is clear from the above Figures, but was also demonstrated when comparing the actual progression of the disease in IR in 2007 with the expected number of cases derived using a predictive model based on rainfall experience over time, plus other factors. Figure 4 has been reproduced in other studies of the intervention,,.

Figure 4: Leptospirosis in 2007, actual and predicted incidence

One issue regarding this diagram was the reliability of the predictive model used. Further examination revealed that the model used was quite reliable in IR, but less so in RC.

One final examination of the leptospirosis data from 2004 to 2008 is presented in Figure 5, showing the incidence of the disease for both regions. It shows clearly the seasonal peaks and troughs over the years, with a breaking of the seasonal trend in IR in late 2007, and the substantial reduction of the disease in IR in 2008 despite IR remaining the region most at risk due to severe hurricanes in IR in 2008. It also shows the 2007 prediction for IR shown in Figure 4 (without the HP intervention factored in), but this time shown in monthly figures rather than weekly as in Figure 4.

At this time a predictive trend for 2008 excluding the influence of the HP interventions is not available, but it certainly would show a higher incidence of the disease than that which occurred in RC. However the data which is available clearly shows the positive impact of the interventions. (See Fig. 5 below)

Figure 5: Leptospirosis cases in IR and RC from 2004 to 2008

Concluding Comments

The HP intervention against leptospirosis in IR in 2007 and 2008 has been an unqualified success. The details of the effective intervention were mentioned in the Cuban Assembly. Following on this experience a decision was made to undertake a massive HP immunisation of the total population against Swine Flu in 2009/10 involving over 9.8 million people. The results of this intervention will not be known until 2011 when data can be assembled and analysed.

It is clear that the Cuban initiative in safe, effective, and low cost infectious disease prevention, making the Cubans world leaders in this area of immunisation, will be followed with great interest by both practitioners and public health scientists around the world.

i. George Vithoulkas and Isaac Golden, in, April – September, 2007.
ii. As evidenced in the debate between Dr Fisher and Ben Goldacre. Natural History Museum.
iii. Golden I. A Respectful Challenge to Dr Peter Fisher Regarding Vaccination. J. Hom Med Assn. May, 2009.
iv. Hahnemann S. The Cure and Prevention of Scarlet Fever. Lesser Writings. B.Jain Publishers.
v. Golden I Vaccination & Homoeoprophylaxis? A Review of Risks and Alternatives. 7th edition 2010. Isaac Golden Publications, Cherokee, Victoria, Australia.
vi. For a summary of some major references see Golden I, Homoeoprophylaxis, A Practical and Philosophical Review. Isaac Golden Publications, Cherokee, Victoria, Australia.
vii. Mroninski C, Adriano E, Mattos G. Meningococcinum: Its protective effect against meningococcal disease. Homoeopathic Links Winter, 2001. Vol 14(4); pp. 230-4.
viii.Golden I. Homoeoprophylaxis: A Fifteen year Clinical Study. Isaac Golden Publications, Cherokee, Victoria, Australia. 2004.
ix. Campa C, Bracho G, Cruz R, Menendez J, Martinez R, Gilling E, Wella R. Homoeoprophylaxis: Cuban Experiences on Leptospirosis. Nosodes 2008, International Meeting on Homoeoprophylaxis, Homoeopathic Immunisation and Nosodes Against Epidemics. Havana, Cuba. 10-12h December, 2008.
x. Bracho G, Varela E, Fernández R, Ordaz B, Marzoa N, Menéndez J, García L, Gilling E, Leyva R,Rufín R, de la Torre R, Solis R, Batista N, Borrero R ,Campa C. Massive Application of Highly Diluted Bacteria as Homeoprophylactic Formulation for Leptospirosis Epidemic Control. Homeopathy. 2010. 99, 156-166.
xi. Golden I, Bracho G. The Homoeopathic Prevention of Leptospirosis in Cuba. J.Am. Institute of Homeopathy. Summer. 2010.

Dr Isaac Golden is Business Manager Academic Operations at Endeavour College of Natural Health. He has been in homeopathic practice since 1984, and has conducted the world’s largest long-term trial of homoeoprophylaxis, which formed the basis for his Doctorate in 2004, the first time a mainstream Australian University awarded a PhD in a homeopathic topic. He has authored 10 books on homoeopathy and many articles in Australia and internationally.

Dr Gustavo Bracho is Advisor to the President and General Director of Finlay Institute, Havana, Cuba, and head of the Homeopathy and Biotherapic Projects at the Institute. He is an experienced researcher in molecular and cellular biology, and has headed the Adjuvant Group within the Immunology Department of Finlay. In 2005-2006 he was a researcher in a Collaboration Project with the Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, Australia, examining vaccine production methods. He has pioneered the use of homoeoprophylaxis in Cuba as both an adjunct to or an alternative for orthodox vaccination. He is widely published in his area.

Constipation and Failure to Thrive: A Homeopathic Success Story

Aaron was only 10 months old when he visited the clinic, accompanied by his parents. Rhonda, (Aaron’s mother) made the appointment because of her son’s battle with constipation practically since birth. She is also concerned because though Aaron has a healthy appetite, he is losing instead of gaining weight. I assure Rhonda that homeopathic treatment can help her son’s health problems.

tantrumAaron had colic as a newborn baby. He was gassy as a newborn baby, his stomach constantly gurgling. As a newborn he always needed to be held because he wasn’t comfortable. He would always arch his back in pain because though his belly was full of gas, most of the time he was unable to fart or burp to release it.

Now, at 10 months old, Aaron is now mostly on solid food and eats like a glutton, yet he is losing instead of gaining weight, since the age of 7 months. I tell Rhonda that perhaps Aaron is failing to absorb the nutrients in the food he eats due to an absorption problem.

After the introduction of solid food at 6 months, Aaron has had constipation. Rhonda has tried changing Aaron’s diet, adding more fruits and vegetables, experimenting with cutting out dairy and wheat, but dietary changes haven’t helped. The only thing that has helped are frequent servings of prunes. Rhonda recognizes that prunes are not a permanent solution to Aaron’s problem, and I explain to Rhonda that the administration of the correct homeopathic constitutional remedy will fix his constipation and weight problem.

What is a Constitutional Homeopathic Remedy?

Constitutional homeopathic remedies are prescribed by classical homeopaths. Although Naturopaths have some limited training in prescribing homeopathic remedies, only classical homeopaths have enough training (a full 4 years) to prescribe constitutionally. Constitutional homeopathic prescribing for chronic health complaints is extremely powerful and complex and must be regarded with the utmost respect. Homeopathic remedies are made from something in the natural world such as a plant, mineral or animal. Constitutional homeopathic remedies are given one at a time and never in combination. The remedies are prepared in such a way that they are non-toxic and gentle on the body. They stimulate the body to heal itself. Remedy selection is based on the homeopathic principle that “like cures like” – that is, a substance that would cause symptoms in a healthy person is used to cure those same symptoms in illness. For example, one homeopathic remedy which might be used in a person suffering from insomnia is coffea, a remedy made from coffee.

The Follow-up Consultations

6 weeks after the administration of the homeopathic constitutional remedy, noticeable improvement had taken place. Despite cutting down on the prunes, Aaron’s stool softened and he had much less straining during bowel movements. He has also stopped losing weight.

2 months after the first follow-up, Aaron continues to do well on his constitutional homeopathic remedy. His digestion and bowel movements are normal, and his body has filled out. He looks chubbier and he is gaining weight. Also, because constitutional homeopathy addresses the whole person, the remedy also got rid of Aaron’s patches of eczema. This result was obtained using only the correct constitutional homeopathic remedy without any dietary changes.

C4 Trituration Workshop with authors Anneke Hogeland and Judy Schriebman

 Little Mountain Homeopathy is pleased to invite you to a very special event:


C4 Homeopathy and Practitioner Development
Date: August 26-28, 2011

Location: Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC

 With Anneke Hogeland, MS, MFT, CHom
And Judy Schriebman, CCH, RSHom(NA)
Authors of The Trituration Handbook

 Trituration of the Ghost Tree: Sequoia Sempervirens Albino Redwood

Triturations are a vital part of homeopathy. Every homeopath benefits from knowing the process well, and from being able to create remedies from raw substances. Like good provings, triturations provide a direct, experiential, body-based knowledge of a substance. They promote and enhance the development of the homeopath, furthering personal and professional growth. This results in greater satisfaction and better results in all facets of practice, from reading and understanding Materia Medica to case taking, remedy and potency selection, case analysis and case management. 

To Hahnemann’s “Aude sapere” (Dare to Think)

we respectfully add, Aude facere” (Dare to Do)

Our workshop begins Friday evening where we introduce students to the process and answer general questions. Friday evening we will also triturate one single round to get the trituration process started. On Saturday beginning at 10 a.m., we triturate 2 or 3 rounds, with breaks for discussion and food, expecting to end around 6 or 7 p.m. Sunday we begin at 9 a.m., triturating as many rounds as needed, and finishing with potentizing the remedy for students to take home. As time permits, there will be discussions and exercises in Family Constellation work and the philosophy of C4 Homeopathy. Students should bring their own mortar and pestle, journals and/or art materials. We will provide extras as needed.

Organon §265

It should be a matter of conscience with him [the physician] to be thoroughly convinced in every case that the patient takes the right medicine, and therefore he must give the patient the correctly chosen medicine prepared, moreover, by himself (emphasis ours).      

              –Samuel Hahnemann, 18??

Fee: $150

A Certificate of Attendance will be provided upon completion of this workshop. This workshop is recognized by the Canadian Society of Homeopaths and the BC Society of Homeopaths for a total of 15 hours of Professional Development Credits.

Space is limited. To reserve your spot, please RSVP as soon as possible to Sonya by email: or phone 604-677-7742. Cheques in the amount of $150 are payable to Sonya McLeod and should be sent to this address:

Sonya McLeod
Little Mountain Homeopathy
351 E. 39th Ave.
V5W 1K3

Homeopathic Cell Salts Basics and FAQ

What are the homeopathic cell salts?

Other terms for homeopathic cell salts are biochemic remedies, Schuessler Tissue Salts and Schuessler Cell Salts. They are a therapeutic system introduced by William Heinrich Shuessler, MD, in 1873. Dr. Schuessler contended that disease is fundamentally caused by insufficiencies of mineral salts in the tissue cells of the body and that supplying these salts corrects the deficiencies and thereby ameliorates disease. Cell salts are important for daily functioning, maintaining, rebuilding, and detoxifying the cells. They harmonize the bodily functions and improve the absorption of nutrients from food.

What conditions can the homeopathic cell salts be used for?

There are 12 homeopathic cell salts and they can be used for almost any condition. I have found them to be the most useful with people who are relatively healthy. They are most useful with fixing nutritional deficiencies and children react well to them.

What potency should I use?

The cell salts usually only come in one potency (strength), 6X. I only recommend the 6X potency when using cell salts.

Are the cell salts safe to take during pregnancy?

Yes, they are safe, and are also recommended during pregnancy to correct nutritional deficiencies in the mother and unborn baby. Taking the cell salts will result in an easier pregnancy & labour, and healthier newborn. Learn more about: The Pregnancy Cell Salt Program

Is the dosage different for children?

Yes, when taking a dose, children should take half the dose that adults take.

What cell salts build strong teeth?

The two main cell salts recommended for children and adults who are prone to difficult teething, cavities and have decaying or weak teeth:

Calcarea Fluorica and Calcarea Phosphorica. These two cell salts should be taken twice daily to strengthen the teeth.

What cell salt brings down a fever?

Ferrum Phosphoricum will often bring down a mild or moderate fever. Give as often as every 15 minutes.

What cell salts are useful for coughs are colds?

Use Ferrum Phosphoricum at the beginning of a cough or cold. Natrum Muriaticum is indicated if the mucus is runny and watery. Kalium Muriaticum is indicated at the later stages of a cold when the mucus is thick and white. Give 3X per day, or as often as every 15 minutes for more serious colds or coughs.

What cell salts are useful for muscle aches and cramps?

I have found Magnesium Phosphoricum to be very useful for muscle pains, including growing pains. It can also help with period pain and digestive pain.

What cell salt can be used for heartburn?

Natrum Phosphoricum neutralizes acidity, and thus it’s a good cell salt to use for heartburn. Take as often as 3X per day before meals.

What cell salt benefits the nails and hair?

Silicea will strengthen the nails and hair.

Homeopathy for Period Pain

Many women suffer from pain during their periods. Homeopathy can provide effective relief from period pain without putting a stress on the liver. Women with other hormonal symptoms such as irregular periods or  women who experience intense pain every month should see a classical homeopath for constitutional treatment.

For occasional or moderate period pains, the following homeopathic remedies are commonly indicated:

Belladonna: Useful when the pain comes on very suddenly. Throbbing pain with a sensation of heaviness, sometimes accompanied by headaches.

Magnesium Phosphoricum: Cramping pains that are relieved by pressure or warmth.

Colocynthis: This remedy can look similar to Mag Phos (pains better from pressure or warmth). A woman needing this remedy would also be in an irritable, angry mood.

Pulsatilla: This woman is very weepy and craves affection. She has no thirst and feels worse in a warm room.

Potency and Repetition: Give a 30C potency (strength) of the indicated homeopathic remedy up to every 4 hours. If there is no relief after 6-8 hours, try a different remedy.

If the remedy choice isn’t clear, try Magnesium Phosphoricum 6X Homeopathic Cell Salts. This is a great remedy for all types of cramping pains. It can be used for leg cramps or any type of muscle pain.

Homeopathic Remedies for Radiation Therapy & Nuclear Crisis

All of the remedies listed below are powerful remedies that should only taken under the supervision of a professional classical homeopath.

Homeopathic Remedies for Radiation Therapy

Cadmium Sulphuricum: This is the leading remedy for the side effects of radiation therapy. There is a lot of exhaustion, prostration and icy coldness. There is nausea and vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, and hair loss.

Sol: Hair loss and emaciation. Try this remedy if Cadmium Sulphuricum seems indicated but has no effect.

Radium Bromatum: Use for burned skin after radiation therapy.

X-Ray: Another common remedy for burns caused by radiation therapy.

Topical Aloe Vera: For radiation burns, apply aloe vera directly from the leaf onto the wound. Calendula cream is also effective for topical treatment for radiation burns.

Dosage: Give 2 doses of the indicated remedy, one at 4 hours and one at 2 hours before the radiation therapy. Give one dose immediately after the radiation therapy and then give one at 2 hours and one at 4 hours after. On the two days following the radiation therapy give 3 doses of the indicated remedy approximately 6 hours apart. Use a 30C potency (strength) of the indicated remedy

Homeopathic Remedies for a Nuclear Crisis & Radioactive Fallout

First, try to determine what radioactive substances you are dealing with. The recommendations below are for people who are in close vicinity to a nuclear disaster. Homeopathic experts Ravi Roy and Carol Lage-Roy helped thousands of people after the Chernobyl disaster. Homeopath Susan Curtis also gives recommendations in her book “Surviving with Natural Remedies.” For the current disaster in Fukushima, Curtis and the Roys recommend the protocol as listed below in the next section of this article.

Homeopathic Remedies For Protection (Prophylaxis) from Radiation

Take a combination of remedies specific to the radioactive particles that one is exposed to. For the crisis in Fukushima, take Radium Bromatum, Plutonium Nitricum, Strontium Carbonicum and Caesium Muriaticum. For people with weak thyroids (e.g. Hashimotos), use Radium Iodatum instead of Radium Bromatum. Order a custom made combination remedy to be made up from all four indicated remedies from the homeopathic pharmacy. 

Potency: Use a 30C potency (strength) of the indicated remedy.

Dosage for General Protection: Take one dose once per week of the homeopathic combination remedy (e.g. Radium/Plutonium Nitricum/Strontium Carbonicum/Caesium Muriaticum). Repeat for several weeks until danger of exposure has passed.

Dosage During Danger of Exposure: The combination remedy (Radium/Plutonium/Strontium/Caesium) can be taken as often as twice daily. The greater the danger, the more protection the body needs.

Homeopathic Protection from Radioactive Iodine

Kali Iodatum 3X should be taken during exposure to radioiodine. 1 dose should be taken 3 times per day. This method of protection should be considered for those who are in danger of heavy exposure to radioiodine and have no access to potassium iodide tablets. It is also the preferred method for those who have minimal exposure to radioactive iodine but who would still like protection (e.g. people in the United States and Canada). Kelp tablets and sea vegetables also protect the thyroid from radioiodine, and can be consumed instead of or along with kali iodatum 3X.

Treatment of Acute Radiation Poisoning

Dr. Grimmer at the height of the cold war recommended carrying Arnica 30C and Phosphorus 30C.

Give Arnica for the immediate effects such as shock and bruising. Wait a half hour then give a dose of Phosphorus. Then follow up with a regular dose of one of the following indicated remedies:

Arsenicum: Nausea, retching and vomiting after eating and drinking. Utter prostration. Extremely anxious and fearful. Restless.

Nux Vomica: Violent vomiting. Intense nausea slightly relieved after vomiting.

Phosphorus: high fever with much vomiting. It is a burning heat as if the internal body is being burnt. Desire for very cold drinks in large quantities. Empty feeling in the stomach with nausea. Anxious and melancholic.

Rhus Venenata: extreme itching, especially if large blisters form.

Also refer to the beginning of this article, remedies listed under the subheading “Homeopathic Remedies for Radiation Therapy,” as these remedies may also be indicated for acute radiation sickness.

Dosage: Give a 30C potency (strength) of the indicated remedy 2-3 times per day.

Interested in homeopathic remedies for radiation? Click here to book an acute online consultation. 


Curtis, Susan “Surviving with Natural Remedies,” Winter Press, Kent, 2003.

Roy, Ravi and Carola Lage-Roy. “Homeopathic Protection and Treatment of Radioactivity.”

The Holistic and Homeopathic Resource Center, Cairo “Holistic Treatment of Cancer: A Brief Protocol Sheet for Prescribing Homeopathic Remedies”

Homeopathic Treatment of Mastitis

Homeopathic treatment can be very effective for the treatment of mastitis. The following are the most frequently indicated remedies for this condition:

Phytolacca: The most frequently indicated remedy for mastitis. The breasts are often lumpy and will be caked with hard knots and nodules.

Bryonia: Also a frequently indicated remedy for mastitis. The breast pain is worse after any kind of movement.

Belladonna: Mastitis with sudden onset, high fever and throbbing pain.

Lac Caninum: The breasts are so sensitive that even the touch of clothing against the breasts is excruciatingly painful

Hepar Sulphuris: The breast is extremely painful and worse if exposed to the least draft.

Silica: The breasts have painful cracks in the nipples. A major remedy for women with inverted nipples.

Dosage: Use a 30C potency (strength) of the indicated homeopathic remedy 2-3 times per day. After 24 hours, choose another remedy if there is no improvement. If the condition worsens, consult a health professional.

External Measures: Also the topical application of calendula cream will help unblock the milk ducts and heal the breast tissue.

Homeopathy for Breast & Nipple Pain during Breastfeeding

Prevent Breast & Nipple Pain

Use calendula cream on the nipples several weeks before birth and after nursing begins. Wash the calendula cream off the breast before nursing begins.
Take Silica 6X Homeopathic Cell Salts. Take 3-4 times per day at the beginning of the nursing experience to strengthen the nipples. Discontinue as soon as the nipples are well conditioned.

Learn the basics about Homeopathic Cell Salts

Treat Breast & Nipple Pain

The following homeopathic remedies help ease the pain of sore, painful breasts and/or nipples in nursing women:

Castor Equorum: The first remedy to try for sore, cracked, ulcerated nipples. The breasts are very tender and the nipples are swollen.

Phytolacca: Intense pain as soon as the baby begins to nurse. The pain starts at the nipple and radiates under the arm or over the whole body. There may be hard knots or nodules in the breasts (also a major remedy for mastitis).

Croton Tiglium: Excruciating pain from the nipple to the back, with pain felt in the shoulder blade. The breasts are inflamed, swollen, and hard and the nipples may be cracked.

Chamomilla: The mother is so hypersensitive to the pain of breastfeeding that she feels she cannot endure. She will be extremely irritable.

Pulsatilla: The mother cries pitifully whenever she must nurse her baby. These women have also had sore breasts and nipples throughout their pregnancy.

Remedies for sore breasts due to mastitis are listed here: Homeopathic Treatment of Mastitis

Dosage: Usually only a few doses of the 30C potency (strength) are enough to bring relief. Repeat 2-3 times per day in cases that are more severe.

Homeopathic Treatment for Thrush

Thrush is the result of a Candida yeast overgrowth in a baby’s mouth. It shows up as white or creamy coloured patches in the mouth. The tongue and the insides of the mouth may swell.

Homeopathic remedies can be very effective for the treatment of thrush. The following are some of the most common homeopathic remedies for this condition:

Borax: The most frequently indicated remedy for thrush. There are raw sores on the mouth and tongue. There is a strong fear of downward motion. Eating is very painful.

Mercurius: The baby’s breath is very offensive and there is lots of drooling. Swollen, spongy gums that bleed easily. The tongue is puffy and flabby.

Sulphur: Try this remedy if Mercurius seems indicated but does not help. The gums are not as spongy and the tongue is not as flabby as a baby needing Mercury.

Chamomilla: A very irritable baby; nothing satisfies. Accompanied by loose stool.

Antimonium Crudum: Useful when the baby has a thick, milky white coating on the tongue.

Kali Muriaticum: Use this remedy if there are no other symptoms to guide you to another remedy. The tongue may be patchy with a grey or white coating on the base.

Dosage: Use a 12C or 30C potency (strength) of the indicated homeopathic remedy every 3 hours for 4-6 doses. Increase the length of time between doses once symptoms start to improve. If there is no improvement after a few doses of the seemingly indicated remedy, try a different remedy.

Mothers of babies who are susceptible to frequent thrush infections should consult a professional classical homeopath in their area.

Potassium Iodide Only Necessary During a Nuclear Crisis

A few days ago I wrote a blog article about various ways to protect and detox from radiation and nuclear fallout. Although potassium iodide (KI) does not detox the body from radiation, it can protect the thyroid from being damaged by radioactive iodine (iodine-131). Iodine-131 is rapidly absorbed by the thyroid gland and, especially in children, increases the risk of thyroid cancer.

News sources including National Geographic report that radioactive iodine was one radioactive chemical released into the atmosphere in Fukushima. Radioactive iodine (iodine-131) vaporizes easily and can disperse over long distances. There is a possibility, though I’m not sure how probable it is, that the West Coast of North America could be negatively affected by the radioactive plume coming from Japan.

There is a very small possibility that people on the North American West Coast will need to take potassium iodide tablets when the plume does reach us. Numerous news sources are telling us not to stock up on potassium iodide because the nuclear accident at Fukushima does not pose a health threat to us. Indeed, today the radioactive plume was reported to have reached Northern California, but officials say that the amount of radiation is so tiny that it poses no health risk.

Potassium Iodide Should Only be Taken during an Emergency Nuclear Crisis

You will be given ample warning and will notified by the press and/or the government whether it is necessary or not to take potassium iodide. In those situations, the government will distribute potassium iodide to its citizens. However, it is best to keep a couple bottles on your shelves in case there is a real emergency where you would need to act quickly. (This is not the case with the Japan situation because we are actively monitoring the radiation levels in Western North America).

Potassium iodide is a synthetic drug. It should not be taken unless there is an actual threat of exposure to radioactive iodine.

Keep Potassium Iodide on your Shelves in Case of Emergency

KI pills are now sold out in the US. Instead of panicking and buying them during a crisis, stock up on some in advance and store them on your shelves. It is a good idea for everyone to keep a bottle or two of potassium iodide on their shelves at all times in the case of a nuclear emergency. It should be added to your emergency first aid kit.

Potassium Iodide Poisoning

Yesterday there were reports from US poison control centres of potassium iodide poisoning. Fearful of radiation poisoning, people were taking potassium iodide pills without any real threat of harm from radiation.

Panic could spark a “mini-epidemic” of potassium iodide ingestion and overdoses, predicted Dr. Leonard Wartofsky, spokesman for the Endocrine Society and a thyroid expert.

There are also very serious consequences from taking potassium iodide for more than 10 days. After that period of time, the drug can induce severe hypothyroidism, a condition that essentially shuts down thyroid function.

Potassium Iodide Alternatives

There really are no other alternatives to potassium iodide. However, KI should only be taken during a real emergency. Kelp, spirulina and chlorella have been proven to detox and protect the body from other forms of radiation. These green food supplements should certainly be taken along with potassium iodide after dangerous exposure to radiation. Kelp, spirulina and chlorella are completely non-toxic and can be taken as part of a daily regimen to protect and detox from all types of radiation. Homeopathic remedies should also be taken for optimal health and detox, as prescribed by a classical homeopath.

Detox & Protection from Radiation & Nuclear Fallout

Learn how to detox naturally from radiation exposure using natural remedies such as iodine supplements, detox baths, and eating iodine rich foods.

Potassium Iodide Tablets

Potassium iodide supplements protect the thyroid gland from absorbing radioactive iodine. The thyroid becomes saturated with the iodine from the tablets, thus blocking absorption of radioactive iodine. Growing children are at the most risk for radioactive iodine exposure, so ensure that they take potassium iodide tablets if they are in danger of exposure. Radioactive iodine exposure has been linked to thyroid cancers.

Potassium iodide tablets only protect the thyroid gland and not other parts of the body. They should only be taken in a radiation emergency that involves the release of radioactive iodine, such as an accident at a nuclear power plant or an explosion of a nuclear bomb.

Dosage: Take 1 dose (130 mg adults, 65 mg children) every 24 hours after there has been an official announcement of risk of radioactive iodine exposure. Do not take potassium iodide tablets for longer than 10 days.

Radiation Detox Baths

Salt Baths

Salt Baths detox the body from general radiation exposure, such as from Cobalt-60 irradiated food, X-rays, or air flights where you are subject to high levels of ionizing radiation.

Dissolve 1 pound of sea salt or rock salt and 1 pound of baking soda in a hot bath — as hot as can be tolerated — and soak into the water until the bath becomes cool. This usually takes about 20-25 minutes. Afterwards, do not shower or rinse the salt off your body for 4-8 hours.

Baking Soda Baths

If you have been exposed to low-grade radioactive materials from the atmosphere, you can dissolve 2 pounds of baking soda in a tub of hot water, and follow the previous instructions by staying in the water until it cools.

With radioactive fallout, a specially prepared warm drink must be sipped during the bath. Drink an 8-ounce glass of warm water containing ¼-teaspoon natural sea salt and ¼-teaspoon baking soda. Each  glass is to be taken with 3 tablets of calcium lactate, which is a very easy to absorb form of calcium.

The baths should be taken at night and only one bath should be taken per day.


Spirulina, a type of algae, has been shown to be very effective in treating the damage caused by radiation poisoning, and especially has a protective effect on the kidneys. There have been a number of scientific studies verifying its protective effect from radiation.

Sea Vegetables

Scientific studies show that sea vegetables, such as kelp, contain sodium alginate, which has the ability to bind to radioactive strontium. Eating sea vegetables such as kelp will detox and protect from radiation.

Kombu, a member of the kelp family, is one of the most radioprotective sea vegetables because it is high in fucoidan, a potent radioactive detoxifier. Bladderwrack, another type of sea vegetable, is also rich in fucoidan and can protect and detox from radiation.

Sea vegetables are also rich in iodine, which has a protective effect on the thyroid in the event of a nuclear disaster (see information on potassium iodide tablets above). They also bind to and detox heavy metals.

The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission recommends that we consume two to three ounces (wet weight) of sea vegetables per week, or two tablespoons daily to protect from radiation toxicity. This should be increased fourfold during or after direct exposure to radiation.

Remember to consume sea vegetables that have been tested to be free of heavy metals.


Scientific studies have also shown that chlorella has a protective effect against radiation. Chlorella is rich in chlorophyll, and it has been shown in scientific experiments that animals on a chlorophyll rich diet have an increased survival rate from high doses of radiation.

Bentonite Clay Baths

Clay has a long history of being used successfully to remove and contain nuclear waste from the environment and from the human body. Clay absorbs and binds to radioactive toxins.

Use a a pure bentonite clay that has been tested to be low in aluminum. New Roots Bentonite Clay, for example, has been fully tested to be free of heavy metals.

Clay can be taken internally, but clay baths are preferable for radiation exposure.

Instructions on How to Take a Clay Bath

Homeopathic Remedies for Radiation

Examples of homeopathic remedies used by professional homeopaths to treat and detox radiation are radium bromatum, uranium nitricum, plutonium nitricum, x-ray and plumbum.

Click here to learn more about Homeopathic Remedies for Radiation

Constitutional homeopathic remedies for radiation exposure are very powerful and should be prescribed and progress should supervised by a professional homeopath. Contact the clinic or a local classical homeopath in your area.

References & Further Reading

Bodri, Bill. “How to Help Support the Body’s Healing after Intense Radioactive or Radiation Exposure: The Medical, Naturopathic, Nutritional, Herbal, Commonsense External and Internal Approaches” e-book

Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) “Guidance: Potassium Iodide as a Thyroid Blocking Agent in Radiation Emergencies” December 2001.

Kumar S et al. Inhibition of radiation-induced DNA damage in plasmid pBR322 by chlorophyllin and possible mechanism(s) of action. Mutation Research. March 1999; 425(1):71-9.

Loseva L.P. and I.V. Dardynskaya “Spirulina- natural sorbent of radionucleides.” Sep 1993. Research Institute of Radiation Medicine, Minsk, Belarus. 6th Int’l Congress of Applied Algology, Czech Republic. Belarus.

Qishen P, Guo B, Kolman A. Radioprotective effect of extract from Spirulina platensis in mouse bone marrow cells studied by using the micronucleus test. Toxicology Letters. August 1989; 48(2):165-9.

Paul, T. M., Stanley C. Skoryna, and Deirdre Waldron-Edward.

Rotkovska D, Vacek A, Bartonickova A. The radioprotective effects of aqueous extract from chlorococcal freshwater algae (Chlorella kessieri) in mice and rats. Strahlenther Onkologie. November 1989; 165(11):813-6.

Sarma L, Tiku A, Kesavan P, Ogaki M. Evaluation of radioprotective action of a mutant (E25) form of Chlorella vulgaris in mice. Journal of Radiation Research (Tokyo). December 1993; 34(4):277-84.

Singh S, Tiku A, Kesavan P. Post-exposure radioprotection by Chlorella vulgaris (E-25) in mice. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. August 1995; 33(8):612-5.

Sutton A, et al. Medical Research Council, Haswell, England. Reduction in the absorption of dietary strontium in children by an alginate derivation, Intl Jor Rad Biology, 1971, 19: 79-85.

Unsworth EF, Pearce J, McMurray CH, Moss BW, Gordon FJ, Rice D.Investigations of the use of clay minerals and prussian blue in reducing the transfer of dietary radiocaesium to milk. Sci Total Environ. 1989 Sep;85:339-47.

Homeopathic Remedies for Colds

Homeopathic remedies can help you and your family recover faster from the common cold. In cases of fever, try Homeopathic Remedies for Fever. In cases of flu, try Homeopathic Remedies for Flu.

Along with homeopathic remedies, remember to Use the Neti Pot to Clear Sinus and Nasal Congestion

These are the most common homeopathic remedies to treat a simple head cold:

Allium Cepa: The most common remedy for a simple head cold. The eyes and nose run. There is burning discharge from the nose, making the upper lip red and sore. This person feels better in the open air.

Euphrasia: Nonirritating discharge from the nose with burning tears. There may also be a cough that is worse in the daytime.

Arsenicum: Like allium cepa, the nasal discharge burns and reddens the skin. These people are very chilly and restless.

Nux Vomica: This person is very chilly and irritable. The nose is stuffy at night and runny during the day.

Pulsatilla: This person is weepy and craves company. The mucus is thick yellow-green and the person craves the open air.

Dulcamara: This person gets a cold after exposure to cold damp weather. These colds are more common in autumn when the seasons change from warm to cool.

Natrum Muriaticum: Nasal flow with mucus that looks like raw egg whites. There may be blisters around the mouth or nose.

Kali Bichromicum: Usually at the later stages of a cold, when the mucus is thick, yellow, ropey and difficult to expel.

Dosage and Repetition: Give a 12C or 30C potency (strength) of the indicated remedy every one or two hours, depending on the severity of symptoms. If a few doses of a remedy has brought no relief, try a different remedy.

If the cold develops into a cough, try Homeopathic Remedies for Cough

Homeopathic Remedies for Cough

These remedies are useful for coughs due to an acute infection and for bronchitis, croup, and whooping cough. In cases of chronic coughs and/or low immunity, it is best to consult a professional homeopath for constitutional treatment.

Aconite: Useful at the beginning stages of a cough. A dry cough with sudden onset due to exposure to dry, cold wind.

Belladonna: Useful at the beginning stages. This person is extremely hot with a flushed face.

Ferrum Phosphoricum: Also useful at the beginning stages, but more gradual onset with less intensity. A short, tickling cough with few other symptoms.

Bryonia: A hard dry cough that may hurt the chest. There is thirst for cold drinks and the person’s symptoms are worse from movement. This person may be irritable and may want to be alone.

Rumex: Dry, short cough set off by a tickling in the throat. The cough is worse from the inhalation of cold air.

Arsenicum: Anxious, restless person who is weak and chilly. The cough is worse at night, and from cold air and drinks.

Phosphorus: This person has thirst for cold drinks. They are chilly, crave company and have a fear of the dark.

Pulsatilla: A cough that is dry at night and loose in the daytime. They feel worse in a warm room and better with fresh air. They can be weepy, affectionate and want company.

Hepar Sulphuris: The person is very chilly and worse for anything cold. They are irritable, oversensitive and prefer warm drinks.

Ipecacuanha: Spasmodic coughing sometimes with nausea and/or retching. The chest is full of rattling mucus and there is wheezing.

Antimonium Tartaricum: The chest is full of rattling mucus. Usually indicated toward the end stages of a cough. This person is drowsy, pale and sweaty.

Drosera: A frequently indicated remedy in croup and whooping cough. A dry, barking cough. The cough is worse when lying down and it may end in vomiting. It is worse from eating or drinking.

Spongia: A dry, harsh, hoarse cough. The cough sounds like a saw going through wood. The person may wake from sleep feeling suffocated.

Rhus Toxicodendron: A dry cough with a tickling behind the breastbone. There is restlessness and the cough may be better from motion. Exposure t cold damp aggravates the cough.

Potency and Repetition
Give a 12C or 30C potency (strength) of the indicated remedy every four hours for four to six doses. Stop, or increase the time between doses upon improvement of the cough. If there is no improvement after a few doses of the indicated remedy, try selecting a different remedy.

The remedies listed above are the most commonly indicated cough remedies. Another remedy not listed in the article may be needed. For professional help, book an acute consultation for cough. 


Homeopathic Remedies for Fever

A fever is the body’s way of fighting an infection. All healthy people will occasionally have fevers. The body will naturally heal itself of a fever, without any sort of intervention. Homeopathic remedies can speed healing and will aid the body’s natural process of healing itself.

All remedies listed in this article can be used for adults as well as children.

Childhood Fevers: When to Seek Professional Help

  • If your child is 6 weeks old or younger and has a fever of 101 or higher: Go to the doctor or hospital immediately
  • If your child is 7 weeks to three months with a fever of 101 or higher: See your doctor within a few hours
  • Has signs of meningitis infection: Stiff neck or neck pain, vomiting, headache, bright lights hurt the eyes.

See your doctor if your child has a fever of 104 or more and does not respond to the following treatment:

Belladonna: The first remedy to try in cases of high fevers. This person will have a flushed, red face. The fever has a quick, rapid onset. The skin is burning hot and the eyes are red and pupils are dilated. They may also have a throbbing headache.

Aconite: These fevers look similar to Belladonna fevers. This person may be thirstier and is extremely fearful and anxious. Whereas someone needing Belladonna will be more irritable, a person needing Aconite will be more fearful and may even believe they are going to die.

Dosage: Give the above homeopathic remedies in a 12C or 30C potency (strength) every 15-30 minutes. As the fever starts to improve, dose less frequently. If there is no noticeable change within an hour, try another remedy.

If your child’s high fever of 104 or more has not responded to homeopathic remedies, try acetaminophen or ibuprofen before seeing your doctor.

With medium to low fevers, try Ferrum Phosphoricum 6X Homeopathic Cell Salts. This remedy is a good specific remedy for moderate fevers. Give every 15-30 minutes for a few doses, then space apart doses less frequently as the fever improves.

Other Homeopathic Remedies for Fever

Nux Vomica
: This person is extremely chilly and needs to be covered with a lot of blankets. The fever will often begin after overeating, going without sleep, or using too much alcohol or drugs. This person may also have digestive symptoms and there is irritability. Their symptoms are worse in the morning.

Pulsatilla:This person is clingy, weepy, and craves affection. They are worse when warmly covered or in a warm room. The fever often begins after eating too much rich or fatty food. There is no thirst.

Dosage: Give the above homeopathic remedies in a 12C or 30C potency (strength) every 15-30 minutes. As the fever starts to improve, dose less frequently. If there is no noticeable change within an hour, try another remedy.

See Homeopathic Remedies for Flu to learn about other homeopathic remedies that may be useful for a fever.


Feldman, Murray and Gabrielle Pinto. “Homeopathy for Children,” C.W. Daniel, Saffron Walden, UK, 2000.

Dr. Sears Website “Childhood Illnesses: Fever”

Homeopathy for Heartburn


The following homeopathic remedies can help with occasional heartburn or with heartburn during pregnancy. For help with acute heartburn or heartburn during pregnancy, book an acute homeopathic consultation. Chronic heartburn should be treated by a professional homeopath.

Pulsatilla: Heartburn that is worse after eating rich, fatty foods. These people feel worse in a warm room and better in cool, fresh air.

Natrum Carbonicum: Heartburn accompanied by problems with digesting food. These people have a lot of problems digesting milk and dairy products.

Phosphorus: Heartburn accompanied by burning pain in the stomach relieved by drinking cold liquids.

Nux Vomica: Heartburn brought on by stress, alcohol or spicy foods. These people are chilly, oversensitive to stimuli and are very irritable.

Arsenicum: Heartburn characterized by a burning in the esophagus or stomach, relieved by milk or warm liquids.

Carbo Vegetabilis: Heartburn accompanied by bloating, gas and belching.

Dosage and Repetition: Take a 12C or 30C potency (strength) of the remedy, 2-3 times per day. If a few doses of the remedy brings no relief, try another remedy, or consult a professional homeopath.

Also try Natrum Phosphoricum 6X homeopathic cell salts, taken 2-3 times per day. This cell salt neutralizes the acidity in the digestive system.

The Pregnancy Cell Salt Program

This program is endorsed by leading obstetrician Dr. Gowri Matha. It helps both mother and baby maintain optimum nutrition and balances the mineral content of the body.

During pregnancy, the baby requires certain salts which it gets at the expense of the mother. This program will help to replenish any salt deficiencies in the mother and help the baby with its salt requirement. The remedies (salts) are prepared in a very dilute form, making them non-toxic and completely safe to use during pregnancy.


Take one tablet of each of the following in a 6x potency twice a day (morning and evening):

Months 2 and 6: Calc Fluor, Mag Phos, Ferrum Phos
Months 3 and 7: Calc Fluor, Mag Phos, Nat Mur
Months 4 and 8: Calc Fluor, Nat Mur, Silica
Months 5 and 9: Calc Fluor, Ferrum Phos, Silica

Homeopathic cell salts can be purchased from a good health food store or natural pharmacy. Common brands found in Canada are Hyland’s, Boiron and Homeocan.

About the individual salts

Calc Fluor is excellent for bone development and is an important component of connective tissue improving its elasticity. This quality makes it helpful in the prevention of stretch marks. It also supports the circulatory system, therefore helping to prevent varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Mag Phos is known as the ‘homeopathic aspirin’ due to its affinity for the nerves and muscles. It can greatly reduce the chance of heartburn and cramps.

Ferrum Phos aids the oxygenation of the blood and helps prevent the need for extra iron especially towards the end of a pregnancy when many women become anemic. Prescription iron tablets commonly lead to uncomfortable constipation, so if you can keep your iron levels up naturally, you can hopefully avoid the need for them.

Nat Mur influences the water balance of the body. Using this cell salt helps to balance all the fluids in the body lessening the likelihood of swollen ankles and fingers. It also helps to maintain even blood pressure and supports the nerves and muscles.

Silica is a vital constituent of hair, nails, teeth and skin. It contributes to overall strength of both mother and baby.

Homeopathy for Morning Sickness

A longer version of this article was published in Natural News

These are some of the most common homeopathic remedies for morning sickness:

Colchicum: This woman’s morning sickness is worse after smelling food, especially cooking food. She vomits even at the thought of food. Her nausea is also worse from even the slightest movement.

Ipecacuanha: This woman has constant, persistent nausea. Even vomiting doesn’t relieve the nausea and she feels worse when lying down.

Nux Vomica: Nausea is worse in the morning and from eating. The stomach is very sensitive to pressure. If necessary, Nux Vomica can be taken in alternation with Ipecacuanha.

Lacticum Acidum: Nausea is better after eating and worse from the smell of tobacco smoke. Her appetite is not affected, or she may have increased appetite.

Sepia: Nausea is worse in the morning. She is sensitive to odours and craves sour foods. She may be depressed and may regret the pregnancy.

Symphoricarpus: This is a good non-specific remedy for morning sickness if other remedies fail to give results. The nausea is worse after any motion with aversion to all food.

Potency and Repetition

Use either a 12C or 30C potency (strength) of the indicated remedy a few times per day, as needed. If a few doses bring no relief, try a different remedy.

Please note that this is not a complete list of homeopathic remedies for morning sickness. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult with a classical homeopath in your area.


Homeopathy for Constipation, Hemorrhoids & Varicose Veins During Pregnancy

Constipation, hemorrhoids and varicose veins during pregnancy can be helped with homeopathy. Chronic constipation, hemorrhoids and varicose veins (starting before pregnancy or lasting well beyond pregnancy) should be treated by a classical homeopath. These are the most common homeopathic remedies that are useful for these conditions:

Sepia: The first remedy to try for women who have never had constipation before pregnancy. The constipation was brought on by hormonal changes (pregnancy). She may feel drained, worn-out, and may experience a bearing down feeling in the rectum.

Lycopodium: Another common constipation remedy for women with sluggish liver function. She craves sweets and has yellowish or whitish stools. These women also have heartburn, belching, bloating and flatulence.

Pulsatilla: Symptoms are changeable with these women. She may be constipated or have hemorrhoids one day and be fine the next. She may have varicose veins of the feet and groin. She is susceptible to mood swings and is aggravated by heat.

Nux Vomica: This remedy is usually for sedentary women who have a history of heavy drug and/or coffee consumption, and consume a diet of rich, heavy foods. There is usually distention and severe flatulence. There is a constant desire to move the bowels but when she sits on the toilet, nothing happens. These women are irritable and critical.

Sulphur: Like Pulsatilla, these women are aggravated from heat. These women are usually heavy-set and flush easily. She passes foul gas and her bowel movements are offensive smelling. There is redness and a lot of itching around the anus.

Hamamelis: Hemorrhoids and varicose veins that are very sore to the touch. Hemorrhoids with copious bleeding. These women retain fluid and their ankles swell.


Take a 12C or 30C potency (strength) of the remedy a few times per day. After 3 doses of the remedy, symptoms should improve, even slightly. If there is no improvement after taking 3 doses, the wrong remedy has probably been selected.

Other remedies may be indicated for your condition. The above-listed remedies are the most common remedies for these conditions, but are not the only remedies that can help these conditions. Contact the clinic to book an acute consult for these conditions.

Use the Neti Pot to Clear Nasal & Sinus Congestion

I first found out about the neti pot a few years ago, and ever since then I have recommended it religiously to everyone I talk to. Anyone who gets nasal congestion due to colds or allergies, sinus congestion, or sinus infections can benefit. There are so many advantages to using a neti pot. It’s inexpensive, fairly easy to find, easy to use once you get the hang of it, and very healthy.

What is a Neti Pot?

A neti pot is a container with a spout on the end of it, used to irrigate (clean) the nasal and sinus passages.

Where to Find a Neti Pot?

Neti pots are sold at most health food stores and yoga stores. They have become increasingly popular in the last few years.

How to Use a Neti Pot?

Put 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt into the neti pot (any good sea salt will do, it does not have to be special neti pot salt). Then fill the neti pot with warm water (filtered or spring water is best). Mix the water with a spoon until the salt is fully dissolved.

Tip your head forward and to the side. Put the spout gently into your nostril so that an airtight seal is formed. Tip the neti pot up and tilt your head further to the side until the water starts pouring out from the opposite nostril.

Keep pouring until the neti pot is empty. Remove the spout and blow forcefully out from both nostrils. Then repeat the process with the other nostril.

Watch this video for a thorough step by step demonstration of the procedure:

How to Get Your Children to Use the Neti Pot

My 6 and 7 year old both use a neti pot. Eventually, once your children have watched you use the neti pot a number of times, they will be curious about trying it themselves. Make it fun for them by letting them measure out the salt into the neti pot. Make sure to emphasize to them the correct head position (forward and to the side). Eventually they will become curious enough that they will allow you to pour the water into their nostrils. Kids become fascinated when they see the water pouring from one nostril and out the other. It’s like a mini science experiment!

Showing your kids this technique is invaluable if they have nasal congestion at bedtime. The neti pot will help both children and parents to get a restful, congestion-free sleep.

Why is Using a Neti Pot Healthy?

The saline (salt) solution helps remove mucus, bacteria, pollutants, and other irritants from the nasal and sinus cavities. And in contrast to using Nasonex and other pharmaceutical products, using the neti pot is completely safe and has no side effects.

History of the Neti Pot

Neti Pot usage first originated in India and South East Asia, and was part of the ancient yoga tradition. These Eastern cultures have used the neti pot routinely for centuries.

Chronic Allergies, Chronic Sinus Congestion & Low Immunity

People with chronic health complaints should see a professional homeopath in their area. Homeopathic treatment will strengthen the immunity and reduce the susceptibility to colds, allergies, congestion and infections. Contact the clinic to find out more about constitutional homeopathic treatment.

Chickenpox Parties Need to Make a Comeback

I remember getting chickenpox as a child in the early ’80s. Due to the highly infectious nature of chickenpox, all the kids in the neighbourhood got it. None of our parents blinked an eyelash because they knew that chickenpox was a harmless disease if acquired during childhood with a very low risk of complications.

Before the introduction of the chickenpox vaccine in 1999 here in Canada, it was fairly common for parents to hold “chickenpox parties.” A chickenpox party involves the deliberate exposure of children infected with the chickenpox virus to other children who have not yet been exposed to the disease. Parents willingly expose their children to the disease in order to grant their children life-long immunity to chickenpox. These “chickenpox party” parents know that chickenpox is a mild disease if acquired during childhood, but infection is riskier when acquired by teens or adults.

What Changed?

Before the introduction of the vaccine, chickenpox (varicella) was considered by almost everyone to be a mild disease, and parents were not concerned if their children were infected with it. Now, most parents are horrified by the idea of chickenpox parties. So what’s changed?

Relatively Benign Disease in Childhood Becomes Risky in Adulthood

In general, complications as well as fatalities from chickenpox are more commonly observed in adults than in children. Case-fatality ratios (deaths per 100 000 cases) in healthy adults are 30-40 times higher than among children aged 5-9 (WHO). Each year from 1990 to 1994, prior to the availability of varicella vaccine, about 4 million cases of chickenpox occurred in the United States. Of these cases approximately 10,000 required hospitalization and 100 died. After the introduction of the vaccine in 1995, overall US chickenpox deaths plummeted to 66 per year in 2001 and hospitalizations declined significantly. However, death rates from chickenpox did not decline for those aged 50 or older (NEJM).

A Decrease in Chickenpox Infection Leads to an Increase in Shingles

Shingles (herpes zoster) is a debilitating, painful skin rash acquired in adulthood. After a child has been exposed to the chickenpox virus, the virus remains latent in the body. The varicella virus can later be reactivated as shingles later in life. If the varicella virus infects the nerve cells, it can cause an extremely painful condition called postherpetic neuralgia. Nerve pain caused by postherpetic neuralgia can last for months and in some cases even years. Approximately 200,000 adult Americans are afflicted with postherpetic neuralgia every year.

There is  scientific evidence that adults who are regularly exposed to children infected with the chickenpox virus have increased protection against the shingles (Thomas). Thus, natural exposure to the chickenpox virus boosts adults’ immunity against shingles, acting like a natural shingles vaccine. Since chickenpox infection rates are now so low in Canada and the US, chances of adult exposure to the virus is also low, thus scientists expect an eventual shingles epidemic to emerge in the coming years (Brisson).

Since the beginning of the mass chickenpox vaccination campaign in the US, deaths and hospitalizations did decrease, but studies also showed that shingles increased over that same time period (Yih; Mullooly). A recent MacLeans article quotes several scientists who admit that more varicella vaccine coverage has already sparked an increase in shingles in Canada and the US, plus it is shifting shingles incidence to a younger population.

Introducing the Shingles Vaccine

Merck, the manufacturer of the varicella vaccine, is forcing a shingles epidemic on the American (and Canadian) population. But they cleverly “fixed” the problem that they created when they invented a vaccine for shingles in 2007. Now they are trying to push the shingles vaccine on the elderly population of North America.

What Next?

The chickenpox vaccine is  decreasing the incidence of a mild disease, and in exchange is increasing the incidence of a more debilitating disease: shingles. Now what? Once the entire elderly population starts vaccinating against shingles, what new problem will that create?

Time to Bring Back Pox Parties

Big Pharma companies like Merck have profits, not your health, in mind. It’s time to take your family’s health into your own hands. Have a pox party. Build your child’s immunity naturally instead of relying on vaccines. Adults should attend these parties as well because natural exposure to the chickenpox virus boosts their immunity to shingles.

Organize a Chickenpox Party in Vancouver

Join this yahoo group to find other like-minded parents to organize pox parties with:

Still concerned about the chickenpox? Read about homeoprophylaxis, a natural way to boost the immune system.

Enjoy this article? You might enjoy this one as well: Fear the MMR Vaccine, Not the Measles


Belluz, Julia. “Why are ever-younger adults contracting shingles? No longer just a disease of the elderly.” MacLeans. August 16, 2010.

Brisson M, Gay NJ, Edmunds WJ, Andrews NJ. Exposure to varicella boosts immunity to herpes-zoster: implications for mass vaccination against chickenpox. Vaccine. 2002 Jun 7;20(19-20):2500-7.

Health Protection Agency. “Latest HPA modelling reveals chickenpox vaccination would lead to more shingles among elderly despite introduction of shingles vaccination” September 17, 2008.

Mullooly JP, Riedlinger K, Chun C, et al. Incidence of herpes zoster, 1997–2002.Epidemiol Infect 2005;133:245–53.

Pollack, Andrew “Chickenpox Vaccine Cuts Deaths but Raises Question on Shingles.” New York Times, February 3, 2005.

Thomas SL, Wheeler JG, Hall AJ. “Contacts with varicella or with children and protection against herpes zoster in adults: a case controlled study” Lancet. 2002 Aug 31;360(9334):678-82.

Yih WK, Brooks DR, Lett SM, et al. “The incidence of varicella and herpes zoster in Massachusetts as measured by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) during a period of increasing varicella vaccine coverage,” 1998–2003. BMC Public Health2005;5:68.

Accutane for Acne: The Devastating Side Effects

Accutane is a prescription medication for severe acne produced and distributed by Roche Pharmaceuticals. Since 1982 when it was approved by the FDA, 5 million Americans and 8 million people in other countries have been prescribed Accutane.

No Longer Available in the United States

Roche was making up to $1.2 billion annually from this popular acne drug until June 2009 when they voluntarily withdrew it from the US market. Over 1000 pending federal lawsuits along with $56 million awarded in compensation to victims of the drug’s serious side effects have been contributing factors to Roche’s decision to withdraw the drug from the US market.

Isotretinoin, the generic form of Accutane, is still available in the United States. Other Accutane generics are sold under the names Claravis, Sotret, and Amnesteen. Accutane has also been withdrawn from the market in 11 other countries including France, Denmark, Austria, Germany, Portugal, Norway and Spain. Roche continues to sell Accutane in Canada, and in other parts of the world where it is known as Roaccutane.

Suicide, Depression & Psychosis

As of 2002, the US FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) contained 3,104 reports (US and foreign) of adverse psychiatric effects after using Accutane. The FDA was aware of 173 reports of suicide (both US and foreign) in association with accutane as of 2002. Compared with all drugs in the FDA’s AERS database to June 2000, accutane ranked within the top 10 for number of reports of depression and suicide attempts.

Scientific Studies Link Accutane to Suicide, Depression & Psychosis

Those who would like to review the scientific literature that links accutane to depression, suicide and psychosis can examine the references section at the end of this article. Worth noting are the studies done by Barak et al, Robusto, Ng, and Byrne.

Of special note is “Overview of Existing Research and Information Linking Isotretinoin (Accutane), Depression, Psychosis and Suicide” by researcher J. O’Donnell. He concludes, “There is no contesting that this drug is effective at clearing up the most severe forms of acne, but the public must be informed of the proper limited indication for its use, because depression and suicide can follow in patients with no prior history of psychiatric symptoms or suicide attempts.”

Scientific Animal & Human Studies
Explain How Accutane Causes Depression

In one study, mice who were fed 13-cis-retinoic acid (the active ingredient in accutane) showed an increase in depression-related behaviors (O’Reilly et al). Another study done on mice showed that 13-cis-retinoic acid results in a significant decrease in cell proliferation in the hippocampus and severely disrupts capacity to learn a spatial radial maze task. Crandall et al conclude: “The results demonstrate that the regions of the adult brain where cell proliferation is ongoing are highly sensitive to disruption by a clinical dose of 13-cis-RA.”

Recent human studies also explain the correlation between Accutane and depression. In one study, brain imaging was used to measure changes in the brain after patients took Accutane for a 4 month period. Bremner et al. conclude that Accutane treatment is associated with decreased brain metabolism in the orbitofrontal cortex, a brain area known to mediate symptoms of depression.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

In February 2010 Roche was ordered to pay $25 million to a man suffering from ulcerative colitis after taking Accutane. His symptoms were so severe that he had to have his colon removed. In 2008, a court awarded a woman $10.5 million after Accutane gave her ulcerative colitis; she also needed to get her colon removed. In 2007, a man was awarded $7 million and a woman was awarded $2.6 million; both suffered from inflammatory bowel disease after taking Accutane.

Accutane Goes Hollywood

Trial will soon be  underway for Hollywood actor James Marshall. He is alleging that Accutane caused his inflammatory bowel disorder, leading to the end of his acting career as well as the removal of his colon. Martin Sheen, Brian Dennehy and  Rob Reiner will testify.

Scientific Proof that Accutane Causes Inflammatory Bowel Disease

In 2009, the Los Angeles Times reports that researchers from the University of North Carolina presented evidence showing a higher rate of bowel disorders in isotretinoin (Accutane) users.

Accutane Linked to Severe Skin Disorders

Yes, Accutane may cure your severe acne, but it may also cause an even more severe skin condition. Health Canada warns that Accutane could cause severe skin reactions that could lead to hospitalization, disability, and death.

Taking Accutane can lead to Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, in which the outer layer of skin becomes separated from the dermis, or underlying skin layers. It has also been associated toxic epidermal necrolysis, a more severe form of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.

Birth Defects and Miscarriage

Roche openly admits to Accutane’s dangers to women of childbearing age. Women of childbearing age who take Accutane must use two forms of birth control to prevent pregnancy. Unfortunately, pregnancies do still occur. Congressman Bart Stupak states that according to a 1990 report by the FDA: “the magnitude of fetal injury and death has been great and permanent, with 11,000 to 13,000 Accutane-related abortions and 900 to 1,100 Accutane birth defects.” It is widely known and openly admitted by Roche that Accutane can cause birth defects and miscarriages.

High Cholesterol

In a 2006 study by Zane et al., it was found that Accutane causes an elevation in cholesterol, triglycerides and liver enzymes.

Erectile Dysfunction & Sexual Side Effects

A 2005 study by Sanchez & Dorantes links Accutane to erectile dysfunction.

Kevin Pezzi MD dedicates part of his website to the sexual side effects of accutane. Dr. Pezzi has heard of hundreds of cases linking Accutane to long-term sexual dysfunction.


Classical homeopathy treats acne effectively and naturally with no side effects. Homeopathy can also effectively treat the side effects of Accutane. Learn more about the homeopathic treatment of acne.



Barak, Y et al. “Affective Psychosis following Accutane (Isotretinoin) Treatment,” Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2005 May;20(3):182.

Bremner, JD et al. “Functional Brain Imaging Alterations in Acne Patients Treated with Isotretinoin.” Am J Psychiatry. 2005 May;162(5):983-91.

Byrne, A. “Isotretinoin Therapy and Depression – Evidence for an Association.”Int J Psych Med 1998; 15(2):58-60.

Crandall, J. “13-cis-retinoic acid suppresses hippocampal cell division and hippocampal-dependent learning in mice,” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Apr 6;101(14):5111-6. Epub 2004 Mar 29.

Feeley, Jef and Sophia Pearson, “Roche Pulls Accutane off Market after Jury Verdicts,” Bloomberg, Jun 26, 2009.

Feeley, Jef. “Roche to Face Hollywood Stars in Accutane Trial,” Bloomberg, July 30, 2010.

Fresco, Adam, “Call for Ban on Acne Drug Linked to Suicide,” The Sunday Times, September 21, 2005.

Hull, PR and C D’Arcy “Isotretinoin use and Subsequent Depression and Suicide: Presenting the Evidence,” Am J Clin Dermatol. 2003;4(7):493-505.

Ng, CH. “Acne, Isotretinoin Treatment and Acute Depression,” World J Biol Psychiatry. 2001 Jul;2(3):159-61.

O’Donnell, J, “Overview of Existing Research and Information Linking Isotretinoin (Accutane), Depression, Psychosis and Suicide,” Am J Ther. 2003 Mar-Apr;10(2):148-59.

O’Reilly et al. “Chronic Administration of 13-cis-retinoic acid increases depression-related behavior in mice.” Neuropsychopharmacology. 2006 Sep;31(9):1919-27. Epub 2006 Jan 4.

Ro/Accutane Action Group

Robusto, O. “Depression Caused by an Anti-Acne Agent,” Acta Med Port. 2002 Jul-Aug;15(4):325-6.

Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. “Accutane Lawsuits”, May 2010.

Sanchez, A Tirado and Dorantes, Leon. “Erectile Dysfunction and Isotretinoin Therapy.” Actas Urol Esp. 2005 Nov-Dec;29(10):974-6.

Tesoriero, Heather Won, “Jury Awards 10.5 Million Over Accutane,” Wall Street Journal. April 23, 2008.

Voreacos, David  and John Martin. “Roche Ordered to Pay $25 Million to Accutane User.” Bloomberg. February 16, 2010.

Wysowski et al. “An Analysis of Reports of Depression and Suicide in Patients Treated with Isotretinoin.” J Am Acad Dermatol. October 2001: 515-519.

Zane, Lee T et al. “A Population-Based Analysis of Laboratory Abnormalities During Isotretinoin Therapy for Acne Vulgaris.” Arch Dermatol. 2006;142:1016-1022.

Mercury & Heavy Metal Detox Dangers & Solutions

Those of you who are familiar with naturopathic doctors are very likely also familiar with the concept of detoxing one’s body of heavy metals. The process of detoxing heavy metals is commonly known as chelation.

What is Chelation Therapy?

Chelation therapy is the use of chelating agents (e.g. DMSA, EDTA, DMPS) to detoxify poisonous metal agents such as mercury, arsenic, and lead by converting them to a chemically inert form that can be excreted without further interaction with the body, and was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1991.

I will be the first to admit that we live in a polluted world that is filled with toxins. We breathe polluted air, drink polluted water, and eat polluted food. Pregnant women are warned not to eat tuna fish because they are filled with mercury (as well as other toxins), absorbed from the polluted waters of the ocean. Like the ocean, our atmosphere is also polluted with mercury. Add mercury-containing vaccines and amalgam dental fillings into the mix, and you can be sure that your body does contain some undesireable amount of mercury.

Could we all benefit at least a bit from detoxing our body of heavy metals? Most certainly. However, many alternative health practitioners and alternative health companies seem to be cashing in on the concept of heavy metal toxicity by saying it is responsible for a variety of ills including cancer, autism, chronic fatigue, and almost everything under the sun.

First I will be examining dangerous ways of detoxing heavy metals. Shockingly enough, these supplements are routinely prescribed by many naturopaths and DAN! (Defeat Autism Now) Doctors. I will then be looking at some safer ways of detoxing, and of treating disease in general.


Even as early as 10 years ago, alternative health expert Dr. Mercola was writing about the dangers of using DMSA for mercury detoxification of autistic children.

Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), is the organosulfur compound with the formula HO2CCH(SH)CH(SH)CO2H. It is an FDA approved synthetic drug, used by some naturopaths and DAN! Doctors to chelate (excrete) heavy metals from the body. DMSA has also been used by traditional MDs in cases of lead poisoning. It is not a natural supplement.

The side effects of DMSA include seizures, increased self-stimming, compromised central nervous system function, ataxia, convulsions, nausea, diarrhea, anorexia, headache, dizziness, sensorimotor neuropathy, decreased urination, arrhythmia, and infection. These side effects are probably due to the inability of the liver and kidneys to detox the mercury in the tissues adequately. Thus, the mercury circulates in the blood, taxing the brain, lungs, muscles, heart, kidney and liver.


EDTA is a widely used initialism for the organic compound ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Like DMSA, EDTA is FDA approved, has traditionally been used to treat lead poisoning, and is not a natural supplement. Unlike DMSA, EDTA is a weak chelator of mercury.

Taking EDTA can be dangerous because it will chelate calcium and other essential minerals out of the body, along with the undesireable heavy metals.

Treatment is commonly administered via IV. Not only is treatment typically expensive, but potential side effects are kidney failure, convulsions, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrythmias, allergic reactions, respiratory arrest, and even death.


Dr. Mercola and other alternative practitioners believe this is a safe alternative to DMSA, but I’m not convinced.

Dimercapto-propane sulfonate (DMPS) is an experimental drug used for chelation, not approved by the FDA.

Drs. Levy and Huggins are experts in the field of toxicity due to mercury amalgam fillings. In their book Uninformed Consent, they talk about the dangers of using synthetic chelators: “Heavy metal chelators almost always overaccelerate the detoxification of the post-TDR (total dental revision) patient. DMSA, DMPS, and EDTA can all do this. DMPS is consistently the greatest offender here. Immune declines and clinical illness can result for weeks and sometimes even months after only one injection of DMPS.”

DMPS side effects include shivering, fever, mild to severe skin reactions, nausea, dizziness, and weakness. Long term use of DMPS can influence the mineral balance, especially for elements zinc and copper. Administration of DMPS causes mobilization of mercury taken up in the body. In isolated cases therefore, clinical symptoms of mercury poisoning may be produced.


Chlorella is a variety of algae found in fresh water such as lakes or ponds. It is commonly used as a natural chelation supplement.

Chlorella has a great affinity for mercury and heavy metals. However, Dr. Mercola points out that chlorella also readily extracts mercury from the water it is grown in. Analysis of at least one specimen of commercially available chlorella has shown high levels of mercury.

Safe, Effective Heavy Metal Detox

I wholeheartedly believe that the safest and most effective way of detoxing heavy metals is to use methods that detoxify the body gently and slowly.

To find out whether heavy metals are indeed the root cause of the problem, I recommend doing a hair mineral test. If heavy metals are not the cause, the hair mineral test will identify what is the true problem.

Assuming that heavy metals are the root cause of the problem, the last thing one should do with a toxic individual is to use strong chelating agents. Most likely their body will not be able to handle these aggressive methods because their organs of excretion aren’t working as well as other peoples’, which is why they are so toxic in the first place.

Homeopathic Remedies

Even the most sensitive, reactive person is able to handle homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy gently detoxes the body naturally, without any dangerous side effects. One of the great things about homeopathy is that the dose can always be adjusted downwards to accommodate even the most sensitive individual. Homeopathic treatment is never dangerous and is very effective.

We use the Pekana detox kit combined with the “Toxex” heavy metal detox remedy by Pekana in order to get rid of any heavy metals safely and effectively.

Contact the clinic or a qualified classical homeopath in your area to inquire about homeopathic detox remedies.

Homeopathy, combined with vitamin therapy (see below), is the most gentle and effective way to detox heavy metals.

Vitamin C

Almost anybody can benefit from Vitamin C supplementation. Many people suffering from heavy metal toxicity see amazing results just from using Vitamin C supplementation alone.

Two types of Vitamin C are recommended, to be taken together: Calcium Ascorbate and Ascorbyl Palmitate.

Dosage: Both forms of Vitamin C (Calcium Ascorbate and Ascorbyl Palmitate) are taken 3 times per day. The general rule is not more than 1000 mg per year of age. So a child of 4 years can be given approx. 4000 mg a day divided over three doses a day. This means 3 times Calcium Ascorbate 1000 mg and 3 times Ascorbyl Palmitate of 500 mg. This makes 3600 mg per day. Children 6 years and older, and adults, should take a maximum of 6 grams per day.

Diarrhea: The only serious side effect of taking too much Vitamin C is diarrhea. If diarrhea occurs, decrease the dosage.


Toxic heavy metals rob the body of zinc.

Give 10 mg for children under 4, 20 mg to children 4 to 8, and 30 mg to children 9 years and older and adults.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

A good-quality, uncontaminated fish oil is the best source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Omega-3 Fatty Acid supplementation helps with autism, all types of cognitive impairment, as well as skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis. Take up to 500 mg per day.

Bentonite Clay

Clay therapy has been used for thousands of years by indigenous peoples. When taken internally, clay has the ability to absorb harmful, toxic substances from within the body, binding with them and carrying them out of the body. Unlike synthetic chelating agents such as DMSA, clay does not cause the release of toxins into the bloodstream/ instead, it actually absorbs the toxins before they enter the bloodstream. Clay cannot be digested. It simply passes through the digestive system, absorbing toxins as it passes through, then the toxins are eliminated when the clay is eliminated through the bowel.

Those who cannot or will not drink clay can still experience its benefits by taking clay baths. Clay has the ability to pull toxins through the pores of the skin.

Fasting & Restricted Diets

Water fasting is a cheap, easy way of detoxing the body. When the body is free from the process of digestion, energy is freed so that the body can heal itself. Those who don’t like the idea of fasting can also benefit from a detox diet: try cutting out wheat, dairy, sugar, alcohol and caffeine. Fasting is not recommended for children. However, many people, especially autistic children, do benefit tremendously from a gluten and casein (dairy) free diet.


Sweating is a great way to release toxins from the body. Try saunas, steam rooms, or vigorous exercise.


Aaseth, J, Ribarov,S, Bacher,P;  “The Interaction of copper (Cu++) with the erythrocyte membrane and 2,3-dimercaptopropane-sulfonate in vitro: a source of activated oxygen species.” Pharmacol Toxicol 1987 Oct.; 61(4): 250-3.

Brown MJ, Willis T, Omalu B, Leiker R (2006). “Deaths resulting from hypocalcemia after administration of edetate disodium: 2003–2005“. Pediatrics 118 (2): e534-6. doi:10.1542/peds.2006-0858. PMID 16882789.

Further Reading

Knishinsky, Ran, The Clay Cure: Natural Healing from the Earth, Inner Tradition, Rochester, Vermont, 2000.

Smits, Tinus. Autism: Beyond Despair, Emryss Publishers, Haarlem, Netherlands, 2010.

Homeopathy: My Cure for Allergies

Originally published in babyvibe: “Allergies and Homeopathy”

dandelion-380x540My journey with homeopathy began soon after giving birth to my second child. The labour went fairly smoothly. I was fortunate to have a water birth at home under the care of a midwife. But when my baby was only a few months old my troubles began.

One morning I awoke to discover an outbreak of hives up and down my arms accompanied by puffy red eyes. My eyes and arms were extremely itchy and red. I also felt so completely drained of energy that I could barely move. I was soon able to piece together that these allergic symptoms were reactions to food. I had never had allergic reactions to foods before, so it all came as a shock to me, but I knew the flare-ups always occurred after eating.

My allergic reactions became so extreme and my energy was so low that I was frantic to find a solution so that I could care for my new baby. I tried seeing medical and naturopathic doctors, but found that I was not significantly improving. I felt hopeless and depressed about my condition. I was also running out of money.

kittens4That was until a friend of my mother’s had heard about my condition. She contacted me and told tell me about her 10 years of experience with homeopathic treatment. She used to have allergies to cat hair, but after she consulted with her homeopath, the homeopath was able to prescribe a homeopathic medicine for her that alleviated her allergic symptoms permanently. It sounded like homeopathy was worth a try so I made an appointment with a homeopath.

Homeopathic consultations are a strange and wonderful thing. The homeopath asked me all sorts of questions about my life and the consultation lasted almost a full three hours. She explained to me that in order to prescribe a homeopathic medicine for me as an individual, it was important for her to ask questions that would help her understand not only what was unique about my symptoms but also what was unique about me as an individual. When I walked out of that consultation room I felt like the homeopath possibly knew me better in some ways than my close friends and family.

Homeopathic_RemediesA few days later I picked my homeopathic medicine up from my homeopath’s office. Inside the letter envelope they gave me were only a couple of doses of my homeopathic medication in sugar pellet form. Later I was to learn that homeopathic medications are made from anything in our natural world such as a plant, mineral or animal. Homeopaths get their remedies from homeopathic pharmacies. The homeopathic pharmacy grinds the original substance (plant, mineral or animal) with milk sugar and a mortar and pestle, then dilutes a small amount of the mixture with water and alcohol. The preparation then goes through a long repeated series of shakings (succussions) and dilutions, then is finally medicated onto sugar pellets. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body to heal itself. Unlike standard pharmaceutical medications, one single dose of a homeopathic medication has an action that can last sometimes weeks, months, or even years.

A couple of weeks after taking only a couple of doses of my homeopathic medicine my symptoms started to subside. I came out of my depression and started my studies in homeopathy. I also found homeopathy affordable because the follow-ups are spaced six to eight weeks apart, then became much less frequent as I got better.

I believe that homeopathy works well as it always aims to address the root cause of the problem. It prevents disease rather than just treating the symptoms in the moment. It is also gentle because of how the medicines are prepared, and it is truly holistic because only one remedy is given to address all of a person’s health complaints at once.

Now, years later, I can eat any food without having an allergic reaction. The hay fever I have struggled on and off with my whole life has also completely subsided thanks to regular homeopathic treatment. I now use homeopathy to treat all of my family’s health complaints because homeopathy is a complete system of medicine.

Fear the MMR Vaccine, Not the Measles

The Propaganda

At the end of March 2010 the mainstream media loudly announces an outbreak of measles in BC. As of April 16 there have been 44 cases of measles reported around the Vancouver Lower Mainland, the BC Interior and Northern BC. No serious complications have been reported thus far though the media is using its usual scare tactics to urge the unvaccinated population to run out to get the MMR vaccine. Some schools are actually sending unvaccinated children home because they feel that measles is such a serious threat.

Simple Solution
Poverty and Malnutrition  are the Problem, Not the Measles

The press gives the impression that measles can only be kept under control by vaccination, but there is another side to the story. According to figures published in International Mortality Statistics, from 1915 to 1958 the measles death rate in the U.S. and U.K. declined by 98% (Miller). A chart illustrating the decline was published in a Public Health Report: “Mortality in the United States, 1900-1950.” The measles vaccine was introduced a few years after the decline, in 1963. The decline was not due to the vaccine, so most likely it was due to better sanitation, nutrition, and standards of living in the U.S. and U.K. Today, measles is a mild disease in first world countries but can be more severe in third world countries and in impoverished populations in the first world (Fisher). According to several studies, Vitamin A deficiency plays a big role in complication rates and chances of dying from measles (Sommer; Barclay; Keusch; Frieden). A simple solution to the measles problem is to improve hygiene and nutrition in impoverished populations.

Questionable Statistics

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates the rate of measles-induced encephalitis at 1 in every 1000 infected. Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, renowned pediatrician and vaccine researcher, questions the CDC’s numbers. He says those numbers may be accurate for people living in impoverished conditions, but for those with adequate nutrition and living conditions, the true incidence of measles-induced encephalitis is more like 1 in 10,000 or 1 in 100,000. In his bestselling book The Vaccine Guide, homeopathic pediatrician Dr. Neustaedter asserts that only 25 percent of measles induced encephalitis cases show evidence of brain damage.

Vaccine Failure

Vaccine manufacturers would like you to believe that the MMR vaccine is 100% effective, but this is not always the case. In 1988, the CDC reports that in the U.S. a whopping 45% of those who contracted the measles were fully vaccinated. The next year, in 1989 in the U.S., the CDC reports that a surprising 40% of those who got the measles were fully vaccinated. In 1996 in the U.S., the CDC reports that only 64% of those who got the measles were unvaccinated and the rest were fully vaccinated. Studies done in Ethiopia and India reported varying vaccine efficacy rates of between 53%-100% (Talley; Puri). Dr. Neustaedter estimates that approximately 60% of all children infected with the measles will have been previously vaccinated. Measles outbreaks have been reported in schools where the entire school population was fully vaccinated (Gustafson; Poland; Edmonson). Edmonson concludes that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons.

Vaccination Shifts Infection Risk to More Vulnerable Populations

The measles vaccine alters distribution of the disease by shifting incidence rates from age-groups unlikely to experience problems (children aged 5-9) to age-groups most likely to suffer from severe complications (infants, teenagers, and adults). According to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, the risk of death from measles is higher for infants and adults than for children. Before the vaccine was introduced it was rare for an infant to contract measles, but by the 1990s more than 25% of all measles cases were occurring in babies under a year of age (Miller). This can be attributed to the growing number of mothers who were vaccinated in the 60s, 70s, and 80s (Haney). Before the vaccine, mothers were able to pass protective maternal antibodies to their babies, but now babies of vaccinated mothers are more vulnerable to measles (Papania). Before the introduction of the vaccine, measles was acquired in childhood before reaching adulthood. Now, since the introduction of the vaccine, measles incidence in the adult population in Canada and the U.S. is steadily increasing (Duclos).

Studies Suggest a Link Between MMR Vaccine and
Autism, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Ulcerative Colitis

There are studies that link the MMR vaccine with some serious health disorders. One study links MMR vaccination with irritable bowel syndrome (Thompson). Scientific papers have been published reporting a likely link between the MMR vaccine and autism (Taranger; Rutter). These studies done by Taranger and Rutter linked the onset of the studied children’s autism with immunization. A controversial scientific paper by Andrew Wakefield published in the Lancet also states that the parents of the autistic children linked the onset of symptoms with the administration of the MMR vaccine. Another study has been done that confirms Wakefield’s findings (O’Leary). In 2000, a study was done confirming the existence of the vaccine strain of the measles virus in the guts of patients with autism and ulcerative colitis (Kawashima). Two studies done by Singh et al.  in 2002 and 2003 confirmed the presence of MMR antibodies in autistic children, again suggesting a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Singh concludes that the autistic children he studied had a hyper immune response to the vaccine strain of the measles in the MMR vaccine. In a paper published in 2004,  measles virus was found in the spinal fluid of the autistic children studied and the authors conclude that it was very likely the vaccine strain of the virus (Bradstreet). Geier & Geier were able to measure a correlation between mercury doses from thimerosal- containing vaccines and the prevalence of autism in the 1980s and 90s. Although thimerosal has now been removed from the MMR vaccine in Canada, Geier & Geier were also able to find some correlation between measles-containing vaccines and the prevalence of autism in the 1980s.

MMR Vaccine Banned in Japan

The MMR vaccine was banned in Japan in 1993. Soon after introducing the vaccine, a record number of children developed non-viral meningitis and and other adverse reactions. An analysis of vaccinations over a three-month period showed one in every 900 children was experiencing problems. This was over 2,000 times higher than the expected rate of one child in every 100,000 to 200,000.

Although measles is a mild disease in healthy children, safe protection can be offered to those who would like it. Click here to learn more about Homeoprophylaxis. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about Homeoprophylaxis.

Barclay, A.J.G., et al. “Vitamin A supplements and mortality related to measles: a randomised clinical trial.” British Medical Journal (January 31, 1987) pp. 294-96.
Bradstreet, J.J., et al. “Detection of measles virus genomic RNA in cerebrospinal fluid of children with regressive autism: a report of three cases.” J Am Phys Surg. 2004:9(2):38-45.

Duclos, P., et al. “Measles in adults in Canada and the United States: implications for measles elimination and eradication.” Int J Epidemiol. 1999 Feb;28(1):141-6.

Edmonson, M. B., et al. (1990). “Mild Measles and Secondary Vaccine Failure During a Sustained Outbreak in a Highly Vaccinated Population.” JAMA
263: 2467-2471
Fisher, B.L., The Consumer’s Guide to Childhood Vaccines (Vienna, VA: National Vaccine Information Center, 1997), p. 18.
Frieden, T.R., et al. “Vitamin A levels and severity of measles: New York City.” Am J Dis Child 1992; 146: 182-86

Geier M.R., and Geier D.A. “A comparative evaluation of the effects of MMR immunization and mercury doses from thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines on the population prevalence of autism..” Med Sci Monit. 2004 Mar;10(3):PI33-9. Epub 2004 Mar 1.
Gustafson, T.L., “Measles Outbreak in a Fully Immunized School Population.” N Engl J Med 1987;316:771-4.
Haney, Daniel Q., “Wave of Infant Measles Stems from ’60s Vaccinations,” Albuquerque Journal, (November 23, 1992), p. B3
Kawashima, T., et al. “Detection and Sequencing of Measles Virus from Peripheral Mononuclear Cells from Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Autism” Dig Dis Sci. 2000 Apr;45(4):723-9.
Keusch, G.T. “Vitamin A supplements–too good to not be true.” New England Journal of Medicine (October 4, 1990), p. 986.

Mendelsohn, Robert. How to Raise a Healthy Child . . . In Spite of Your Doctor (Ballantine Books, 1984), pp. 231 and 251.
Miller, Neil Z., Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? New Atlantean Press, 2002.
Neustaedter, R. The Vaccine Guide. (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1996), pp.107-108.
O’Leary JJ, et al. Measles virus and autism. Lancet. 2000 Aug 26;356(9231):772.
Papania, Mark et al., “Increased Susceptibility to Measles in Infants in the United States.” Pediatrics Vol. 104 No. 5 November 1999, p. e59
Poland, G. A., Jacobson, R. M. (1994). “Failure to Reach the Goal of Measles Elimination: Apparent Paradox of Measles Infections in Immunized Persons.” Arch Intern Med 154: 1815-1820
Puri, A. et al. “Measles Vaccine Efficacy Evaluated by Case Reference Technique.” Indian Pediatr. 2002 Jun;39(6):556-60.s,
Roberts, R.J. et al. “Reasons for non-uptake of measles, mumps and rubella catch up immunisation in a measles epidemic and side effects of the vaccine.” BMJ 1995;310:1629-1639 (24 June)
Rutter, M. et al. “Autism and known medical conditions: myth and substance.” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 1994;35:311-322.
Singh, V.K., et al. “Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in Children with Autism.” J Biomed Sci. 2002 Jul-Aug;9(4):359-64.
Singh, V.K., Jensen R.L. “Elevated levels of measles antibodies in children with autism.” Pediatr Neurol. 2003 Apr;28(4):292-4.
Sommer, A., et al. “Increased risk of respiratory disease and diarrhea in children with pre-existing mild vitamin A deficiency.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1984; 40: 1090-1095.

Sommer, A., et al. “Impact of vitamin A supplementation on childhood mortality: a randomized controlled community trial.” Lancet 1986; 1:1169-73.

Talley, L. and P. Salama. “Short report: assessing field efficacy for measles in famine-affected rural Ethiopia. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2003 May;68(5):545-6.
Taranger J, Wiholm BE. Litet antal biverkninger rapporterade efter vaccination mot massling-passguka-roda hund. Lakartidningen. 1987;84:958-950.
Thompson, N.P. Wakefield et al. “Is measles vaccination a risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease?” Lancet 1995; 345: 1071-1074.
Wakefield et al. “Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children.” Lancet. 1998 Feb 28;351(9103):637-41.

Wave of Infant Measles Stems From ’60s Vaccinations

Spring Detox With Fresh Dandelions

Dandelions are so common here in BC during springtime. Its Latin name is taraxacum officinale. Before I got involved in the natural health field I would weed dandelions out of my garden and throw them away. Now I treat every dandelion plant in my garden like the treasure that it is. Dandelions are completely edible, plus most importantly, consuming them will detoxify your liver and kidneys. It is a powerful diuretic which, unlike pharmaceutical diuretics, does not drain the body of potassium because it is also rich in potassium. Dandelions also contain vitamin A, calcium, and iron. Remember to avoid eating dandelions that have been sprayed with pesticides.

How to add dandelion to your diet

1. Add fresh dandelion leaves to your salads
2. Make fresh or dried dandelion roots or leaves into an herbal tea. The roots have anti-rheumatic properties.

Dandelion Herbal Tea Recipe
4 cups pure water
6 tablespoons dried dandelion root (1 year old minimum)
6 tablespoons dried dandelion leaf (double amount if fresh)

3. Make a root tincture. Put 2 to 3 teaspoons of root into 1 cup of water, bring to a boil, simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink 3-5 ml 3 times per day.

4. Pick the flower stems and eat just the stems whole. The stems have powerful detoxifying properties.

5. Make dandelion wine.
Here is a fairly simple recipe from The Herb Companion –
How to Make Herbal Wine: Dandelion Wine

6. Dandelion green water. A very simple recipe that doesn`t require much effort. Other greens can be substituted for the dandelion to stimulate the body`s ability to detox.

Dandelion green water recipe
Place a handful of dandelion leaves into a blender. Fill the blender with 3 cups of filtered water. Blend and pour the liquid through a strainer. Makes about 2 servings.

Looking for an effective liver supplement that contains dandelion root? I recommend Liver Milk Thistle


The Home Apothecary by Jessica Houdret
Medical Herbalism
by David Hoffman
The Seasonal Detox Diet, Remedies from the Ancient Cookfire,
by Carrie L’Esperance

Events around Vancouver, April 2010

APRIL 10TH, 2010


Enjoy shopping & services from over 50 vendors at this year’s Birth Fest. We’ve gathered together some of the finest our community has to offer.

Great Shopping

Whether you are pregnant, have a new baby, or a family of 5, Birth Fest offers you some fabulous, local, creative shopping options.

DISCOVER fabulous shopping for baby gear, clothing, slings, cloth diapers, natural toys and more! Much of what is offered at Birth Fest is handcrafted and made of organic & natural materials.

Quality Support

Birth Fest features some of the finest service providers in the Lower Mainland.
LEARN more about childbirth preparation, midwifery care, massage therapy, birth supply and fitness options in pregnancy.
TALK with experts in classical homeopathy, perinatal & pediatric acupuncture, naturopathy, herbal medicine, chiropractic, and doula care.
ENJOY mini-workshops throughout the day, including Back Health & Carrying your Child and a mini-yoga class for children!
NURTURE yourself with free chair massages!

Community Resources

This is a wonderful place to have children, and a host of great community resources support us through the changes.

ENGAGE with unique support services available to support your growing family, from breastfeeding support to play groups to childcare.

Live Music

Over 50 incredible vendors and community groups, live music, a festive and funky vibe, a truly community-centred festival in celebration of bellies, birth and babies.

  • 10 – 11 Navaro Franco on Mbira –
  • 11:15 – 12:15 Zox of the Forest –
  • 12:30 – 1:30 Jim Meyer on Chapman Stick –
  • 1:45 – 2:45 Christine Gaspar with Elephunk Safari

APRIL 10-11, 2011, 12pm – 5pm
Grow Childcare

Events around Vancouver, March 2010

Inspired in the City, Richmond, BC. March 6, 2010, 11am-4pm.

Homeopathy for Children: Asthma, Allergies and Eczema
Hip Baby, Vancouver, BC. March 16, 2010, 7pm-8:30pm
Introducing Homeopathic Practitioner Sonya McLeod BA, DCH as she presents her first workshop at Hip Baby: Homeopathy for Children: Asthma, Allergies and Eczema. Learn about this amazing form of natural healing, and most popular alternative method in the world, that can be used safely and effectively alongside traditional medicine. Sonya will introduce Homeopathy and discuss how she discovered the method for herself and how she successfully treats her own family and clients for asthma, allergies and eczema. Q&A to follow.


$10 per person and receive a 15% discount card to Hip Baby. For more information or to book, please come to the store or call 604 736 8020.
Hip Baby is located on Arbutus and 4th Avenue in the Kitsilano area of Vancouver.
Homeopathy for Children: Asthma, Allergies and Eczema
Lilli Q Cafe, Vancouver, BC. March 24, 2010, 11am-12pm

Classical homeopathy is a complete system of medicine that is over 200 years old and is one of the most popular form of alternative medicine in the world, yet it is virtually unknown in North America. Classical homeopath Sonya McLeod first discovered homeopathy after it cured her of food allergies and debilitating fatigue. She will talk about how she has used homeopathy to successfully treat her family and her clients for eczema, asthma and allergies. Learn about this amazing form of natural healing that can be used safely and effectively alongside traditional medicine. There will also be an introductory lecture about classical homeopathy, a discussion of natural eczema creams, and a question and answer period.

Lilli Q Cafe, 1268 Pacific Blvd. in Yaletown, downtown Vancouver, BC.

Dr. Isaac Golden’s Homeoprophylaxis Research Overview

Homeoprophylaxis – A Proven Alternative to Vaccination

By Dr Isaac Golden

I prepared my first formal program of homeopathic remedies to prevent infectious diseases in 1986. In the following 20+ years, tens of thousands of Australian children have been immunized homeopathically – a method called homeoprophylaxis (HP) – using programs from myself as well as other practitioners across the country. The method itself is over 200 years old, and has considerable clinical and research experience to support its claims.

In 2004, I integrated 18 years of data collection from parents of children using my program with 4 years of doctoral research at Swinburne University in Melbourne. The purpose of this article is to share with you the findings of this and other research into the effectiveness and safety of HP.


The use of HP was first described by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, in 1801. He used the remedy Belladonna 30 to successfully treat patients with the disease Scarlet Fever, but fortuitously found that the remedy also helped to prevent the disease. He then used HP to prevent such diseases as Cholera and Typhoid. In the decades following, many leading homeopaths used HP to prevent a variety of infectious diseases, mainly in acute epidemic situations.

The largest trial of the short-term use of HP was against an outbreak of Meningococcal disease in Brazil. The researchers gave 65,826 children the homeopathic remedy Meningococcinum. Another 23,539 were not protected. The effectiveness of HP after 6 months was 95%, and after a 12 months follow-up was 91%.

Whilst many homeopaths also use HP for long-term prevention (mainly in Australia and the Indian subcontinent), there had been very little formal statistical research into the long-term use of HP prior to 1985. The data I have collected since that time provides a useful guide as to the effectiveness and safety of long-term HP. It confirms that the findings regarding epidemic use also extend to long-term use, with an average effectiveness of around 90%, and a very high level of safety. These findings are presented below.

The Effectiveness of Homeoprophylaxis

As mentioned above, we have a considerable amount of clinical evidence showing that HP provides a high level of protection against targeted infectious diseases. This is supported by a small number of statistical trials which are summarized in Table 1 below. These show an average effectiveness of around 90%, which certainly is comparable to measures of vaccine effectiveness, which range from 70% to 99%, depending on the individual vaccine, and the type of trial used to measure efficacy (real-world experiences show lower rates than clinical trials).

These figures confirm that no method of disease prevention is ever 100% effective.

No statistical study is ever perfect, and of course the reliability of my data is open to question. So as part of my Swinburne research, I applied seven statistical tests to validate the long-term data I have been collecting since 1985. These are described in detail elsewhere, and they did show a high level of reliability. For example, my single figure measure of long-term HP effectiveness was 90.4%, with 95% confidence limits of 87.6% – 93.2% (i.e. it can be stated with 95% confidence that the efficacy lies between 87.6% AND 93.2%), a very strong result.

Table 1: The Effectiveness of HP – Statistical Trials in Humans

Year Researcher* Numbers of Participants Length of Survey Effectiveness %
1907 Eaton 2,806 < 1 year 97.5
1950 Taylor-Smith 82 (12 definitely exposed) < 1 year 100.0
1963 Gutman 385 < 1 year 86.0
1974 Castro &Nogeira HP 18,000
Not HP 6,340
3 months 86.1
1987 English 694 2 years 87.0 – 91.5
1987 Fox 61 5 years 82.0 – 95.0
1998 Mroninski et al HP 65,826
Not HP 23,539
6 months
12 months
95.0 – 91.0
1997 Golden 593 children1,305 questionnaires 10 years 88.8
2004 Golden 1,159 children
2,342 questionnaires
15 years 90.4

* References for these studies may be found in Vaccination and Homeoprophylaxis – A Review of Risks and Alternatives, 6th edition

So those in pharmaceutical medicine who state that there is no evidence supporting the effectiveness of HP are clearly wrong. It is not essential to rely only on randomized clinical trials (RCTs) to provide evidence, and in fact the findings of many RCTs are shown to be questionable over time (e.g. drugs such as Vioxx that were tested in RCTs, then later withdrawn from use because of side-effects not discovered or acknowledged during the RCTs).

Thus homeopaths can confidently say that HP provides a definite level of protection against targeted infectious diseases, which is not 100%, but which is comparable to that of vaccines.

The Safety of Homoeoprophylaxis

Homeopathic medicines are usually prepared using a series of dilutions and succussions (firm striking of the container holding the liquid remedy against a firm surface). The remedies are called “potencies” because at each stage they become energetically stronger. After the 12c potency, no molecules of the original substance remain, yet the remedy is energetically stronger. Pharmaceutical advocates cannot understand this, because their paradigm forces them to believe that as the number of molecules of a substance decreases in a medicine, the medicine becomes weaker. This is true if the kinetic energy of the succussion is not correctly applied, and a simple dilution only is prepared. But we are making much more than a simple dilution.

Doctors agree that homoeopathic potencies cannot be toxic, and so physical safety is not an issue. However, some homeopaths have expressed concerns over the years as to whether the long-term use of the remedies in my HP program is energetically safe. Many people who are not bound to the pharmaceutical paradigm understand that energy can produce real and tangible effects, and if misused can cause problems. One important part of my research at Swinburne was to check the long-term safety of HP.

This was done by examining 5 markers of overall wellbeing in children aged between 4 and 12 years of age – asthma, eczema, ear/hearing problems, allergies and behavioural problems. These were compared to a range of early childhood markers, including breastfeeding status, birthweight, APGAR scores, as well as to 4 possible immunization methods – vaccination, HP, general/constitutional prevention, and no prevention at all. That gave 20 (5 x 4) possible combinations of health conditions and immunization methods. The data was processed using Odds Ratios and Chi Squared Probability tests.

Once again, the full results are reported in detail elsewhere, but the main findings are as follows:

  1. In 19 of the 20 possible measures of health, vaccinated children were less healthy than other children, usually by a significant amount (the 1 measure favouring vaccination was not statistically significant). The most dramatic single finding was that vaccinated children have a 15 times greater chance of becoming asthmatic than children using HP, with P>99%, a highly statistically significant finding.
  2. Children using HP were generally at least as healthy (and often more healthy) as children who used constitutional/general immunization or no immunization at all. The HP group were not exclusively from people who were extremely health conscious. Regularly, parents using my HP program say that it is their first introduction to homeopathy and to natural medicine in general.
  3. Parental estimates of general well-being were very high in the HP group – at least as high as in other groups.
  4. Not all HP programs give consistent results. When comparing children using my HP program to those using other HP programs, the levels of both effectiveness and safety were lower in the group using other programs. So it is advisable to check the basis of a HP program before committing to it. Programs using daily doses of low potencies provide less effective long-term prevention than programs using infrequent doses of (appropriately selected) high potencies.

We may conclude from the parts of my data which were statistically significant (P?95%), that HP is associated with an improvement in general health, compared to other immunization methods (as well as no immunization at all), and that this figure is significantly better when compared to vaccinated children. Therefore we may conclude that the evidence suggests that the use of an appropriate long-term HP program does not lessen the health of children, and evidence suggests that it may in fact assist the maturation of the immune system by gently challenging the system in the first 5-6 years of life.

Concluding Comments

What began as a limited study 20 years ago has grown, for me, into an ongoing attempt to make parents, as well as health professionals, aware of the wonderful opportunity that homoeoprophylaxis offers to provide protection against target infectious diseases, without risking the long-term health of their children. It may be safely used by adults.

Not every infectious disease is a dire threat to a healthy infant. I personally don’t believe that immunization against every infectious disease is essential. But I do believe that the right to choose which diseases should be prevented should belong to the parents of each child. We can confidently say to parents that they can provide a high (but not complete) level of protection against targeted diseases, without risk, by using an appropriate HP program.

We can also say to those within the pharmaceutical industry who disparage HP as being untested and uncertain – take the time to study the facts available. Criticism without facts is the antithesis of the true scientific method, yet it is the response we continually get from pharmaceutical medicine when it comes to HP.

I concluded my doctoral thesis by saying that “a national immunization system, where both vaccination and HP were available to parents, would increase the national coverage against targeted infectious diseases, and reduce the incidence of some chronic health conditions, especially asthma”. The data is unambiguous, and it is time that those who run the health services of this country get serious about long-term health, and fully support the use of the best of what natural medicine in general, and homeopathic medicine in particular, has to offer.

Vaccines offer a level of protection against targeted infectious diseases, but involve a long-term risk that has never been adequately measured. Evidence shows that vaccination is a factor in the increase in asthma (and other chronic diseases) shown earlier. We can achieve a comparable level of protection, without this risk, by using an appropriate long-term HP program. It’s time that those parents who search for facts to inform themselves before vaccinating are encouraged, and not attacked by agents of the pharmaceutical industry. It’s time that parents are supported in their choice of immunization method, for the benefit of their own children and of the entire community.

For a more thorough review of the history, statistics, science and research of Homeoprophylaxis, visit the Little Mountain Homeopathy Homeoprophylaxis Information Page


Golden I. Homoeoprophylaxis – A Fifteen Year Clinical Study. 2004. Isaac Golden Publications. Daylesford.

Golden I. Homœoprophylaxis – A Practical and Philosophical Review. 2001. Isaac Golden Publications, Daylesford, Australia. 3rd edition.

Golden I. The Potential Value of Homœoprophylaxis in the Prevention of Infectious Diseases, and the Maintenance of General Health in Recipients. 2005. Swinburne University Press, Melbourne.

Golden I. Vaccination – A Homoeopathic Perspective. Nature & Health. Vol 7. No.3. Sept 1986, pages 67-70.

Golden I. Vaccination and Homoeoprophylaxis – A Review of Risks and Alternatives, 6th edition. 2005. Isaac Golden Publications. Daylesford.

Hahnemann S. The Cure and Prevention of Scarlet Fever. 1801. Republished in Lesser Writings. B Jain Publishers, New Delhi; pp. 369-385.

Mroninski C, Adriano E, Mattos G. Meningococcinum: Its protective effect against meningococcal disease. Homoeopathic Links Winter, 2001. Vol 14(4); pp. 230-4.

National Health and Medical Research Council (NH&MRC). The Australian Immunisation Handbook, 8th Edition. 2003. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.

About the Author…

Dr Isaac Golden has been in homeopathic practice since 1984. He has written 8 books on homeopathic topics and currently consults in Gisborne, Victoria. Since 1990, he has been Principal of the A.C.H.H., a correspondence college teaching homeopathy and has recently been appointed as Adjunct Professor of Homeopathy at the Australian College of Natural Medicine. He is a world authority on the use of homeoprophylaxis, and has completed the world’s largest long term trial of the method. He was awarded a PhD from Swinburne University in 2004 as a result of the research on HP he has undertaken over the last 20 years. Click here for further information about Dr Golden and his publications.


Nosodes are not intended to be an alternative to vaccination.

The CHPA cannot recommend the use of any homeopathic medication, in lieu of conventional medical vaccinations. To their knowledge, there have been no homeopathic substances thoroughly tested as consistently effective replacement therapeutics for conventional medical vaccinations

Larch dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium laricis (Piper) St John) proving event

August 9-11, 2024 (Chewelah, Washington, USA)
Friday August 9: 4pm (meditation) 7:30pm-9:30pm (introductory evening)
Saturday August 10: 9am-5pm
Sunday August 11: 9am-2pm

By donation. Suggested donation: $50
This event does qualify for CEU credits. A certificate will be emailed upon request, with a min. donation of $50.With Sonya McLeod, Classical Homeopath and author of “The Art of Proving” (Saltire Books, 2020).
Hosted by Myra Nissen, Certified Classical Homeopath

This trituration will take place near Chewelah WA (1 hour NW of Spokane) on a private wilderness acreage. The remedy will be sourced and triturated on site, and at a nearby cabin, weather depending. This is a lively hands-on workshop, requiring the active participation of all workshop members. Conversation between all participants will be highly encouraged..

The workshop will begin with a meditation on site late Friday afternoon after we have harvested the mistletoe. During this workshop, we will explore the process of making larch dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium laricis) into a homeopathic remedy, starting with a small amount of the plant. Using a mortar and pestle and lactose powder, participants will learn the ancient science and art of homeopathic trituration, first invented by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. Once the workshop is complete, participants will have the knowledge and confidence to make their own homeopathic remedies in the future, if they so desire.

Larch dwarf mistletoe is a parasitic plant which infects mostly western larch trees (Larix occidentalis) and is native to BC as well as Washington state. It is a member of the plant family Viscaceae, along with the commonly known remedy Viscum album (European mistletoe). Even though they are both in the same plant family, the mistletoes are further split into separate genus types. There are currently no known homeopathic provings of any of the 26 species in the genus Arceuthobium (dwarf mistletoes). 

During this trituration, we will also be exploring the healing properties of homeopathic larch dwarf mistletoe, mainly through art, as well as through conversation and journaling.

This event is open to professionals as well as to laypeople. To understand more about trituration provings, please visit the Homeopathic Trituration Proving FAQ

Participants should bring their own mortar and pestle if they have one, journals and/or art materials. Extra supplies will be provided as needed.

This event will take place in person near Chewelah, WA. To RSVP or to find out more details, please call 604-677-7742 or email

Participants will be responsible for their own transportation, meals and accommodation. Shared accommodation is available for a fee. Grocery stores and restaurants are nearby. Carpooling options will be available from Vancouver and Spokane.  

Arceuthobium laricis (larch dwarf mistletoe) | CABI Compendium
A phylogeny of all species of Arceuthobium (Viscaceae) using nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences

Aqua Harrison Hot Springs trituration workshop

March 8-10, 2024
Friday March 8: 7:30pm-9:30pm (introductory evening)
Saturday March 9: 9am-5pm
Sunday March 10: 9am-2pm

Suggested donation: $50
This event does qualify for CEU credits. A certificate will be emailed upon request, with a min. donation of $50.

With Sonya McLeod, Classical Homeopath and author of “The Art of Proving” (Saltire Books, 2020).

This is a lively hands-on workshop, requiring the active participation of all workshop members. Conversation between all participants will be highly encouraged.

During this workshop, we will explore the process of making the healing waters sourced from Harrison Hot Springs (BC) into a homeopathic remedy, starting with a small amount of the hot springs water. Using a mortar and pestle and lactose powder, participants will learn the ancient science and art of homeopathic trituration, first invented by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. Once the workshop is complete, participants will have the knowledge and confidence to make their own homeopathic remedies in the future, if they so desire.

Harrison Hot Springs is a scenic tourist spot, and is a 90 minute drive east of Vancouver. These spring waters were traditionally revered as the “healing place” by the local Sts’ailes First Nations for thousands of years before they were found by Europeans in the 1800’s. Note that there is currently no existing homeopathic proving or materia medica information for this remedy.

This proving is inspired by the work of Japanese homeopath Dr. Torako Yui, who has created and used 72 water remedies gathered from shrines, temples and mountains for the healing of the soul and spirit.

During this trituration, we will also be exploring the healing properties of homeopathic Harrison Hot Springs water, mainly through art, as well as through conversation and journaling.

This event is open to professionals as well as to laypeople. To understand more about trituration provings, please visit the Homeopathic Trituration Proving FAQ

Participants should bring their own mortar and pestle if they have one, journals and/or art materials. Extra supplies will be provided as needed.

This event will take place in person at 351 E. 39th Ave in Vancouver, BC, Canada. To RSVP or to find out more details, please call 604-677-7742 or email

Where to buy homeopathic remedies in Vancouver

People often ask about where to buy homeopathic remedies in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Thankfully, the common homeopathic remedies such as Arnica 30C for injuries and Osciloccoccinum for flu and combination remedies such as Coryzalia and Stodal for coughs and colds are widely available at integrative pharmacies and health stores such as Pure Pharmacy, Whole Foods and Choices. In terms of what brands to look for in stores, Boiron and Homeocan are trusted and widely available.

However, when people are after the less common remedies, they can struggle with finding where to buy single homeopathic remedies in Vancouver.

Buy single homeopathic remedies

Finlandia Pharmacy is a great source for homeopathic remedies as well as other natural health products.

Finlandia Pharmacy is usually the store of choice when Vancouverites want to buy more unusual single homeopathic remedies. However they no longer take special orders and have an increasingly limited supply of single homeopathic remedies.

Order online within Canada

Those who are looking for the unusual single homeopathic remedies can usually find what they are looking for online at Thompson’s Pharmacy based in Toronto Canada. Thompsons also offers a wide variety of mother tinctures as well as homeopathic creams.

Homeocan is a Canadian pharmacy based in Montreal, Quebec. Use the search feature at the top of their website to find single homeopathic remedies. Besides single remedies, they also offer a varied selection of homeopathic creams and combination remedies for a wide range of acute ailments.

Boiron is a French pharmacy with a Canadian headquarters in Quebec. They offer free shipping on all orders of $20 or above, so they are usually the best option when placing a smaller order. Use the search feature on their website to search for single homeopathic remedies. Like Homeocan, they also offer a wide selection of combination remedies.

Buy homeopathic Schuessler cell salts

The best place to order Schuessler homeopathic cell salts is Jackson’s Naturals. Not only are their products made locally but they are also certified vegan and lactose free.

Buy homeopathic kits

Buy homeopathic remedies as a kit, along with books and creams.

For homeopathic kits I recommend Mary Aspinwell’s Homeopathic Kits. Unfortunately the kits aren’t local, they are made in the USA, but are of the highest quality and provide a lot of value even to Canadian customers.

Buy mother tinctures

Although this is not technically a homeopathy question, people often ask about where to find mother tinctures. Gaia Garden is an excellent source for all herbal remedies including mother tinctures and teas.

Place a custom remedy order

For those people who are looking for unusual homeopathic remedies, and for locals who are looking for a fast turnaround, I am now able to offer custom remedy orders. This service is suitable for Vancouverites as well as for anyone in North America, since shipping is available.

Homeopathy for Mpox

In this article, learn about the basics of mpox (formerly known as monkeypox), including what the most common symptoms of the disease are as well what the most commonly indicated homeopathic remedies are for monkeypox.

Pox virus, illustration. Pox viruses are oval shaped and have double-strand DNA. There are many types of Pox virus including Chickenpox, Monkeypox and Smallpox. Smallpox was eradicated in the 1970’s. Infection occurs because of contact with contaminated animals or people and results in a rash or small bumps on the skin.

About Monkeypox

Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in colonies of monkeys kept for research, hence the name ‘monkeypox.’ The first human case of monkeypox was recorded in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo during a period of intensified effort to eliminate smallpox. Since then monkeypox has been reported in humans in other central and western African countries.

Monkeypox is a rare disease that is caused by infection with monkeypox virus.

About Genus Orthopoxvirus

The genus Orthopoxvirus contains a number of species that can infect animals and humans. The most well known member of the genus is variola virus, the causative agent of smallpox. Other notable members include vaccinia virus which is used in the current smallpox vaccine; cowpox virus, first introduced by Edward Jenner in the late 18th Century as the material of the first vaccine; and monkeypox virus.

Monkeypox Signs and Symptoms

In humans, the symptoms of monkeypox are similar to but milder than the symptoms of smallpox. Monkeypox begins with fever, headache, muscle aches, and exhaustion. The main difference between symptoms of smallpox and monkeypox is that monkeypox causes lymph nodes to swell (lymphadenopathy) while smallpox does not. The incubation period (time from infection to symptoms) for monkeypox is usually 7−14 days but can range from 5−21 days.

The illness begins with:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Backache
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Chills
  • Exhaustion

Within 1 to 3 days (sometimes longer) after the appearance of fever, the patient develops a rash, often beginning on the face then spreading to other parts of the body.

Lesions progress through the following stages before falling off:

  • Macules
  • Papules
  • Vesicles
  • Pustules
  • Scabs

The illness typically lasts for 2−4 weeks. In Africa, monkeypox has been shown to cause death in as many as 1 in 10 persons who contract the disease.

Risk mitigation

Health authorities recommend the smallpox vaccination to those who are at risk of exposure to monkeypox.

The homeopathic nosodes Malandrinum and Variolinum have both been used successfully in the past for the homeoprophylaxis of smallpox.

Homeopathic prescribing for pox-associated diseases

Homeopathy produces its best results when remedies are matched to symptoms rather than disease names.

Chickenpox, monkeypox, buffalopox, horsepox, camelpox, cowpox, smallpox, vaccinia virus, herpes and shingles each have one symptom in common- the production of blistering vesicles known as poxes that fill with fluid or pus.

The choice of which one to use is made by matching the remedy to other presenting symptoms as well as the symptom of pox.

Homeopathic repertorization of common monkeypox symptoms

Repertorization by Dr. Mir Zahed of homeopathic remedies for monkeypox

Top homeopathic remedies for monkeypox

According to what is known about the symptoms of monkeypox, the top homeopathic remedies for monkeypox to consider include:

Merc sol. This remedy covers all the symptoms of monkeypox the best and should be the #1 remedy to consider first. This is a common remedy for chickenpox. Characteristic symptoms include offensive, profuse sweat, large eruptions with profuse sores that can become open wounds, swollen lymph nodes, symptoms worse at night as well as worse from becoming chilled or overheated.

Dulcamara is a common remedy for shingles, and also covers the symptoms of monkeypox. Think of this remedy if symptoms develop after exposure to cold wet weather. Eruptions get worse at night and better by moving about and from external warmth. The eruptions are thick, crusty, moist and get worse before menses (in women). The crusts over the blisters are thick and brownish –yellow which starts bleeding when scratched.

Rhus Tox is the #1 remedy for chickenpox and it also covers the symptoms of monkeypox very well. Characteristic symptoms include burning intense itching that grows worse from scratching at night, and at rest. The eruptions can be large and pus-filled. The patient may be restless, and may have difficulties with falling to sleep and/or with staying asleep.

Natrum muriaticum is a common remedy used for herpes (cold sores). The eruptions contain watery, clear fluid. Vesicles with watery contents burst and leave thin scurf (flakes on the skin). The patient may have cracked lips and the eruptions are relatively painless.

Pulsatilla is another common remedy for chickenpox. Patients who need this remedy tend to be affectionate, gentle, sensitive and weepy, and have little thirst. Their symptoms tend to be worse in warm rooms and at night, and they feel better in open air.

Hepar sulph is a common herpes remedy, indicated for irritable patients whose eruptions are painfully sensitive to touch or cold.

Antimonium tart is the #1 remedy for smallpox and could be considered for monkeypox patients who have a rattling cough. Blisters tend to be large and they appear slowly.

Variolinum was the chief remedy used by Burnett for shingles. These are cardinal indications for Var.: Severe cold; chill; chilly creepings as if cold water were trickling down the back; violent fever with extremely hot skin, with or without high pulse. Violent headache. Nausea. Pain in epigastrium. Pain in limbs as if in bones. Severe backache. There may be rash or there may not.

Arsenicum is a common remedy for chickenpox. The eruptions tend to be large, with much pus, and can become open sores. The pains are burning and the patient is extremely chilly. Pains tend to be worse around midnight and in cold weather.

Other remedies to consider include: Thuja, Silica, Antimonium crudum, Sulphur, and Belladonna. Note that this list of remedies for Monkeypox is not exhaustive and that remedies should only be administered under the guidance of a professional homeopath.

Dislaimer: This article is a compilation of homeopathic professionals’ experiences with treating their patients with individually selected homeopathic remedies. This article is not intended as medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of a health practitioner. Health Canada has not authorized any NHP to treat, prevent or cure Monkeypox.

References and Further Reading

“All you need to know about Monkeypox and its homeopathic treatment” on

Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines” by Stephen Cummings and Dana Ullman

“Homeopathy for any sort of pox” on

“Homeopathy for Smallpox” by Sonya McLeod

“Monkeypox” by CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

“Monkeypox virus” by Dr. Thind’s homeopathy treatment

“Monkeypox-Monkypox Homeopathy Medicine – Homeopathic treatment of monkeypox-New epidemic Monkeypox” by Dr. Mir Zahed on Youtube

“Top Homeopathic Remedies for Shingles” by Dr. Vikas Sharma

“Variolinum” in Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke

Canada Lynx (Lynx Canadensis) trituration workshop

June 10-12, 2022
Friday June 10: 7:30pm-9:30pm (introductory evening)
Saturday June 11: 9am-5pm
Sunday June 12: 9am-2pm

Suggested donation: $50
This event does qualify for CEU credits. A certificate will be emailed upon request, with a min. donation of $50.

With Sonya McLeod, Classical Homeopath and author of “The Art of Proving” (Saltire Books, 2020).

This is a lively hands-on workshop, requiring the active participation of all workshop members. Conversation between all participants will be highly encouraged.

During this workshop, we will explore the process of making lynx into a homeopathic remedy, starting with a small amount of fur. Using a mortar and pestle and lactose powder, participants will learn the ancient science and art of homeopathic trituration, first invented by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. Once the workshop is complete, participants will have the knowledge and confidence to make their own homeopathic remedies in the future, if they so desire.

Canada Lynx is indigenous to Canada, as well as to the northern region of the United States. The First Nations traditionally used lynx for their pelts as well as their meat. Lynx is known to be a powerful spirit animal to the First Nations people. Note that there is currently no existing homeopathic proving or materia medica information for this remedy.

During this trituration, we will also be exploring the healing properties of the lynx remedy, mainly through art, as well as through conversation and journaling.

This event is open to professionals as well as to laypeople. To understand more about trituration provings, please visit the Homeopathic Trituration Proving FAQ

Participants should bring their own mortar and pestle if they have one, journals and/or art materials. Extra supplies will be provided as needed.

This event will take place in person at 351 E. 39th Ave in Vancouver, BC, Canada. To RSVP or to find out more details, please call 604-677-7742 or email

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